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  • Orange Stage 7 LE Review: A Jaffa Smasha
  • ChubbyBlokeInLycra
    Free Member

    backup to your RAID

    Free Member

    2nd Alcatraz – amazing. Shark watching from SF looked cool as well. Also, if not too far out your way, I’d look at crater lake in Southern Oregon. Stop for pie at Becky’s Union Cafe in the middle of the woods.

    Free Member

    So, having read this and having aabsolutely no musical talent whatsoever, I ‘d followed the pbone link in the first post and just loved this

    “hello there doll, wanna come up to my place and blow my pink trombone?”
    (Un)fortunately, on my visit to the Big City the shop I visited had sold out, all colours, and instead I picked up a second hand Yamaha 354 for the price of a pbone plus cheap mouthpiece (the Internet says pbone blowy bits are crap but the rest of it’s ok). leading to a bizarre combination of frustration (trying to get a consistent tone) and hilarity (cos most of the time it sounds like a wet fart).
    Anyway, woohoo, cheers OP, this is great fun – working on the Star Wars theme – think darth vader’s first appearance in the first film, only he’d just dined on sprouts, beans and guiness.

    Free Member

    “The first 20,000,000,000th person to like will win this fabulous prize, please share for your free advertising spam”


    Free Member

    l let you in once you drive the 2 miles there and back.

    You need to drive there and back before they let you in? Why not just drive there then hide round the corner for 10 minutes and tell them you’ve gone home and come back?

    Free Member

    You don’t keep a stash of Sarson’s in case of emergency or even for normal use because the “non brewed condiemnt vinegar substitute” used in most chippers is pish anyway?

    hanging’s too good for the likes of you

    Free Member

    In the books, and the Connery films, Bond had a sadistic dark side. M was aware of this and it was suggested in the books that he had an element of that during his days as an agent which is why Bond was rehabilitated following his attempt to kill M, rather than just disposed of. New M is probably closer to book M than any M so far, apart from being a bit on the young side to be a former agent with the field experience he’s supposed to have.

    Free Member

    Used to live in a multi. There was a a couple of junkies living up stairs. One night I’d had enough of their screaming and shouting so I went up stairs to “have a word” **** me what a way to live. They had nothing. A couch, a table, that was it, no carpets, curtains, nothing. She’d locked herself out on the balcony and he was pathetically begging her to come back in. Didn’t even see me standing in his living room going “**** me, what a way to live”. With nothing to do to make his life any worse, I just left.
    A couple of weeks later, myself and OH were sitting out on our balcony enjoying the sunset (one of the ony advantages of living on the 10th floor), when we heard them kicking off again. Only this time, he was on the balcony and she was sat on the pavement. Again he was begging her to come back. She was aggressive, but I’d clocked that she would shout something, then turn her back on him.
    Remember water bombs? I made a few, and soon as I heard her shout, then his beggiing – BOMBS AWAY. 3 of them. I swear I heard them whistle on the way down like in the Road Runner cartoons. SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT YAH BARSTEWARD YOURETHRWOWINWATERBOMSAT ME
    Nah honey, it wisnae me, it wiz…..

    Next time I saw him outside I couldn’t resist
    “weeeeeeeeeeeeeee sploosh sploosh sploosh”

    Free Member have some ok stations – boot liquor for countryy and groove salad for ambient noises.
    Also pretty much anything from Colombia will get you whipping through the house work. And pretty much anything from Jamaica to chhhhillllll oouuuttt mmmmaaaannn

    Free Member

    ..or wipe your arse with the parking notice and send it back to them without a stamp

    Free Member

    Their “dispute” is with the person who parked the car, not neccesarily the owner of the car. Write back to them, thanking them for their charming letter, indicating that their “dispute” is with the driver of the car at the time it was parked and not the owner. As they have provided insufficient information regarding this “dispute” you have decided not to forward this information (which they will have asked you to do but will have neglected to mention what legislation compels you to provide it). However, being a reasonable person, youre prepared to accept an appeal against your decision. This will incur a one off charge of £650, and any reply to your communication with the exception of an acknowledgement will be treated as an appeal and, as such, will be subject to the above charge. Any appeal which is not accompanied by the above payment will be refused, there will be no right of appral but the payment will still be payable and will be pursued through the courts.
    They’ve never replied yet

    Free Member

    paulmgreen – Member

    I’ve been to church.
    I thought the thread was about opposing evil not supporting it

    The only people in Britain who are really taking action against evil are the young British Muslims who join terrorist / extreme islamist groups.

    Now there’s a hefty bit of moral relativism talkinmg bollocks for you. terrorist/extreme islamist groupls are as evil and stupid as every other extremist superstion based groups who use the weak-minded and easily led to further the power hungry obsessions of their leaders.

    Free Member

    swearier and funnier

    Free Member

    100% of threads on STW contain at least one post that misses the point completely.
    Don’t they alibongo001?

    Free Member

    You know that smell..?

    Free Member

    What about a yacht?[/url]

    Free Member

    When people lose find something 100% it’s in the last place they look.

    Free Member

    Following on from ton’s thread last week, I too am rapidly running out of patience with many car owners. people parents

    Bet they had “Baby On Board stickers as well, at least letting you know they were self centered dicks

    Free Member

    It’s called debate on modern moral and socialistic issues,space herecome the
    Come the revolution we’ll all be uneducated half-wits with nothing better to do with our time but post pointless and irrelevant troll posts? You seem do be doing ok – did the revolution not happen up here?

    Free Member

    common sence

    Good point. After all, it’s not like kids learn anything useful at school – like spelling or anything.

    Free Member

    I ‘m sure the Daily Mail did, and it’s blood pressure rose accordingly. I felt sorry for the poor bastards! Just trying to make a living. And had clearly been stitched up like kippers, promised the world, then delivered into virtual slavery, and poverty by gang masters!

    who? the daily mail journos?

    Free Member

    If we are going to be ideological and knee jerky I personally would be in favour of the UK becoming independent from everything inside south of the M25.

    I’d go for that.
    Or variable devolution, based on Daily Mail sales per capita. Fewer sales = higher self determination

    Free Member

    I didn’t say England would be better off without Scotland


    So on a per capita basis Scotland is a net drain on UK finances.

    As for who owns what of the north sea gas and oil – where do you think the money to get it all going came from? Yep, you guessed it, the UK coffers.

    No, assorted multinational oil companies. i’m not aware of any UK government invovement in theNorth ASea other than selling drilling licences, so

    So in short; Scotland is not currently a net contributor to the UK economy on a per capita basis.

    that’ll be wrong as well

    Free Member

    Most English I’ve spoken to about this just say well if they want independence why don’t they just get on with it? [/quote]
    So why can’t we?

    Free Member

    Gowrie – Member

    Its Shetland’s oil

    ..amd Im sure you can link to an independance for Shetland site?

    Free Member

    Almost but not quite. Worse than zero is having policy imposed on you that is directly opposed to your needs. That is negative and therefore less than zero. Ask anyone in the periphery.

    Which pretty much sums up the case for independance. Well put

    Free Member

    If you apply this logic then Scotland has no automatic right to North Sea Oil. All of the international agreements carving up the north sea were made in the name of the UK govt
    ..ams if CMD wasn’ so scared of negotiating th post independance situation, that would be under negotiation right now. But he is, so the oil is in what may become Scottish waters, so it’s ours.

    Free Member

    25 years in jail means 25 years of not being able to get drunk, drive a car and kill someone else. That’s a bad thing because..?

    Free Member

    Buckfast is produced in Devon, what’s your point caller?

    Free Member

    This only holds true if you assume that Scotland, rather than the UK, has owned all the north sea oil and gas since it was discovered (even the SNP admit this part).
    so scotland IS a net contributer then?

    Free Member

    So on a per capita basis Scotland is a net drain on UK finances.
    so you’ll be better off without us then? what’s the problem?
    And well be better off without subsidising you. win win

    Free Member

    If Scotland England is so rich and is a net contributor to Westminster then why has it acicepted the money that has flowed its way for years from WestminsterScotland?????
    Why are you so desperate not to lose Scorland from what little reamins of your empire? After all, the economy is so screwed you’re lookimg at cuts left, right and centre. Surely losing a whole country as a liability is a good thing? Unless said country isn’t actually a liability, you just want the popukatoim to believe they are so you get to benefit from their net contributions?

    Free Member

    The correct question is what are the assets you are talking about

    Free Member

    For one minute I thought Scotland was still part of the UK at the minute!!!! Scotland has still been supported by money from Westminster
    We’ll ignore Scotland being a net contributer so actually supporting Westminter, not the other way round, shall we?

    start at page 71 in the book of dreams.
    Page 1, book of facts. All current UK debts are incurred in the name of the UK governemt. Scotland will have no debts. Scotland will also have no assets, and will buy those state assets by assuming some of the UK debt. We don’t get the assets, we don’t take on the debt. Really, how hard is that to understand, even for you?

    Free Member

    they would default on their debt liabilities

    what debt liabilities would these be and why haven’t you mentioned the assets that those liabilities were incurred to procure?

    Free Member

    walking away from their obligations
    Again, what obligations? the Uk government incurred debt to acquire assets If we don’t get a share of those assets why should we get a share of the debt incurred in acquiring them?
    Of couse the UK government could start negotiations on how to split debt/assets but chooses not to.

    Free Member

    Financial lenders would likely hike lending rates to Scotland if they didn’t help repay

    Repay what? Scotland has no outstanding debts. The UK owns all currnt debts. If the UK wants to keep the assets it claims to own, it gets to keep all the liabilities incurred in acquiring those assets. Scotland will not default on any debts, so no reason for a poor credit rating. Project Fear strikes again.

    Free Member

    Listened to Danny Alexander

    Well I’d give that a miss for a start. Likley to be the first sacrifice at the nnext lelection when the Lib dems try to get out of their Tory attachment.
    Meantime, we either get to keep a share of the UK assets, or the UK gets to keep all the debt, which, remember, is in te name of UK, of which Scotland will no longer be part of so will have no legal obligation to pay.

    Free Member

    No – I’m simply saying it’s food for thought. What is justice, really? Revenge? Restitution?

    fwiw – 2 deaths, two UNNECCESSARY deaths beacuse one idiot had to drink and drive.
    Nice of you to defend it it, maybe you’d feel different if you’d been crippled or one of your children killed by a drunk driver who wasn’t jailed for killing someone else.

    Free Member

    Think about this next time you complain about people being let off for killing someone on the roads.

    ..and are you suggesting that someone who caused the death of two people should get let off because his actions are causing pain to someone who knows someone you know?

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