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  • New Liv Embolden – hit the trails from £1,849
  • chip
    Free Member

    The recent decathlon code was obvious to me a mistake due to the wording of the code itself, so did not even try to oreder.
    But if a Identical PSA thread was posted but with a code that consisted of random letters/numbers I would have been all over it.

    Ten years ago I was looking to buy a new motorcycle leather jacket from a shop.
    The one I liked the most was priced at £400 and more than I could afford.
    They had about ten on the rack and as I thumbed through them I saw one had a fairly large half price lable on it.

    Result, took it off the rack and take to the checkout.
    Oh no sir that jacket is £400.
    But it says half price.
    No it was half price last week as part of a sale, but we must have missed that lable when we removed them after the sale finished.
    But it says half price.
    As I have explained.
    So last week I could have bought it for £200 but today I will have to pay £400.
    That’s correct .
    But it says half price.
    I cannot help you.
    OK could you call the manager please.

    Manager comes out and repeats the sale assistants story of a missed tag from a previous sale event.
    I then pull out my phone and explain my aunty works for the citizens advice bureau and Would just give her a call with regard to the law in such a situation.

    How would you like to pay, said the manager.
    I walked out with a smug grin.

    Free Member

    I just use my eyeballs, if I cannot tell if it is discernibly out either way by looking at it, that’s good enough for me.

    But a proven laser tool for the job would be good for shop use.
    Both for saving time and for demonstrating the bars are true to an awkward customer who may think try are not.

    Free Member

    I do wear a helmet, it does not bother me if other people don’t.
    I was against the law against smoking with children in cars not because I think smoking in a car with children is a good thing but because I do not wish to live in a nanny state with our civil liberties constantly being eroded .

    Where will it end. Compulsory wearing of safety goggles when, ahem, viewing exotic ladies on the internet.

    You look after your noggin I will look after mine.

    Free Member

    If people decide to make their own choices about safety, how likely do you think they are to always make the correct one?

    So who is better equipped to make these decisions for them, you .

    Get a grip, live a little.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t scoobys link look a nice place to live.

    Although their A&Es must be wall to wall cracked skulls. 😀

    Free Member

    Until helmets are made compulsory by law people can take them or leave them.
    You are free to make judgment and keep it to yourself as the thought police do not exist YET.

    But to call some one a hypocrite and a **** and bring there parenting skills in to disrepute because their views on how they live their lives lawfully in a free society are not the same as your own is outrageous.
    You need to mind you own business in a literal sense.

    Free Member

    I’d suggest it’s more of a problem of setting an example to the kids.


    If your children do not understand that there are different rules for children and adults and that untill they reach adulthood you are ultimately the boss of them, you are in shit street.

    And don’t say I did not tell you so when little johnny rings childline because you removed his Xbox, or calls the police when grounded.

    Free Member

    Junkyard, difference is your dad was breaking the law.

    Free Member

    Daddy puts helmet on child because he loves him dearly and wants to protect him.
    Daddy does not wear one as does not feel one is necessary for him and as an adult is free to make that decision.

    stranger comes over and points that he is a hypocrite and a **** in his actions and should wear a helmet also.

    Daddy tells stranger to frank bough and mind his own business and there is only one lady part here.

    Free Member

    Daddy’s an adult who may occasionally use colourful language, drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes.
    Daddy may stay up late watching telly or use the computer when ever he wants.

    Because daddy does this should little johnny feel that he should also .
    No because little johnny should understand he is a kid and daddy is daddy.
    Do as I say and not as I do.

    Free Member

    If you look at those crazy catz in the seventies riding there clunkers and compare them to the modern bikes now and how they are used.
    They are worlds apart and wheelsize played no part in it .

    They went smaller to 26″ because of availability at the time so I am told, but would have gone that way anyway I reckon for strength.

    The biggest evolutionary factor has been suspension.
    To have a truly awesomez all mountain bike worthy of the name you would need intelligent suspension.
    That knew when you were going uphill, downhill or flat out.
    When you where taking multiple fast small hits, big hits on loose or firm ground and everything in between and reacted accordingly.

    You could pull on your tightest Lycra and ride your same woodland loop you did last Sunday carefully avoiding any parts of the trail that are even vaguely interesting throu fear of scuppering your chances of shaving a one hundredth of a second off your fasted strava time. Or pull on your fullfacer and raid your sisters wardrobe for her tightest jeans in order to smash your local trail centres black run like the mountain biking god you know you are.

    What I am trying to say is adding an extra inch to everyone’s wheel wether they like it or not will make no difference in the grand scheme of mtb evolution.

    What will is the constant evolution of better suspension.

    Free Member

    I bet quite a few people who dropped 5 grand last year or the year before bought a new one this year because of the change.

    No one wants to spend 5 grand on a new bike only to be laughed at by their mates for being under equipped.

    Free Member

    Chiefgrooveguru, you sir are indeed correct my rounding off skills are very much lacking .


    Free Member

    Do I think this years bikes are better than the equivalent bikes of 5 years ago were.
    Yes, but I put this down mainly to better components , materials and ultimately suspension, both better forks and rear suspension design.

    Do I think this years bikes are better than they would be if they stuck with the 26 “.

    Do I think if that was the case people would still be singing the praises of there new bikes saying how fantastic they were and how their strava times were greatly improved.

    Free Member

    I was rounding to one decimal place. 😀 😀 😀

    Free Member

    How, adding a bigger wheel makes it roll over certain obstacles slightly better.
    But then limits scope for geometry changes and suspension travel.

    Then factor in strength and weight.
    Basically if you believe the push for change was fueled by anything other than profit then you must be mental.

    Free Member

    If you remove tyres size completely from the equation .

    26″ = 559mm = 22″
    27.5 = 584mm = 22.9″
    29er = 622mm = 24.5

    So for arguments sake add a 2″ tyre

    26 “
    So who knew adding .9 of an inch to your 26 inch wheel would be such a revelation.

    Free Member

    I couldn’t notice a specific difference at first as the bikes were so different in nearly every way but now I’ve got used to the new bike and can compare it subjectively with the 26er I do think the 27.5 wheels are better, sorry for not agreeing with the stick in the muds

    27.5″ wheels do not exist, not outside the minds of the gullible.

    What does exist is the 27″ wheel. But the industry felt the need to lie and call it 27.5, first as an “in”, to sell it as a middle ground, best of both worlds, take your pick from the three available wheel sizes. And then to make the change feel substantial enough to make claims of game changing improvement believable enough to kill of an age old standard.

    If they bought in this new standard as 27″ and labeled it as such from the start I doubt it would of got off the ground.

    Notice how the pink line (difference between 26 & 650b) Is half the thickness of the purple (650b & 29).

    Too many kittens in the world anyway.

    Free Member

    Have you let the L screw out any?

    Free Member

    Here’s mine it says DH on the bracket. I am worried now, although it works perfect on an 11-40

    Free Member

    I fitted a zee to my hardtail this morning.
    Running a 36 up front and 11-40 on the back .

    The box was ticked fr (36), on inspection I saw DH cast into the back of it somewhere which made me a little concerned but fitted and works fine .

    When first bolted on it would only move 6 or so clicks in which was because the l screw was wound far too far in.
    Set the screws and indexed perfectly.

    Free Member

    When out in the woods I try to remember to buy a good bottle of spring water with a cap before.

    Last Monday I forgot and had to take a conventional bike water bottle, the appearance and smell of the top of the mud and horse/dog excrement splattered bottle was far from appealing,

    I have an adjustable cage which helps.

    Free Member

    I caught crabs once, it was the summer of 81.
    We buried buckets a low tide on the beach near my grandads cottage in Ireland.

    Happy times, I don’t recall a lisa being there but, my uncle Tony was, the theiving bar steward .
    You think you know someone.

    Free Member

    Have ordered a pair of the rvm skate shoes , hopefully should be good.
    Cheap Etnies

    Free Member

    I am sure the car parking attendant has a very capable set of croppers if in the habit of removing bikes. Or maybe a battery grinder. I bet it adds a small amount of amusement to an otherwise boring job.

    Free Member

    I would be surprised if there were not laws regarding signage (distance, size, clear view) As there is with cars in car parks.
    But I suppose carparks signage is there to tell people who are using a carpack for its purpose of the t&cs.
    Where as the railings were not put there for people to chain their bikes to, so may not need to have signage to tell you anything and can just remove under other laws.

    Free Member

    At my local woods yesterday I noticed quite a few tree limbs strewn across the trails.
    Nothing secretive, just bloody great bits of tree across the ground.

    I don’t see this as an attempt to injure me, more of an annoyance there to slow me down.
    For it to injure me I would have to be traveling faster than i should be to be able to stop within the distance I can see.
    Which on public land used by people to walk with their children or dogs or both is reckless and dangerous and would make you deserving of a log based OTB.

    My bunny hopping skills are lacking so try to ride over slowly lifting one wheel at a time which has bent a few chainring teeth when I ran a triple, if too tall get off and lift over.

    Free Member

    So he stole his mates bike from work.

    Was his mate in on it for insurance fraud or not?
    Are there more than one person called tony.

    Is it even the same bike?

    The plot thickens, what is needed here is a super sleuth .

    Free Member

    Unfortunately you’ve all given me the answers I was expecting, was just hoping to avoid buying new stuff
    I’ll source some cheap new tubes and tyres. The latter being something cheap and cheerful

    Wise choice,
    If she bashes her face it will cost twice as much in make up, despite her explanation all her friends will think your a wife beater, and, if she finds out you had concerns but chose to not fit new tyres to save yourself a few quid, your conjugals will be right out the window for the foreseeable. 😀

    Free Member

    I recently bought some Michelin country cross tyres for a tenner each from crc for my old rigid bike.
    Very unlikely but if you wife has an accident due to the old tyres you will kick yourself for being a tight git.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I recently saw a kite chasing a pigeon when another pigeon dive bombed it from a great height almost vertically, spiralling the whole time.

    He just missed the kite who in turn then decided to chase him instead. He almost got him when the pigeon suddenly suddenly pulled up and started climbing and the kite carried on then flew off.

    Free Member

    Just bought a new wheel for my old beater.

    Free Member

    My ht, it’s only the frame, headset, seat collar and rear skewer that are original.

    I bought a ragley marley frame at Xmas but can’t bring myself to ditch the voodoo.

    Free Member

    Ah! but can you imagine the conversation back at the nick,

    “So what’s it going to be Dave, are we charging him with shoplifting or being a pervert”

    “Not quite sure yet Guv, although he does claim the banana’s his own”

    Free Member

    just noticed its called a “Beast” as well. 😆
    I have tears in my eyes, sorry OP

    Free Member

    if its sex chains you’re after faux fur outers are a must for comfort.
    unless you are after something more durable and easy to wipe clean, then the onguard will be fine. 😯

    Free Member

    If you get an erection no one will notice the hairs

    don’t do this^^^^^^ as you may find your self being searched as a potential shoplifter.

    Free Member

    What are we talking about here, are your clock springs penetrating the fabric or protruding over the top of your waist band. if the latter may I suggest ditching the hotpants and investing in a more suitable attire.

    but if the former, after donning your shorts maybe a quick run over with a fuzz away, you know, those shaver type jobbies designed for getting bobbles of your cardies. 😀

    Free Member

    I think the ad is piss poor, but I would see it as a frame only, no shock sale.
    That said I have learnt never to underestimate how stupid some people actually are so would have been more specific to save any potential confusion.

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