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  • chrisyork
    Full Member

    Thanks rootes1 so my capra 2018 has a 142×12 rear thru axle.

    Also it seems there are lots of different type ones on the burley site too so may be hard to find the right one.

    Think what I’ll do is see how well I can get it fitted to my roadie as it has a QR and they’re meant to be easier to mount to.

    Full Member

    Excellent find snotrsg thank you, it makes so much sense this! We too hit Sherwood, Dalby, Hamsterley and more and have always thought they could do with doing a UK pass!
    Especially with having little un shortly ready for trailer rides it’s going to be great getting back out there!

    With that in mind, anyone selling a Burley thru axle? Wow they’re not cheap 😂

    Full Member

    Good luck, we decided our 100 year old house needed all the render removing.
    We don’t have cavity walls and once render was removed it revealed two further layers of paint, then a concrete coating and then finally original brick!!

    We’ve had it all sandblasted and about to have it pointed.

    We did have some render companies come out who show you the new shiny look you can have and talk about a guarantee but then we also had the pointer tell us we’ve made the right choice as render would stop the house breathing…

    It is hard with each person who wants the job saying what you want to hear it seems, very annoying it’s not regulated enough is the industry if you ask me!!

    Full Member

    G-form, just great pads!

    Full Member

    Yes it’s brilliant, will get real world results from this! I will say I wasn’t able to get the interval bike time in it needs and still toned up and got stronger!

    Some of the exercises are HARD but yes fully recommend it!

    Full Member

    100% brisker? They’re garbage I find, they do the hydromatic’s which are far better! Fully waterproof, windproof and very warm. If you want toasty hands in the winter these are a must! Once brisker’s get wet you’ve had it…

    Full Member

    Ha I have also read all over that phases constantly change so we’re just making the most of it at the moment! The real challenge is being SO quiet when we both come upto bed like now in a weekend when I’ve fed him to sleep around 8:30…. Can’t risk him waking up as you know it’s then a cycle to get him back off to sleep again!

    Full Member

    Just wanted to update as we seem to have had a switch and thought I’d update on what’s changed!

    So yes Mum has been dairy free for 1.5 weeks but also it appears we don’t have a baby that will fall asleep by themselves! We have always been told “be baby led” so although this wake windows are meant to be quite short before another nap he’d go four hours sometimes without a nap, be cranky constantly and be extremely hard to manage.

    Well now when he gives tired cues we give him a dummy, lay him down and he’s asleep after rocking for a minute! We never wanted to rely a dummy but if he won’t go to sleep on his own then it’s our best option. He’s really good though as will spit it out when he has done with it and keep sleeping!

    That and the bedtime routine where when he’s asleep I now turn off the nightlight fully, three nights on the trot he’s gone 8-9 hours after that final big feed and half hour resting him, then sleeps until about 5am which is incredible!

    It seems that when he stirred during the night if the light was on it was enough to make him active, turn that off and although he does wake around 2 and grumble briefly we just let him drift back to sleep.

    Anyway much more positive, we don’t think it’s the dairy free but in less than a week she’ll be back on dairy and will see if same routine gives the same results!
    If not then he’s going onto formula, she really misses chocolate!! 🤣

    Full Member

    Yes I think it’s got a really big top headset cup if that’s what you call it, I don’t know if I can change that can I if it’s part of the acros headset?

    I can get a lower top part of the headset cup is that right?

    Yes I only mean for when he’s old enough

    Full Member

    That looks brilliant, god I love this forum and what people share! Stopping off there for a day on the way upto FW champs, yes please!

    Full Member

    That’s a great idea, not one I thought I’d but yes looking at the Raceface stem it’s a chunky one! Slimming down would give steerer space! Looking at the DMR now compared to mine to see the difference 👍

    Full Member

    Bizarre I have an A1, actually it’s my second. Most comfortable helmet I’ve ever had! Would hope the staff is the same

    Full Member

    Btw thanks for this, I think we might be screwed to be honest with you because the steerer only has enough space for one small spacer so there isn’t any room to fit something on the steerer. It was mentioned that it would fit a head tube however, the Capra has a fairly beefy head tube. we are looking at the The nexxt too, but as mentioned as well it sounds like that also needs an adapter for the head tube which also won’t fit. I cursed the person who fitted my forks and chopped it only long enough for the stem as I think without a doubt I would run it a little bit higher anyway, if I could!
    I literally think it might not be possible for a Capra with my lack of clearance which is a shame!

    Pic for guidance
    3-FF0-FBA3-5-FFE-4-D5-B-891-D-63985-C4155-DDupload pictures

    Full Member

    V interesting thank you!

    Oh also and this might make some laugh, her breast pump noise sends him to sleep so a few times I’ve played him over an hours sound of breast pump from YouTube 😂

    Full Member

    Immediately googled Ewan the dream sheep…definitely going to keep that in mind thank you.

    So strangely though he was like a different baby today, I went down at 10:30am and she looked fresh faced did the missus and he was calm just watching her doing the washing and he’s been chilled all day with no real crankyness until it was 6pm and he was clearly tired.

    Literally like a different child! Will see how he is tomorrow as daddy will be out the front knocking ten bells out of the porch making a whoooole lot of noise!

    Full Member

    I started watching The Boys then it got insanely mindlessly violent and lost interest!

    Literally had no ideas when that guy was just going to zap people in two with his eyes… it was just a bit far fetched for me.

    Much rather watch Peep Show – who wouldn’t!

    Full Member

    Not watched Prime in ages since we got a Discovery+ subscription…. ABSOLUTELY ADDICTED to Alaskan Bush People!

    Full Member

    So after the health visitor came for the routine appointment she confirmed that he does seem incredibly difficult.
    She tried many things and at one point he was on her stretched out screaming in what looked like pain so we have decided to cut milk out of Mum’s diet completely so that’s been done.

    Weirdly today he has been incredibly placid and seemed a lot better as has had a rotten cold so it may account for current mood but he’s been difficult for months pretty much since he was born. With the health visitor even telling us this isn’t normal it was a bit reassuring that at least she was taking it seriously. We all know babies cry for what they want, but they also have lots of time they sit or lay playing or looking whereas he would spend likely 70% of his day crying.

    So hopefully should see some difference around 2 weeks or sooner if it’s milk, poor bugger I just got him to sleep on me too… go to put him down and wakes up and the tired crying starts…

    Never nice hearing them cry like that but know really it’s just them talking to you, likely saying “I’m really tired, I need to sleep but I can’t really do that so will just keep telling you I’m tired then maybe I’ll nod off!”

    In all fairness once asleep he seems brilliant and last night slept for 7 hours, it’s not even the nights that tire Mum out it’s the days tbh…

    Will update in due course

    Full Member

    He’s woken up after feeding tonight, now flinging his head left and right violently! Won’t eat, won’t try to just nod off…I want him to be old enough to tell me what’s the problem, sorry to say it but these dumb baby days I’ll be happy when I get something back in return….the constant guessing game of wtf do you need is time consuming! We started bedtime routine at 7:30 and still have an awake baby now, he may be drifting off though fingers crossed

    Full Member

    We do a similar bedtime routine but it’s pretty standard and hard to see that every night without fail he’ll cry either that I’m not quick enough to feed him or stream because I’ve fed him and he wants more, refuses the bottle. Asks for it, give him it, spits it out and cries like crazy…. Just drink and sleep baby! Life is much easier that way!

    The reflux seems to have gone though, I just miss doing yoga and cycling now. Used to do most mornings and need it to keep my back in check, so I end up if I can doing a half arsed session at 9:30 at night…

    In all fairness he’s sleeping 5 hours about now, so is a godsend in that regard it’s just so hard to get him to sleep and there’s no telling a baby “you’re tired and go to sleep it’ll help you” 😂

    Full Member

    Again another one for Trello or Clickup here we’ve used both and in a multi million pound company we use clickup now to log time against for projects

    Full Member

    Oh gosh I am so sorry to hear that, tearing up as I write this.
    I wish you and the family the best for the future and just take it a day at a time like I’m sure you are.

    Heartfelt condolences to you at this time

    Full Member

    So ruddy unpredictable as well! He’s just guzzled through 120ml of food showing no sign of stopping….I stick a bunch more food in his bottle, go to carry on feeding and he refuses to drink it!
    So it’s going to go to waste now and it’s not easy to get it in the first place…. He never only just drinks 120ml argh!

    Full Member

    Haha I sure was, but we have both said actually how little we knew about certain things and people never discussing it but clearly had All gone through it. My friends who have nearly all had kids never said in the beginning they’ll need to be fed every two-three hours. You lose your bedroom for 6 months and you will have to learn to be so quiet, so many other things as well as whenever my friends started talking about babies (female friends) I’d just turn off and find the guys (who were dads but never said anything) to chat about everything but babies!

    I realise I really should have paid more attention back then, but yes we both knew it was going to be challenging but don’t think we realised how much. I remember my friend saying to me “will you be trying to carry on biking when you can then” and me saying “yes we’ll take in turns at looking after the baby and still get out on the trails”. What a load of bull that was, more to keep the relationship strong for a while biking ceases to exist to give full support to Mum especially after recovering from the episiotomy and there isn’t time inbetween the sitting up after feeds and the crankiness trying to settle little one to the constant nappy changes and taking over when she’s worn out or can’t take the crying bouts anymore and needs to have some space. Not to mention in the early days any time I even thought about biking was spent thinking “I could go to sleep now” even in the middle of the day, which of course also never happened as there’s so much to do, washing, pots, cleaning, more washing oh and more washing 😂

    If I’m getting deep and meaningful it’s just love that rules overall and you do whatever you can to get through whatever is thrown at you 👍

    Full Member

    Totally agree Commencal! Also I have a back issue I HAVE to keep on top of which means regular yoga and in some cases I’m just struggling to find the time to do it, we don’t live in squalor or anything like that but the floordrobe is a real thing as I just don’t get around to putting some clothes away 😂

    I will say this though, a lot of this is because he sleeps in our room as he’s meant to for 6 months. Soon as that time passes and he has his own room to sleep in then that should make life easier! We won’t have to tiptoe in every night avoiding waking him, or not watch South Park in bed for fear of waking him or not be able to put clothes away at the end of the day for the fear of you guessed it…. Waking him!

    We also always sleep with the window open to get fresh cool air in, had to stop that too so he doesn’t get too cold in our room…. So it’s the countdown to when he sleeps in his nursery so we get some normality back!

    Full Member

    Oh yes thank you, she gets out a few times, baby yoga on a Friday. Off to see her friends at least once a week… she gets out more than I do in all honesty but I tend to manage easier.

    Some days i get three days into the week and realise I’ve not even left the house so going to try and make the most to have a full lunch hour and time to walk around the village at the very least!

    Some great advice/words here from you all though so thank you. Don’t get me wrong i’m smitten on him it’s just been such a huge adjustment

    Full Member

    I also have found it challenging in these early stages of not being able to ride! We’ve both given each other one ride so far for an hour each at the weekend once which felt amazing!

    I do miss the early morning rides I used to get in, nowadays my morning just exists of 30 mins to be able to shower, eat and change and then start work as I work from home.

    We’re both bike nuts, so maybe will be able to find a way to bring those back in on occasions!

    I suppose another thing that takes up the time is that she’s trying to express until he’s at least 6 months so every morning she has 30 mins of doing that so only gets the same 30 mins as me to get ready…

    What a commitment having a child is 🤣

    Full Member

    Just thought I’d provide an update…. Scaffold is up, sandblaster is coming from 9th Jan.
    House threw us another curveball though when we went to destroy the old porch….. the main electricity cable comes up from the floor and up the porch wall into the house!
    Obviously I aren’t touching that and looks like it’s going to cost at least £850 to get the powergrid to relocate it!!


    Full Member

    Thank you so it sounds like it does get easier! Yes we try to make sure he doesn’t sleep too much during the day or go out and keep his mind active out in walks etc to tire him out.

    Kudos to anyone who’s had more than one child, if I’m totally honest because our biking lives has changed so much in the first I’d say 2 months both of us found it incredibly hard due to sleep deprivation, him having no personality and you feel like you’re just there to supervise a blob with legs…. I was waiting for a bit of an personality to show which it finally has but genuinely I look forward to when I can get him on the weeride so we can go on gentle rides and when he can eat and feed himself, I’m sure it’ll be Carnage but being able to chat to him and teach him things is what I’m most looking forward to!

    Full Member

    Forgot to add, during bathtime he soiled that too! 🤣 he also has a cold which may have a bearing on his body clearing it out? I have no idea, sat here so long with his 7kg on me my arse is going numb!

    Full Member

    We have discovery+ subscription, £7 a month I think and it has sport on it. Lots of CX either catchup or on live

    Full Member

    I used to care but being a new dad and tired and it being week 12 I spent around 2 hours from 7 to try and get him to sleep last night, then we went down watched never mind the Buzzcocks Christmas special which was obviously brilliant. Sent new year messages, turned phone off and went to bed at 11:30.

    Will do more in the years to come but not with a 3 month old baby 😬

    Full Member

    Bought my missus for Christmas last year then she fell pregnant! But worth her at 36 and me 39 at least if I fall off badly I’ve got a health scheme I can use from work to help me with physio!

    In all honestly barely used it as been busy with the little one and the drive has to I much DIY rubble on it! Here’s to two weeks time after the skip’s left and I can break my ankle pretending I’m young!

    Full Member

    Ooooh Bauer! I remember lusting after those when I was a kid!
    Taking about skating, I used to be able to go fast and also cross the skates over in the turns when Iceskating….me and the missus a few years back now went to Oslo for a long weekend in winter and there was a public rink there….I advised I’d be happy to show her the ropes……well it was like I’d never skated in my life! I was horrendous! Like “needing a kids support” bad. Luckily I don’t myself to seriously so we laughed it off but I’ve never lived it down 🤣🤣

    Full Member

    It really is crap that it’s not one standard and you have to get mount adapters to make things fit! I’m running Shimano brakes with sram shifter and had the same issue…. Pretty sure I asked for help on here too 🤣

    Full Member

    Haha I’m just being nostalgic, aside from the copious amounts of food, drink, presents and good cheer. Snow would just bring it all together, what can I say I’m old fashioned!!

    I suppose you could spread it wider and just say “winters in general aren’t as snowy as they used to be due to global warming” and it is a shame. But here I am driving a diesel car so I’ll STFU as I’m not helping the situation 🤣

    Full Member

    I’m nearly 40 now, I remember super snowy winters, I remember rolling snowmen, being at the bus stop knowing the bus was never going to make it and going back home to play with my friends to my parents horror that they had to look after us!

    Especially having a young lad growing up, to him not seeing snow on Xmas day like we used to I mean he doesn’t know any difference until he reads about it in books etc and asks daddy will it snow?
    I’ll have to get a snow machine when they’re cheap or go to somewhere Alps’ish over Xmas at this rate 😂

    Our forecast for Xmas is 7 degrees and cloudy…

    Full Member

    Stop right there before you go Sonos.
    As far as I know you need the proprietary app, I knew this so investigated further. We have an AudioPro C5 which is unbelievable! Better sound than the Sonos and if you want 2 or more you can link them together I believe. Don’t regret buying it for a second, the bass is for the size of the thing…. Phenomenal!

    Worth a listen to what you want in Richer Sounds. We had a demo and the C5 was the winner

    Full Member

    I bet it’s effing tiktok and Instagram and totally gullible idiots.

    I mean I saw one the other day “the worst thing you can do is pay off your mortgage” , or how these loons come up with these hair brained schemes…

    It absolutely winds me up that a video gets millions of views when you see a spelling mistake in it, morons creating a video for “likes” and other video watchers thinking “that must be correct or that must be how you spell that” , the amount of people I want to slap who can’t spell the basics. There’s one word that nobody can spell and it does wind me up, likely more than it should. I think I really am old enough to really appreciate Room 101

    Full Member

    We looked into a trailer but they are so expensive being around a grand new and even second hand if you can find one £700. Hold their value really well!

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