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  • chip
    Free Member

    I have been running 2.0 beavers for a few weeks now in all kinds of mud.
    Can’t fault them, they have refused to clog and saved my bacon a couple of times where I was for sure i was going for a burton, but instead they just bit in and the bike went where I pointed it.

    Really impressed and happy to stick with the 2.0 ‘s

    Free Member

    Well personally I think breasts are great.

    Sorry , wrong thread.

    Free Member

    Not a seat rail failure injury but clamp based injury.

    I have a friend in his fifties who as a young lad was riding behind a friend when his seat suddenly tilted back, screamed as he skidded to halt and crashed still screaming.

    When going to his friends aid it became apparent that the boys tackle had become jammed between the seat stays and rear wheel forcing the skid and subsequent crash.
    And the boy was left in heap still with his bits well and truly wedged, screaming such a scream my friend had not heard before or since.

    After a attempt to free the boy by brute force failed spectacularly he let the air out of the tyre and gently backed up the wheel finally releasing his friend, who instantly jumped to his feet and ran home at fast as he could clutching his jewels still screaming ferociously .

    When ever my friend tells this story he is in absolute hysterics with tears streaming down his face.
    In sympathy I am sure.

    Free Member

    My LBS has a track pump chained to the bike stand outside.
    Whether it has anything to do with his insurance I don’t know.

    Free Member

    There is currently a tv advert for libertie yogurt.
    Where a handsome woman visits her gentleman friend in prison wearing a most revealing top.

    I immediately thought that the advertisers had sunk to very backward lazy advertising.
    But that said it certainly got and continues to get my attention.

    And if she had been dressed more conservatively and you had asked me about said yogurts I probably would have replied never heard of them as yogurts don’t normally get my attention but shamefully a beautifully formed bosom does.

    Free Member

    As above they may argue but stick to your guns and they will drop it.

    Never send the original ticket even if they ask as it will conveniently get lost in the post.

    I had a similar situation elsewhere, they kept insisting I should pay despite me repeatedly sending them copies of the ticket. Until they said they would take me to court and I replied I will see you there and I will bring my ticket.

    Then they wrote to say they would let me off against there better judgment , and not to do it again .

    Free Member

    Went today,
    Did the blue as far as the start of the red,
    Then followed the red as far as the end of tank traps.

    Did the left right left to the gulley and stayed there for about three hours before directly heading back to the carpark then home.

    The gulley was dry and firm and a spiffing time was had. And I only crashed the once due to getting a bit over excited.

    Free Member

    Have you informed the police,
    Just incase they have a missing persons report of someone missing last seen heading out for a ride on his or her bike.

    Free Member

    Thanks Jon, i am a bit slow typing.

    Free Member


    from Kenny’s previous thread stickler is the flat windy pedaly section with the bridge of death just before the red .
    To the right of deerstalker there is a trail cut deep with a large table top. I am guessing that’s baby maker .

    And another one more to the right,
    Pretty much straight down with a series of small jumps on the right with space to bypass on the left .

    Free Member

    Thanks for the directions Kenny and Chris.

    I do go to swinly quite often now, but never went before its recent transformation so don’t know any of the sections by name apart from tank traps and the gulley

    And up untill my last visit only ever rode it from start to finish (blue/red/blue) in the order sign posted.
    Is there anywhere that lists the old trail names alongside there new numbers .

    As when ever anyone refers to them by name I have no idea where they are on about.

    My favourite parts are, I think, 15 to 17 red ,
    26 red

    A bit in between , rooty downhill through quite a dense part of the forest that brings you out into a small circle before more of the same but mostly up hill.

    There are also some quite fast Bermed parts of the blue towards the end.

    would be good to the names.

    Free Member

    So do I turn left and keep going past the start of the red then .

    Free Member

    So if I come out of the section of the blue onto the fire road where you would turn left up a short way to pick the start of the red .
    Do I instead turn right as if I was going to continue on the blue, but instead of turning back into the blue keep on going.

    Is the gully itself ok . Last time I went the last section was boggy just as you turn right up and out of the gully.

    Free Member

    Would this chainring work.
    Its titled as an slx 36t middle ring but then says in description double only.

    Are double and triples chainrings spaced differently requiring the shifters pull lenght to differ.
    If so is the spacing dictated by the ring itself (different offset between bolt hole face and teeth).
    Or would the rings be the same and spacing decided by bolt holes in the actual cranks spacing.

    I am just trying to work out why this says double only.

    Free Member

    I have just ordered one from halfords (30% discount) off the back of the above answers.

    Thanks you for the offer though.

    Free Member

    Ok thanks,
    Can anyone recommend a replacement middle ring and where I can get it.

    I would like it to be xt but can not find one,
    Unless you can recommend something better.

    Thanks again.

    Free Member

    And for this reason I am ooot.

    Free Member

    Viva la beaver,

    Really impressed.
    Makes Tarmac feel like treacle but worth it as cracking in the slop.

    Free Member

    Also to accommodate these larger wheels,
    The frames appear to have strange shaped down tubes, Stems with brewers droop And rubber stops to prevent your bar furniture from damaging your frame .

    All goes to make me think they have not really thought this through.

    Free Member

    The wheel size debate, the gift that just keeps giving.
    I recently built up a 2010 orange 5 frame I bought at Xmas last year.

    At the time of purchase I was aware it was not the current model (last of the older, smaller seat tube, 1 1/8 head tube.
    But that did not bother me in the slightes as I thought I had the makings of a great bike and the differences would make no difference to me.

    Then i became aware of the whole wheelsize debate and was originally peed off that my bike no longer would be current and lacking compared to the far superior new 27.5 bikes that seemed to be taking over.

    But now after much deliberation I am glad I have the frame I have as I genuinely believe my bike is far more capable than I ever will be.

    My objection is to people standing up and saying 26 wheels are finished and not a patch on the very bikes the sold you last year, whilst singing there praises and charging you a few thousand for the pleasure.

    Also a bit miffed with orange as read a post sometime ago where someone wanted to buy a replacement swingarm from them only to be told the were keeping the ones they had for any future warranty repairs.

    Now surely if you spend thousands of pounds on something that you would hope to get good use of would you not expect said companies to make parts for it for atleast 5 years or so.

    Imagine buying a new car and then in three years being told by the manufacturer, sorry we no longer make the parts you need and the few we have you can’t have.

    Free Member

    What, you don’t have a fast seat post.
    Although I have swoped mine over to mud post for the winter obviously.
    It’s a bit more draggy but it’s worth it for the traction.

    Free Member

    Was he on a bonus for every time he said new.

    Free Member

    I wanted each interview to end with a man walking into shot and striking each of them roughly across the chops with a huge wet fish, before then walking off shaking his head and tutting.

    Also if for some reason in the future we ever see the bike companies doing a u turn saying they were wrong and the 26″ is in fact the wheel size of the future and not Infact finished. They should all do at least a five stretch in the big house.

    That’ll learn them.

    Free Member

    I bought the 3m stuff from a company called Viking tapes.
    Good stuff and surprisingly easy to apply.

    Free Member

    Nope went out yesterday.
    Spent four hours getting absolutely filthy, then on the way home the skies opened and the deluge started.
    I was completely saturated, but did not have to wash my bike, apart from the few blades of grass I picked out of my front deraileur this morning you would not know it has been out.

    Free Member

    Now you are being a div, I would advise more short skirt wearing.
    Only if you are under the age of 35 and not obese obviously.

    Oh and female.

    Sarcastic smiley, walking away smiley, shaking head smiley.

    Free Member

    Caution contents may be hot, that can be often found on coffee cups, I should blinking hope so I always think.

    That piece of cautionary advice is to protect idiots from themselves or rather companies from being sued by idiots who for some reason did not realise a freshly poured cup of coffee could burn you.

    That seems to be a theme in modern life protecting people from themselves.
    If you don’t want your bike to get run over, don’t leave it in somewhere it could quite easily be so.

    If I left my bike in some ones way at a carpark and they hit it I would feel more responsible than if I hit someone else’s bike in similar circumstances.

    Because I would have what appears to be so lacking in this day and age, common sense to realise my bike was in danger by leaving it there in the first place and if that failed I would have the good manners to realise my actions were impeding someone else and when they started there engine said what a minute mate and moved my bike out of harms way.

    Free Member

    Never sell it,
    The raleigh burner was a beautiful thing.
    Most of my friends had the yellow and red one with spokes. A couple had the blue with yellow skyways.
    And I had to make do with a magnum bmx from debenhams.

    Until my dad said he would buy me a raleigh burner.
    We went to his LBS where I picked out a beautiful metallic green ultra burner to be purchased for my upcoming birthday.
    I dreamt of this bike every night until the day came.

    I woke up ran down stairs to see my shiny new burner only to be presented with a Grifter XL.
    I then threw a full blown hysterical paddy, why dad why.
    I have still not got over it.

    Ended up buying a second hand gold teardrop supertuff frame, striped back to the Chrome and built it up with parts bought from my Saturday job money.

    Free Member

    I am not wound up, it was not my bike that got run over.
    Any way I am always right.
    If I was wrong do you not think I would know it ( smiley face)(i don’t have emoticons on my phone, if so I don’t know where they are.)

    I hope the op gets his bike straightened out.
    If I was the driver I would apologies and judging the situation maybe compromise.
    But if I was the op I would probably feel responsible and tell the driver my mistake don’t worry about it. And would be glad at that especially if his car had been damaged.

    But this is by the by as I watch my bike like a hawk and would have had it out the way long before it was hit even if I had been complacent about leaving it in the way.

    Free Member

    If you went out and left your door unlocked and come home to find you had been robbed you would still want to catch the culprit ,
    Although I’m guessing you other half would probably put the blame squarely at your door.
    And good luck with your insurance claim.

    Free Member

    He left his bike where it was not safe and it got run over, get over it.

    A friend left his £800 air rifle on the ground at the back of his car in the car park of a HFT shoot.
    Another friend ran it over I identical circumstances.
    But the owner had the good grace to realise despite being upset if he had not been a **** and left it there it would not have been run over.

    It even occurred to him what happened could happen when he placed it there but decided the risk was tiny as it would only be there momentarily.

    Stop trying to blame someone else if he had put his bike safely out of harms way instead of leaving it in the way expecting others to avoid it .

    Free Member

    Personally, I would suck it up and put it down to experience and be more careful in the future.

    Going back to your small child example.
    Whilst packing up you told a small child to sit in the position where you left your bike.
    The car next to you reverses out over said child. And you then posted that on a forum claiming it to be the drivers fault.

    Do you think you get much sympathy, more Likely people threatening you with a lynching.
    You were careless and due to a misfortunate series of events your bike got damaged.

    As said, suck it up,move on.

    Free Member

    A moving vehicle hitting an inanimate object is not the drivers fault if the inanimate object was placed irresponsibly.

    I always walk around my van before getting in and driving off.
    I did so, got in buckled up, checked mirrors. Reverse, BANG.
    Whilst I was buckling up a stupid woman in an tiny electric car pulled behind me right up to my bumper to try to squeeze half the lengh of her car in the parking bay I was occupying.

    As her car was tiny and right behind me I could not see it In my mirrors.
    She tried the old it could not possibly be her fault as her car was stationary.

    But the insurance judgement went in my favour as it was ruled she had parked irresponsibly.

    And your small child argument does not wash either, if I was reversing out checking my mirrors and hit your child it would be your fault for not keeping him under your protection.
    And if you were aware of your bikes position did you not think to move it the moment your heard the driver fire up his engine, just in case.

    Free Member

    My commuter,
    It is an El cheapo Carrera subway and sold as a hybrid.
    But it is in reality an old rigid mtb they put road tyres on, rubbish ones at that which were quickly replaced with conti travelcontacts:

    I have racked up a lot of trouble free miles on this bike and I don’t mind leaving it chained up in public for long periods of time.
    I once rode past a couple of hoodies and overheard one say in reply to the other “no that bikes shit” which put a big smile on my face.

    Free Member

    I have put beavers front and back on my hardtail and was initially dismayed by how skinny they were and thought I would surely die.

    But after a recent trip to a long abandoned sand quarry I am now very happy.
    Steep and very muddy, rooty terrain covered in wet leaves and some moss to boot.
    The bike handled great and tyres cleared perfectly.

    It was only once I got of the bike to have a mooch around on foot did I realise exactly how slippy it was, struggling to stay on my feet on anything but level ground.

    So as they were only £15 each from CRC I ordered another set to put by.

    Free Member

    Over twenty years ago now my friend bought a 1992 muddyfox alu comp the same as in the photo.

    I loved this bike, and borrowed it as often as he would let me.
    Even just looking at this photo brings back so many good memories of what seems almost a lifetime ago.
    Happy days.

    Free Member

    My LBS sells Land Rover mtbs.
    Whether they are any good or not I do not know as I have only caught a glimpse while walking in.
    Although bearing that name you would hope so.

    Free Member

    Not a sausage for a whole 12 months then 3 in one day last week and another my next ride out a few days later.
    The first three were sabotage as some one had cut lots of branches of the sloes that grow in abundance alongside the trail and had carefully laid them across the trail in amongst other greenery.

    Free Member

    Ride which ever takes your fancy.
    When it gets dirty clean it, when it breaks fix it.

    If your hardtail is worth nowt, no reason to sell it .

    When components wear out it gives you good reason to upgrade.
    And it’s blinking annoying when you sell something on and realise you have not used it with an inch of its life through being prissy and the difference in its second hand value is maybe a hundred or so pounds more to what you would have got for it if you put some history on it. Makes you wish you thrashed it while it was yours because I garantee it’s next owner will.

    Free Member

    In a hundred years we will all be dead and all our bikes will be land fill.

    Ride your bikes while you can.

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