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  • Mental Mondays #4 Crossword & puzzles by Hannah
  • ChubbyBlokeInLycra
    Free Member

    BTW the reason they get paid more is because in economic terms they probably contribute more.

    Yup, like McDonald's and CocaCola, spending a forune on marketing to deliver a sh1t product that damages the health of the country, so the NHS can deal with all those rotten teeth and fatties.

    I work in the NHS and deal with the private sector, and they are fekkin useless. There's a huge turnover of staff and whenever I try and deal with them i am always dealing with someone else who is "new to the post and just finding their feet". Why is this? It's because in the interests of "value for money" the contractor pays their staff less than the NHS, so they get demotivated and are off at the first sign of a better job. Yet this sdoesn't save the NHS any money because they pay the clinical staff NHS rates and take a slice of profit themselves. the private sector is supposedly geared toward the provision of a service and that service is provided with whatever the budget allows. You vote for the budget, so it's your choice. The private sector on the other hand exists for profit and every penny saved is more profit so everything is built down to a price.
    And as for the private sector being a model of probity and diligence – just how much did we (the taxpayer) bail out Norther Rock, Bank of Scotland and Royal Bank of Scotland for?

    Free Member

    Too much drool on his keyboard.

    Free Member

    TJ, give the poor boy a break, it's difficult for racist homophobe to come out and admit he's gay.Especially a scouse one with learning difficulties.

    Free Member

    Incredible, how do you manage to type whilst drooling on your keyboard?

    Free Member

    If you really want mail me your number and I'll meet where ever you want. You can even start a new thread on the forum

    LOL, what a complete and utter dick.

    Free Member

    Lanesra= thick scouse git

    Free Member

    Name me the country which has no Chancellor of the Exchequer or finance minister because their job isn't required, as economy looks after itself and the market always knows best ?

    There is no such thing as "full capitalism".
    So according to ernie, having a minister of finance means it cannot be a fully capitalist economy, but

    Because controlling the economy, is the most important job for any government to do in any capitalist country.

    according to ernie, the minister of finance is the top man in the fully capitalist econly. Do you even read your own posts? Still at least you can always resort to

    Well you'll be waiting a long time if you think I'm going to waste my time trying to have a serious discussion with you, after the bollox you wrote on the other thread.

    just not replying because you already know what a t1t you make of yourself.

    Free Member

    Chop the peedos up and make them into sausages
    Feed them to the unemployed and cripples, but don't cook them properly, so the unemployed and cripples die anyway.


    Free Member

    Magnificent Seven

    Free Member

    Mine's did and I wouldn't. Kids will adapt to seperated parents a lot quicker than the atmosphere that happens between two people who don't want to be together.

    Free Member

    sootyandjim fails again.
    If the NHS does it job right, you live longer and need more, not less medical care. If they screw up completely you die and stop being their problem.

    BTW did you ever find out where the salmon farms are on the Tay?

    Free Member

    Harleys are amazing. How do you squeeze all the power of an FS1E moped into "1600cc's of grunting loveliness"?

    Free Member

    Ubuntu again. Download the bootcd and mess about, see what you think.
    I found the O'Reilly book – Ubuntu Hacks or Hacking Ubuntu invaluable.

    Free Member

    does this mean all the tourist tat will have to be updated to look more like a giant octopod

    Doesn't matter, the Americans are boycotting us

    Free Member

    I'm concious of the fact that this thread might start to piss a few folks off. I understand totally; this is a cycling forum, not somewhere for me to unload how I feel about my unfortunate situation

    Sorry – wrong. I don't know you, don't know anything about you, but I'm wishing the best for you. it looks like everyone else here is as well
    Everyone needs a place to go to let off steam, this one of them. It's here, use it.

    Free Member

    I'm the imaging manager for an NHS Trust.
    Career prospects a re fairly sound, and there are jobs in this area. Starting out, like any job can be a bit tricky, but we do struggle to fill jobs beyond basic radiographer grades. Have a look here to see Scottish jobs.
    FWIW, the big political thing just now is waiting lists. Diagnostic imaging is a key part of the diagnostic process, so increasing imaging capacity reduces waiting lists by reducing diagnostic times. Meaning there are jobs.

    Free Member

    elridge – she's 5'2". I was 12lb.
    It doesn't bear thinking about.

    Free Member

    kimbers – you know the toupee and girdle are part of the tj hooker uniform?

    Still, any excuse to post this link

    Free Member

    oops, we seem to have accidentally forgot to mention during the trial that the baggage handling area for the Pan Am flight was broken into, giving some else the opportunity to plant a bomb

    oops, someone seems to have accidentally lied about weapons of mass destruction

    oops, did we really ground all civilian flights in US air space in the aftermath of the World Trade Centre attacks, or was a special case made for the family of one Osama Bin Laden

    oops, didn't Al Gore's vice presidential commision on the state of airline security in the US mention the possibility of commercial aircraft being used as weapons, but tit was hushed up because of the potential financial impact of beefing up security measures in US airports

    wooops where, exactly, is Mr Bin Laden these days?
    Isn't that why we went in to Afghanistan several months and quite a few bodybags ago?

    Free Member

    Deckard from Blade Runner

    ..for two reasons – the car

    ..and the babe

    Free Member

    How can anyone claim the moral high ground against a country that let a terrorist be released on compassionate grounds.

    Good point. I've always said that there would be a lot less terrorism if instead of dealing with fundamentalist regimes by bombing the **** out of their civilians, we sent in armies of irrigation engineers and commercial agriculturalists.

    Free Member

    Focusing your energy on taking everything out on the perpetrator I don't think is healthy in this kind of impersonal crime.

    Have to disagree. No-one was focused on him until the movement started to release him, then they focused on why is he getting out. If it really was compassionate, I'd probably disagree any way, but
    Calamity Broon was on holiday, a month or so after meeting Ghadhaffi, leaving Mandelson in charge,
    Mandelson, who is never going to be PM, then takes himself into hospital
    MacAskill, the Scottish Justice Minister, then goes to visit Megrahi in jail – this has never happened before,
    Megrahi drops his appeal
    and this all happens whilst the Scottish Parliament is in recess, so there's no chance to discuss it in open parliament,

    Free Member

    So, it might not be such a hot idea for me to pack my kilt for my trip to the States next week then? Especially as in my passport photo taken in August '01, I was wearing one of those Arab scarf things (great winter neck warmers on a motor bike)

    Free Member

    yup, codona's.
    the plan was inversneckie for bacon rolls and tea and maybe see some dolphins (seen them 3 of the last 4 times i've been there).

    Free Member

    I can think of loads.
    My 50th birthday is looming

    These are not benchmarks

    a standard by which something can be measured or judged; "his painting sets the benchmark of quality"
    a surveyor's mark on a permanent object of predetermined position and elevation used as a reference point

    Getting my knickers in a twist about that is a fair bit away though

    Free Member

    sweet&sour king prawn with fried fried rice
    sahth effrican sauvignon

    Free Member

    No, when he dies, he either goes into a pauper's grave, or someone pays to ship the box home. Just like anyone else who dies in jail.

    Free Member

    No, and I'd like to see those who were involved brought to some kind of justice. That'll never happen now, will it?

    Free Member

    I'd consider it a week's worth of fat and year's worth of dangerous chemicals.
    Frankly, if I was on any kind of diet, I'd avoid walking past the place to try and avoid absorbing the fat by osmosis

    Free Member

    Photography's good – you're always looking at/for things and often see them in a different light.
    Fishing's cool. It's hunting, and I have a license that covers several rivers, so sometimes, I don't take a rod and walk along the riverbank looking for likely spots. Sometimes I come home with a nice fresh bit of trout as well.
    Tried golf as a career move a couple of years ago. One of the dullest things I can imagine. Almost as dull as "I'm so posh/clever I don't get get football"

    Free Member

    .whereas I, for the first time in my life, am completely ashamed of mine.

    In Scotland, we have some simple, straightforward and easy to understand phrases – "don't want to do the time? don't do the crime" is one

    Like the Iraq invasion releasing Meghrahi was just about oil and pretending anything else is simply an insult. Libya has oil it wants to start exploiting, we have expertise, and not much oil left. Doesn't take a **** genius to work it out, does it?

    Free Member

    Like most others, I can't give advice but can only send my best wishes and hope for the best for you.

    Free Member

    Apparently he gets promoted to English if he wins Wimbledon

    Free Member

    Jon Daly – Golfer and professional sportsman

    Free Member

    sounds liek the barmaid was a lil dippy!


    . I point her error out, she plays with the till for about 5 mins

    Long enough to get a tenner out, so the OP gets £5 back, mistakes happen and she's still £10 up Very clever

    Free Member

    Off to Belfast for an appointment with the US consul to try to get a visa sorted out an making a long weeken of it, so
    Up at 5
    Collect motorcycle an set off – weather is overcast, showers forecast – hofekkinho t that
    1/3 of the way to ferry, and it starting pi55ing own.
    By the time I got to Troon (ferry town) I could hardly see where I was going. nly 1 small area of my visor was still condensation free, making following signs difficult
    8:30 – plenty of time so stopped for petrol,,,,
    the ignition key broke in the petrol cap

    Luckily I upgraded the rescue package to "take me home" last week.

    Today will be sorting alternative travel to Belfast, and no pleasant weekend with the Irish relatives

    Free Member

    Still, going here for tea tomorrow night

    Free Member

    ..and,as for America

    tommorrow, I go for an interview with the US Embassy Consular section in belfast to explain some of my youthful indiscretions. The rules are no electronics in the building, no mp3 players, pdas, mobile phones, etc. Today, they sent me an email reminding me that anyone carrying an mp3 player, pda, laptop, mobile phone or other fancy electronica would not be allowed into the building and would be be denied their visa interview. AND, large baggege such as suitcases, rucksacks, or backpacks would also be denied access. Helpfully, they suggest that any such large items of baggage can be left at a "local transport depot", which I assume means bus or railway station. Which makes sense because there's a plethora of places in BELFAST where you can leave luggage. I mean, it's not like there's any recent history of fekkin terrorism there is there?

    Free Member

    and if the people trying to promote a left wing alternative weren't such dull, tedious fekwits, maybe the BNP wouldn't be making inroads into mainstream politics

    Free Member

    Why are you lot attacking me? The thread isn't a whinge, it's just chatter.

    STW mate – did you post about something some people on here don't know anything about?
    Did you get vitriolic responses?

    Hope you enjoyed yourself and now you've got the idea, do come back
    For a first trip you probably did the right thing, tried to do too much, so now you've got the picture, you can plan round it next time

    Slainthe Mhath

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