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  • Mondraker goes down country with the all-new Mondraker Raze
  • chip
    Free Member

    Yes but aren’t mountain bikers always getting eaten by mountain lions.

    Free Member

    If it was a Scottish dog my money would be on drug debts not gambling.

    You were lucky not to get stabbed as it was probably carrying a knife as well.

    Free Member

    I’m sorry.
    I will get my coat.
    Don’t forget your walking helmet.
    Pavements are slippy this time of year.

    No need, I wear my general purpose helmet at all times when not on the bike.
    Although have stopped wearing it to bed since fitting the padded headboard .

    Free Member

    Result, when you get your bike fixed if not already .
    Try and look after it this time.

    Free Member

    £250 for a cassette.

    If you can afford it why not, good luck to you .

    I am still holding back on converting my hardtail to 10 speed after recently buying three nine speed HG50 cassettes for £14 each.

    Free Member

    I’m sorry.

    I will get my coat.

    Free Member

    Everything In life involves risk, I have a friends who’s mother got up in the night to get a drink of water, fell down the stairs and died. I also have a friend who when we were kids lent out of the window of a third floor flat to throw down fifty pence for my friend to buy a ice cream from the ice cream man.
    And fell out of said window into bushes below narrowly missing me and my friend, only to get up with a few scratches.

    Shit happens, and if people want to take steps to protect themselves from risk that’s entirely up to them unless the law states otherwise.

    Wear a helmet, don’t wear a helmet it’s your noggin .

    It’s up to you to keep your kids safe and wether someone else decides not to wear a helmet in club colours or otherwise has no bearing on that.

    Free Member

    If the shock is found and returned that will be a result.
    A result I am sure that if pg had not received the kind offer from mojo would be hoping for and still so.

    And if this was the case would have no further reason to Pursue Royal Mail especially if it was accompanied with an apology. Their current t&cs are wide open to abuse and can be interpreted in order to confiscate expensive items to sell for profit. Either way I don’t think the OP has the time or expense to fight to change that.

    I think that by publicising this appalling behaviour and hopefully people voting with there feet and taking there business elsewhere may make them see sense.
    Also in there t&cs it says that if a dangerous item is packaged with other items the can confiscate the entire package and not separate contents.
    So if they do not decide to act ethically they could start confiscating fs frames posted with shock fitted which is how most frames are sold, but thanks to the recent rise of social media I think they will only suffer in the long run.

    Free Member

    My main issues are my Back , fractured my spine 12 years ago and it’s not been right since.
    My left knee and elbow also can be very painful, these I think are just wearing out.

    When my back plays up the best remedy I have found is to stay as active as possible as rest actually makes it worse.
    My knee I do have to rest otherwise it gets worse and my elbow I have found doing some weights keeps the pain away.

    When you hit your forties you have to actively try and keep yourself fit and strong as it’s a slippery slope.
    where previously I took mobility for granted.

    Free Member

    It’s been thirty years, when will the mullet be back.

    Free Member

    Also only comes with a tapered steerer as far as I can see. Otherwise I would be lusting after a set.

    Free Member

    Had a big off last time I was at swinley and really belted my head off the hardpack.
    Did not knock my self out but had a constant headache for four days after.

    My helmet was badly scuffed, cut and large swelling above left eye and the left lens of my safety glasses was scratched to bits.
    I always wear a helmet but don’t normally wear my glasses at swinley, normally just for local natural trails where overgrown bushes or branches can catch you face which Is not a problem at swinley.

    I am sure I would have lived without protection but would have hurt a darn sight more and would have not been pretty.

    That said if an adult decides not to wear one for what ever reason that’s their look out.
    But I do find people who ride with the children not wearing helmets a little irresponsible despite the things my friends and I got up to on our BMXs 30 odd years and never suffered more than cuts or bruises .

    Free Member

    Do collect + deliver to the recipients door or do they have to collect from a similar shop/petrol station their end.

    Free Member

    Well I personally will never send another parcel via Royal Mail again.
    Sounds a bit melodramatic and will make little difference to the Royal Mail I am sure .

    I bought the sun newspaper practically every working day of my life up untill the Milly dowler phone hacking came out ,
    And i have not bought a copy since.
    Will make little difference to the sun but I feel better knowing they do not profit from me.

    I just wish their was an alternative for letters.

    Free Member

    I also wonder if the department in charge of “disposal” of said items has targets they are expected to meet in regards of revenue raised from pilfering the mail.

    Free Member

    Great result op ,

    And very kind of whoever as offered this kindness.

    I would make sure they are happy with being named or I could see a lot stwers suddenly being robbed by the Royal Mail.

    Definition of dispose in English
    Pronunciation: /d??sp??z/
    Translate dispose | into French | into German | into Italian
    1 [no object] (dispose of) get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone else:
    the waste is disposed of in the North Sea
    people now have substantial assets to dispose of after their death
    informal kill:
    she came up with schemes for disposing of her husband
    overcome (a rival or threat):
    the Scottish champions were buoyant after they disposed of English champions Leeds
    informal consume (food or drink) quickly or enthusiastically:
    she watched him dispose of a large slice of cheese
    2incline (someone) towards a particular activity or mood:
    prolactin, a calming hormone, is released, disposing you towards sleep
    [with object and infinitive]:
    if you touch the female readers’ hearts, it might dispose their husbands to be charitable
    3 [with object and adverbial] arrange in a particular position:
    the chief disposed his attendants in a circle
    [no object] literary determine the course of events:
    the government proposed, but the trade union movement disposed
    [from the proverb ‘Man proposes, (but) God disposes’, translating Latin Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit (Thomas à Kempis’s De Imitatione Christi i. xix)]

    Disposed of sure covers a lot despite in my mind meaning to throw away.

    Free Member

    So now if the Royalmails intentions are honourable and genuine measures to protect their staff and not a means to a cash cow.
    And they have decided shocks and alike are to be targeted for those reasons should they not be targeting CRC and the likes of.

    Or do they have an HHHHRrrrmmm unwritten agreement that they will not be bothered or have to comply with said rules .

    Or have we already established that Different t&cs apply to them .

    Free Member

    When ever I buy anything off the web I have to tick a box stating I have read all ther t&cs before letting me proceed.

    Surely if they are confiscating goods to sell for profit they should be making people sign something saying they understand all terms and conditions at point of posting.

    As the way things are the system is wide open for abuse.

    Free Member

    A guy I worked with had a flat mate who was a postie who was sacked for stealing the mail.

    Apparently caught because his car was visibly littered with many opened and un opened letters he should have delivered.

    The Royal Mail brought no charges against him, just sacked him.
    I too think the fact I have to buy insurance from them against them losing, breaking or stealing my stuff is plain extortion. If they had to cover losses a lot less stuff would get lost, Broken or stolen.

    Free Member

    Sorry if I have missed it, and re read incase .

    How long between you purchasing and then noticing and subsequently pointing the damage out to the shop.

    Free Member

    I think they are covering their arses with the filled or not. That way they don’t have to waste time determining whether something is filled or not if not immediately apparent to someone not qualified to check if so. I am sure they would not be happy about delivering inflated balloons as who knows what they have been filled with.
    But any simpleton can differentiate between that and a new empty balloon .

    I too would like to know what happened to it as this may help your case.
    If (like I would believe it) it was thrown in a bin it would mean they obviously did not consider it that dangerous as it would surely be putting other people in danger. Or do they use these.

    Free Member

    Royal Mail at work.

    Free Member

    I had a friend who recently managed to get the handle of a vacuum cleaner stuck in his, well, posterior and had to be taken to hospital by ambulance.

    Last I heard he was picking up well .

    Free Member

    Had new air forks delivered by parcel force(are they the same people) from CRC.
    Who I believe are a good customer.
    Can’t see them binning all there shock orders.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Right boys,
    My bike’s **** so one of you is walking the rest of the way.

    Free Member


    And it involves nobbly tyres and flat bars.

    Free Member

    I am not the messiah…..

    Free Member

    She used a ballpoint to mark out her work,

    Unforgivable .

    Free Member

    My FS I built myself is full 10 speed xt, my hardtail 9 speed alvio and my hack/commuter is 7 speed tourney.

    I bought every thing I need to make my HT xt and make the hack alvio and planned to do so over Xmas as I have some spare time.
    But I don’t know why but I just can’t bring myself to do it.

    My HT really gets the sharp end of stick as far as it really gets dragged thought the crap in all weathers and has never functioned any thing less then perfect, so I am thinking leave it.
    Keep the stuff I was going to put on it as spares for the big bike , and keep the stuff I was going to put on the hack as spares for the HT.

    And leave the hack as is, as it sole purpose is to convey me to where ever I wish trouble free where I can leave it locked up knowing that the mere sight of it is enough to dissuade any self respecting bike thief from stealing it .
    Which it does all of the above perfectly.

    But It is starting to do my head in a little bit as I keep looking at my HT thinking it would look luvely all xt’d up and reach for the tool box only then for me to change my mind for the above reasons.

    Although I am lucky enough to be both middle aged and over weight so draw some consolation in the knowledge that the sight of me bimbleing along the trails on a fully blinged mtb is likely to cause as much if not more derisment, scorn and amusement than if I was on a banger .

    As someone said above I need to spend more time riding my bikes and less time worry about component envy.

    Free Member

    I once came home to find a yodel attempted delivery card through my door with just a mobile number scribbled on it and nothing else.

    I rang the number only to be told by the young lady that I would have to wait till the day after tomorrow as she used her mums car to do her deliveries and she could not borrow it again till then.

    I was very polite to her as she was just trying to make a bit of money, but come on hardly a professional service.
    They must be cheap.

    Free Member

    I ordered a stem a couple of weeks ago.
    The only confirmation I got was from PayPal confirming payment.

    As normally used to receiving an order received confirmation email, then order despatched email with other retailers I was a little concerned to receive non of the above from on one.

    After six days I got a polite enough email saying they were refunding me as they had no stock and there site should have shown this and not taken my order.

    Free Member

    Now repackaged and put away, but the bb was defiantly threaded so would guess English threaded as Ragley is apparently a British company.

    Free Member

    Just unpacked my marley.

    Standard drop outs (not replaceable) but still really pleased with it.
    I choose the acid green which looks much better than I thought it would.

    I was initially a little concerned that they sold out before I received it because my luck would normally dictate that I would receive the one in a how ever many that would arrive damaged. But the box arrived unscathed
    And frame inside was well packaged and after a full inspection frame appears to be In A1 condition.

    No immediate plans to build mine but would be good to see others.
    Thank you to the OP.

    Free Member

    Tymbian correct pronunciation is Keith Burtons,
    Good friend of Betty swallocks.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I like this one,

    Free Member


    Free Member

    As far as I am aware it uses swop out drop outs made by dmr (I may be wrong) so you can you can run what you like providing you use appropriate drop outs.

    this is something I will look into to be sure sure.

    Free Member

    I am still not 100% sure about my five.
    I love it when it is not trying to kill me, but as soon as I think that maybe we are starting to make friends it blinking tries to kill me again.

    Last time it got rid it bashed my head off the ground and left me with a banging headache for three days.

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