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  • chr15
    Free Member

    As Radio 6 Music’s daytime playlist isn’t all that varied and it obviously cost less to have th DJ’s talk than it does to play records I’ve been investigating some of the suggestions too, so thanks…

    FIP I’ve enjoyed a bit, but they went off on a bit of a noodley-loungey jazz bender after a while and I had to move on…!

    Paradise confused me by being a horrid crushed 16kbps stream from the Seychelles until I searched again for ‘Radio Paradise’ and found what you’re on about – The playlist looks very good.

    The bonus is that having searched for some of these stations The TuneIn radio app.’s recommended channels have got a lot better. So far I’ve tried:

    Fly Foot Selecta (Paris) – Incredible mix, lots of Hip-hop (Not just commercial US pap either – Just had Lewis Parker on) reggae, dub, ragga… But then Asian Dub Foundation, Wilson Picket and Long Beach Dub Allstars have been on in the last 30 minutes. There’s virtually no talking and next to no French music (that’ Ive heard so far)

    Emergency FM – Drum n Bass fix. Not heard any over-loud MC-ing obliterating the tunes. Excellent rolling remix of that Lana Del Ray on just now. Likey.

    I’ve also noticed that all the non-BBC stations seem to be able to tell you the current track name/artist, which is nice – surprises me that the BBC CBA.

    Free Member

    I wanted to say somewhere thanks to Bez/Stewart for the blog article and to those who commented on it about Early Day Motion 679 and writing to our MP’s about these issues. (Can’t comment on that page as I’m not a *premier* so this thread seems appropriate…)

    It has resulted in me indulging in a little single-issue politics and I have written to my MP to pester him about signing that EDM and to ask him to consider how we can make the roads safer, and to support any measures that seek to do that.

    Drivers need to be reconnected with the potential consequences of their actions, and these lightweight sentences are doing precisely the opposite.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the heads-up.

    (I think… This forum doesn’t half cost me some cash – but then I did need new shoes)

    Free Member

    Yeah, cheers, I’ve done a little smearing… just wondered if anyone had found it how effective it is.

    Free Member

    Yup, am impressed with mine for the price…sensible cost saving not supplying them with batteries imo. The faster, uneven flashing mode will be hard to (sorry mate I didn’t) see.

    Anyone tried them in the wet yet? (doesn’t seem to be much pressure between the two body halves on the rubber gasket?)

    Free Member

    I’m with you Cookeaa: A nod and a smile whether you’re on an Argos special or Italian exotica! To assume mutual goodwill just because we’re all pushing two wheels along with our feet is naive, but to culture it because it makes riding feel less like taking on the car army single handedly and because sometimes cyclists need each other’s help can only be a good thing.

    Free Member

    Patak’s or Geeta’s?

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the suggestions, many of which were tempting, but we succamb (sp?) to the somewhat slutty charms of arc’s burgers, hotdogs and pizzas. Really quite decent for what is – I’ve paid more for worse the past anyway! The aroma from Brett’s has definitely put it on the short list for next time though…

    I’m entirely smitten with the Brudenell, quality lagers and Magic rock ales for under £3 a pint, nice atmosphere, good sound, quality bands… (good range of spirits at reasonable prices, *hic*!) What’s not to like? Will definitely be back…

    Cheers again,


    Free Member

    +1 for ditching them.

    I had more faffing with Juicy 3s in a few months than I’ve had to do in about 2 years since sticking M595 Deores on. The M596 are even better. It’s really not worth spending on the Juicys given the prices on the German sites.

    Free Member

    Thanks for mentioning the Brewdog KOB, it inspired a visit to their website whereby I enjoyed immensely watching them smash the bejeesus out of some horrid beer with bowling balls and golf clubs (On the hardcore IPA page).

    I’m looking forward to getting to check out the Brudenell…

    Free Member

    Those seem like some good tips, thanks…

    The Arc and Box menus read better than the places themselves come across on their websites, but I’ll go have a look in the flesh…

    Am torn between decent Thai, huge pizza and the allure of a decent pint to wash it all down… As they’re all close I’ll have a wander past and go with what gets the juices flowing on the night.


    Free Member

    Oh yes, sorry, should’ve said – check out how to bed them in… basically requires braking enough to get the pads really hot once installed whilst they’re still clean and dry. They start to grip better and won’t wear down as fast.

    Free Member

    Sintered probably as they wear better in crappy conditions. That’s all I usually use as I’ve never found I don’t have enough stopping power.

    Organic will give slightly better performance but grit will have them worn away in no time.

    Kevlar are a sort of half-way house, alleged to offer some of the durability of sintered but improved performance. At a higher price. I have some but haven’t tried them yet, but many have… search for the thread on Superstar kevlar pads for plenty of opinions!

    Free Member

    (Garrrrrgh! Long post got eaten by the mobile network fairies!)

    Summary: Mutuals are good for lots of reasons… Nationwide have been fine for me over many years. Top exec’s pay is in the order of fractions of a million per year which seems sensible (ish) & your money won’t be used for anything overly nefarious.

    Free Member

    I’m all for making RoWs accessible and understand the cycle of motorway degrading to tech fest then the repair back to motorway status (!) but you’re right that the approach or the decision to attempt to fix the un fixable is a massive waste of money. someone should have a word! Or should we start a people power petition?

    (and please excuse the seemingly random comment on bike setup, got confused with the CMBM thread.)

    Free Member

    Yep, redone again a couple of weeks back DBW. The guys doing it were adamant that due to the ‘much bigger pipe’ that this time it’ll last.


    Not changing my setup at all for this personally… but even with the mud to consider there’s too much tarmac for draggy tyres.

    Free Member

    Surely during would be the best time…?

    Free Member

    Not so glamorous, but a few options and fairly reasonable…

    oh, and actually within c-y-b.

    Free Member

    There was a guy in an Aston at the Aldi I went to, failed to see what he bought though – Doesn’t seem quite right somehow, 6-figure sum for your motor and huge fuel bill but skrimping and saving on your bike gear…!?

    Gloves seem pretty good, everything else really looks like it’s from Aldi… Not saying I didn’t buy any of it mind…!

    Free Member

    What could she jump before Saturday?

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear of your close call, hope it’s more a reminder to stay aware rather than a knock to your confidence…

    My incident yesterday was similar in that someone shot across in front of me with little warning, but differs in that I was descending a fast singletrack through an open field, and the other ‘traffic’ was a suicidal squirrel – The peril was mostly on his part. And it was MY RIGHT OF WAY!!!!! 🙂

    Free Member

    “It works just like a magnet”

    No. No it doesn’t.

    Free Member

    Top night I thought… Thanks singletrack! I do agree with many of the comments on the films but they were still considerably better than anything that might have been on telly.

    I did suffer a reduced attention span during the second offering however that could have been avoided had I not been”forced” to drink Stella – more ale next time please!

    Free Member

    Not so much hijacking as coming along for the ride… thanks Mike.

    Any thoughts on whether endomondo is actually better than mytracks? And does strava do the same job or is it just for Willy waving racing your mates?



    Free Member

    Northwind – Does the industry have that much information sharing? For me, the original job would just mysteriously vanish from my CV and they’d certainly not be getting asked for a reference.

    Possibly not: I’m a goody two shoes I guess… When they say you may be summarily dismissed if it turns out you lied/omitted something I tend to fess up or tell the truth – I don’t like it hanging over me. It may work for the OP though.

    I still say try for a bit longer, try to be positive and get/use all the support you can (in the process raising your issues with management – it’s their problem too) pick up what skills you can (sounds like your behaviour management will come on leaps and bounds!)and if you still want to leave, do so in a professional way, without setting fire to any bridges. Or defecating on the head’s desk ;-)>


    Free Member

    To counter the ‘don’t turn up’ advice…

    NQT, applying for a second job within a month of the start of the academic year with potentially no, or a bad, reference from that first job. Might not look so great for future applications?

    In my experience of my partner’s teaching career, constantly playing catchup with the planning and subject knowledge is pretty standard, as are MANY hours of extra work to try to keep up… If you can find some helpful input for subject knowledge (teachers at other schools? Or is there a forum for food tech teachers on the TES website?) you may find you can stick it out for the rest of this half term, by which time you may want to continue, or you’d at least be able to leave on good terms by giving your notice then? (It’s possible that your contract will require you to give that notice and stay until after Christmas – Having started the job have you not accepted the verbal contract and so this may apply despite having not signed a piece of paper?)

    Good luck whatever you decide to do…


    Free Member

    Good shout thanks.

    Might I bring this to anyone’s attention? (Disclaimer: Not listened to it yet, but it surely can’t be pants.)

    Free Member

    I’ve had 3rd party batteries from for a few cameras over the years that have been fine and pretty cheap. Don’t know for sure that they do a compatible for your camera but they do quite a range so chances are good…

    Free Member

    Nice one, thanks Z1ppy.

    Free Member

    …Have since discovered this: It jumps better than mine, although she doesn’t know that yet!

    Now to start a ‘what white pedals’ thread…!!

    Free Member

    Thanks again everyone. Having swung a leg over various not-quite-small-enough-small-bikes, Sheri is now the proud owner of a 15.5″ Lush S.

    We can see what you mean about the lack of space in front of the saddle on the smaller frames, but thankfully the 15.5 gives just enough standover with a reasonable reach for her… There were a few quid of the rrp too which sweetened the deal.

    Looks much nicer in the flesh than in the online shop photos against a plain white background, and the biggest bonus? It’s too small for me to take it for a beating!

    Free Member

    evh, thanks for the input… Whilst I’m sure the Fox’s are very nice, have you found the Reba’s especially lacking at any point? The less regular maintenance on the Rockshox is a plus for us too.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the suggestions guys…

    Sam – We’re going to go check out some Lush’s at the weekend – I’ve found a Lush S with some money off so if the size is right the spec’s OK.

    It seems mad to be contemplating putting the budget up by £400 quid but be trading DOWN from Sid’s to recons and swapping all the SLX and XT for plain old Deore. All for naught if she can’t actually get on the thing of course, just slightly galling!

    CG – Thanks for the the heads up on the Titus frames…We’ll have a closer look at the measurements on the FTM and the X. I think she wanted a ready-to-go built up bike, but I might be able to persuade her! I think the Diva is too pricey and the Lisa not glam enough though!


    Free Member

    Edit: Double (and incomplete) post

    Free Member

    Fried Chorizo with an egg cooked in the red grease. +1 for proper bread, (white’s best for this sarnie) which probably means making it yourself.

    Hot salt beef, gherkins and english mustard (salad optional).

    …Does a burrito count as a sandwich? It’s pretty close. Steak burrito with lots of cheese, extra jallies and fresh chunky guacamole.

    Free Member

    Thanks gents… Museum and various pleasant seafood/crepe-ing locations noted.

    Any suggestions for really memorable restaurants? Want to repay him a favour with a bit of a treat (at least in part.) and we both like our food. (although good moules/steak/crepes take some beating I suppose.) Anywhere that stands out from the usual (very good) French eateries?

    Free Member

    Use bacon fat or lard for flavour. Don’t totally blitz the beans for texture. Don’t be shy with the frying temperature – you want the sugars in the beans to caramelise a bit.

    Free Member

    This place was cheap, nice (fairly quiet but handy enough for the city) location, has parking. Nothing fancy but not a dive (your expectations may vary…) Worked for us anyway.

    Free Member

    Madhur Jaffrey’s pork (or beef) vindaloo, seat-searing chilli heat optional, drop the dried chilli and I’ve had confirmed korma only eaters lap it up. Very good.

    Free Member

    I have my unsurprised face on… Mixed with a little ‘tory with vested business interest in the outcome of their political actions’ disdain.

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