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  • Trans-Savoie: 10 years of not-racing enduro
  • chip
    Free Member

    On the premise that every companies offerings get better year on year.
    Then surely the winner can only be the last 26 bike of the winning make/model built.

    Free Member

    You was lucky, I have a mate who has had to have his testicles stitched up twice after having ripped them open twice while climbing over the same barb wire topped fence (shortcut home from the pub) a couple of years apart.

    If he had not have moved home he probably would have lost them by now as he carried on using the short cut even after the second time .

    Free Member

    Mines in the loft also, will build when required.

    Free Member

    Last shed i was involved in was drawn on a post it…

    Too much planning.

    Only one way to build anything,
    Make it up as you go along.

    Free Member

    I just had a look a coves website and think the company must be run by twelve year olds.
    Next year they are bringing out a Couple of new bikes.
    “Porksword” & “Dirtbox”

    Free Member

    I believe I am safer wearing a helmet so do, if people believe otherwise and choose otherwise that’s there right, what’s the the problem. Either way you need answer to no one, or defend your yourself to no one .

    People who get all out of shape about other peoples choice, and it is their choice, I don’t understand.
    The recent thread where someone was upset someone else put a helmet on their child but did not wear one themselves.
    My answer to them would be, my kid my head **** off , nothing further required.

    This doctor is an idiot if he said this in an official opinion as a public health announcement unless he did appropriate research.
    Although if said as a passing comment as a cyclist , that’s fine it his opinion , the same as many others on here but should only affect his choice on wether he wears a helmet or not.

    Free Member

    Chewy , you clearly have a diabolical taste in music .
    I am now going to hit you with the greatest musical composition ever .

    If you do not feel the love, there is no hope for you.

    Free Member

    Ok, here’s a tune I heard recently the first time in a long time.

    A gift from me to you.

    Free Member

    Hideaway, the video is excellent , one long tracking shot.

    Free Member

    I don’t see why he ended up in court, it was his bike in the privacy of his own room.
    If he was shagging his bike in the local park yes, if someone else’s bike maybe.

    But in own room with his bike it wouldn’t bother me if he was operating a frame pump which was up his Jacksie at the same time.

    As long as not hurting anyone else and in private I don’t see why a court case and it’s expense was required. And the sex offenders register.

    I can imagine a local pitching up at the local cop shop to complain that they had seen said individual walking past the local primary school and was he allowed. To which the police officer would reply that that all depended on wether it had a bike shed or not .

    Free Member

    Nice plug !

    Free Member

    I find interesting the apparent claim that drivers treat cyclists differently if wearing a helmet or not .

    Where can I get a cycle helmet similar in graphic design to the one pictured and would it make a difference.

    Free Member

    Too late now , thanks

    Free Member

    Go around tomorrow morning and offer him an olive branch in the form of a borrow of your butter.
    Take the opportunity to apologise for the mix up and thank him for the return of the butter.

    And as he takes a bite of his toast say, especially as you do not believe in carrying both KY and Lurpak as, as everybody knows you may not be able to spread KY on your toast but you can dip your knob in the butter.

    Sorry, I will get my coat. 😀

    Free Member

    I am not knocking brant, and was good of him to help.
    But every time he steps up and helps someone who feels let down does he then go in to work and put a rocket up the appropriate persons arse or is the attitude we tried it on but we will have to fork out this time.

    If the former it’s not sinking in if it’s the latter he would be better off not posting on here
    As with every thread even if he does help the op it can only cause damage to the brand name.

    Customer service is key for me , well above discount.

    Free Member

    i can’t help but think that if Brant didn’t post on here, there wouldn’t be anywhere near as much slagging off of the company. there are stacks of distributors and shops out there who are way way way way worse than px/oo, but as they aren’t responding on here, they rarely get a mention.
    it is physically impossible to win a battle on a web forum as all forums of full of people who in the flesh are quite civil, but get them behind a computer which affords them distance and an element of anonymity, will happily try to bury you and then piss on your grave.
    px/oo don’t get it right all the time, but they do offer a service of bringing good quality products to the market place at a low price point and with (on the whole) great efficiency. i have used them loads over the years and have had problems too, but no more so than with anything else.
    i would therefore suggest to brant that he steps down from posting on their forum as his very best of intentions (which i do observe and appreciate) will only ever be taken advantage of. i’m also bored of all the threads about it.

    He should not have to keep coming on here rectifying PX/OO after sales goofs if he has no say in the running.
    If he does his time would be better spent making sure people did their job properly in the first place .

    Free Member

    I know neither of the gentlemen in question, but would hazard a guess that the gentleman doing the riding (of the bike) could not indeed be Hora as the frame is far too large.

    But could be wrong as it does look to be early in the morning.

    Free Member

    chip » But there definatly a few fanboys on here who’s public display of affection towards brant I do find cringeworthy.
    Should there be a forum for Planet X or On One subs?

    Definatly , for when I feel the need to be outraged.

    It could be a mix of examples of poor service, brant coming to the rescue , then the same people kissing his arse afterwards, followed up with an enquiry into when an up and coming product will be available for sale .

    Like every other PC/ OO thread.

    Free Member

    I have limited experience of on one , I ordered a stem, heard nothing for a week, then got a note saying was not in stock and would be refunded.
    I found this piss poor and have not used them since and would never use them again for parts.

    People post on here examples of piss poor customer aftercare service and then brant will come on here and try to help to give him his dues,
    But how many people are there who do not use this forum and therefore do receive piss poor service and never receive satisfaction due to not having brant come to the rescue.

    Respect to brant for all he does and would not knock him. I would use his company maybe for a bike that I could not get elsewhere . But I would do so eyes open to what kind of service to expect.

    But there definatly a few fanboys on here who’s public display of affection towards brant I do find cringeworthy.

    Free Member

    World is full lying theiving gits, probably why no one else dare leave there food there .
    I hope your milk was sealed and unopened wouldn’t suprise me if such people spat in it for fun , especially now they have had a strip torn off them by the good lady.

    Free Member

    Had a badger run between my wheels before – no idea how it got through as I wasn’t pootling. I swear a squirrel had run tough the spokes of my wheel whilst I was riding along (logic says it didn’t).
    The other week right at the end of my ride a cat ran out in front of me, just missed it, it made me wonder if the owners would be responsible if I ended up in hospital after hitting Tiddles?

    Could be wrong,
    But cat owners are not responsible for their cats actions unlike a dogs owner.
    As cats are a different kettle of fish.

    If you run over my dog and damaged your car I would be responsible but if the same happened with my neighbours cat it would be you forking out .

    Free Member

    I need to know who is exactly at fault here, as I have removed the corks from the prongs of my pitchfork,and as with a Gurkhas Kukri it now must taste blood. So unless we get to the bottom of this I will have to give myself a stiff prodding.

    Free Member

    I don’t really give a toss about how visible they are. I have a selection of massive lights, reflective bits on my clothing, high-viz and whatnot to deal with that. I fitted legal reflectors so that, in the event that some tit does run me over and kill me, there’s less chance of the useless bastards that comprise our so-called justice system making a finding of contributory negligence and thereby reducing either the sentence for the driver or the payout from the insurance.

    I have reflectors because I like to stay the right side of the law and are not juvenile enough to consider them a slight on my street credibility, but.
    If you were lit up like an xmas tree surely no court could entertain a claim such as you mention above.
    Although as far as insurance companies are concerned I would believe them using any technicality to wriggle out of parting with cash.

    Free Member

    ding ding ding full house on wheel size bullshit bingo!
    650b wheels don’t have the grip that 29ers offer though, although as you might expect, they’re a slight improvement over 26″ wheels.

    Leave it !

    Free Member

    . and her kids are very irritating

    I am not surprised , Next time take them a happy meal, that will keep them quiet.

    Free Member

    The same can be said for the tablets and acid that was knocking around at the same time.

    That was what my psychiatrist said when he diagnosed my split personality Disorder.

    But I disagreed with him, and so did I. 😀

    Free Member

    God I hope not. I narrowly missed contracting new variant CJD in the early 90’s from eating burgers before becoming a veggie. Don’t say I’m at risk again after riding Spooky?

    If you ate school dinners or hospital food in the 80s/90s it’s only a matter of time before your brain turns to Swiss cheese. 😀

    Free Member

    McD’s always has ample parking, clean toilets and fresh relatively cheap coffee. What’s not to like.?

    **** who just throw their litter out the car window expecting someone else to pick it up despite being parked directly in front of a bin.

    Free Member

    On the way home from swinley I always treat myself to a box meal with gravy from the colonel.

    Because I am worth it.

    Free Member

    I had a creak that i could have swore blind was the BB,
    until I realised it disappeared when I was out of the saddle. Turned out to be the seat post clamp, a tiny smear of grease around the inside of the collar, problem solved.

    Free Member

    He was clearly not a cyclist as he was a grumpy git .
    Everyone knows you don’t get grumpy cyclists. 😀

    Free Member

    I regularly see people at night riding a BSO , with no reflective clothing, lights or snap wraps.
    With only pedal reflector if they have not fallen off to help them stand out.

    I think if you are hi viz’d to the max without pedal reflectors I don’t think the police would be bothered .
    But for people who take no steps towards being seen then the law has to be good .

    Free Member

    I have wellgo mg1s on my hardtail because they have reflectors as I do ride it on the road between woods a lot often at night .
    V8s on boinger as on it I don’t.

    Free Member

    Tell him you will fit them when he starts wearing headlamps to illuminate them.

    Free Member

    I’ll call your Dads and get them to help.

    Tell him not to forget his best tyre spoon.

    Free Member

    Have re read the original post and sent the A2Z
    Is no good.

    Hope you get sorted.

    Free Member

    Bonty xr4 TLR were a pig to mount on flows when new.
    But refitting a month later after removal were not to bad.

    Free Member


    Showing out of stock though,

    Free Member

    Probably , either way not bothered.
    And in true stw sensationalism I can say that jacket went on to save my life, well my skin anyway .

    Free Member

    I did not get as far as making the call, so I did not know wether I was right or not, but just goes to show neither did the manager. 😀

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