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  • 3 Things Thursday: Trail Helmets with MIPS
  • chip
    Free Member

    I ride on the roads all the time, and have been passed very closely on occasion,
    And do not even raise a hand to stick up any amount of fingers to them or even the more flamboyant Nescafé bean shake , never mind shout obscenitys as it serves no purpose.

    If they did not realise there driving was not the best they would just think I ( or maybe all cyclists were cocks ), or if they did it on purpose , I just have given them the response they wanted ( and maybe reinforcincing their current view that all cyclists were cocks).

    Free Member

    I don’t go around hitting people as a rule can’t remember last time I did,
    But when threatened I would do, and not because someone’s weeker than me.

    And I am not team cyclist.
    I am a mototorist, a cyclist, a passenger and a pedestrian.

    It’s your team cyclist, them or us attitude that’s the problem here.
    A numpty by any other name is still a numpty.

    Free Member

    No, most bully’s never resort to violence because they have no need due to only picking on people they perceive to be weeker than themselves and who they intimidate with the threat of violence.

    I don’t believe in threatening people. If I was going to hit I would hit , not tell them I am going to.

    Free Member

    I now being of an age where I have attained immense wisdom would as a rule normally let insult go over my head if I did not feel threatened.
    But when I have been with friends who are less likely to stick up for them selfs and they find themselves being verbally assulted i have in the past smacked the abuser without warning or argument because I can’t stand people who bully people.

    Also if I was the passenger and it was my car I had let a friend drive and that cyclist had behaved like that I would be very nervous to say the least and may have expressed that physically.

    Free Member

    Aracer I agree with law, not every law , and if I chose to break it I would accept what was coming to me knowing I did what I thought was right.

    I would apologise for my initial infringement in hope it would diffuse the situation, as I get no joy out of thumping people, but I would if I had to.

    Free Member

    The law is the law and if you chose to break it then you should face the consequences.
    But I do not find the passengers reaction to the cyclists as outrageous as I do the cyclists to the driver.

    And I know punching some one is rightly against the law but some people do deserve it sometimes regardless.

    Now at what point do you think it is ok to hit someone.

    At someone spilling your pint, maybe not,
    Someone cornering your girlfriend at a party and groping her, defiantly. Despite the fact it’s against the law.

    I am not saying he deserved to get punched but I am not surprised he did. Because you can’t behave like that and not expect to come unstuck sooner or later.

    I hope I would have apologised. But if he then carried on, I hope I would have ignored him.
    But his behavior was not reasonable.

    Free Member

    Why not, he positioned himself well wide of the cyclists, why would you think he would have sped of like a cock,
    Because he has a flash car.

    If his intentions where to pass the cyclist close and fast I doubt he would have gone as wide as he did.

    Free Member

    The driver entered the asl (wrongly ) clearly positioning his car well wide of the cyclists in order to pass safely.
    It was the cyclist need to berate the driver. And moving closer to do so that put him anywhere near the car.

    And if he had carried on about his business instead of electing him self a member of the asl police the driver would have probably pulled away in a more subdued fashion.

    Free Member

    The car did not nearly run him over.

    Free Member

    Because it is the job of the police to enforce the asl not the cyclist,
    Especially in such an aggressive manor.

    If the cyclist had gone through a red light and a motorist chased him down and started screaming insults at him, pointing out the error of his ways would that be ok,

    Free Member


    What is with your obsession with women and short skirts.

    Free Member

    Did not say you don’t deserve to get arrested.

    But I will say, my money is on that this is not first time that particular cyclist has behaved like this. And I am guessing he does not limit his wrath only to people big and ugly enough to defend them selfs, and gallant he ain’t.

    Free Member

    Real world, actions have consequences.
    If you think some one can go around verbally abusing people with a big angry head and not cop the occasional slap, you’re wrong.

    May not be right, but that is how it is.

    Free Member

    The cyclist was a complete numpty who has issues.
    The driver displayed poor driving skills and etiquette.

    But did not endanger the cyclist or do anything to illicit such a response from the cyclist.
    You could see the cyclist clearly lost the plot chased down the car, braked hard narrowly avoiding hitting the car before leaning in to scream obscenities with his angry head at the driver.

    He clearly lost it, either he is a bully or was having a bad day and just saw red.
    But what he did I would consider threatening behaviour.

    And would have caused the driver to be either fearfull or want to get out and give him a smack in the mouth.
    Maybe the driver was intimidated and the passenger took it upon himself to smack him in the mouth.

    The law says you can’t smack someone even if they behave like a complete plick but that does not give you the right to be a plick.

    Free Member

    I have just fitted some 140 rct3 revs to my hardtail but have not ridden yet due to needing to service my rear wheel.
    I am a bit of a biffer so have put 135 psi in. But not checked the sag yet.

    What would the correct amount be, I normally aim for a little over 20%.

    Free Member

    I carry one of those abus mini cable locks , but only for nipping in and out where I can see the bike from where I am being served.

    And would sit or stand outside close by if eating or drinking.

    Free Member

    It’ll be fine, I’ll put a sticker on it.

    Free Member

    Looks good.
    You can see a big spot of blood on top of the fork leg.

    And the bent tube looks like a handy shillelaghs.

    Free Member

    Ruislip woods.

    Free Member

    I had a stroke when I was 14 due to a blood clot, the initial episode is a bit of a blur to tell you the truth.
    I was very lucky they managed to clear it with drugs and went on to make a full recovery but was told afterwards I was very close to being wheeled into the operating theatre.

    I was subsequently left with minor brain damage according to the MRI scanner but not that I would notice.
    Count your blessings and take every day at a time as with every day that passes you will get better and it will be another day further in the past.

    When it happened it was the worst pain I have ever suffered by a long way and I genuinely thought my number was up. But now I don’t even give it a thought (except when I get the occasional headache).

    All my best wishes for a full and fast recovery,
    I am sure you will get there.

    Free Member

    When I click the link it is showing £525
    Delivery should be free , was for my revs via DPD

    Free Member

    If some one wants to run single up front and 10-42 on the back that’s there prerogative.
    I am not fit enough to go 1x or not affluent enough to go 10-42 depends which way I want to look at it.

    But no bothered , I run double and bash and have no issue with my granny.
    Not to say if I ever got fit enough to lose it I wouldn’t.

    Free Member

    I have some new revs, ordered I think on Thursday from Germany and arrived Monday.

    The plan was to fit them in the spring once the quagmire dried up. But i am starting to get itchy spannering fingers.
    So they may go on sooner.

    Free Member

    Apparently no rear shocks at the auction (what I read here , did not trawl through the thousands of items myself)

    So maybe some lucky postie’s got a positively plush ride right now, And just waiting on a new set of pikes.

    Free Member

    Ever had a off where your legs got trapped between the bars and top tube and your momentum has spun the forks using your wheel as a lever? Glad i hadnt got a splined stem on for that one.

    I have had this a couple of times , over the bars flat on you face with the bars under my legs and the back wheel up on my shoulders

    Resulting in two sprained wrists and massive bruising across the top of both thighs like I have been hit with a bat.
    But would still rather my bars stayed where they were its there relation to the wheels that stop my stanchions from scraping on the ground when I go for a burton.

    Still think splines would be solving a non issue and stop you using a pipe cutter so more chance of cutting your steerer wonky.
    When setting up bars, once adjusted if I look and it’s straight, it’s straight. If I look and I can’t make my mind up of its straight or not, then it’s straight.

    I do use torque drivers and wrenches when at home but when out the size of the Allen key required to do a job is a good indication of how much force required, which is normally when Allen key starts flex , except when it comes to preloading bearings.

    Free Member

    I can’t believe no one has brought up seatposts in this thread.

    What about all the poor misaligned saddles out there.
    For what ever reason you would purposely want you saddle twisted, please keep to your self. :D

    Free Member


    So you use the threshold as I originally speculated, to slow heavy hits.
    I stiffen my current forks on climbs for pedal efficiency as I’m not the fittest but these are normally fire roads.

    I have never used strava, but use the term strava mode to mean going flat out.

    Free Member

    He realised he could not put off seeking medical attention any longer, when he walked into the bank with his hands in his pockets and all the cashiers put their hands up.

    Free Member

    I think I read somewhere that before modern techniques of rebuilding some sort of replacement, that if a man lost or badly mutilated his Hampton that gender reassignment was offered.

    Imagine that conversation.

    Well I have good news and bad news,
    The bad news is we could not save your penis.
    The good news is we will be giving you tits.

    Free Member

    Do they give it to you to take home in a jar.
    Would be a real conversation starter at dinner parties.

    Free Member

    So it’s looking like,

    Open= downhill / trail pootle mode.

    Threshold= tetchy uphill / trail strava mode.

    Closed= Tarmac (but then probably only if in strava mode between trails)

    Free Member

    Superficial looks like your right.
    Appears to be a pro pedal setting.

    According to this video RTC3 has 3 settings,
    Open ultimate bump compliance
    Middle pedal setting with bump compliance
    Closed maximum pedal efficiency , I think that is what he said.

    The vids about pikes but I am sure the settings are the same.

    Free Member

    Interesting, thanks.

    Also I see some people recommending starting with low speed set as low as possible and working up towards final setting as so to set as low as you can get on with, and others recommending starting with it as high as poss and then working your way down to end up as high as you can get on with .

    If you have your low speed set too low you will suffer from brake dive which can eat into your travel and then cause problems if you hit something where you would need it.
    But what would be the disadvantage of having you low speed compression set too high .

    Free Member

    If someone developed a helmet made from the poo of the Shetland ponys gathered only in the month of June.
    And was proven to be significantly better at bonce protection than current helmet design, if affordable I would buy it.
    Despite the constant enquiry if whether or not I could smell horses.

    Now if some one built a contraption that dropped people on their head and then offered them the choice of wearing a helmet or not before dropping them on their head .
    I would suggest anyone who turned down the offer had already been dropped on thier head.

    I always thought people who choose not to wear a helmet (their right) always believed it would not happen to them, because no one when getting on their bike thinks today I will suffer a life changing brain injury. Rather than believe that wearing a helmet would cause more damaged if dropped on your head.

    Free Member

    I thought the new pikes only came with a tapered steerer.

    I just ordered some new RCT3 140 revs a couple of days ago, straight steerer but with the 15mm thru axel.
    I probably spent a bit more money than I should have given My current economic situation.
    But thought next years may not be offered with a straight steerer so should get them while i still could.

    Free Member

    Double post.

    Free Member

    I have broken bones on the blue and nearly knocked my self out on the red so I will probably be one of the first fatalities on the black.

    Where is the nearest hospital?
    Do they have an A&E?
    Any plans by the government to close the A&E

    Don’t forget the yellow paint

    On a serious note if people regularly get hurt and they will, because of something that you have built whether the riders choice or not. Do you not have to provide some sort of on site first aid.

    Or would you be worried about patching someone up and then sending them on there way only to have them bend over at home and have a rib explode into their chest and then them suing for not being treated correctly.

    And if you do send a steady flow of broken people to the nearest A&E will the local authority’s not get upset by the small fortune they are laying out in petrol, X-rays and plaster of Paris.

    Free Member

    Because the government would have an extra £700,000,000 to spend on schools, hospitals, policing, fire service and duck ponds,

    Free Member

    Forks ordered,

    Free Member

    Not the good stuff you won’t. That is if the rapid demise of the 1-1/8 steerer is anything to go by especially with a 15 mm through axel.

    If people stop making new 26″ wheel mtbs they will stop making new 26″ forks.
    A few models may continue to get made in there current never evolving spec.

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