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  • christhetall
    Free Member

    My in-laws bought me a case of beer for Christmas and two for my birthday !

    Free Member

    Parkwood is fun, but a lap only takes 10 minutes. Great for a lunchtime blast but personally half an hour is enough for me.

    There’s plenty of stuff in Wharncliffe but I’ve no idea how it’s running at the moment – has a reputation as a mud fest. I know I’ve only done a small amount of what there is there – it takes some sussing out and there’s always a risk that you’ll end up in a bog or at the top of one of the serious DHs !

    On a cross bike there’s plenty of fire roads both there and in Greno – you could even go for a pootle up the TPT

    Free Member

    I assume that everyone who is faster than me on Strava is either on drugs or has a dodgy phone. After all, what other explanation could there be for them beating an overweight 48 year old !

    Free Member

    Bollocks – just thrown away an old tyre !

    Mind you, still have several others…

    Free Member

    Agree that Porter Clough (aka the bastard) is a Sheffield rite of passageLink – it’s not as rocky as it used to be, but just as steep.

    I like to think of it as the first part of a three part exam

    Part 2 is Jumble Lane on Houndkirk – rocky, but not too steep or two long

    Once you’ve mastered that go for Lenny Henry Hill. Again the bottom half isn’t as technical as it once was, thanks to SCCC, but it serves it’s purpose to wear you out before the rocky section. And just when you think you’re almost there, the gate not far away, the lungs bursting, there’s a couple of nasty rocks to catch you out.

    Free Member

    Do you have any more details on that? What does the skills area involve? Is it linked to a forestry commission car park or something?

    Here’s the link

    Nothing to do with FC, just a private enterprise making good use of their land. Well worth a visit if in the area, if only to encourage similar developments

    Free Member

    Slightly further away there’s some good stuff around the village of Symondsbury, near Bridport. There’s a skills area – payable – but also a great little 8km XC loop around the village, with a cracking descent at the end.

    I was staying for a week in the village (lovely pub, great beer) and by far the best riding I found that week was on the doorstep. Elsewhere it was very frustrating at times – lots of BWs that were overgrown or had just disappeared.

    Free Member

    Public liability is top priority – the landowners don’t want you there in case you injure yourself. That’s all there is to it

    The landowner is Sheffield Wildlife Trust. They do actually care about birds nesting and stuff like that. They also allow people to build quite challenging routes elsewhere on their land and even have races on them.

    Free Member

    The whole holier than thou thing is a bit tired. As a group, cyclists are oppressed by just about everyone so a bit of solidarity rather than name-calling would be nice. These individuals were clearly a bit daft but I doubt they were malicious or causing significant damage. I’m sure a few of the narrow sheep paths that people ride on Blacka aren’t actually specified rights of way anyway…

    Sorry, but there is very good reason why a bit of self-policing is required here. The landowners – Sheffield Wildlife Trust have been very accommodating to MTBs. It’s on their land at Greno Woods that Steve Peat’s Steel City Downhill is run. This course, and the other runs there, are not ROWs. As with some other landowners in Sheffield they’ve agreed to turn a blind eye in some areas but in return have said please don’t dig/ride in other areas – for specific reasons (SSSI, scheduled ancient monument, nesting birds etc).

    Furthermore it should be obvious that someone managing woodlands for conservation reasons has more reason to be upset than someone who’s aims are forestry.

    Free Member

    Yorkshire’s a big place

    Norfolk Arms (Ringinglow) or Cricket Inn (Totley) are good if you are in Sheffield.

    Lion Inn on Blakey Ridge is good if you fancy doing Rosedale Chimney (if you’re lucky you could get snowed up there for a week)

    Don’t think I’ve ever been in a bad pub in the Dales, but there is one in Wenslydale which we were told is dreadful (“Is it dog-friendly ?” we asked some locals – “Dogs maybe, humans – no”)

    A pint of Black Sheep in the Tan Hill is particularly satisfying if you’ve cycled up there

    Free Member

    Another vote for decathlon

    Free Member

    That Cookson interview is very interesting – looks like he’s ready to play the long game here and make sure that any action will stand up before CAS

    And that’s the problem for a governing body – they can’t simply act on hearsay, newspaper stories and a gut feeling.

    But the ASO can – it’s entirely up to them who they invite to the Tour. They declined to invite Astana in 2008 and may well do so again. And I suspect they’ll get less flak from Cookson than they did from McQuaid

    Free Member

    Apparently the UCI decision will be revealed at 5pm GMT today

    Unfortunately the UCI have to follow procedure or else CAS will overturn it, and there was no rule that X positives means the team gets demoted

    But it’s hard to see how they can go on without major changes to the team – surely Vino has to go

    Free Member

    Ordered stuff from them last Friday, it arrived today, so not exactly quick but not a problem either.

    If I want something immediately I go to a shop. Actually JE James is one of the closest shops, but it often cheaper through their website

    Free Member

    Well done to all concerned

    Obviously disappointed that DCC still insists on covering the steps. But if they don’t have to abide by the wishes of the PDNPA then I guess the wishes of user groups will have even less weight. I guess it’s a question of who has responsibility (and liability) and DCC are the highways agency.

    Good luck with Hurst Clough – even if DCC agree to consult I can’t imagine they will agree to anything less than a smooth track there

    Free Member

    Mr Nibali, what was it that first attracted you to the multi-million euro deal with Astana ?

    There was a great interview on the cycling podcast earlier in the year (sorry can’t find the link) with Astana’s PR guy – a superb raconteur explaining the basis behind the whole Astana project. Now admittedly he was a real master of spin etc, but the way he put was it was part of a great plan to use Kazakhstan’s immense oil wealth to develop the whole country (Norwegian style). It was always the powerhouse of soviet cycling, but now a lot of ex-cyclists have ending up running businesses and they are using it to promote the Astana Expo in 2017.

    Well, they certainly got a lot of people talking about Astana !

    He also explained the Kazak attitude to cheating is somewhat different to the Europeans – don’t get caught, but if you do you serve your time and then the slate is clean. None of this hairshirt, forgive me malarkey.

    Nibbles win is tarnished, but at the same time he does appear to have a team within a team and kept the kazaks at arms length – apparently he didn’t want Iglinsky in his tour squad. But his choice of doctor seems very odd for someone who professes to be Mr Clean. Unless Astana gets kicked out, it looks like he hasn’t much choice other than to see out his contract. But if he signs the extension he’s been offered, his credibility will be in tatters.

    Free Member

    there are probably at least 50 abandoned bikes on the University Park here at Nottingham…

    Mine was stolen from Beeston Flats in 1988 – maroon, 5 speed, drop bars. Sorry can’t remember any more details but see if it’s there will ya 😉

    Free Member

    Just as well Astana haven’t just signed a doctor with a long history of doping, then things would look really dodgy

    Oh wait…they have…what are the currents odds on a Frenchman winning the TDF…in 2014 ?

    Free Member

    Monsal Trail – old railway line with tunnels, viaducts, stunning views, cafes and nothing remotely technical

    One day, all of Derbyshire will be like this

    Free Member

    Very worrying letter in today’s sheffield telegraph from a British horse society access officer on behalf of hallam riders group

    Congratulates DCC for restoring the paths on Stanage causeway and rushup edge. Says that the routes had been badly degraded due to the upsurge in mountain biking. Makes some other, valid points about respect and access for all, but utter rubbish on the degradation point.

    Free Member

    Here’s a 20 mile route from Yorkshire Bridge, but you could start it from Fairholmes if you like


    If you copy my track be aware that I went off-piste at times (especially near the finish)!

    Across the dam and south along the old railway, back road up to Aston, steep tarmac and cracking singletrack up Win Hill to Hope Cross, straight on to potato alley (if you find a Garmin Edge – it’s mine).
    Across the A57 and up the tarmac past Rowlee farm, left at the crossroads, past Lockerbroke and a cracking descent to the lake. South past fairholmes (café) until the bridleway (Hagg side) that takes you back up to the cross roads. Left down the zig-zags and across the A57 to the track that follows the shore of the lake back to the dam.

    At this point there’s a bridleway off to the right but not sure whether it’s been restored after logging work. From the top of the climb you could go back to Hope Cross and down the beast to bring you back to the same point, or continue eastwards (can be boggy) to come back down to the shore.

    Free Member

    It’s 100 miles. It wouldn’t be realistic to have much more singletrack. People were already finishing in the darkness after starting at 6.30 am.

    My first attempt (2011) was grim, miserable and frustrating, but I really enjoyed it in 2012. Maybe it was down to the conditions but there seemed to be far more interesting trail than I was expecting. As I finished in just under 12 hours I’d say they got the balance just right.

    I get the impression the FC did support the event as a means on encouraging people to visit the area and for that they should be applauded – it’s far better than running events in over-crowded areas like the Peak or the Lakes. Unfortunately for many people – myself included – it was the sort of event you’d do once. I think there were very few people signed up for 2013 when it was pulled.

    I would like to go back and ride some of those trails again sometime – just not in midge season.

    Free Member


    Did anyone else get 3 questions twice ?

    Free Member

    RE BMC and mountain biking

    Oddly enough I represented the Peak Area on the BMC’s national council for 5 years and during that time I did suggest that the BMC should consider including MTBs in it’s remit. It was in the context of whether the BMC should do more for hill walkers, and I pointed out that whilst they had the choice of joining the RA, there was no such body for MTBs.

    Have to say there wasn’t much enthusiasm and I can see why. If you look at MTB topics on UKC you’ll see that whilst many climbers are also MTBers, a small but vocal minority are very much against.

    The BMC are very useful allies – there is a major overlap – but their focus is always going to elsewhere. There are some very active volunteers in the Peak but they are probably concentrating on what PDNPA is up to on Stanage. Nonetheless I’m sure this will be raised at the next area meeting (always well worth attending – it’s the annual quiz!)

    The other thing to point out is that it has taken the BMC a long time to get to where it is – it started off as a council of clubs and has only recently morphed into a pressure group.

    I joined the CTC in the expectation that it would do a similar function as the BMC for cyclists, but I’m disappointed about how little it does for MTBs (very good on road justice though) and don’t think BC is any more active.

    So I think for the time being we need to throw our weight behind Ride Sheffield and PDMTB and remember that they are volunteers. Also I’m not convinced DCC will listen to anyone.

    Free Member

    More of an evening venue for me – when I’ve got a full day I’ll go further afield.

    Plus I crashed last time down Devils Elbow !

    Free Member

    Erm, check your facts guys.

    Pantani was kicked out with 2 stages to go and before the final mountain stage. And the lead did change hands again that day – Gotti had been in third before Pantani was popped, but moved ahead of the new leader (cant remember his name) to win the race.

    The fact that Gotti was popped soon after may explain his ambiguity about the victory

    Free Member

    Heard Matt Rendell – author of the Death of Marco Pantani – discussing this. Apparently there is no new evidence for either the investigation into his death or his expulsion from the Giro. His death was the third time he’d ingested huge quantities of cocaine, but medical intervention had saved him on the previous occasions. Has interviewed the drug testers and doesn’t see any grounds for the mafia stories either.

    Basically MP was using both performance and recreational drugs for a number of years

    Free Member

    I think the new rules after the rushup edge debacle are ” play nicely wherever you like”

    Riding along the top of Stanage Edge is a bad idea – it would piss off climbers and walkers who, via the BMC, are very useful allies in dealings with PDNPA/DCC. I think there is also a sign near the Fiddlers Elbow (Burbage North car park) warning of a £500 fine for MTBing ! Possibly because its a SSSI.

    I’d head back up to Houndkirk – apart from Piper Hose Gate and Devils Elbow the other BWs on Blacka are good climbs – and down through Lady Cannings. Then head on the road to Redmires, up to Stanage Pole and down the Plantation. There a couple of options for the descent into Bamford – personally I prefer Coggers Lane/Hurstclough to Bamford Clough as it’s not so straight

    Free Member

    Has anyone contacted Peak Horsepower over this ? I’m reluctant to point the finger but I’ve seen their name mentioned elsewhere, and they do list their main priority as being “Seeking improvements to bridleways and by-ways to make them safe and ensure they are accessible to horse riders and free from obstructions.”

    However I don’t see how the new surface will be pleasant for a horse. One of my horse-riding friends tells me that a varied surface is better than a smooth one – it keeps the horse thinking. Plus I can’t imagine they’ll be keen on a surface which encourages MTBs to go faster and then skid to a halt.

    Free Member

    Noooo, don’t put them up here like that it’s bringing tears to my eyes

    Yep, already wish I hadn’t asked – very depressing.

    When I heard they were working on Rushup edge I assumed it would be on the boggy bits at the top – still questionable as to whether it would be required, but at least there was a problem there with the track getting wider. But this section – I cant see any problem at all, for anyone.

    Free Member

    Look at the pics on FB

    Cant see FB pics without an account – can somewhere post them directly

    From the pic on the first page this looks absolutely disgraceful and completely unnecessary

    Free Member

    Great attack there, timed it perfectly even though he said it was more luck than judgement!

    I reckon when he broke away the rest all assumed he’d crash on the final bend and only started to chase him down when he stayed upright!

    Free Member

    It may be that all you to do is replace the bearing at the bottom of the headset – IME they last about a third as long as the upper bearing, usually about a year, and whilst it can be a pain to find the right one, they generally only cost about £15

    May vary on different bikes of course

    Free Member

    Ivor – (as in biggun – my first 29er), Arthur (an x-caliber, also a 29er but with arf of the suspension), Syd (the Synapse) and Tammy (the Mt Tam)

    Free Member

    Just to say that M&S resolved a recent claim I made very quickly and efficiently – all done over the phone

    Free Member

    There is talk of something happening up Bradfield way – where there is huge potential and is away from the more over-crowded parts of the Peak. The is also obvious potential around Fairholmes, but throughout the peak the emphasis seems to be on encouraging families to ride flat tracks rather than anything remotely challenging.

    Free Member

    Is there any information on here about how to stop them falling out of their bracket????

    Until this weekend I’d assumed this was highly unlikely ! I’m convinced I must have knocked mine out going through a gate – have frequently hit the stop button doing this, and have got into the habit of checking it’s still recording. I’m convinced I spotted it was missing within a 100 yards, but extensive searching around the gate was fruitless.

    Free Member

    Paule – you have mail !!!

    But then again have just seen where you found it and it’s unlikely to be mine.

    Free Member

    Feeling your pain

    I lost mine somewhere on Potato Alley on Sunday. Spent ages searching for it but to no avail. Convinced I must have knocked it off going through the gate at the bottom, but where it could have gone is beyond me

    Free Member

    By a curious coincidence, just as the film was starting on ITV4, I was chasing a badger through the woods below Blacka. The badger won.

    Saw the film at the cinema and thought it was fantastic – Hinault stole the show !

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