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  • Nukeproof Scout 290 Pro review: for a fun filled ride
  • chip
    Free Member

    I thank god there were no pebbles,

    Free Member

    I really wanted these in the long, but looks like they only make the long with external plastic caps now marketed as DH pads.
    So went for the troy lee 5450s instead.

    Free Member

    Remove backpack, pads, helmet and put straight in car.
    Remove wheel, wheels place in car.
    Then put rest of the bike away last, that way you are very unlikely to leave anything behind.

    It’s why the cashpoint returns your card before stumping up your cash and not the other way around.

    Free Member

    Never be late again (just try to avoid bumping in to yourself)(your mother)(or anyone called Biff)

    Free Member

    I recently bought some second hand bonty wheels, the rear having a noisy hub that did not spin for long.
    Took the wheel to a bike shop recommend by bonty to be told the mechanic needed to see the wheel in the bike, and would not look at it otherwise.

    Despite being slightly narked by this I politely agreed to get the bike so the mechanic could see it spin in my bikes frame as requested, but would then like to take frame home after diagnosis so I could use with original wheel while replacement was being repaired.

    No, you have to leave the whole bike here I was told.
    And despite my my question ing the reasoning behind this and repeatedly stating there is a problem with the hub pleases just look at the wheel as I will not be leaving my bike here for the sale of a sticky bearing.
    The mechanic refused to evan look at it.

    I went away amazed, drove to my nearest lbs which was very much roadie based explained the problem to the bloke behind the counter who immediatly took the wheel from me, pulled an old spindle from a draw dropped through the hub tightened up nut and then span the wheel in his hands. Oh that’s not wright he said leave it with me.

    20 minutes after my faith in common sense was restored I get a phone call saying your wheels done come and get it, which I do along with a very seized bearing cage, being the root of the problem.

    I will never use that first shop again, they advatise bike maintenance/repair courses yet refused to even look at the wheel on its own.

    Free Member

    Longest face plant.

    Free Member

    Minion front / ardent rear on my hardtail.

    Was thinking of sticking a skinny beaver on the front of my rigid hack bike which currently has. Conty travel contacts front and back.
    For mid week early evening blasts round my local woods, as I have some in the loft.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I always used to wear nike trail running shoes as they were waterproof, tougher uppers offered foot protection against strikes and the soles offered great grip for scrabbleling up muddy terrain with my bike on sections impossible to ride up.
    On the pedals grip was never an issue, sometimes I would find myself descending with my foot quite not where I would like it because the grip meant I would have to lift my foot of the pedal to reposition it.

    My last pair just wore out and just replaced them with some five ten freeriders.
    The shoes themselves are very strong and sturdy and the soles are super tacky and stick like glue to most surfaces, but I am slightly concerned about the tread as it looks like it will be useless for climbing up muddy slopes.

    Now I may be wrong, only time will tell and I wonder should that be a factor when considering mtb shoes. If a shoe offered the ultimate grip whilst riding should that ultimately overide it’s performance on foot.

    Free Member

    It was a bad case of lbs spannering that made me decide never again and that I would do my own repairs from then on.
    I am sure the mechanic knew how to do the job properly, but just didn’t care.
    Now doing repairs and general fettling are an enjoyable part of owning and riding a bike.

    Free Member

    Nothing against old parts, or reusing old parts but I don’t think my OCD would Cope with odd wheels or shifters, next you will be telling me some one has different make/model brakes on front from back or even different grips.

    Free Member

    chip you live in Wales?


    Does any one ride on the wrong side of the road on tight country lanes.
    As drivers expect to come across oncoming traffic and tend to hug the left tree line when going around blind bends.
    So on the wrong side of the road I would have a chance to ditch.

    When I used to road run I always ran these lanes on the wrong side as it amazed me how close people passed at speed, literally inches when I ran on the left.

    Free Member

    I live in a village surrounded by quiet country lanes and avoid them like the plague.
    Apart from these lanes There is one two lane well lit road out the village leading to far more busy built up areas which is where I head for.

    Because the country lanes are very tight and twisty with plenty of blind corners a equally blind peaks and troughs.
    And a lot of motorist suddenly seem to think they are Colin McRae.
    And the one closest to my house is closed at least a couple of times a year due to a big car tree interface.

    I would much rather take my chances on a busy high road any day of the week.
    And I don’t bother to react to bad driving mostly, unless It’s a genuinely life threatening situation.

    Free Member

    Sorry I can not help you as my droppers a hilo and uses a cable not a hydraulic hose which I believe the reverb does.

    Free Member

    I use cableties with eyelets from halfords, one either end of the top tube.

    You have to drop the ends in a cup of boiling water for a few minutes to twist to the desired angle without snapping.

    Free Member

    My most recent big crash I have no idea why it happened and that can be said for 90% of my crashes.
    I am happily flying along when suddenly I find myself being catapulted forward left from the bike, always forward left and I don’t know why.

    It’s the not knowing what I did wrong after a crash that really makes me not trust my bike will stay under me and erodes my confidence.
    As I must be doing something wrong as always crash at speed and always the front wheel washes out ejecting me.

    But it’s not long before I am flying along again and then subsiquently flying through the air again.
    The only thing I can put it down to is poor technique when braking.

    Young people are generally fearless by nature they had to be as when we were living in tribes we needed a warrior class to protect the masses from marauders, some one you could give a sword and say get stuck in sunshine and start hacking.
    And this was the duty of the young because youth granted them the strength and fitness plus plus the stupidity not to realise the frailty of the human condition and say sod off I like my arms and legs where they are thank you. So what we call bravery is there to help garantee the survival of the collective at the expense of the few brave sods who don’t make it. If you are lucky you get to make it through these years you then become old wise and knackered.

    Also scaredypantsness can be bought on through bad experience.
    Sterling moss said before his big crash racing was instinct, second nature. Something he just did.
    After his big crash he went back to racing for a short while but was never the same as he was constantly thinking about his driving and how he should be driving it was no longer automatic, so he gave up.

    My money’s on he was thinking, better slow down eh, that could hurt if you get that wrong.
    And generally his first concern was his safety where as before it would have been crossing that line first.

    Free Member

    You got drunk (win), bought a load of new clobber (win).
    Then today went out on your bike (win) thus swerving both mowing the lawn and weeding the garden (win,win).

    And now you get to watch match of the day in peace.

    You sir are a legend.

    Free Member

    Just point out that the more you spend, the more you save. All girlies understand this concept.

    You do this at your at your own peril as it could backfire bigtime.

    If you ride it out you reserve the right to walk out (go down the pub) in disgust, or a day out on the bike next time she par takes in a little un sanctioned retail therapy.

    Free Member

    A friend whilst out shopping with his missus she saw some cushions she liked, when my friend explained that they did not match anything in their lounge she said they did not have to and she liked them, so they got them despite my friends protest.

    Next day he got home from work to find she had bought new curtains, a rug and two table lamps.
    And when he asked why the hell she would do such a thing when a, money was tight and b, she had not long bought the previous curtains.

    he was told,”well nothing matched the cushions”.

    Free Member

    I use these people,

    I buy 30 for £19.49 + £4.99 shipping
    Have used them a couple of times, great service very quick to arrive.

    Free Member

    Considering they are blessed with such beautiful country, always makes me wonder why northerners are such miserable buggers. :D

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Surely liable and slander are lies.
    If you state what you know to be true you have done nothing wrong .

    Free Member

    Given the facts,
    Sounds like a job for Mulder and Scully.

    Free Member

    And if you do nothing the next person they con will not find any reports of the company or person being dodgy either.

    If you believe you’re forks were tampered with you can say so.
    X bought them, I posted them to x via y where they arrived were broken and were subsequently returned.
    Simple you have not accused anyone of anything.

    Free Member

    Crc do 1 litre of joes super sealant for £13 I think.
    Only a nugget more than they sell the 500ml for.

    Free Member

    I have had great success in the past with glueless patches but found if you deflated them often to replace tyres they wrinkled and eventually came away and failed.
    Just started using them, so not sure how long term they will last. Problem is, until they do drop off, they look a bloody nightmare to peel back off and apply a old school repair.

    I was using slime scabs I think they called.
    I never had one fail while out but had a flat in the morning after changing tyres the night before.
    So would apply them when necessary (second puncture when out after fitting spare tube) and forget.
    Then to replace them with proper patches when changing tyres.
    Found they peeled off surprisingly easy.

    Now tubeless on both mtbs and self healing tubes with puncture resistant tyres on commuter hack so punctures are a thing of the past (fingers crossed).

    Free Member

    I have had great success in the past with glueless patches but found if you deflated them often to replace tyres they wrinkled and eventually came away and failed.

    Free Member

    I can’t believe people don’t patch tubes,

    Being a child of the seventies, who always seemed to get in to scrapes it was not uncommon to come home having torn the elbow or knees out of my clothing and was always getting an ear bashing for coming home from school and going straight out to play without changing out of my school clothes and then ripping them.

    So I could often be found walking the streets covered in patches, never mind my tubes.
    Kids would probably be taken into care now if put through such indignity.

    And don’t get me started on hand me downs. Because I had an older brother I was still wearing flairs in the early eighties.

    Don’t patch tubes, don’t know you’re born. :D

    Free Member

    Bury them and get the map tattooed on the top of your head then let your hair grow.
    Make sure there are no future developments planned on burial site in future (HS2).
    If you drop the soap, leave it.

    Good luck,
    and don’t let the bastards grind you down.

    Free Member

    North Korea get another step closer to unleashing nuclear Armageddon.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Loco did you sell them with any warrantee.

    Free Member

    However if they scammed me, I’d be posting their mug all over the place.

    No, you always start with the fingers, :D

    Free Member

    Some people cope with injury better than others, some people would calmly present themselves at A&E with there arm in a carrier bag after loping it off doing a spot of gardening and yet I have seen other people lose their mind over the smallest cuts,

    What I picked up on was the ops lack of sympathy for the dick with out a helmet.
    And the fact it came across to me that they thought they were not deserving as they had bought it upon themselves by not wearing a helmet. Did the broken wrist not bring it on themselves by diverting from the red to use the jump gulley, putting themselves in unnecessary peril also.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I have been in the reverse situation a couple of times where I have bought items sold as new and on receipt found them to be clearly used and even faulty.

    And have won my dispute each time luckily as I always notified seller straight away with pics.
    Each time it was the seller trying it on but I don’t see how eBay could have known for sure either way, so I am guessing your are more protected as a buyer than you are a seller.

    I would like to know the sellers name also so as to avoid, the shop too.

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