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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • ChubbyBlokeInLycra
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    Pretty cool – compass can be calibrated with declination, air prssure can be set with a sea level reference value. And you can tell it what you’re doing so if sailing, a drop in presure isn’t going to be because of a change in altitude. And an audible storm warning.
    Numbers are a bit dark so there can be heavy battery draining backlight use. Still like it a lot though.

    Free Member

    small (25 ml I think) sachets were being given away in edinburgh waverley last week. i scored about a dozen

    Free Member

    Anybody want to get married? I want to hire bruneep to photogrpah my wedding. And do the catering as well

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Take the disk out, pop it into a caddy and connect caddy to another computer. No expertise required. This one is a tad expensive but is the kind of thing you’re looking for

    Free Member

    milkyman – Member

    No I’m out at large living in the local community, scary thought
    yes, it is isn’t it?

    Free Member

    I immediately thought Honda pan European but I might be biased as I used to ride one 5 days a week for work. People who’ve never ridden one always underestimate just how well they handle.

    I’ve never ridden one but I had a chat with a Glasgow bike cop who was riding a Pan. The bike cops had just binned BMW and this particuar cop was so impressed with the work ride he’d bought one for himself. So all day every day on a Pan, then rides one for fun. IMO you’d struggle to find a stronger recommendation.
    EDIT – also I’d skip any time on the roads especicially motorways on a 125, too physically small and you’ll feel far too exposed and vulnerable.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    milkyman – Member

    that’ll be milky like the bars? white? blonde hair and blue eyes maybe? shame this chap isn’t still around then

    Fortunately, this one is

    Free Member

    The Angry but not sure why liberation front


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Somebody involved in the opening show was being interviewed on Radiooo scotland this morning, and linked the musical show to the golf show by describing the competition as “rock and roll golf”. PMSL.
    EDIT – maybe the balcony injuction is against him miking up the Sonos and screaming

    Free Member

    Its the Tories opponents who are trying to label NHS reforms as privitisation,

    Not so sure, I think I’d hedge my bets on that one

    Free Member

    Nearest Greggs is about 14 miles away.

    28 miles there and back – you’d burn off most of the calories.

    Free Member

    beaten to it, as above. Would probably avoid Forth Bridge and it’s approaches

    Free Member

    Wall’s Ice Cream (Unilever) but under a different name with the same logo. Dove smelly stuff is also widely available so you might want to look at the Unilever site to see if there’s anyting else.

    Free Member

    stick your head in the Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo for some cracking works of art including a two very impressive Caravaggios.

    FTFY – Conversion On The Way To Damascus AND Crucifixtion of St Peter.

    Free Member

    Don’t stand at the side of the road at a crossing waiting for the cars to stop – they won’t. Ignore instinct and step out into the road and watch them all come to sudden, screeching halts.

    The advice I had for Naples was to stand at the side of the road, pick an approaching car, make eye contact with the driver and step out in front of them. Works most of the tme.
    Make sure to visit the San’t Ignazio (off the via Corsa so nice and central) to check out the roof fresco by Pozzi. For additional brownie points, tell the Mrs to look down when you enter the chhurch, take her to the bronze disk in the middle of the church and tell her to look up.
    San Giovanni in Laterno is worth a visit. A bit away from the most of the rest of the good stuff, but a bus from via Cosa will set you back a euro or so each way, so not that far. It’s also next to a secton of the city walls, not sure if you walk on the walls or not

    Naples is only 2 hours by train

    Actually, 1hr 10min on the awesome 200 mph (mach 2.5) FrecciaRossa. If you do Naples, Pompeii or Herculaneum (not both, too much for one short trip) and the Christo Velato in the Capello San Severano (google it) are musts, as is a wander along via dei Tribunali, the old Roman high street.

    Free Member

    Skye – the most stunning scenery of all the islands, no ferry fare as it’s linked to the mainland by a bridge which in itself is worth driving over. And getting there takes you along some breathtaking roads, passing Eilan Donan Castle Plenty biking once you’re there too. Easy to get to can mean full of tourists though
    Hebrides – take the ferry from Uig on Skye, but check the prices first, a caravan won’t be cheap. Also, there’s likely to be more than one ferry involved, so you might want to look into where you’re likly to be going. The Outer Hebrides are bleak, you’ll really feel you’re at the edge of the world
    Orkney – I use Pentland Ferries[/url] to cross the Pentland Firth and prices are reasonable enough but they leave from Gill’s Bay near John O’Groats – about 130 miles north of Inverness, not motorway miles either so a long tiring trip. Orkney’s not as bleak as the Western Isles, and less biking but more to do with history from mesolithic/neolithic (tombs, stone circes abd the like) to WWII (Italian Chapel/Churchill Barriers). Also, you can dump the car and fly out to the North Isles on subsidised flights to North Ronaldsay, home of the seaweed eating sheep, or Papa Westray. Both islands have hostels, the North Ronaldsay Bird Observatory[/url] will pick you up from the airport. Not sure about Papa Westray, but the hostels only a 5 ninute walk from the airport. Plan the trip and if the route includes you flying between Westray and Papa Westray, you get a certificate for taking the shortest commercial flight in the world. Other islands are reachable by ferry for day trips with bikes, IIRC, being free.
    I really like Orkney, but expect to take a day from the central belt to the ferry. Or two, take the west coast route and prepare to be blown away by the scenery. And try and catch a game of shinty whilst you’re about it

    Free Member

    I can’t remember the chairs at my graduation ceremony for at least two reasons:

    3 – was completely hammered at the time, missed the practice session, sat next to a woman I fancied not my class, on stage at the wrong time, started an argument on stage about whether or not I should have been there, then left with someone elses degree and forgot to hand the hired batcape back

    Free Member

    Divided a country on his party’s single policy politics,

    apart from would never have been elected on a single policy

    whilst failing to enact any of the powers bestowed on the Scottish Parliament

    except free transort for pensioners, free higher/further education, which were some of the powers

    or giving serious answers to serious questions.

    or for that matter getting Cameron to engage with him

    Glad the odious man has gone. And I would have been happy with a yes vote!

    And also why half of Scotland would have been happy to disassociate with a country that contains you

    Free Member

    Either way

    I am not a b****.


    Free Member

    I am not a banker. But banks (can) provide benefits to many, so reject your assumptions anyway. I have seen that happen in many emerging economies.
    you, according to you, lunch with “senior Tory MPs”
    You, according to you, made money out of currency speculation in the run up to the referedum.
    Either you’re not a financial services parasite, in which case your earlier posts mark you as a liar or you are, in which case this one does.
    Not looking for a discussion here, just pointing out your bullshittery

    Free Member

    . I hate dishonesty and deceit and bullying

    yet you’re ok with working in a parasite industry that is predicated in lending money it didn’t have which when it collapsed caused the deepest recession in living memory? The same industry that uses futures speculation to keep fuel prices high whilst oil prices are lower than they’ve been for years?

    Free Member

    bu99er, and I’d stocked up on currency as well

    Free Member

    I’m not a Scottish resident but I think I’d be proud of everyone who participated in both the process leading up to it and the actual voting.

    I think it should be used a paragon of the democratic process for the world to study, regardless of the actual outcome.
    +1 – 80+% of the electorate voted, more than 3.5million votes cast with around 3000 spoiled papers.

    Free Member

    Does the SNP take votes away from labour? Could the Tories be ousted if more of Scotland voted Labour?
    I’d like to see the SNP take one for the team now they know they’re not going to get independence. Shove some votes Labour’s way and try and break the Tory hegemony

    Unlikely, up here Labour are seen as NuBlu labour, just a branch of the Tories which is why of around 50 MPs, Scotland will return about 1 Tory. That’s why the SNP got in in the first place. Nothing, IMO, to do with independence, which is why there was such a strong majority of No voters until a few months ago.

    Free Member

    The ‘Yes’ campaign in a nutshell; not based on sense, but a cock-eyed hatred of being stuck to England.

    I’ve heard that before, but always from some Englishman enough chips on his shoulder to resurface the A9. What’s it about? Just not happy that a lot of us think we’d be in a better place without you?

    Free Member

    I am pleased GB remains as one, but disappointed as a yes vote would have made for exiting times and would have been interesting as an observer looking from the outside in.

    Well yes it would and not just fo Scotland, there would have been few individuals down south who would have gone as well.

    Free Member

    just for you binners – he said sorry, so that’s ok then.
    I wonder if there’ll be another one when Cameron doesn’t deliver on these “extra powers”

    Free Member

    adding another level of politics and electioneering to the mix doesn’t make sense to me

    except we’re not. We currently have Scottish, Westminster and Brussels representation. With independance we lose Westminster (which, in case you missed it, is the point of the referendum) so one less level of politics. Having got the basics wrong, I didn’t bother with the rest of your post

    Free Member

    Just watching the turnout reports coming through and thinking, in a nutshell, jesus **** christ. It’d be nice if we could just pause it all here for a month or so and say “Yes and No voters, look what you did together”.

    Quite, it’s something when you think 78% (my local) turnout is poor

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Signed up to Twitter tonight to follow this and found this on the Sky News feed. Guess we can tell which way it’s going to go

    Free Member

    Accident on the Berridale Braes will delay arrival of Caithness votes by 1.5 – 2 hrs.

    Free Member

    links please

    incontrivertible proof

    Free Member

    What kind of electronic system would you propose that wouldn’t become embarrassingly outmoded between one election and the next. If we already had electronic polling in the uk the current referendum would have been conducted in windows 8, if we’s started at the last general election we would be using windows 7 instead, of if it had been one before that then XP, the one before that we’d be doing this one in windows 98.

    If you’d started with windows 98, and wanted to get a full 10 days worth of general election use out of your system you’d have to hope that windows ’45, when its released, has really good legacy support.
    Have you ever heard of Unix?

    Free Member

    “every power that goes to Scotland must be matched by the same power coming to England”.

    All for that, but I can’t see an independant England working out

    Free Member

    what were the R&A thinking?

    that it’s the 21st century and it’s time they woke up to that?

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