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  • Wiggle Mountain Mayhem – Searchable Results
  • cinnamon_girl
    Full Member

    Yep, come to Swinley Forest! It’s not often that people get the opportunity to be led around a forest by two gorgeous girlies :D

    I’m looking after the sick, lame and lazy folk so you’re more than welcome to join my group!

    Full Member

    My lips are sealed at the moment re Thule. I thought they manufactured the best until one of their products failed. Completely different story then, they washed their hands of it. It was an interesting experience and I hope it never happens to anyone else. Then you find out exactly what your car insurance company will not do … even when you have legal cover.

    Full Member

    I used P clips on my Rock Lobster for touring duties. Went minimalist for 4 days so left the hairdryer behind, panniers were only half full. They did seem secure but at the end of each day I obviously checked them.

    Full Member

    Muke – of course, you will be more than welcome. I’ll be leading the sick, lame and lazy … and Marin riders in case they get picked on :wink:

    Rudeboy – you ain’t riding in my posse! Nah, I’m not in the cool gang anymore … unless that’s where the knitting circle hang out!

    Dez – we need to have a chat beforehand :wink: See me before we start, I’ll let you have a copy of the route and the chances are you will know most of it anyway. My bike loves being photographed … it’s just the old girl that’s on it that doesn’t!

    Full Member

    Blimey, I’m struggling to read that! I’ll just agree with everyone!

    Full Member

    Dez – that would be great thank you but one proviso – you exclude me (not that Mr Poddy used to take any notice). Do you want to ride with the group or be “strategically placed for photographic opportunities”?!

    Bikingcatastrophe – you could always come along for either morning or afternoon session? We will probably be in the Cafe around 1.00 pm.

    singletrackmind – yep, this Saturday!

    Full Member

    Bikingcatastrophe – I do think it’s great that you are getting your kids out into the fresh air and countryside. I do however feel that this is not really suitable for a family ride.

    Aleigh and I behave very badly sometimes and our language can be colourful. I have kids myself (although they are adults now) and I certainly would not have taken them to anything like this. People will be letting their hair down in an adult environment and they can not be expected to modify their behaviour :-)

    I am of course not implying that the STW’ers would be worse than Aleigh and I …………………………..

    but would be amazed if they were not an awful lot worse :wink:

    I do hope you understand :-)

    Full Member

    Nice report Psychle! Good to have feedback and the Yorkshire Dales is such a lovely area. Hope Mrs P is on the mend and she will instead get the mountain-biking bug, much healthier!

    Don’t forget the Swinley ride this Saturday if you’re around.

    Full Member

    Worry not – Auntie C_G will take care of the sick, lame and lazy :wink:

    Full Member

    Hello smurf. Ealing used to be one of my old stomping grounds!

    We have a little snow at Swinley, it’s looking rather pretty. But the good news is that the trails are still riding well so you won’t need your spiked tyres :D

    Full Member

    Everyone is getting a short attention span with music. With some stuff you don’t immediately “get it”, you need to persevere, read the lyrics, really really listen to those chords.

    Agree with stumpy – don’t want all my music on my hard drive.

    ourmaninthenorth – there was a thread a month or so ago on here about NY. I was amazed that so many people had heard of him, thought I was the only oldie :oops:

    Full Member


    Everyone – thanks for all your input on this and in view of the cold weather conditions continuing, we have a plan.

    We shall start riding as one large group and if it appears obvious that it’s not going to work well, we will split into groups. Here’s the contingency plan:

    There are 5 people who will be able to lead and I’m pretty certain that I can rustle/bully some volunteers with local knowledge to sweep. Groups would have to be split by ability so you need to be honest! I am happy to lead at a gentle pace which will be particularly suitable for people coming back after injury/illness.

    The group leaders will have a copy of the route I have devised but route choice will ultimately be left to them.

    I do hope that this will reassure those who had concerns about waiting around/getting cold/getting lost etc. In fact it may persuade some more people to come along!

    If anyone has any questions, feel free to post up or e-mail me, address in profile.

    It’s going to be a great day :-)

    Full Member

    Guys – we don’t need this. Both of you come along on Saturday and enjoy the Swinley vibe.


    Full Member

    Part of my Saturday ritual was lurking in record stores! In fact I even introduced my kids to this past-time, except they got a bit scared cos of the goths and punks in the local independent one!

    Some of the stuff I used to get imported, got a prompt service and the prices were certainly not astronomical. Feel a bit guilty I haven’t been supporting them recently, been supporting the lbs instead!!

    CountZero – glad you appreciate the name 8)

    Full Member

    I’ve just posted on the other Swinley thread about drinkies.

    Full Member

    Well, I’m not too sure whether I will be able to make drinkies. I’m hoping that my fiancee is coming on Saturday and, more importantly, bringing my Christmas pressie. Men just seem unable to organise themselves sometimes, after all Christmas Day is the same day every year isn’t it? :roll:

    What is a girl supposed to do?

    Full Member

    It’a a shame that old threads can’t be retrieved as this was asked a few months back! I have genuine DT QR’s and had concerns, a lot of folk felt that they were not up to the job and advised replacing them.

    I then realised that the problem was the way that I tightened them, ie the lever needs to be held whilst you turn the nut until it’s tight. Then turn the lever so it should then be super-tight. But I have had the odd occasion when I can’t get it undone and resorted to using pliers!

    In fact perhaps what I should do is check them mid-ride so see if they need tightening because I’m sure they sometimes they seen slightly looser at the end of a ride. But I definitely don’t do gnarly rides so can understand your concern.

    Hope this makes sense but am not sure if it answers your question!

    Full Member

    Pete – am sorry that you won’t be there, presumably K won’t be either? I was rather hoping you would be official photographer, with the usual stipulation naturally :D


    Needed – Photographer needed to capture the spirit of the STW Swinley Forest Forum Ride. E-mail in profile. Thank you!

    Full Member

    Don’t people enjoy going to their local “record store” and browsing, checking out what musicians are playing on what, asking to listen to/asking staff for recommendations, rummaging through the second-hand section (my personal favourite)?

    I don’t want my music buying to be sanitised which is what seems to have happened with downloads and I would never do that. Music seems to have been consigned to “just another commodity” rather than actually sitting down and listening intently, perhaps noticing some different notes/words, without other distractions.

    But then what do I know? I’m just an old rock chick :oops:

    Full Member

    Hairychested – Martin’s Heron Station is the nearest.

    Currently you don’t need full-on mud tyres on both wheels as there are some roots. I’m not yet a tyre tart but am sure there are others who will suggest some. FWIW I’m using Bontrager Mud X 1.8 on the front and Panaracer Fire XC on the rear. Cue laughter :roll:

    Full Member

    Right, I think Rudeboy is being a bit picky :wink:

    So there must be some people on here that can recommend a pub that doesn’t fit Rudeboy’s criteria, pretty please?

    Thank you so much!

    Full Member

    Oh, I thought the STW guys were true gentlemen :wink:

    Full Member

    Alternatively ride behind me cos I’ve planned the route … and don’t have eyes in the back of my head :D

    Full Member

    pk – how big do you think the group will be then? I just don’t believe you can tell with these rides. You can always join us for the morning and disappear to the jump gulley or wherever afterwards?

    Full Member

    beaker – the conditions are great. Trails have been running really fast. Have had a little sleet today though :cry:

    Full Member

    Bio-mechanical assessment needed? Possible leg-length discrepancy? Wedge-shaped cushion for sitting/driving?

    Full Member

    Hi tinker-belle – that’s very kind of you. I do hope that your knee gets sorted soon and we can meet up. Hang in there!

    Full Member

    Hi puddle-rider.
    Yep, understand completely what you are saying. Will try and answer.

    I have previously organised some SheCycles ladies rides at Swinley. The first one I managed to totally underestimate how much interest there would be but fortunately, via the mtb grapevine, I ended up receiving lots of offers of help and support. Riders were divided into ability groups and each group had at least a leader and a sweeper who planned the route.

    From memory we had 35 ladies turning up. The second year we had around 45 with 15 blokes for turning up for their own ride, which meant that we had 4 groups.

    The leaders/sweepers/helpers I did not know from Adam but they were brilliant and it couldn’t have happened without them. Take a bow, Tunnel Hill Trolls!!

    Basically it meant a lot of work beforehand, particularly when I had my route sorted, a couple of days beforehand the weather changed so I then had to replan the route!

    So … rather than being dependent on people’s good nature/time constraints etc., I thought it would be easier to ride as one group. I have been completely honest by saying that it wouldn’t be suitable for racing whippets and that a sense of humour is essential. It’s just to get people back into riding after too many mince pies, colds/illnesses etc.

    Nevertheless, I am surprised by how much interest there has been and am grateful to the people that have offered to be “strategically placed” within the group. They will be given details of the planned route beforehand.

    This is the first time I have posted on STW about a ride and now that I have made it crystal clear that I do not work for a dating agency/am not young and fit/am not hardcore, perhaps the numbers will reduce :D

    Folk always have the option of just staying for the morning ride and then going off themselves to explore afterwards.

    So … in answer to your question again … I haven’t a clue how many will turn up!!!

    Full Member


    Thought I had better clarify that this is not suitable for complete beginners with no off-road experience.

    Full Member

    I’ve had the thinnest Icebreaker one for a few years now and reckon it’s great. However, although I’m a girlie, I do “perspire” so it does get a little damp but I don’t get cold. Can’t imagine how blokes would find the Icebreaker, could get sodden … and I’m not implying that some blokes sweat a lot :wink:

    Full Member

    Well, I decided I couldn’t be doing with that faffing around, especially if I was on a solo ride in the middle of nowhere (and there’s never a man around when you need one!) so I, erm, went tubeless! This is the only tyre I have had a problem with.

    Full Member

    Mark – that’s what I used … I think

    Full Member

    No, I would wash them at 40 degrees. Perhaps use non-bio powder/liquid? As pk says, don’t tumble-dry.

    Full Member

    Hmmm, how does this linky thing work then? Sorry for being a bimbo :oops:

    Full Member


    Don’t forget you can buy your day permit online, this will save time otherwise you will have to wait til the Visitor Centre opens at 10.00 am.


    Full Member

    I’ll try and do some research on pubs. I would rather “research” beer at home though :roll:

    Full Member

    Taff – you must be on the wrong forum, this won’t be an orgy! Having organised rides in the past, the one thing I’ve learned is that you never know how many will turn up. Will be riding til the light fades but I don’t do night-riding cos I’m scared of the dark!

    Full Member

    rOcKeTdOg – you’re just a trouble-maker. I don’t need anyone to fix my punctures!

    Full Member

    Hi Moses – we’ll have some different trails for you this time!

    mboy – thank you for lightening the thread! I needed a laugh! Just don’t mention “Bontrager Mud” tyres – I had such a problem with getting the tyre on that I was forced to post on here :oops: Fortunately I wasn’t having a bimbo moment cos other people said they had the same problem with DT rims!

    Full Member

    bikey – yes, there is a lot of banter going on but Aleigh and I do know quite a lot of the folk on here so we are just mucking around!

    There are definitely other ladies coming on the ride. This is not sponsored by or anyone else. It can be pretty hard when you’re a bike riding lady and there’s only so many ladies that we can ride with. We are in the minority.

    I’m pretty much an old cynic but I can honestly say that over the years I have met and ridden with so many really nice folk who have just accepted me for what I am and see beyond the grey hair and wrinkles 8O

    If blokes want to use the ride as a way of meeting other blokes/ladies and ladies want to meet other ladies/blokes, that’s fine by me. At the end of the day we’re doing this cos we like riding bikes.

    Any questions? :wink:

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