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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Emma Osenton
  • ChubbyBlokeInLycra
    Free Member

    Able bodied fkwits parking in disabled spots.
    A couple of years back, Asda put talking disks in the disabled parking spots which spoke to telling you that this was a disabled spot, and still some family of lardies sat there munching on their big macs and extra large fries.

    Free Member

    I, Robot – Asimov's Robot books were the first SF I ever read, and amongst the first that gave me something to think about. All they were really about ws the Three Laws Of Robotics and dealing with conflicts arising out them
    WTF was the film about?

    And as for Stallone in Judge Dredd, don't start me on that.

    And, if you're going to criticise Lord Of The Rings – have you ever seen the cartoon version?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Just checked and Merlinman is spot on.
    I'd give Compiz a run if you fancy it, but it kept locking one of my processors to 100%. The only way to get processor back was to stop running Compiz. Gave up eventually, but it might be better now.

    Free Member

    Orkney or Barra – hard to get to, completely cheap, totally romantic

    Or you could go for some overpriced manufactured "perfect day" where the underpaid catering staff just want you off the premises as pronto as possible

    Free Member

    We are very sorry for today's false alert which was due to man-made
    disturbance at our Lancaster field site.

    the AuroraWatch team.

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    Free Member

    I have bottle of Glenmorangie Quinta Rubain, bought on special offer at Tesco.
    I love it – Glenmorangie (ok whiskey but not something I would normally go for) but finished port wood casks, giving a very mellow chocolate finish
    Linky but Tesco were in the low £20's

    Free Member

    I had already done some pontificating earlier….pay attention.

    Ah I must have had my dullness filter set to on.

    Free Member

    Mind you, with my sign on name – :roll:

    Free Member

    I hate running – that's why I've got a bike or two.

    great way to lose weight

    Free Member

    OMG = 100+ posts on apolitical subject and no inane pontificating by ernie!!!! 8O

    Free Member

    Me too

    Did Diane Abbott more or less say that Londoners would get everybody ganging up on Nick the Dick, but people outside London might sympathise with him?

    Free Member

    Griffen – 0 Straw -1 LibDem Guy – 1 Tory lass – 3 Dimbleby – 4 Bonnie Greer – 4

    BBC – 10/10 for showing why it's the greatest broadcasting organisation in the world.

    Free Member

    junkyard – not if you include Italian politicians?

    Free Member

    flashie – is she is charismatic in real life as she looks?

    Free Member

    I reckon griffin has the hots for the lass he's sitting next to.

    Yeah, but can't argue with that

    Free Member

    Indigenous British
    You mean whites?
    Colours got nothing to do with it.

    LOL, PMSL ++

    Free Member

    Spot the bnp plant in the audience, anyone?

    Free Member

    Straw waffling – fail
    Well interrupted by the tory lass

    Free Member

    Dimbleby's brilliant – he's usually totally neutral, but he's riping the p1sh out of the fat fascist.
    Straw's completely underperforming, but his comment about being the justice minister as well delivered.

    Well done BBC, you've given him the rope, he's getting on with the job

    Free Member

    ernie & tj

    Free Member

    So, in summary

    Dutch guy comes to Britain to preach an anti-Islam message, based partly on the perceived homophobia of Islamic states
    The BNP jump onto this bandwagon as part of their anti-everyone else policies. Which is interesting as the BNP are pretty homophobic themselves
    Naturally, ernie and tj have to jump in with their "anti dutch guy because the BNP like him" rants.
    But if the guy is anti Islam because of it's homophobic tendencies, then doesn't that mean they are supporting those homophobic tendencies. Just like the the BNP.

    Nice to know where you stand, boys.

    Free Member

    Come to think it, wasn't there someone from Romania involved?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    These gay teen idols appear to be dropping like flies

    just as long as they're not gay flies – that would be a whole other can of (probably gay) worms

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member[
    I forgot my 'petty prejudice' ……….. people with superiority complexes.

    LOLfunniest thing i've seen on the internet for ages.PMSL

    Mines would be breast reduction – what did you do that for? they were awesome

    Free Member

    Why not tell him you've got a letter and ask if he knows why the original postholder's solicitor wants to talk to you?

    Free Member

    I don't like him already. And I can see that his ex-wife is well shot of the loser

    Well I bet there's some sleep being lost over that

    Free Member

    Hell, even Fifes better

    eh? are you including south fife (methill and that area) in that? no, not even close.

    Free Member

    harleys and gold wings.

    wave at the cops though, it's cool when they wave back

    Free Member

    If you're in Scotland,Paddle 09, the Scottish Canoe and kayak Show is on at Bell's Sports Centre in Perth, last weekend this month

    Free Member

    lol,yes you are right the PS is so efficient that they decide to outsource to the private sector, they made a mess of it, case proven the PS is great and the private sector is rubbish. Awesome argument.
    We are legally compelled to pay taxes which pays for the PS which employs lots of staff, that's a fact.
    The current approach suits you fine that is clear, but the PS is inefficient and needs modernising. Introducing competition for service contracts & reducing the masses of state employees would improve efficiency.

    Sorry, I did think you were being serious there.
    You know the contract I'm talking about do you? Where the NHS priced the contract at £x million but were not allowed to bid for it, so it in the interests of efficiency and value for money it went to the private sector at 20% more than we priced it at. And they still failed to provide the service so under the terms of the contract, they were dropped with no compensation. How does this amazing private sector of which you talk deal with suppliers who fail to meet their contractural expectations?
    And what is this legal requirement to employ public sector staff?

    We are legally compelled to pay taxes which pays for the PS which employs lots of s[/b]taff, that's a fact.

    We pay taxes so we have to employ public sector staff to use all that money? **** me, that's novel.
    Well anyway, let's modernise, shall we, let's get competitive like the banks. Why does this threqad exist? Because the (private sector) banks screwed up so collosally that we are in unimaginable levels of debt. Still, I'm sure St Fred of Goodwin is struggling with his £750,000 a year pension, agreed by his (private sector) former employers. Bet he's the man to fix the public sector.

    Free Member

    bumley – it wasn't you you that thought "ADDICT" was a good idea was it?

    Free Member

    I'm not but med 6 was pretty cool – loch etchacan?

    Free Member

    We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver. 2 of the people I lent it to couldn't finish it and the barmaid in my local kept telling me where she was and asking what happens next. Deeply, deeply unsettling amd I probably wouldn't recommend it if you have kids

    Free Member

    Awesome arguement. The private sector take on a contract, fail to meet it and that shows how inept the public sector is. Mind you, should anyone be suprised

    – if we weren't legally compelled to employ so many PS workers

    -Who is legally compelled to employ any number of public sector staff? If you don't have any meaningful facts to back yourself up, why not make something up?

    ]we could let the public decide what they are worth,

    -And how would we do that? Public services delivered by the private or public sector will have to be delivered to a standard and to a budget. Where that trade off occurs will need to be established, possibly by public vote, about every 4 years or so, and we could decide a few other issies as well. And we could televise the whole thing and call it a General Election.
    Good idea, but I think someone's beaten you to it, just not ar5ing about with privatising public services.

    Free Member

    But you seem to know why he's been banned …… for having a pop at Lanesra.

    eh? Surely not. Having a go lanarsehole isn't a crime, it's a public service

    Free Member

    Different point about the banks and yes they made a fundamental error in buying instruments they did not understand,

    No, same point. Your saying that public sector management is incompetent and that everything would be great if it was contracted out to the private sector. NR, BoS and RBoS, unless I'm mistaken were once private sector but the incomptence of their senior management saw them being baled out by the taxpayer. Something you and I will be paying for for a long time.
    maybe you think banks don't count, and we should be using more more succesfil business models, like Woolworths, or Sinclair Research, or onDigital, or .. do I need to go on?

    Free Member

    If that is the case, keeping them on for a few extra years makes sense, doesn't it?

    No, all that does is postpone the problem for a couple of years. The solution is to attract the required staff who need to be starting now in order to have the bank of experience required to run a department.

    Free Member

    Except I do work with private sector healthcare and they are useless.
    The staff are inept and don't stay any length of time. We also had to sack the private contractor subcontracted to clean the operating theatres because they were not performing. Hygiene in the theatre envoironment is important, and cannot be justified on cost alone. The contract we had with them to provide is likely not to be renewed because we (the incompetent NHS) can do the job better and cheaper. But, hey why let some facts get in the way of a decent rant?

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