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  • Deviate Highlander II review
  • chutney13
    Free Member

    Humans have rights. dogs do not.

    incorrect. they might not have the same rights, but they do have rights. but let’s not dwell on being reasonable.

    Free Member

    And the sharp tang of the gherkin finishes off the whole experience with a tea.


    Free Member


    Free Member

    sorry just noticed your next post, it was published and presented so it must be true. you’re funny.

    Free Member

    “Because it is peer-reviwed, it is credible…about as good as it gets”

    SERIOUSLY???? 😆

    Free Member

    Don’t cancel

    Free Member

    sorry i forgot to use the word seriously or engage.

    so “seriously, engage”:

    she says hyman’s incorrect too, what’s your point? we’re after peer review not he said that, she said this.

    Free Member

    why are you inserting the word credible? it does not belong there. evidence doesn’t have to be credible. can atheists blaspheme?

    and can there never be proof? ever?

    just because the study was presented at icot-s does not mean it is verified. vicars state god exists in all sorts of buildings, and guess what, i don’t believe them.

    Free Member

    erm, peer review, where?
    independent verification, where?
    i mean really, where??? Seriously.

    what does Hyman have to say about jessica utts?

    Hyman’s report stated that Utts’ conclusion that ESP had been proven to exist, “especially precognition, is premature and that present findings have yet to be independently replicated”.

    he’s not necesary right, but it is a directly opposing view, are you going to offer evidence of why she is more right than him, Stargate didn’t think so, hence no more funding.

    Free Member

    jessica utts does not fall into these categories

    credible peer-reviewed repeatable independently verifiable evidence

    mitch, you’re posting on a thread you’re not interested in. what does that mean, are you trying to save us?

    Free Member

    jedi’s don’t see the lasers in order to bat them away, they feel them.
    i assume they feel the action of the person firing the laser, rather than the laser itself.

    Free Member

    i’m quite curious to know whether you theists research other religions, you obviously believe in god so do you have a look about to see what the best way of worshipping him is. my experience of christians has always been a blinkered view, they worship in a certain way, their parents worship ina certain way, nothing more necesary. and yes i know there will be examples that this doesn’t apply to, but i think the standard applies.

    Free Member

    all the best,have enjoyed looking at the latest madness that you have bought or thought about buying.

    Free Member

    “yeah like wtf!! it’s my man bag and it’s like,so ffp gf”

    Free Member


    the rapha is nice.

    Free Member

    don’t you have a spare one hanging around? Used to have balls in it. 😳

    Free Member

    the santa clause, 1 & 2, 3 is not so good.
    and i count groundhog day as a chrstmas movie.
    oh and scrooged.

    Free Member

    Global communications 76:14
    Rythm and Sound rythm and sound

    so late on both these, but they are both stunning.

    Free Member

    what cougar said. 😉

    Free Member

    do I? 😆

    that wasn’t part of the plan, i’m just coming to terms with being a nihilist.

    Free Member

    i think people have potential value rather than intrinsic value.

    Free Member

    Turn the other cheek.

    i believe that’s aimed at crikey.

    Free Member

    only bankers can have bank holidays.

    Free Member

    And notice none of them have owt to say on when Science is used for bad, eh? In spite of criticising Religion for bad stuffs. funny that, eh? Go all quiet when challenged about stuff they have unfaltering belief in being less than perfect….

    you can have a gold star if you can explain what “reductio ad ridiculum” means. i’ll give you a clue, it’s not from harry potter.

    Free Member

    i don’t find existential nihilism depressing, i think it’s liberating and humbling.

    solstice is the key for my celebrating round christmas. nights start to get shorter, got to be a good thing.

    Free Member

    If atheists had much more important issues, would so many be posting on this thread?

    of course religious people have more issues than atheists, that should go without saying. 🙄

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You can’t simple discount the role Religion has had to play in Human History, simply cos you don’t share the views of others.

    i’m not, i’m just suggesting that you have your cause and effects slightly schewed. you’re implying that without religion no rules would exist, i’m suggesting that religion is an example of rules, not the dictator of rules.

    Free Member

    no, it hasn’t. What about nationality, self preservation, profit, gender, the list really does go on, but you’re late for remedial.

    Free Member

    religion is not the only available framework. people can communicate ideas cross faith. where do you say you live??? 😉

    that’s come out wrong, all i’m saying is that ideas can flourish and spread without religion. we live in a somewhat cross cultural country but many moral ideals are shared despite different a lack of religion.

    Free Member

    yes, it is nonsense, people invented religion, they invented the rules for religion. people can come up with stuff by themselves you know. the fact that they have fitted religion round a certain moral code does not mean that the moral code would not exist without religion.
    you do your home work 😆

    Free Member

    Indeed, without religion, most of our laws woon’t exist, y’know, the moral and ethically derived ones.

    this is literally nonsense.

    Free Member

    of course the cc or the pope isn’t to blame for aids, but they could react to it with a bit more common sense. if i was the member of a group that supposedly had my best interests at heart, i’d like the leader to be a bit more pragmatic.

    Free Member

    sins of the father i suppose? that’s not the pope’s fault but what’s wrong with being safe?

    everything else is the pope’s fault though.

    Free Member

    2.3 million children with hiv/aids in sub saharan africa. all of them dodgy hookers.

    Free Member

    yes, everything is the pope’s fault. everything is that one dimensional, so feel free not to use a condom in a country where aids is rife and blindly trust that anyone you sleep with is clean. that’s faith.

    Free Member

    apparently the only people with aids in africa are “dodgy hookers”.

    Free Member

    yes. if you’re an atheist, everything is the pope’s fault.

    Free Member

    there’s 135 million catholics in africa, if i was in the position to advise, i’d reccomend wearing a condom. statistics can say anything but it’s still a shit load of people.

    Free Member

    …missing something in their lives?

    that’s what santa claus is for.

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