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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • chrisyork
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    I may have missed something but didn’t they say some or all women were afraid to say anything until after his passing because he was so powerful that they feared the consequences. Again money can make anything happen both good and bad, lawyers overturning convictions for example etc etc…-

    Full Member

    Stake them out and nick useful things of theirs…. As often as you can ?

    if you can’t beat them, join them.

    I’m joking but the only way they learn is if something significantly causes them problems, but then of course things escalate and people like that have no filter. However…airgun the car tyres. Every month.

    Full Member

    Thanks all and apologies for the delay, so we have gone camping lots and know just how to make it comfortable it was just adding him in the mix and clothing for nighttime’s. So essentially likely a sleep suit then probably a fleecy suit over the top or fleecy PJ’s.

    we’ve just got him using pillow and duvet and the tent is massive so we could even store them in a room that he can’t get in, till evenings so they stay dry. So basically use common sense, if it’s cool on the night then layers of clothing to keep him warm and likely a duvet over the top which he’ll either keep on or kick off!

    Full Member

    Just regarding clothing too how did you make sure they were warm enough? So I guess in summer it’s not really an issue but if we were to take him camping in the next few weeks it’s cold in the mornings and at night much colder than in his nursery. Just thicker clothes?

    It’s 20 degrees in his nursery now and he’s in a sleep suit and I’d say a medium tog sleep bag. That’ll be nowhere near enough for being essentially outside.

    With us just starting to use a pillow and maybe a duvet in the next week or so we could then of course maybe then start giving him a thicker duvet and will that be enough?

    Full Member

    Great thank you some more further very useful feedback. Will take some good tips away, thinking building the tent in the garden will be a good first step so he can get used to it then go from there :)

    Full Member

    Really good advice so throw the 5:30pm tea, bath and bed out the window and just as you all say let them tire themselves out…. He’s walking  now anyway and is a proper character so I don’t think that would be hard for him to get to that stage.

    Did you still wash them on the nighttime or use wipes? He has a bath every night usually, we could ofc still take the baby bath and use warm water but being in the tent can imagine it’d be a quick thing!

    the tent is big enough he can have his own room but also appreciate he may want that comfort knowing we’re near. Would you take a travel cot (we have one and use it for trips away)  as he’s not in a bed as yet)

    Has just 2 days ago slept for 2 nights with little movement after we added a small low pillow for him so that may also aid in a good nights sleep…

    Full Member

    We drove back from Malverns the other day 3.5 hours without stopping, the 50 limits are insane. In a 50 when there’s clearly nothing happening at all and no hazards to be aware of I’m doing 54 on cruise control. My excuse, I have a toddler and to be honest we usually don’t stop if he’s asleep so the luxury poo doesn’t get done and we do arrive sooner ?.

    It must’ve been for around 20-30 miles I’d say combined between M42 and M1, maybe the M6 too I can’t remember.

    Full Member

    Well, maybe it was a sign. Apologies for the delay in replying but…. At 21 months he’s finally started walking. Literally on Friday he did it, about 4 months after we expected him to… and he can now walk about 50m after just one day. So maybe that night was him building up to that…

    Full Member

    Sorry, but yes the world still turns and by 6:30 am he was up wanting to start the day.

    So if it’s me I can handle it, it’s when it’s her who badly needs sleep to function and hearing “I really struggled driving to work” is not what you want to hear. Mother of your child nearly falling asleep at the wheel…. Even with a coffee in her. I’ll read all responses later and reply, but yes accidentally he had 2 naps yesterday so I think that was the cause, he was false tired by bedtime and wasn’t tired so woke and wanted to play. Little sod still got 8 hours to our 4 ?

    Full Member

    2:30am after he insistently wanted toys which I refused due to it being nighttime… he finally crawled on me and dropped. Still 3.5 hours sleep we missed out on. Just wish we could quickly settle him to sleep when he’s like that but it seems it’s just not possible.

    Full Member

    Oh I have video from the Les Gets village of two young French lads just pretending to fight each other with them. There’s just no filter really, they do it because the want and aren’t thinking “will this be funny or annoying” they just do it… and in small doses it’s funny! It was the vuvuzela’s that I wanted to crush during the night when tossers are still blowing them at 1am and muggins over here still can’t sleep.

    Anyway pleased to announce as I’m sure some are curious on the Sunday night after the XC the party all finished. The bars went back to normal and I got a full nights sleep which felt wonderful!

    You’re right though when we went past the commencal party after Amaury had done it again… the DJ was just getting warmed up and we were loving it. We and said 2 year old got absolutely drenched by heavy rain that was meant to come about 3 hours beforehand which which we then realised earliers rain was just a warning shot!
    I think Tahnee’s party was probably a bit of a washout due to the intense rain but yep the bar on the side of our apartments had regressed back to the usual levels and Les Gets was as some (the advice we were given) had said it was fine and quietens down in the evening…

    Lesson Learned anyway, we’re back in the Bourgogne region now for the next few days and planning at least one voie verte ride with little chap as he loved the ride to the Tour where we spectated as it came through Puligny Montrachet!

    Full Member

    But yes 100%…. As a new parent you alot of the time feel like a fish out of water, learn as you go. Punished by bad decisions or scheduling and god forbid with him you cock up on his naps/feeding… it’s not worth the result that follows!

    Full Member

    I think our mindset is “don’t change his routine just because we’re on holiday” but by 7pm he’s honestly knackered and rubbing his eyes.

    We also bath him every night which adds another 30 mins admin into the mix although I’ve questioned this my OH doesn’t want to change that routine. We do now here, go for a pushchair walk around the resort after his tea to tire him out and he does seem to get the 12 hours sleep which is wonderful for us… just hoping now the champs are over that the parties are more muted tonight!

    Full Member

    Yeahhh there are zero plans on having another. Currently in bed listening to boom boom boom boom Y-M-C-A ? I mean the atmosphere here is impressive…. Just not with a toddler as you can’t enjoy it!

    ‘Well come back when he’s older, stay off the main streets and likely where others have mentioned.

    Full Member

    Thanks folks…. We thought we’d done enough research but possibly not enough.

    I was dubious but believed what we were told, in the end we got 4 hours sleep and feel as good as we could possibly on that!
    Expecting just as much noise tonight, actually little un slept through the whole night, was more we were exhausted so to give us the energy we need to deal with him we needed that sleep!

    As further advice which I hope can help others in future we found it hard this morning as the DH slope is so steep we got him in the backpack and I got him 30 seconds up the hill in view of finish line. The hardest thing is with the changeable weather finding a flat spot that’s sheltered. With a child who’s an accomplished walker, no issues i’d say but being a non walker and that young needed to get him to sleep at 11am cuddled into Mrs Chris. Fine in itself but an hour later or even half an hour later her ass was numb. If that child is asleep there’s no waking them before as they need that time to be settled!

    Add to that the rain came down we saw some mens DH but then just had to come back as it was all getting a bit too awful! Fine now, but if it’s bad weather you won’t get far up the hill (which is why you come let’s be honest-some may be more adventurous than us and dispute that)  really unless you have a very settled child, and you actually only really come for the atmosphere…

    Finals were pulled forward due to lightning storms coming, however it’s brightening up…. I thought just British weather was changeable! ?

    Full Member

    Well we’re off to Les Gets for the DH shortly too, we’re not taking bikes there but I saw that there was a Green golf course trail for families…. Until I watched the video for it. Very much not for an under 2 year old in front of a hardtail! From what I saw it looked like a red XC trail in the UK 😂

    Were expecting alot closed because of the DH anyway.

    Full Member

    Yes “new bike” appears to have been the answer!
    Also I sized up to an XL and is much more comfortable for me, and riding stairsets when he wanted to walk them 😂

    That’ll be me too as love riding a challenging set of stairs at pace, anyway everything reigned back slightly now with him on !

    Full Member

    So not actually used the new bike yet with him, as we sent the bike seat forward to France with my others half’s parents as we’re heading there after this weekend.

    The mount is fitted though and hoping for lots of days in the saddle, around them are lots of hills too so dare I say it may even get some fitness back this holiday 😂

    Full Member

    Well just thought I’d provide an update to the whole cycling with a child debarcle.

    As I found it really was if you read from the beginning.

    Anyway after a kind member let me purchase their slim Thule adaptor to fit my Capra even that didn’t work with the bike seat. We had one ride and then as he got bigger his head pressed in my chest when he wanted to stretch out.

    ANSWER: New bike! Picked up a Merida hardtail with long steerer, standard Thule mount fitted to it. Did this as I put the mount on her whyte and we did a ride with him. Just a short shakedown to see how he’d get on, it was in the height of summer as such and he LOVED it.

    So that was the excuse to employ n+1 .

    Full Member

    Funny you say that, in the very early months of him being the tiniest…. When you naturally go to bed when they’re asleep which ends up being as late as 1am I just binge watched moonshiners on discovery+ 😂

    Full Member

    So sadly yes, before when nothing else worked I’d buckle him up on my own and take him out for a drive to get him to sleep… it does work, I just didn’t want to make it a habit as when it gets late like that it’s not good i’m out driving when tired myself!

    Also then getting him out his seat and into bed and in his sleep bag while trying to keep him asleep is a real skill game!

    We were in France a few weeks ago on the last night and he decided to have another night where he wouldn’t sleep… found myself driving aimlessly in an area I didn’t know until he got to sleep and I think it was 10:30pm when I finally got back…. We could then have some tea as it was a special one the family had planned for us. Sod’s Law!

    Full Member

    Do whatever the child needs 😂 I bet you hated that advice.

    Well here I am at 2am as he’s done it again tonight, just as we were going to sleep aroun 10:30 he wakes up…. Full of beans and end up playing downstairs til 1:30 then nods off

    Worst is trying to get him upstairs while he’s awkwardly laid across my arms. All 13kg of him which some would argue isn’t alot

    Full Member

    Really interesting to see so many others have gone through similar….

    I can stay pretty calm and just let him do what he wants til he’s tired like I did this morning. We rely on some white noise which is a rainstorm without the thunder from Spotify , very impressive he really does nod off to it, so do I on quite a few occasions!!

    Full Member

    I will add though which may help others, I stumbled upon “Unwind with ITV” and on a few occasions now, when he is ready for sleep seems to be a great way to get him to nod off. Rhythmic patterns or repeat scenes that do seem to help

    Full Member

    😂 we don’t need to worry about quick dropper lowering scenarios due to dropoffs etc as he’ll be in front so likely upto blue trail only

    Full Member

    Wow so much to read when I can thank you all!
    love the skull cable tie idea and she will too!

    weeride is a no-go as can’t get it mounted securely on any bikes we have and trust me we’ve tried! All to do with the lack of head tube height that it usually secures to

    Full Member

    Ahh okay, so those are my options then. I think you’re right i think it may be a 905 come to think of it.

    I didn’t fancy drilling a hole in the frame and wasn’t sure if zip tying the cable to the frame would be a good idea if the cable ties moved…

    I suppose if it is a better option I could get some frame protector tape and cable tie the cable to the top tube but suppose I expected they’d still move around….

    It does sound like that is an option a few have done so I will see how I get on with that then I think and thank you all.

    I’ve given up trying to get the seat on my capra too as the last time we did a ride as I had to use the narrower bracket as I don’t have the stack height for the standard Thule one his weight leaned so far back into my chest I could barely ride!
    So a 2nd hand hardtail is going to be purchased with lots of stack height I think 😂

    Full Member

    Thanks Vlad, it’s definitely a suggestion but although she’s a brilliant mountain biker only riding one handed with a 12kg little un in front even briefly isn’t possible really.
    He’s a wriggler and a leaner and it would end in disaster 😂

    Full Member

    Yes since covid we currently (as we’ve just taken over another IT firm so who knows) 99% work from home.

    As said, your own space. Take regular breaks, being a new Dad it’s harder for me but remember to try get out when you can. I remember getting to Thursday some weeks then realising I’m feeling rubbish and it’s because I’ve not been outside for a walk in 4 days…

    Always morning coffee, you will start hating teams, I find I work harder at home with no distractions if family aren’t here. Some deal with it better than others tbh, I love being close to my new family however I do also love the days when we do get to go in and see the people you used to sit near, get drinks with, have a laugh with before work.

    Don’t be like me though, and take regular breaks. Coming into Spring/Summer is a great time to start, being able to get outside if you have a garden is soul enriching. I used to do yoga before work and before little un… go for a ride but that’s all changed. Those times will return I just have to wait…. Or get out at 6am for a ride 😂

    Keen to see how you get on and if I can learn any tips from anyone else

    Full Member

    I’ve got a vivoactive 4. Have really enjoyed owning it, battery life for me is around 4-5 days I think. Tracks everything I’d want it to and only every now and again I just need to turn off/on if it doesn’t connect to phone but that’s pretty much standard with every single Bluetooth device ever! Well worth the money, they’ve been replaced by something else now I think but I’ve really enjoyed mine. I even track my TT times and speed with it and it’s as accurate as my head unit says usually

    Full Member

    Ouch I agree, Richard my symptoms are very similar. I can’t laugh without bursting into a coughing fit, and the ringing ear…. Is just so frustrating! Over 10 days now!

    Full Member

    Got some FiveTen trailcross boot type ones, very nice but got to admit for shoes not waterproof and more a summer’ish type shoe I wouldn’t spend £145 on them. I would however spend £40!

    Full Member

    Well I must’ve been busy as not been on the forum in a long time.

    As a follow up is anyone still ill from what they got at Xmas? Docs seem to think I’ve had back to back illnesses likely from nursery and the latest is the most annoying, can’t laugh without coughing but the doctors just confirmed I have an inverted eardrum due to congestion so I have heard a constant ringing noise in my ear for 10 days now… and a course of antibiotics hasn’t shifted it so must be viral.

    If you could call it a long cold, it’s just not going!

    Full Member

    I’m fed up of this one now, we’ve had a full day out at Clumber park on a bikeride. However my congestion now seems to have got worse, couldn’t do yoga earlier as couldn’t put my head down without the pressure building! 

    Thoughts are when I go back to work tomorrow I’ll be so distracted I’ll forget I was even poorly ! 😂

    Full Member

    Had a look and their L – Long is 33-35 inch waist  and 34.5 inseam which is impressive for riding trousers so I actually think it was me kidding myself thinking I was a 35…. After having child resulting in almost no exercise the reason they don’t fit is I’m clearly 36 upwards 🤣

    Full Member

    Context do XL length in leg, however I found that the waist size was a bit on the tight side for their sizes. Can double check later for you what size I actually got

    Full Member

    Interesting so I’m not the only one ill, which makes me feel better!

    It’s now New Year’s Eve and I had it all over Xmas and still have it, nose just constantly within minutes producing an almost tissue filling amount of snot…. It’s groce! Proving v hard to shift!!

    Full Member

    Yes, I do.

    Wish we didn’t but the house was something we couldn’t pass up and have always needed to travel at least 30 mins to trails! Recently there’s been a pumptrack created nearby though so facilities are improving!

    I can do a 10 mile circular on the roadie and climb 12ft in that time 😂

    Full Member

    Happy to…. I have a 13 month old.

    This morning consisted of us knowing we needed to be out the house so he’s less cranky so left without having breakfast and got to soft play 40 mins away for 9:30…. The days of getting rides in religiously are just gone at the moment. They will come back, but I’ve sacrificed living, for little un! As they absolutely turn your life upside down when they’re so young.

    Full Member

    Quite a few years ago now I got an L shaped one from DFS.

    It’s proved fantastic as I also got the firmer cushions out of the choice of softer or harder. When new they really were firm but have worn very very well! It’s made it last so long and still has many years left in it. I can sit on the armrests without fear of snapping anything and honestly, get in that corner with the legs out and there’s no better way to relax after a busy day with little un. I’m 6’1 and there’s probably another 2FT left before my legs would hit the armrest!

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