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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • christhetall
    Free Member

    FAO Molgrips – yes its a 27.2. Is your email address in your profile correct ? If so I’ll be in touch once I’ve spoken to the shop

    Free Member

    FAO molgrips – I want to see if the guys who serviced it are interested in doing a post mortem – I’d quite like to know what has happened. I’ve got a theory, but I know very about the internals.

    Having said that, the chances are that I’d still bin it, so if you had a use for it I’ll be happy to let you have it. You anywhere near Sheffield ?

    Free Member

    Find a ford or a big puddle to ride through just before the end of the ride – yesterday just riding along the road from Bamford to Hope did the trick

    Free Member

    Avoid the Hi-lo fusion – mine has just let me down for the last time

    I’ve had a reverb for longer, used it more and it’s been a lot less hassle

    Free Member

    Bizarre that so many people have assumed the OP was intending to sue someone, or trolling.

    My assumption would be that he (or she) is looking at it from a defensive point of view – i.e if a local group were to take over Lee Quarry, or reassuring a public landowner that a crowd-funded trail wouldn’t be a liability.

    Free Member

    I believe a few years back a lawyer contacted the BMC with regard to a climbing accident that happened at Horseshoe Quarry – part of which they own. It wasn’t clear if the accident occurred due to a mistake by the climber or due to a bolt failure. I believe the BMC told the lawyer where to go – it is made very clear that climbing is a dangerous sport, that rock faces can be unstable and that landowners are not responsible for bolts placed by others.

    Unfortunately there are plenty of lawyers out there who will take up this sort of claim and hope to get an out of court settlement even though there little legal basis for the claim. There are also going to be plenty of landowners who will take the easy option – settle and then ban access to avoid a repetition.

    As for someone bringing the case, it could well be an insurance company or next-of-kin rather than the cyclist or climber themselves. So even if you have personal accident cover, your insurers might try to recoup some of their loss by going after a third party. (Not sure if that applies as much in the UK as it does in the states – see the case of a woman who sued her nephew for an over-enthusiastic hug, there was a lot more to that story than first reported)

    Free Member

    WHY ?

    Could it be for a time-trialler who wants to stay absolutely in the optimum position ? Tony Martin tried grip tape on his saddle to avoid slipping around, but the results weren’t too good – ouch

    Free Member

    I’ve been really impressed with these from Garburn

    And like everyone else my wife has benefited from the on-one shrinkage – I’m a size 12, she’s a size 4 ! But she says the socks are great !!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the suggestion, but that appears to be stealth routed only, which I don’t think is an option for me (unless I get the drill out!)

    Free Member

    I entered the Kielder 100 in 2011, along with 2 mates. One of whom decided to change his pedals the night before driving up. He discovered he’d cross threaded it when the pedal fell off as he rode to the start line. The damage was done and so he just shrugged his shoulders, packed up his tent and went back to Derbyshire.

    Given that it rained all day, was utterly grim and neither of us finished, the other guy and I still wonder whether or not it was deliberate. He did less damage to his bike than we did that day !

    Free Member

    This is quite good


    As everyone else has said, you need the back up of being able to pump up by hand, but having the CO2 option is useful when it’s time is short and the midges are starting to bite

    Free Member

    You can’t call a cat Minion – that’s what they call you !

    Free Member

    My Mum had cats named “Boris” and “Steffi” after the tennis players who won wimbledon that year.

    For a cycling flavour, choose Lizzie/Peter, Rachel/Loic or Pauline/Nino depending upon your preferred style of riding !

    Free Member

    There’s a perfectly serviceable footpath on the other side of the water that avoids that stretch of the A57 quite nicely. I’ve never used the road to get from Hagg to Rowlee.

    Edit: I’m not saying that that justifies any aggressive driving by the way.

    That path isn’t even marked on the O/S map ! I’ve been meaning to try it out next time I do the beast, as I find the zig-zags a bit to frustrating and technical for me. But of course we have no ROW there, unlike on the road. Maybe the OP should be complaining to DCC rather than ranting about cyclists.

    Free Member

    Is there an equivalent to “Stockholm Syndrome” for cyclists who have been brainwashed into believing that motorists have every right to behave aggressively ?

    Free Member

    Never been in there, but the pub sign gave me nightmares as a kid !!

    Free Member

    And if you’re really lucky you might see deer. I saw one on Lenny Hill the other night – not sure which of us was more surprised !

    Free Member

    Don’t you grandad me sonny jim or I’ll hit you with me flat cap.

    The format of this forum doesn’t make it clear what you are responding to so I thought it was best to clarify in case any one, MTBer or not, got the wrong impression.

    Free Member

    It’s shown on routes 4 and 5 on that leaflet, going past the barbook reservoir (more of a large pond really). Like the other tracks they were footpaths and are now permitted bridleways thanks to those nice people at NT/RSPB

    Free Member

    the path along the top is now a bridleway. it’s bloody great, if a little busy at times…

    That’s the path along the top of Froggatt and Curbar, and not along the top of Burbage. The eastern moors partnership has also opened up a track on Big Moor which makes for a very pleasant loop. I believe the “Green drive” up the middle of Burbage is due to be opened up to MTBs once the forestry work is finished.

    The less said about other paths the better…

    Free Member

    Tubeless on the MTBs

    Free Member

    Clearly mountain biking needs to copy rock-climbing – why have 4 grades when you can have a dozen grading systems, each with about 20 grades, and you can use a combination of them. Provides endless fun down the pub.

    At the very least we need different systems for trail centres and trad routes, and then you’ve got the question of whether Scottish Red is the same as Welsh Black. And I’m not convinced that Lady Cannings is really red – possibly just Blue C+.

    Free Member

    Has to be said it’s been a very interesting race to follow this year – you’ve still got 4 contenders very close, and a few outsiders who could yet spring a surprise.

    Free Member

    Was also up there on sunday and managed to crash twice ! The second was sheer incompetence on the dry and dusty descent, but the first was when I was unlucky to discover that some of those puddles on the top are quite deep. I could describe the location, but I wouldn’t want to spoil your fun…

    Free Member

    So the weather was nice, the midges weren’t too bad and you all want to go back next year to do the 100 mile version…like lambs to the slaughter !!!

    Well done to all concerned, pleased to see this event back on the calender

    Free Member

    I thought homosexuals caused the flooding in Somerset ?

    Would be very surprised and quite annoyed if the the NT has had anything to do with this – it seems to be the work of someone rather ill-informed

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Your first experience sound like mine.

    I rode it twice back in May. On the first time round I found it frustrating – it didn’t seem to flow at all. But I very rarely ride TCs and realized part of the problem was my own lack of confidence, so I spent a bit of time doing the skills loop and the taster loop. Though I wimped out of most of the black sections such as the slab, the twins, the narrow planks etc – well, I was on my own after all.

    Went back at the end of the week and found that with just a bit more confidence/aggression/speed it flowed so much better – OK not as good as Kirroughtree, but still very enjoyable. Got round in 1’40.

    Free Member

    You have to wonder whats going on inside Astana at the moment. 6 months ago there was loads of talk of Nibbles leaving, so maybe they have decided to either let him go or not give him much reason to stay. With hindsight it looks like they sent a stronger team to the Giro than the Tour. Apparently his team mates at the tour were a bit embarrassed by his tantrums towards Froome, and Vino was very unimpressed with his performance, albeit redeemed slightly towards the end.

    Now he’s blaming the team for a lack of support in the immediate aftermath of the crash, claiming their only concern was for Aru.

    Can’t see him staying, but then again he has a year to run on his contract and doubt if he’ll get the same money elsewhere

    Free Member

    Rode Kirroughtree in the wet back in May. Actually was half way round the black – and crucially just past McMoab – before it started. Now I’m a bit of a wuss/numpty/old git on downhills so there was one sections (Hissing Sid) where I opted for discretion over valour, but the rest was absolutely fine. And so much fun that despite the rain I went out and did a quick lap of the red.

    Also did Dalbeattie that week, and was impressed at how quickly it dried after a couple of heavy downpours

    Free Member

    is it on itv4?

    Yep, 10-11pm on Saturday, thereafter 7-8

    Annoyingly early for me, the 10-11 slot would be perfect, but I guess they like to put Storage Wars out at prime time !

    Free Member

    Not been for about 5 years, so things may have changed

    Lochranza-Laggan-Sannox is great (cresting the ridge is stunning), but the return part of that loop is half road, half indistinct track through bog, so try and get your other half to pick you up ! I’d ride on down taking in Brodick Castle, Glen Cloy and Clauchlands – the ridge itself works better E-W, but the descent South from the East end is another that really sticks in the memory.

    My memory is a bit hazy further south, but I do remember a stunning waterfall and a great hairpin climb

    Free Member

    There is little point in going to Stanage unless you are going to go down the front

    Apart from the stunning scenery. And as tarmac goes it’s a pretty good road – particularly if their are plenty of climbers out. And I presume the OP is more interested in getting away from traffic than something gnarly

    Free Member

    There is only one Stanage route – the causway

    There’s also the plantation route, which splits off from the causeway route about 1/4 of a mile after Stanage Pole. But I wouldn’t recommend it for a 10 year old (it scares the life out of me!)

    The causeway can be linked with Wyming Brook, Houndkirk and Lady Cannings

    Free Member

    To be fair, some of those potholes were a bit big

    Free Member

    Route details[/url]

    Not sure what constitutes a pantomime GT, but theres no Angliru this year

    9 summit finishes in the first 2 weeks, but none thereafter – though there are a couple of mountain stages. Final week starts off with a 39k TT which could favour Froome – though he tweeted at the Tour that he hadn’t been training for TTs this year at all.

    Stage 2 apparently finishes on the Camino del Rey in El Chorro – that’ll make for an interesting bunch finish. Danny McAskill would be my pick!

    Free Member

    I tend to use Bike hike to create route, but then use Garmin Base camp to edit them, stitch them together. Not very intuitive at first, but you can build up a library of sections

    Free Member

    What has been missing for a long time in le Tour is what we call Panache . US Postal and to a certain extend Sky have contributed to it . Basically yellow jerseys riding behind a strong team without attacking .

    Maybe they ought to reduce the size of the teams to 6 rather than 9. You can’t blame teams for using a winning strategy, as long as it’s within the rules.

    I thought that a few years back the French had decided to mimic British cycling and set up an national academy to act as a development/feeder system for the olympics and a new world tour team. Did it get off the ground, or fall to the usual french squabbling like Bardet and Pinot on stage 14 ! AGR and FDJ had reasonably good tours, Europcar are folding and Cofidis and Bretagne-Seche did absolutely nothing. They need to find so new sponsors if they wish to end the drought

    Free Member

    Personally I think it was fair of Nibbles to attack Froome when he did – there’s little enough attacking as it is. Ridden through some sticky tar and picked up a stone – trying looking at the road ahead and not at your stem ! Likewise with punctures and mechanicals – how much of that is bad luck, how much down to trying to get marginal gains through your equipment? OK it’s different if spectators or vandals are involved.

    However greasy cobbles on the Champs is not the place to decide the race, so neutralizing it yesterday was a reasonable call.

    Free Member

    My favourite moment has to be an old guy from the Wirral mugging two of France’s finest within 1 km of the finish at Mende. Well done Cummings.

    Ditto – the only time I was shouting at the telly

    Lots of kudos to Sky for executing a well-worked plan, smart riding in the first half, brave defence in the second. It’s just a pity that so many people jumped to wrong conclusions after the first stage in the pyrenees – that the tour was over and that sky were so dominant it had to be suspicious. Mind you, I sure some people will be convinced Sky’s problems on the last two days were stage managed!

    You always feels slightly bereft when the tour finishes, but ITV has lined up the perfect replacement in BBQ chimp 😕

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