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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • chrisyork
    Full Member

    Thanks folks, I don’t think the macride will be suitable yet as he’s only 11 weeks. The first carrier needs to support him fully with protective pad at the front and full supported seat.

    I did read that the weeride can connect to the headtube so. H oh get just have to take the plunge from wiggle and if it doesn’t fit return it and see what else can be done

    Full Member

    Flippin heck 2.6! Not sure they’d fit in our Thule 598 rack! 😂

    Full Member

    Damn it, I came here expecting something else 🤣

    Full Member

    Some of these replies nearly made me laugh so much I almost woke the baby up that’s laid on top of me!

    Full Member

    Oh ours too, he can be crying his eyes out and as soon as the car starts going he falls asleep which is brilliant and is just like his Mum!! Whereas I can never ever fall asleep…!

    Full Member

    That’s fantastic thank you, we’ve inquired regarding having a travel cot in there but it looks like the 2 will work!

    Hadn’t even seen these so that’s brilliant and we’re back on track!

    Full Member

    Oh what a find!! I find TLD’s the comfiest helmets! Also means they absorb alot of sweat in summer from the thick padding but still small price to pay for unreal comfort!

    Just need to check if my 4 year old 1 is the same size as what’s available!

    Full Member

    I agree, I mean he said they had £60k’s worth of kit there. Compared to the £700 I was thinking of spending…. No comparison 😂

    Full Member

    Well….. we have a result! So it turns out their lightest media was enough to strip all the render as well as get into the tyrolean that had been covering the bricks to make them smooth.

    Chuffed to bits and booked in to now get it all done January, didn’t even damage the mortar or the brick face by the looks and it’s come up exactly how we wanted!!



    Full Member

    Well I just thought I’d post an update to this….

    So tomorrow we have a company coming down from Newcastle who seem very reputable, to do some test patches. It’s just the way the bricks have been smoothed over with a basecoat that makes us nervous it won’t work but for £600 for the day even if it doesn’t work we save a fortune and get to rethink. If it does work they’ll re-book the whole job for January and take the £600 off the whole job price!

    More updates tomorrow as soon as I can… talk About suspense!!

    Full Member

    Don’t the shoots come with permission to keep the species from overpopulating?

    Or have I been watching too much countryfile!?

    Full Member

    We’re looking to go something soon too, we moved into the house and it has a four camera hikvision system with NVR but it’s not good. Only 2 cameras work great and the others just don’t! But the machine itself keeps beeping and resetting itself just randomly and isn’t reliable as even the mobile access just drops off randomly too.

    Was wondering about getting a CCTV company in to upgrade the NVR and see what the better cameras are like compared to nowadays systems, what’s the usual cost for a normal system fitted? £400?

    Full Member

    So having is one thing, getting him to take it is another….he keeps spitting it out, we bought a dummy you use to then put the medicine in and again he’s not really going for it. We just had our first night away in the Peak District though and he was spot on, we both had a bit of a moment as he laid asleep in his pram and we actually got to eat together too which was so nice! Has been much better behaved and helped with the cabin fever getting away for a night just outside chatsworth 👍

    Full Member

    Thanks it’s definitely a countdown to that time as we both live for bikes!

    We’ve got a special dummy coming tomorrow that you can put medicine into while he’s using it, proving hard to get him to take it while he’s awake so this is the best way 😆

    Full Member

    I can fully sympathise with that and on balance it does sound like you had it harder than us, so we had the same from the beginning. He wouldn’t feed either way aside from the colostrum. In the end we’re BF but from bottles and she’s just had to buy an NHS grade pump for £100 as the “designer ones” what are wireless etc were failing in weeks.

    Anyway he started feeding and is now 5Kg eating PLENTY! I agree for the first few weeks I was thinking what the hell have we done as I love my sleep, every weekend we’d go to a different MTB location, I’d ride before work taking in beautiful sunrises but we are at 7 weeks now and he’s almost smiling as a reaction, he has one hundred different faces and the shocked one is the funniest, we both love him dearly and don’t regret asking the doc for mental help for her but haven’t needed it too much as it was just a few horrendous nights that made us feel rank.
    I keep saying to myself people say it gets easier and also I will get back in my bike and normal will come back, I just wish she could sit on a saddle I really do as she gets such a buzz from riding. Hopefully in a few months she’ll be able to…

    Better go, baby’s been asleep 2 hours now and will be up around 1hr time and need to get my 40 winks in!

    Full Member

    Thanks for the words, I do hope so as I literally haven’t even had time to get on to static turbo bike apart from once and used to ride ten miles before work on sunny days. That’s long gone at the moment! I do ten mile road TT’s and posted my fastest time on the last one this year and don’t want my speed/strength to drop for when it starts again next year!

    Also we’re both craving biking so bad but it’s not fair on her too as she had an episiotomy meaning she likely can’t sit on a saddle for months yet!

    The woman in pregnancy really does go through one hell of a journey!!

    Full Member

    She’s expressing around 5 times a day which adds further complications!

    We’re using the Mam bottles I think they’re called, yes doing paces feeding. God he’s on week 6 now and don’t we know it, thank god I work from home now as I don’t think she would be able to do it on her own with all the crying etc….

    We have read about Ranitidine but I don’t think they prescribe now. The vari-flow tests are definitely something we’ll look into, he’s on newborn ones at the moment with just a small hole at the end.

    The biggest thing is him sounding so hoarse at night, he’s usually okay through the day but at night he’s hard work. I brought him downstairs this morning because she’d been up with him an hour at 4:30 because he was croaking, groaning, creaking and sounding muffled.
    It’s the worst thing to hear, want that medicine to start working soon for sure.

    Health visitor anyway tomorrow so we’ll see what she makes of it all

    Full Member

    So we have him on Omeprazole now, or are trying to! It’s hard work to get him to swallow it 30 mins before he needs feeding because….he’s not hungry!

    Just wondered too so we give him 120ml bottles at a time, he takes the first bottle fine and almost quite placid with it, however when it comes to the second if still hungry it couldn’t be more of a contrast! Starts drinking, neck tears back, splutters and spits bottle out, cries then sucks the bottle back in and gulps on it like his life depends on it… 3 seconds later repeat, crying is piercing… and keeps going until you pull it away. Also sucks on the teat and rolls it around over and over against his tongue for minutes, assume he’s probably doing it to soothe himself…

    Full Member

    Thanks everyone well took him off the gaviscon. Terrible night last night and he literally did one dump all day yesterday and we think that’s what caused his turbulent night last night.

    Seems to have been alot more placid today, previous to today he’s be waking and crying straight away and it was getting too much for OH.

    Yes and luckily I work 99% from home, I do not know how Mums on their own do it when the dad has to leave for work. So glad my company understands anyway.

    See what tonight brings, bit concerned as he’s slept for around 2 hours after I gave him a teatime feed…. Meant to sleep at night and not day! 😂

    Full Member

    Thank you yes we have a next to me and have it elevated, I think what is odd is sometimes he doesn’t get it. So I’ve just done a 2am feed and no reflux during feeding.

    It’s more he seems to be bringing up bubbles which you can clearly see he’s in distress about. Yes GP said if Gaviscon doesn’t work then she’d look at something stronger and I’m sure omeprazone was mentioned.

    The dummy may come as sounds like It as sounds like it’s helped in quite a few cases

    Full Member

    Bigginge we’re the same as you though badly don’t want to use a dummy, so sometimes we just let him suck the bottle end when he has reflux and although he looks like he wants to eat he doesn’t and just wants to soothe that we’ve only realised recently

    Full Member

    Thank you so I didn’t think it was right he was so nasal after feeding since birth but she said it’s normal however it’s never cleared up.

    Yes absolutely so we sit him up for feeding, and keep him sat up for say 20 mins as he hopefully falls asleep…

    At first we found that baby gaviscon worked but then he was still hungry and we have to give him a bottle without gaviscon and it’s that that brings back the reflux…

    As you say I also am saying “it’s temporary and it will pass” quite alot. I just want to get a 10 mile road ride at some point, luckily we have a spin bike in the garage but only had the time to use it once so far!!

    Full Member

    It seems he’s started to dribble out part of what he eats too at any time now and get more fussy at night so we had a horrible night last night.

    Nothing planned and we will be doing nothing, hoping to go watch Cyclocross tomorrow morning but if tonight is like last night that won’t happen! Fingers crossed!!

    Full Member

    I’ve also learnt that the tiredness makes me look illiterate after reading that above update back! I’ll blame predictive text though

    Full Member

    Well he’s 4 weeks old today!

    Learning that you don’t wake a baby up to feed it, that at least double the time you think you’ll need 🤣

    Also struggling to see how people in the breadline as such afford to maintain a baby! Breast feeding and the costs of the tools you need, the bottles, steriliser, just everything….

    Also to single Mums I have absolutely no ideas how they do it as the two of us are still looking forward to recouping sleep and can’t imagine doing it alone!

    Full Member

    I claim it because I can but yes I also appreciate you employer is doing me a huge favour. Cutting out the 44 mile a day commute has saved me a fortune in Diesel

    Full Member

    Yes cashless is terrible, I lost my wallet two weeks ago as was just doing contactless for everything! Finally found it but those weeks were concerning 🤣

    Full Member

    Morning all,

    Just wanted to a general consensus…. So baby is doing everything it should however 17 days after birth after a feed or at other times I can hear alot of mucus that sounds like it’s in his throat.

    He does breathe normally and can sleep quietly but if he tucks his neck to squash it again comes back the rattling mucus sounds!

    Partner says it’s normal for babies to have mucus as they can’t clear it themselves but he seems to still have alot. Even the midwife hasn’t suggested it’s an issue but not sure how closely they looked as doesn’t tend to happen during the day.

    Any thoughts? I’m not concerned really as he’s doing everything he should but is it normal? This morning he was laid in his crib all happy and then he must’ve shifted some mucus that made him sound rattly again and was instantly crying clearly from discomfort.

    Be keen to know if many others experienced the same?

    Full Member

    Some good efforts here!! I’d love a bigass mower as ours is small and elec, I reckon that would bring on the stripe quality!

    Full Member

    I have a cannondale pump that when you unscrew the barrel has a co2 inflator. Really neat setup and the pump’s never let me down. Solid construction too!

    Full Member

    Is it due to the hose length?
    Fronts are usually 1000mm and rear around 1700mm? Unless this was just the caliper?

    I bought a full set ready bled and needed to get back and front so know brakes inside out now after having a field day with mine!

    Full Member

    Wow what an incredible sight!! Fair play, it looks photoshopped that but I don’t think it is clearly… more just the clarity of the photo 👍

    Full Member

    I might mix it up! Ours is almost easier to work from the seating outwards in a circle…. It’d look like a crop circle from a plane…. Well if it wasn’t for the house adjoined to it!

    Full Member

    There’s a person in our village who has a HUGE garden and the grass is just empeccable! I don’t know how they do it!

    Haaaaang on…. A diamond pattern? Last name Titchmarsh?

    The grass I was referring to, never ever seen anyone in the garden either!


    Full Member

    I will say though, after a whole sleepless night because he wouldn’t settle with the go-egg night light/thermometer on we are having to sleep with a side lamp on in the bedroom every night so it’s not dark.

    Ever since doing that he’s just waking up every 3 hours for a feed and then going back to sleep. If it’s dark then just can’t settle…. I plan on gradually making the room darker to see if he gets used to it. Using a less wattage bulb for a week, then just keeping going til it’s almost dark. May take weeks but it’ll save our electric! 🤣

    Full Member

    Thanks all, and yes we’ve had the episiotomy wound issue only the other night when her wound was excruciatingly painful resulting in 11pm call to emergency mat number and trip into hosp.

    Best news not infected and healing well, pain was just due to it being at that stage and even The morning after she was totally different. Has also gone from taking 2x para and 2x ibuprof at once to having them separately that may help. Crucial to just keep those drugs coming and don’t falter though, if this helps any new mums going forward

    Full Member

    Well just to say, we successfully had Reuben in the back of my car, he just has to sit behind her seat with a mirror on the centre headrest pointed to him. I can see him and she can if she turns around 👍

    Full Member

    Thanks all, and sorry about the terrible grammar. I was half asleep when I wrote that…

    Full Member

    Oh wow yes baby was back to back hence why he came like he did.

    Her episiotomy has apparently gone quite far into her butt cheek and last night she said it felt like her stitches were tearing, I mean it’s the bum so i can imagine so after all the sitting helping look after little un!

    She’s only on ibu and paracetamol as didn’t want anything stronger, wow morecash that sounds challenging but it’s how we face the challenge isn’t it.

    My hormones have been easily triggered as well this week!!

    Just woke up at 3am for a feed, starting slightly to get used to it. The initial wake is horrible but then it gets easier the longer you’re awake. I still can’t wait for him to sleep through though, or around 5 hours when he can, as that’s how long daddy’s. 39yr old bladder can go before he needs to wake 🤣

    Full Member

    Well just an update, Reuben was born on 05/10 , Mum’s labour I think has given me a bit of PTSD! I never ever want to see her in that much pain again, anyone echo that?

    Funny as we were in the induction ward, they induced her with the balloon but then after that they were too busy to break her waters! 2 days in hosp later after we saw a few ladies casually leave to give labour…. Bring on Charlottes. Contractions quickly ramped up from 10 mins to 4 then 3 mins and she screamed the ward down….it’s true love when you’ve had to be with her in toilet and she’s screaming to you I don’t know if it’s a poo or a baby but in agony.

    Moved into the labour ward with no hesitance, 40 mins in there with her wriggling like a caught salmon, issues with baby getting distressed and quickly moved to theatre where she had epidural and episiotomy which hoping doesn’t affect her cycling too much in future.

    They don’t tell you about the pain after these operations making it hard to sit down and not nice to see her going through it.

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