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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • chrisdb
    Free Member

    I use my ‘gravel’ bike probably 80% road, 20% gravel (or mud)

    I had a 1x Pinnacle Arkose which was a great bike but the gaps between the cogs was just getting annoying for road riding.

    Changed to a Checkpoint with 2 x 46/30 and 11/34 at the back and it’s best of both worlds imo.

    Gets up anything with the low gear but is nice to ride on the road without big cadence jumps.

    Free Member

    The ‘secret sauce’ to the Varia is not that it just tells you what’s behind (pretty accurately in the vast majority of normal road riding situations, in my experience), but that it also amends it’s flashing behaviour depending on the approaching vehicle ie If a car is approaching ‘fast’ then it changes from solid or slow flash to a very bright, very fast flash to attract the drivers attention.

    Might be a placebo but I find that I get less close passing with the varia on, and the extra awareness (especially on windy days) really helps manage passes ie on tight lanes.

    They seem to inspire a bit of debate but until you’ve ridden with them it’s hard to know how useful or not you will find them.

    Free Member

    If it was a Madone I’d say stick with the 60s but it’s an Emonda and I think it looks better with the 37s so I’d take the RSLs. The 47s might be a nice compromise!

    Free Member

    I wish Trek/Bontrager would of released an RSL 50, the 37s just don’t look deep enough to be cool.

    I like the look of the XXX4 but I know if I buy a set then the next day they will release a new wheel.

    Personally, I’d take the RSL37, sell them and buy a set of Roval Rapide clx – aero and 1,400gms, best of both worlds. If you don’t mind Rovals on a Trek.

    Free Member

    23 posts about a snapped lace. This place is mental :D

    Free Member

    I was tempted recently to try the muc off stuff which is same price for a litre on amazon as 0.5l of normal stans but I decided not to bother. Stans just works. I actually prefer normal v race it seems to do the job fine without the faff.

    Free Member

    I actually find that being able to do a road/gravel ride to get out of the house and some head space actually motivates me to get outside in this weather where in previous years I might not have bothered. If I only did MTB it would be pretty grim.

    Free Member

    In your head but it is a thing. Feels harder slogging up ADZ than it does flying down a hill.

    Free Member

    Concept2 is the standard, it’s expensive but they hold their value really well so if you ever need to sell the total cost of ownership would generally be a lot lower than a cheapie whicb are worth naff all once you’ve taken then out of the shop.

    Free Member

    It’s only good if you like looking like Gordon Ramsay.

    Apologies for the Daily Mail link.

    Free Member

    Do the 20 min test to compare?

    Free Member

    After freezing my feet off for 3 hours on NYD and almost having to cut a ride short because of it I’ve decided to order a proper set of winter boots for mainly road with a bit of gravel and mtb thrown in. I’ve gone for the Northwave Extreme XC to run with SPDs – I’m usually a 10.5/11 UK and ordered a 46. Size guide says a NW 46 is a UK12 (?) so no idea how they are going to fit!

    Free Member

    open a window.

    bloody snowflakes.


    Free Member

    Was a total PUTA for the first 15 mins of my ride yesterday with Edge constantly saying I was off course and recalculating. I’m glad it’s a wider error as thought the device might be on its way out!

    Free Member

    3) Actually, I do have advice on the camera front. Don’t bother. As much as I have respect for the Police, they’re stretched and if you present them with the evidence of an angry man hitting you, complete with reg number, what do you *really* think the result will be? Unless Mr Angry Man is a known crim and Plod are looking for _something_ to stick him with so he sees time, chances are that the worst Mr Angry Man will get will be a little visit and some finger wagging. To re-iterate, this isn’t a dig at the Police – I have the utmost respect for anyone that does the job and a few of my close friends are serving front-line officers. It’s just the reality of a world where they’re stretched following years of cutbacks.

    I disagree with this entirely. Presenting evidence of dangerous and/or careless driving to the police with a nice video and all the forms filled out for them makes it easy for them to tackle dangerous drivers and many of said drivers have points/fines/courses as a result. These drivers might think twice about that close pass or take extra care at junctions in future…

    Would you suggest that just because many people are shit at driving and either willingly or unintentionally endangering other road users that everyone should just accept it?

    Free Member

    I assume that if caught on camera this could have brought a case/charge?

    Yes, in my experience reporting these types of incidents, it comes down to if the car gets within a certain distance as to constitute a close pass, the police will then do something with it.

    Generally now instead of getting angry I just point to the camera, depending on how daft it is – sometimes the red mis descends and abuse will be shouted :D

    Free Member

    After I had a prick in a big Jag turn across me and write off my nice road bike before driving off back in May I have got all camera’d up.

    Cycliq Fly12 CE on the front which has been reliable and the footage is good.

    I also had a Cycliq Fly6 gen 2 on the back which was fine until I went out in the rain and it promptly self destructed so that went back for a refund.

    I am now waiting for the Fly6 gen 3 to start shipping which is apparently waterproof.

    I think to get a really good perspective of close passes you really need front and back cameras. Just having the front doesn’t show the build up to the manoeuvre.

    I’ve reported a number of close passes and dangerous moves this year and to be fair to the police they have followed them all up promptly. A couple they have said it’s not close enough in the video to follow up (see above) but a couple they have taken action against the drivers involved.

    I am actually thinking about getting a dash cam for the car now as it makes everything less stressful knowing that if someone does something stupid (sometimes other cyclists!!) then it’s captured.

    Free Member

    Yes but I’m not comparing similar 50mm wheelsets, I’m comparing v the generally heavy (1.8-2kg), a bit rubbish stock wheels that most normal road bikes come with.

    The hunts or your super researched wheels will still feel better/faster/easier than the stock rims which most people upgrade from. Arguably when climbing steep stuff at low speeds the Hunts would be better than your wheels as they are still lighter overall. Let’s be honest though is it really that likely to be noticeable?

    Yes there is loads of marketing spin, but it’s not really any different to any other product category!

    Free Member

    Life is too short to ride heavy wheels. It’s the biggest improvement you can make to many bikes outside of getting fitter yourself.

    When you can get a set of 40-50mm aero weapons for ~1550 grams and £800 that’s the best of both worlds. Speed on the flat, spin up easy etc.

    If you don’t believe it then buy a second hand set and if you don’t feel a difference v a stock alu low profile rim then sell them on. You won’t have lost much!

    Free Member

    Has anyone tried the SK Plus model, little bit more weight but with extra puncture resistance?

    Not sure whether to get these or the standard ones. Will be running 43s tubeless.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I’ve found recently that a mixture of Zwift on really grim days, ‘gravel’ on grey/damp days and on nicer dry days getting out on the road (on the ‘grave’ / do it all winter bike) is the best blend. Don’t have a lot of appetite for slogging away on wet/slimy roads on windy days. I find Zwift hard work unless I join a group ride which makes everything far more enjoyable and social.

    Free Member

    Have Black Jacks on the beinn 20 and they’ve been fine for my lad around trail centres etc and don’t seem too draggy on canal paths.

    Free Member

    @eyestwice where does the -18% come from? Wheelies should not be the ones offering you a cash settlement. Pretty sure if you speak to the ombudsman they will tell you this is a big no no for the ins company/wheelies to pull.

    Can you not accept the suitable replacement but go back to your insurance company for cash on the other one they can’t replace?

    Free Member

    Assos Mille GT 3/4 are lush. Super comfy pad and lovely material

    Free Member

    make sure you warm down and compression tights after exercise eased my doms. Always make sure to drink loads after too.

    Free Member

    @jameso thank you for the info

    thank you but I’m going to smash the cycle to work to get a new one. I’m also going to go 2x for better road cadence.

    With no Arkose on the horizon I think I’m going to go for a Trek Checkpoint ALR5 which seems pretty similar.

    It’s a shame as I put it the Arkose into gravel trim and had a great ride at the weekend, but it’s just too big :(

    Free Member

    Whilst they aren’t particularly aesthetically pleasing, I do love my full length mudguards at this time of year.

    Free Member

    After doing a lot more biking recently, getting a new road bike and a fit, I’ve come to the conclusion that my Arkose is too big for me (large)

    I have tried to find a medium but Evans have basically nothing. Does anyone know if they will ever get Arkose models back in?

    Free Member

    It’s a shame for the race that Charal is out. I hope Alex Thomson has better luck and manages to get around without hitting anything this time!

    It will be interesting to see if Boss is really faster than Apivia once they get into decent wind…

    Free Member

    I went through this all recently when some moron drove into me. Here is what I learned and played out after quite a bit of research.

    Your contract is with the insurer – not wheelies.

    Your insurer is getting a deal from wheelies so it’s better for them. Remember this.

    Wheelies will try to do a good deal for you so it’s a good deal for them, and you, so you take a bike from them.

    For some people this may work ie you have a Specialized stolen. They would offer you an equivalent new Specialized (assuming your policy is new for old). They will likely offer a good level of equivalent spec. This might be fine for some people.

    If you have a bike that wheelies can’t supply (i.e. Trek, because Trek won’t deal with them) then wheelies will try to offer an alternative from their stock (because that’s good for them). Again, they will probably offer a good equivalent spec/model etc as it’s in their interest to do so to get a sale from insurance company. Again, this may work for some people and they will be happy with this. They have some nice bikes and might offer something good. Be very careful to weight this up against what could be bought for cash.

    If neither scenario work for you, then you should immediately stop dealing with wheelies and start dealing with your insurance company directly. Explain to them firmly that you are not obliged to use their retailer, and that you would like the appropriate cash settlement to pay for an equivalent spec bike. Supply them with details of the exact equivalent, maybe get a local shop to help if needed. Keep calling them every two days and be firm and polite. They will give you the cash and you can buy what you are rightly entitled too, assuming you have a new for old policy.

    Be nice but be firm with the insurance company, and don’t believe anything wheelies tell you. Only use wheelies if they genuinely offer you a good deal. Don’t take vouchers from them and don’t believe that you have to take a reduced amount for a cash settlement.

    Free Member

    Until she’s 4-5 she isn’t “really” going to be able to ride anywhere with you anyway…

    My 3yo daughter just did her first 10k gravel ride, albeit quite flat. They can go much further than you’d think with a bit of sugar encouragement!

    OP – just buy a second hand Isla. It works out a lot cheaper in the long run. Sell it once too small for same price you paid or take some time to really shine it up and you might even make a profit!

    The new prices keep going up, taking the second hand prices up too.

    Free Member

    Can’t wait for another serious lockdown to stop people driving. May was the pinnacle of road cycling with no traffic!

    Free Member

    I’m on SPDs on the winter bike and use my mtb shoe/boots. For the summer I’m going to try speedplay on the road next year

    Free Member

    Professor David Nott is my favourite. His book is excellent too.

    Also really enjoyed Stephen Graham, Nigel Owens and Gary Barlow oddly.

    Free Member

    I stopped wearing Assos when they brought out their Swiss Gimp range and lots of people have caught up in terms of quality without the eye-watering prices.

    Lol. Not sure which is the Gimp range. It can be rather form fitting.

    Free Member

    Assos Mille GT. You can thank me later…

    Free Member

    Probably worth getting them both out of the water and onto the hard (land) as quickly as you can as should be cheaper all round.

    I’d seriously consider banging these on eBay just to get rid. Old boats really can cost you a fortune if you have to pay people to keep or do things to them.

    Free Member

    I’ve done it a couple of times now (albeit 5 years between) and never paid a final amount.

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