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  • Fresh Goods Friday 672 – The Metal Mullets Edition
  • ChubbyBlokeInLycra
    Free Member

    Through the glen on Saturday – packed, over flow car park near to full. Plenty of snow and people out on the slopes. Didn’t see anyone on the chair lift but was v windy so miht have been closed.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    project – Member

    water will flow to the lowest point,which is sea level,increasing the depth and width of rivers willll allow more water to flow faster and allow more capacity to flow.
    This weekend, I was in Oban – coastal town. There were sandbags along the harbour and at shop doorways fronting on to the harbour. Are you suggesting that the Atlantic should be dredged?

    Free Member

    divide the mix into 12 ramekins first, then eat from the 12 ramekins with a spoon, like cornflakes organic muesli.

    STW edit applied

    Free Member

    cooled melba toast is the way to go.

    Free Member

    Vaguely aware of the existence of “pulled pork”, I happened into a sandwich bar in Oban where todays’s piece of the day was pulled pork. £3.50 and excellent. Ate on the harbour front, so geat food and awesome scenery.
    Not London is brilliant.
    Sun dried tomatoes on the other hand…..

    Free Member

    Withiut reading any of the above but having had numerous unwanted conversations with dix at ee/orange, I’d say yes, they’re talking shyte. What a shame – Orange were excellent

    Free Member

    Good point 5e, that part of it is excellent, even if you do have to work it yourself.
    BTW, I’ll have you know it came with a roll of film, effectively doubling it’s value

    Free Member

    I’ve just picked up one of these.
    I’m probably the wrong person to ask

    Free Member

    The bars are good though, aren’t they?

    Free Member

    Of course members could choose not to pay the increased fees. I know my NHS Trust is short of midwives so they are in a striong position if they feel strongly enough about £20 a year – same as the increase in parking fees at the hospital.

    Free Member

    This belogs in the “odd facts ” thread but..

    2 of the 3 richest men in Germany are Karl and Theo Albrecht. They inherited the deli set up by their mother in 1913 and later renamed it it to Aldi—short for Albrecht-Diskount. They grew this into one of the most succcessfull supermarkets in germany, but fell out in 1960 over whether they should sell cigarettes. They fell out so miuch that they split the company into 2 parts – Aldi North and Aldo South. One brother took all stores in the north, the other the south. South doesn’t sell smokes. They continue to have a sound working relationship and tend ted to to agre who would expand into which country when they went international in the 70s. The UK is Aldi south, so no cheap smokes for us.
    Another pointless ramble.

    EDIT – completing the triumverate of richness in Germany is Dieter Schwarz -owner of Lidl

    Free Member

    A few years back..

    Free Member

    grey pubes

    Free Member

    Following on from a recent “What should I buy in Aldi” thread

    and .. yum

    Free Member

    paulosoxo – Member

    Awwww. I thought this was about discount tents.
    discount tent discontent content

    Free Member

    The Proclaimers – surprisingly excellent live

    Free Member

    i wee when it gets cold and i’m in america (winter of intercontinental incontinent discontent content)

    Free Member

    “if I have nothing to complain about I’ll complain about nothing”

    Free Member

    My local ALDI was doing Highland Park for £24.99 – bargaintastic.
    Also Scottish Brie – better than cheap French Brie (albeit a bit more expensive)

    Free Member

    “Die, my dear doctor! That’s the last thing I shall do”
    Lord Palmerston – last words

    Free Member

    I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams sea breams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time… like tears in rain… Time to die.

    I always thought it was a slightly odd fishing tale

    A rugby coach being interviwed and sounding qute upbeat when the interviewer pointed out some stats that didn’t really back up what he was saying
    “Well I use statistics like a drunk uses a lampost – for support, not for illumination”

    “Fascinating” – Spock

    Free Member

    3 hours on a subject you don’t even get to vote on so whatever opinions you have just don’t count – what a waste of time, how sad.
    And your attempt at a devastatingly witty reply will be just as wasted because
    I’m away now. Toodle pip.

    Free Member

    Yes -when I was kid there was a summer industry picking berries and I remember some of what went on and some of the the manky minks that worked in the berry fields.

    Free Member

    About 3.
    Try it if you don’t believe me. If it doesn’t work, the batteries are faulty, take them back to the shop and complain.
    Remember to video and post a link on here.

    Free Member

    mid-life crisismobile? here’s mine

    Free Member

    chance of rolling when they hit the ground, like parachutists?

    Free Member

    oh sorry, i thought

    Free Member

    Travelling the length of the street in the backies without toucing the ground, going from one air raid shelter roof to the next. Technical terms involved “half spammies” where distance < body length so hands in front and below face level so falling forward should span the gap, “full spammies” where distance = body length so hands at face level or above and the awesome “jumping spammies” where distance > body length so a jump was involved, as well as some tears and someone’s mum as often as not

    Free Member

    You want a Ducati or a Harley or a BMW? Maybe decide what kind of bike you want first so the dealers might think you have a clue what you’re talkimg about? Usually find that makes a strng standpoint for hagglimg.

    Free Member

    OT – but during heated argument

    Mum – You’re just like your father
    Brother – Is that why I get up at 4 in the morning and leave botles of milk on people’s doorsteps?

    Free Member

    irc – Member

    Not Crossrail. Scotland got 500 million under Barnett for Crossrail.
    ..and for anyone who missed it // the London Standard. No self interest re Crossrail there then is there?

    Free Member

    Anything for yaou cupcake

    You should be praying I don’t find out where you live you ****ing vegetatable

    Free Member

    Two roadies I saw in the Purbecks yesterday. Riding two abreast on a country road, with a double decker bus crawling along behind them, followed by at least ten cars. Tools!

    Driving home, turning off the main road just before the village beacuse that’s how you get to my house when I get stopped by someone telling my I couldn’t go that way becaose of the “cycling event”. Arranged through the council? Nope Police notified? Nope. Any official notification whatsoever? nope. just thought you could close the road without telling anyone ? Want to know what i think about that?
    EDIT on second thoughts, I don’t class that as “petty”

    Free Member

    Junk mail that the RM “must” deliver.

    I now put junk mail in an envelope with no stamp and send it to the sender’s “contact us” address on their web site. Matbe if everyone did that, cheap mail shots wouldn’t be so cheap.

    threads on STW where English people who live in England and don’t get to vote in the referendum tell me a Scot living in Scotland how awful life will be when we go for self determination

    Free Member

    rather work to fix the system and see the positives that Scotland can bring to everyone in these islands, rather than see it’s resources carved up amongst those north of Berwick.

    in other words, you’d like see Scotland contribute to the wealth of the UK rather than to the wealth of Scotland?

    Free Member

    On my 3rd glass now and tbh I think I prefer it to my 10yo Ardbeg!

    It feels lighter but still has that peaty smoky punch
    It’s really only what you think that counts. The only rule as far as drinking whisky is concerned is don’t be a snob

    The only other supermarket one I have tried in the past was (Aldi/Lidl?) 18yo Glen Marnoch which was not as good as this Tesco Islay IMHO

    Aldi – first time round that was Dalmore – a complete bargain. After that, not so great.

    Free Member

    We cycled the Golden Gate Bridge with bikes hired for the morning and cycled around the Bay and caught a ferry back

    +1, see if you can find the tidal model of san fran bay, it was in some tourist leaflet we found. well worth checking out and the whole sausalito area is easily worth wasting most of a day in

    Free Member

    Ever heard of Muir of Ord/Glen Ord? Probably not, almost all it’s production goes into Johnny Walker. How about Fettercairn – mostly goes into White and mckay. There are hundreds of distilleries in Scotland most of which would love to break into the premium “single malt” market instead of producing filler for the blended market. Supermarket own brand single malts are probably a route for some distilleries as well as a way of off loading less successful product without tarnishing the distillery name (this years Aberlour, widely available for under £20 for example might have been better hidden behing a Tesco own brand speyside malt than sold off cheap and possibly tarnishing the upper end of their brand like a’bhunad )
    So, who knows? Some will be good, undiscovered bargains, others will be poor. Always worth posting on here if you try one.
    BTW still some Highland Park in Aldi at £24.99 and some cheap Singleton of Dufftown in Tesco

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