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  • Kendal Mountain Festival Tour in Chester, with Matt Pycroft
  • chip
    Free Member

    I despair of the kids of today on their puny scooters.
    We used to have scootechs when we were kids, a far superior machine.

    Free Member

    Seen some cracking frames going cheap lately, but all of which were large.
    From this I can only deduce that the lanky brigade have openly embraced the wheel size revolution quicker than the rest of us normal size folk.

    I built up a alu 26″ hardtail last month and very happy, if the wheel fits, ride it.

    Free Member

    I’d rather have a ‘I wonder if sq225917 is online to answer my gripe’ than nothing, lets put it that way.

    Maybe I am being ridicules here, but how about contacting PX/OO.
    I know outrageous, how would the face of on one then go on to shamelessly plug their products.
    Beats paying for advertising.

    Free Member

    Or even better, DO ONE.

    Free Member

    Chip, 11-28t 6800 are back in stock at the warehouse.


    Free Member

    More importantly has shimano stumped up those cassettes yet.
    Slippery bunch those Japanese.

    Free Member

    Look in your local paper for a massage parlour and have them lovingly massaged with nikwax once a week.
    Remember to keep the receipts for the taxman.

    Free Member


    All we need is a gangster esq twisted fingered hand signal. Aaaayyyeee.

    Free Member

    able to dodge lethal bullets and pull magical customer services saves out of the ether with next to no physical support. An understanding of herd mentality, thick skin and ability to walk the tightrope between outright disaster and barely satisfactory outcomes

    Does this statement not say more about PX/OO customer service, than the stw massive.

    Free Member

    I just went to look for my latest edition of singletrack magazine but must have thrown it away.
    I wanted to see out of how many pages in total there were how many of those pages were brand advertising, not geoffs cycle emporium but brand/product advertising.

    I am guessing a fair few.

    Free Member

    You really are a bit thick.
    Imagine you own a company, and have the sole distribution rights to a brand and their products.
    You put a lot of time, money and effort in to building that brand in the uk.
    Putting it out there and gaining consumer confidence that said products were quality items and creating a market for said products.

    And then find some theiving spotty Herbert was importing them through unofficial channels, undercutting you and making a profit of the back of all your hard work.

    That would be fine would it.

    Free Member

    I can see why this would work because the internal spacing is the same and the difference in outer sizing can not be more than the amount a connector pin sticks out once snapped off.

    Free Member

    I have recently started using kmc links on my xt 10 sp chains.
    After going from triple to double to single ring and then a couple of mech changes all in a short space of time left me with 6 connector pins in one chain.

    No problem with the kmc links.

    Free Member

    You are comical Ali and I claim my £5.

    Free Member

    Nickjb +1

    I stick a cable tie on one or both chainstays which I twist round to just make contact with the rim.

    Free Member

    Just plain old goverment juice for me.
    Mixed nuts, a box of sun maid raisins and a banana .

    Always peel mine first though.

    Free Member

    <) )/ All the single ladies
    / \

    \( (> All the single ladies
    / \

    <) )/ Oh Oh Oh
    / \

    Free Member

    My initial thoughts were where is the darkness (not Justin Hawkins).
    Which was quickly superseded by horror and disgust at the fact there was no batter on your sausage and the curry sauce looks distinctly suspect.

    Free Member

    That is why I found it strange he took the stance he did.

    Free Member

    Loco, the impression I got from your posts were, his bike was worth £500 if he was lucky and should be grateful for what ever he is given.

    If I sent you a 2006 RS rev and someone sneaked in and nicked it.
    Would you send me a brand new 2013 rev,
    Send me a fork of equal value of what you think a 2006 rev would go for on the classifieds.

    I don’t wish to be personal.

    Free Member

    We have a running joke at work when ever anyone (of us) points out that someone’s work looks unsatisfactory whether it be plastering, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, anything, someone will pipe up “it will look lovely once it’s grouted”.

    As this was a catchphrase of a tiler who worked with us for a short amount of time (because it didn’t).
    Still makes me giggle.

    Sorry I have been no help , but if you’re not happy, you’re not happy. What does your wife think of the job.

    Free Member

    You can not replace old with actual old, as although the replacement may be of the same age, you don’t know if it has had a hard life and or how well it has been maintained so can not claim it to be equal.

    You would have to agree a new old for new replacement or an acceptable cash sum.

    I was going to send some forks and a rp23 for servicing soon and had decided on loco. But not so sure now as in the unlikely event he lost them he might palm me off with some old shite.

    Free Member

    How about they make sure it does not get stolen in the first place.
    And was stolen by an opportunist taking advantage of slack security being in place to protect customers property as if the were turned over in the night I am sure there would have been other (new) bikes they would have wheeled out the doors first.

    Some people can get attached to what someone else would consider junk.

    The op did not leave his bike in the hall with the front door open while watering his flowers in the back garden , in which case he would be at the mercy of his insurers.

    In this case I think the bike shop should do there best to make it right unless they are in the habit of losing other peoples bikes.

    Free Member

    It was not a 10 year old bike.
    It was a ten year old frame with new components, There is a difference.
    The cost of the build as of when stolen is what he is entitled to.
    If that build cost less than £2500 he is quids in.

    Even so, i would not expect the shop to make a penny as they were ultimately responsible for his bike when stolen.
    And I am sure do not want to be known as the bike shop who lose your bike through negligence and then profit from it.
    As such a shop I would not do business with.
    So if only to save face should make sure the customer gets the full benefit of the kind offer from there insurance company as a token of there goodwill and letting future customers know that there bikes would be well looked after in future.

    Free Member

    Did you have the bike insured, if so what was the value it was insured for.

    Like for like is hard on a such a build unless they value the frame at current second hand value plus parts at new prices plus price for the shop to source and build.

    Would that be £2500?, I would also expect a certain amount of goodwill from the shop for there negligence and your inconvenience. So if they were getting a cheque for £2500 I would expect them to supply you with a bike you are very happy with at that figure trade, not RRP.

    I have 2010 five , I bought the frame second hand and bought everything else new and would expect the cost of my build reimbursed if it was stolen plus a sweetener from the bike shop by the way of a sorry for getting it stolen in the first place.

    Free Member

    He’ll have you next time! Jack Russells don’t forget the arseholes they’ve sniffed.

    Free Member

    Steelfreak – Member
    “Oh don’t YOU start” usually
    works quite well (but must be delivered in a slightly psychotic manner).

    Surely this would be better delivered in the voice and manner of Kenneth Williams.

    Free Member

    If I was driving along in any condition and my car was involved in an impact as large as clearly hers was, but for what ever reason ( maybe took my eyes of the road for a second or two) had not seen what ever it was I hit I would have immediatly thought I have hit someone and stopped to check.

    Not in a million years would I have thought badger.
    If she had said deer and the location of the accident it was not unheard of to hit a deer I may have believed her but still would not excuse her from not stopping to be sure and would still have punished her more serverly.

    In my mind she new what she had done And tried to get away.

    Free Member

    How far and under what conditions do you think it would be acceptable for people to wear mtb kit while riding the mtbs.

    Free Member

    And surely driving off without stopping to help and ensure medical assistance to someone who could be as far as she was concerned dying by the side of the road should make it murder.

    Free Member

    Badger my arse, the windscreen was caved in to the extent it was rubbing against her knuckles as she steered after continuing to drive.
    If she had stopped, got out and tried to help and called an ambulance the sentence would not be enough but to not stop makes it so much worse.

    Free Member

    Not familiar with the bike but I had a creak that turned out to be caused by the seat clamp seat tube interface.

    I removed the clamp, wiped a thin layer of grease around the inside of the collar and refitted.
    Peace was restored and all was well in the world once again.

    Free Member

    When I was 11 I was given £5 to go and get my haircut.
    On the way I bumped into a friend who invites me back to his house.

    A few hours later I arrived home hair uncut having lost the lot playing 3 card brag.

    My hair grew quite long that year. .D

    Free Member

    I have not been on the receiving end of much abuse as a cyclist but when I used to run a lot often late at night I did used to get a lot of abuse from teenage divs out cruising with there divy mates.

    I would react and end up in some dangerous confrontations.
    Then some one who could not believe how often this happened said why don’t you just ignore them, to which I replied what let some little shit abuse me like he’s billy big bollox, if I ignore him it would give the satisfaction of believing he was successful in intimidating me.

    He said why does it matter, you have headphones in just pretend you did not hear them.
    So that’s what I did, and continue to do so on my bike, just ignore any abuse and carry on about my business.
    It is suprisingly satisfying, and no more confrontations.

    Free Member

    What a bunch of ****,

    If you would not lend someone an Allen key to use with their splitter so they can fix their chain.
    You deserve to have your business fold and wife run off with the fella who collects the trolleys at asda.

    And find yourself living in a bedsit eating cold value beans from the can whilst receiving picture texts from said trolley collector of your wife performing sex acts on him while he’s wearing you dressing gown .

    Free Member

    My LBS has a track pump on a long chain outside the shop for anyone to use.

    I have borrowed a extra long socket extender bar from a halfords to secure my car battery when it was loose.
    I think it was poor especially as you were a paying customer not someone who had just walked in of the street.

    I do not use cycle surgery after them refusing to even look at wheel with a seized bearing I bought in for servicing unless I bought in the entire bike and left it with them, then went to another shop who had the job done in twenty minutes no problem.

    Free Member

    I used to try and pull up, all what happened was I would turn the bars 45 degrees to the right which made landings interesting. Larger jumps I just keep my weight back enough to keep the front wheel up untill the back wheel leaves the ramp and let my momentum do the rest.
    Smaller jumps I pop off, basically bunny hop off the lip.
    You do this by pushing down compressing the suspension then using the rebound to hop off.

    Think of your suspension like your knees, if you wanted to do a standing jump you could not jump with out bending your knees first .

    Free Member

    I wanted to increase my bars from 695mm to 720mm.

    But thought that may take me out of the realms of bimble into the dangerous world of pootle,
    So thought better of it.

    Free Member

    like an idiot?

    Exactly I can get that at home.

    to be fair working in customer services you must get people bending your ear. And I am a bit annoyed my shiny stem is damaged and I want it replaced now this instant.

    The stem in question was a raceface turbine, I ordered one the same a week before for a different bike and paid full money for that one. So if I was dishonest I could send the damaged one back with the firsts paperwork and get £5 more than I paid for it refunded but I don’t do dishonest.

    Free Member

    Just received a stem from crc damaged,
    Normally I would just order another one and send the damaged one back for refund.
    But I used a £5 voucher when purchasing the first so would be out of pocket.

    I rang up and explained this and was told I could still do this and they would send another £5 voucher with the replacement stem. Which was no good to me, long story short I was told the best they could do was if I return the stem then email proof of posting they would send out a new one next week.

    I then suggested I order one now then when they receive the damaged one refund me the £5 and was abrubtly told no. Quite frankly I found who ever I spoke to quite rude and unhelpful.

    I have been in a similar situation before and the lady I dealt with then was very accomidating and instantly emailed me a code to reorder my item.

    So I am just going to send the stem back and order from someone else now, not because I will have to wait till the middle of next week but because I don’t have to ring up Ireland to be spoken to like an idiot. 😀

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