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  • Spotted: Vitus Trail Bike Prototype At Sea Otter
  • chip
    Free Member

    Personally I would not settle for less than the Asgard.
    But if I went for a shed as pictured I would want a seriously pucka chain that was bolt cropper proof so they would have to use a noisy grinder if they really want the bikes,and a small lock on the outside of the shed so not to alert anyone to the fact there where valuables inside and to limit the damage when the break in, and they will break in.

    Free Member

    I have fractured my spine in the past on a motorbike, and when layed out immobilised on a hospital bed you do count your lucky stars you had not ended up in a wheel chair.

    Skills course would be good and useful to most riders but then most riders don’t have the niggling fear which you do,
    Get a some good spine protection at least, if it will make you happier.

    I personaly just use a helmet and good knee and elbow guards but do own a 661 core saver which I will have no hesitation in using anywhere rocky , as it protects vital areas without being so restrictive making me unlikely to use it.

    Free Member

    Has there been a recall or not, op what made you think there may be one.

    Robert Lindsey must live local to me as I have seen him in the vets ,
    And when he left I came very close to giving him the peoples salute.
    But thought he might not have found it as funny as I would.

    Free Member

    Now there’s a URL that I probably don’t need to click.
    Maybe not but it made me laugh.

    Free Member

    Heff and his wife look very happy here.

    No nudity here just a sense of humour .

    Free Member

    How frequent is the ticking, once or twice per crank revouloution. Is it erratic or does it have a rhythm .

    Free Member

    Exactly live and let live.
    Freedom, freedom to live your life how you want with in the law.
    Freedom to wear what you want and do what you want with in the law.

    And I would rather live in a society where woman can make there own choices to wear and behave how the want with in the law with out other people objecting about them being objectified.

    There are a lot places in the world wear people are forced to dress a certain way and behave a certain way avoid offending other people.

    If you can’t sensor your own life move somewhere where the state will do it for you.

    I would rather live in a world where a young woman who wanted to be a glamour model was free to do so than it be outlawed incase her breasts offend someone who could have chosen not to look at them.

    Free Member

    I’m not even engaging in your “debate” but your constant twisting of the discussion away from what anyone else is saying is starting to irk.

    I was asked to read the page three stories, which I did and commented on.

    Free Member

    I read the first 3 or 4 page three stories on your link .

    Seriously, I have always found people who play teams sports the least embarrassed about nudity .

    The human body is not to be ashamed of and if someone is going to be emotionally troubled by naked breasts they are in trouble.

    Free Member

    I’m not offended, I am debating.

    It’s what forums are for .

    Free Member

    So, as well as Danny we saw some monkeys and birds and parrots, oh, and some girls who just happen to be draped around the garden and tennis court and pool in way that almost made them seem like they weren’t really human beings at all but just….objects?

    If those women wish to spend there afternoons cavorting around the playboy mansion in bikinis who are you to say that’s wrong, they are not braking the law .

    They looked like humans to me. Do you have to be buttoned up to the chin to appear human.

    If you are offended by naked flesh don’t look. But you can’t tell people how to dress or behave who are acting of free will with in the law.

    Free Member

    all I could think was that I bet theres a lot of hugh heffner’s semen in that pool
    im a strange person really

    Nah, I’m sure he has it drained. (The pool that is)

    The video was ok, not great, not offensive in anyway.
    Just danny riding around Hugh’s house , a man who has made a fortune through the clever marketing/branding of soft porn.
    As seen on the Simpsons, fresh prince and was it not in one of the Beverly Hills cop fims.
    And was not Bridgett jones dressed as a bunny girl in one of the films, it is an iconic image wether you disagree with it or not.

    Bit disappointed he did not do,

    Free Member

    I don’t need you to explain anything to me.
    Just don’t watch the video if you don’t want to see playboy bunnies near mountain bikes.


    If other people do, they can.

    Free Member

    Seriously, get over yourselfs.
    If you think it’s not for you don’t watch it.
    If you are dis appointed in danny for making this video, then so be it.

    It’s just a bit of fun , a man doing simmilar tricks in a different surrondings.

    I doubt if it will float my boat.
    Butt everyone on this thread with a hollyier than thou attitude to human flesh.

    I take it you don’t fun yourself, or do you think of your husband or wife.
    Because if you do use anything else to stimulate your imagination, whether a heffner esq publication or the fashion pages of the Sunday magazine, you are a hypercrit.

    Free Member

    When I see a sexy woman, I get the horn.
    Something to do with ensuring the ongoing survival of the human race.

    If I see a glamour model I don’t think women are being objectified, just that woman who is probably getting paid handsomely for doing a job she probably has to work hard to keep (excercise diet ) in a cut throat industry.

    I have a bigger problem with more socially acceptable fashion modelling industry using rake thin woman thus promoting an unhealthy image.

    There are plenty of male strippers out there and what they do does not make me feel objectified as a man (chance would be a fine thing)

    Your opinions on nudity, sex and capitalising on peoples sex drive for advertising are your views.
    Due to political correctness , we have lost a what I would describe as seaside postcard humour and the double entendre.
    Yet some how have gained Keith lemon with his go out for a bike ride character.

    If it offends your sensibilities don’t watch it .

    Free Member

    He is only doing it hoping to get an invite into the sex room.

    Reminds me my sex room could do with a lick of paint.

    Free Member

    Sexy half naked women are so last century and have no place modern society.
    I don’t think I know anyone who admires the female form never mind uses porn.

    I should imagine since the advent of the internet the porn industry has all but disappeared , mucky blighters.
    As there is clearly no demand for it this century.

    And a young female cyclist would not sink so low as to involve herself in titilation.
    No prudes please

    Free Member

    Binners forget the Staffordshire bull terrier, you must have a Staffy.
    Also get your face tattooed, your brothers wife pregnant after a threesome behind the bins in a lidls carpark. And steal your grannies Jewelry box that also contain your dead grandads war medals.

    And get yourself on Jeremy Kyle.

    Free Member

    It is all fanny,

    I was reading an old article about choosing wheels (not wheel size as this was before the new standard and surrounding guff but a buyers guide to what to look for when buying new wheels).

    And it said the lighter the better,for all the obvious reasons, one being easier steering due to reduced gyroscopic effect blah blah.

    And have read newer articles about the 650b saying it is better due to heavier/larger wheels mean more stability in a straight line due to gyroscopic effect blah.

    Then lighter was better more acceleration, now a larger/ heavier wheel carries more momentum.

    People have previously said that short chainstays are better easier to get the front wheel off the ground, more agile blah blah.
    Now 650 are better as bike is longer, stability blah blah.

    If you want a larger contact patch buy bigger tyres, or let your tyres down. greater contact patch means more grip,
    horah, means more friction, boo.

    Correct tyres. And you’re golden, I have never suffered with a lack of grip an thought balls if only my wheels were a little bit bigger. No I though maybe a more appropriate tyre selection was needed.

    The whole wheel debate and surrounding arguments are like Nostradamus,
    Interpret as best serves your view point.
    If you have a new bike, and it’s great, I am happy for you.
    But it’s just a wheel that’s a little bit bigger.

    Free Member

    Get down the job center you filthy hippy.

    Free Member

    Seriously he must have grazed his knee for him to accept £1500.

    A quick google search brings up some seriously stupid pay outs for seriously minor injures you would shake off and not worry about with in five minutes,

    But because they happen on other peoples property it’s Kerr-Ching time.
    People getting thousands for splinters, pin pricks even a minor burn from leaning against a hot radiator.

    Things that if they happened at home would make your nearest and dearest laugh and warrent no more than a kiss better.

    Free Member

    A guy at my school lost his in a similar incident

    Losing your castanets , ouch .
    If that had happened to the chap in the original post, I would expect him to be above Richard Branson on the richest persons list after that payout .

    Free Member

    I doubt he was the delicate flower portrayed. but either after getting home thought kerr-ching or maybe after hearing the words “have you been in an accident lately that was not your fault”.

    he got £1500 but I bet his solicitors earned more than that out of it.

    the pinboard next to the payphones in my local hospital are full of cards for minicab companies and compensation solicitors.
    Shit happens just don’t wash no more, not when there is money to be made.

    Free Member

    He should have got a better solictor. Some kid got £2500 for getting a splinter in school.

    A friend as a child was out riding with a friend when his friends seat suddenly tilted back dumping him on the back wheel .
    His bike skidded to a halt and went over with the young boy screaming like a banshee.
    When my friend went to his aid he found his friends tackle had been pulled into the wheel and seat stays jamming the rear wheel.

    He had to let the tyre down and back the wheel up slowly.
    As soon as his friend was freed he got to his feet and ran of at speed screaming for his mum .

    My friend must be a very empathetic chap as he cannot re tell this story without wiping tears from his eyes. .D

    Free Member

    Yep, I removed the bung from a carbon steerer (because they weigh loads) after preloading the headset and tightening the stem, and the headset came loose. Likewise tried pre-loading a headset with a big threaded rod and some washers, with no SFN/top cap, and the headset comes loose.

    Could this be because a carbon steerer is flexible and the bung works not only to preload the bearings but also to reinforce the steerer against the crushing forces of the stem.

    Like when using poly pipe for plumbing you have to fit inserts at joints to strengthen the pipe and prevent future leaks.

    Free Member

    The only way the star nut would cause this problem would be if the continued over tightening of the top cap meant that the star nut had been pulled all the way up the steerer to the point it was hard against the top cap, thus allowing the op to get lots of torque with out preloading the bearings .

    But this would mean he would not be able solve the issue temporarily before the ride.

    The crown race not being seated hard against the crown would do this until the constant tightening and riding eventually pushed it down hard against the crown.

    Free Member

    If your mech rubs slighty, apply gentle persuasion to slightly widen the opening in the front mech.
    I do this by putting the handle of my large adjustable spanner in the opening and twisting to bend the outer plate outwards just enough to stop the rubbing .

    Free Member

    Remove the top cap, if there is a gap of roughly 3mm between top of steerer and top of the stem, it is not the problem .
    If the star nut is set below the top of the steerer (about 10mm), the star nut is not the problem.

    If above is correct I can’t see you getting 12 nm of preload with out jamming up the steering some what, unless you are doing up the stem before the top cap.

    But if the steerer and star nut are set correctly and it is fine after initial tightening but loose by the end of the ride then the stem may be slipping.

    Free Member

    Star nut should not matter once the stem is tightened it is only there to load the bearings .

    Free Member

    You are tightening the top cap first.

    Free Member

    12 nm, surely your steering would be pretty stiff.
    I tighten my top cap to 2nm lowest setting on my torque driver,
    after reading some wear that 1.6nm was about right for most headsets.

    Are you sure there is not a slight knock in your fork legs.

    Free Member

    Yeah baby!

    What he said.

    Free Member

    Grahamh link says a lot,

    People take a lot of pride in their bikes and do seek appreciation.
    You spend a shit load of money on a bike you want people to tell you how awesomez it is.

    There was someone on here just after orange brought out the 650b five who had just bought a new. 26″ and was quite pissed off , talking about would the bigger wheels fit his bike or maybe trading for the new one.

    Now I am guessing he felt like he had gone from hero to zero overnight .
    Yesterday he because of his bike was the envy of his cycling friends , today was the guy who dropped a wedge on a obsolete bike. Because Nothing physically had changed about his bike he still had a great bike, but now would have to listen all the bs about how much better the newer one was. Unless he believed the hype himself.

    I am pretty shit as mountainbikers go so will never receive plaudits on my off-road prowess, so sadly only can hope for acclaim on how wide my bars are, short my stem is or how big my wheels are.

    If only I could ride like matey boy who had no rear tyre, It would save me a fortune.

    I think a lot of people have had the jam taken out of their donut by the switch and are pissed of about it.

    Free Member

    It’s the marketing and change for the sake of it to another incompatible standard that irks me; not to mention the thought of all the obsolescent 29″ and 27″ created.
    And not content with doing it once the b’stards did it twice…

    Just take a deep breath, shit happens.
    It is bullshit, but what you gone a do.

    Worse things happen in life than a multi billion pound industry keep changing standards in order to drive a market.

    Buy an old rockhopper, the sort you see chained up outside on any high street near you,
    Put a hundred thousand miles on it and say screw you to the bike industry.

    Or think sod it, worse things happen at sea. (Or gaza , Ukraine, Iraq, the list goes on)

    Free Member

    When I said big wheeled in my above post I mean 29ers.

    And untill recently could not resist an anti 27.5 bleat on a wheel size thread.
    But recently I was in halfords admiring a boardman ht for a few minutes before realising it was a 650b, and what gave it away was the huge white 27.5 lettering on the tyres,if not for the lettering I would not have realised.

    Which made me realise what a croc the whole thing is and now could not give a toss.
    They are just mountain bikes with wheels that are a tiny bit bigger, and not worth bothering my self about.
    If people think they are great, well they are right they are mountain bikes but if someone tries to tell me they are better than 26″ by a fraction or a revolutionary leap in mountain biking performance and enjoyment, let them believe that because I know it’s just riding bikes in the woods.

    Free Member

    That’s it,
    In the woods I see the above mtb’ers (people who take there mountain biking seriously).
    The occasional dad with a couple of small kids on supermarket mtbs, and an old boy on what must be nearly a twenty year old rock hopper in original spec, which does what my bike does and goes where my bike goes and the old boy could probably ride the legs of me. And I do admire him as I see him practically every weekend for years now on that same bike which I imagine he has had from new and never spent an unnecessary penny on it and done 1000s and 1000s of miles on it.

    I only come across what I think of as AM bikes when I go to swinley which is as gnarley as my bike gets.
    Some days I really wish I was a northerner.

    Free Member

    I live in a village with quite a few surrounding small woods.
    On any given Sunday I see equal amounts (quite a few considering) of road and mountain bikes whilst walking my dog down the shops.

    But the mtbs are big wheeled, short travel hardtails with relatively skinny tyres with fast rolling un aggressive tread.
    The riders would not look out of place on a road bike as more meat on a butchers pencil and clipped in fully clad in Lycra.
    They are also not hanging about, hammer down on the Tarmac between woods.
    I never see anyone like myself, baggies 140mm travel, chunky fit and forget tyres on 26″ wheels.
    Thing is I think they have it right given my surroundings.
    But I suffer with delusions of radness and would look ridicules in lycra.
    So remain a overbiked baggy biffer.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Could you not order a replacement and then be refunded for the returned item.

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