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  • Issue 154 UK Adventure: Chariots of Rust
  • chrispoffer
    Full Member

    I’m in!…… and have updated the sheet with this week’s weight.

    It’s the first time I’ve really tracked my weight – and as I’m a reet heifer AND the wrong side of 50 it’s definitely not before time. I started upping my dog walking (from a quick round the block to 2.5-3 miles a day) when I was on furlough and have been quite pleased that I’ve kept it up even though I’ve been back at work (from home) since the 14th May. I started on the 22nd April and have managed 182 miles since then.

    I’ve managed to drop a steady 1lb or so a week since April, I’m hoping that the ‘public’ weigh in on a Friday will give me a bit of incentive to keep it going.

    Full Member

    Just think how excited you’ll be when it finally does roll into the showroom!

    Worth checking with another Triumph dealer (if there’s one anywhere close) as different dealers might get a different allocation of bikes. If they all tell you the same thing then you just have to suck it up and get your order in.

    Is the GT Pro a roady one or an off roady one? Had a ride on a pals 800xc a couple of years ago and couldn’t get used to the big font wheel and skinny dual purpose tyres.

    Full Member

    Radiohead – Weird Fishes

    Full Member

    That looks like a lot of fun!

    Full Member

    I think you need two XBox live accounts – we’ve got 2 Xboxes in the house on the same account and if one connects to Xbox live it disconnects the other one.

    Full Member

    Hello all! I’d like to join for Q3 please. I’ve just rejoined the forum, clicked on Rob’s profile to send a pm but nothing seems to be happening….. Some things change in this world but I always seem to get heavier and the forum still remains clunky! Can I join in??

    Full Member

    I can recommend getting a couple of freezer packs, wrapping them in kitchen roll and putting them under your bare feet.

    It’s improved the situation in my home office from horrible to bearable….

    Full Member

    Swap it for a dog. Ours is always so keen on any food that you can hide any sort of medicine in it – and always looks grateful afterwards. Downside is you have to take it on walks and pick up it’s shit. Upside is you get to take it for walks and all your neighbours won’t hate you because your moggy shits in their garden.

    Full Member

    There’s a couple of things to think about.

    It’s possible to buy a VAT qualifying used car. Ex demonstrators or cars owned by leasing or hire companies can be VAT qualifying. The purchase price might be £12,000, your invoice will actually show £10,000 + £2,000 VAT.

    Margin rated cars are explained above – previous owner wasn’t able to claim the VAT back so the dealer pays VAT on their profit.

    It’s all irrelevant anyway as unless you’re a taxi firm, a leasing company or a hire company then you can’t claim the VAT back on a car even if you’re VAT registered. You want a nice van for that.

    Full Member

    Trafics & Vivaros come as 6 seat crew vans with a plastic bulkhead behind the rear seats. You don’t often see 2 seats in the front – you could get it as an option but it wasn’t popular.

    Merc Duoliner’s probably what you’re after.

    Full Member

    Given up?? No, Johnhe’s right – they’re the perfect skin cancer survivor hat. Love mine, must be over 15 years old now, cool enough in the hot weather and waterproof enough in the rain. Mine’s an LT5B according to the label underneath it and does the trick for me – it’s really lightweight. And keeps the evil sun off my light northern European skin. And has the advantage of looking so much cooler than cancerous moles…..

    Full Member

    As I’ve been working from home lately so 6Music has been on constantly. S’aright. If I get sick of it I can put other music on – Peat & Diesel at the moment. Like was said further up there are other choices available.

    I put up with the DJs waffling on because my other half likes commercial radio – less DJ drivel but loads more ads. And I’d rather not hear the ads!

    Full Member

    I love the look of the diddy Olympus but I think I would have made the same choice. The D series cameras aren’t the best in the market (think I’d go for Sony or Canon if I was starting from scratch) but they’re great value and the lenses aren’t bad either.

    I bought a D3100 9 or 10 years ago only because my brother had a spare Nikon fit ‘long’ zoom and added and upgraded over the years to what suits me. It’s now a D5300 with a 18-300mm lens that stays on the front most of the time, a superb Sigma 150-600mm for sports, a Sigma 10-20mm WA, a Nikkor 35mm 1.8 prime and a couple of spare batteries. A tripod and some dark filters and it does everything I like. The Sigma lenses were both bought 2nd hand and give cracking results – there’s usually a good selection at places like MBP. Think the only difference between the 5100 and 5300 is that mine has a fold out screen.


    Full Member

    Looks amazing – but I’ll be waiting for the new Xbox I think….

    Full Member

    As dangeourbrain says – Amazon Photos is ‘free’ and unlimited for Prime members photos – no compression either.

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