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  • How is Gee Atherton Recovering From That Crash?
  • chip
    Free Member

    If you google image Isis you will find image after image of the most appalling scenes of slaughter, truly sickening.
    If you google image gaza you will find image after image of dead and injured babies and children. Truly sickening.
    If you google Israel you get maps.

    I will apologise now in advance for what I am about to say, well no for more the way I say it as I do not wish to trivialise the subject with my choice of words or the way I put my point across.

    Hitler wanted to commit genocide, of Jews, Romanies, gays and probably many others.
    He did not want to bother with death camps or the logistical nightmare of rounding up all his intended victims and shipping them to the places where they would eventually be murdered . As it took a lot of time effort and ultimately manpower.

    So the original plan was that his victims would be rounded up by whatever troops were in the area and who had just taken which ever town or city it happened to be and loaded in to trucks or marched away to a spot where they would dig a mass grave and victims would be forced to strip and stand in the grave they had just dug and shot.

    But this was very quickly found to be not doable as the German soldiers where not happy with doing it and could not reconcile(don’t even know if that is the applicable word ) them selfs with the senseless slaughter of innocent non combatant men woman and children.

    The generals complained it was destroying the morale of the army and turning the troops against them.
    And what they found worse was there were a small amount of men and woman who were shown to really enjoy the job in hand, complete monsters who turned their stomach to be around.

    This was a problem that hitler needed a solution to.
    His answer was the death camps and ultimately the gas chambers.

    It looks to me Isis are not having the same problem hitler did.
    If Isis are not stopped, there is going to be a shitstorm ahead.

    Free Member

    John Barrowman radicalised.

    I will never do jazz hands again.

    Free Member

    Or what about the cheese wars in Gloucester.

    Free Member

    It’s the poor chap left sucking his thumb in turkey I feel sorry for.

    He had his heart set on a new ATGM and a couple of bottles of Philip Bs Russian Amber Imperial Conditioning Crème.

    But it’s back to Syria with his RPG and itchy beard for him.

    Free Member

    20 grand in her Alan’s, how many lap dances must she have had to have done to amass that.

    Free Member

    If you were going to raise the front you would have to drop the rear by quite a bit more than 11 mm to achieve an 11mm drop in bb.

    Also if you dropped the rear and raised the front it would change the head tube angle.

    I don’t mean to call you a liar, but it does not make sense to me.

    But that said I do know the genius of marketing men. (And women)

    Free Member

    I get it now, you’re suggesting a future with pleasurebots yeah?

    Do you think there won’t be.

    Free Member

    I like a bit of vulgarity in the correct situations.
    I still open doors and offer my seat on the bus, although this has been known to offend some people.

    You can’t win sometimes.

    Free Member

    No it wasn’t , I think that was how eric and ernie performed it and would like to stay true to the original dialogue (although I could be wrong).

    Anyway it’s funnier with “it” than “her”.

    Free Member

    How ever many hundreds of thousands of years ago when Homo sapiens first walk the earth I am sure male Homo sapiens would look at female Homo sapiens and think, I would .
    Probably before even having language.

    And I hope in however many hundreds of thousands of years time two male Homo sapiens will be sat on a train or futuristic equivalent when a young female homo sapiens will board and walk to the front of the carriage whilst wearing a skirt just tight enough to accentuate her behind.
    And male homo sapiens number one discreetly elbows and whispers to male Homo sapiens number two. ” out of ten” to which male Homo sapiens number two replies “I’d give it one ” And they both laugh, no one dies.

    Don’t think women don’t do similar. It was not uncommon for me to hear “he would get it” or “he’d do” when I would run past groups of women when running late in the evening .

    Free Member

    On the ops car the rear edge of the door glass runs straight up 90 degrees from the bottom edge, in the above model it slopes backwards.

    Could it not just be a “made up” toy car .

    Free Member

    Pollonium 210 in the tea at green room for there Jeremy Kyle show would be a start.

    Free Member

    Short of making all dogs display licence plates at all times that can be read at 30 yards I don’t see a dog licence scheme making any difference.

    In life their will always be irresponsible tools you can not legislate against them until after they have committed a criminal act.
    Because you have drink drivers you can’t ban drinking or driving or boy racers, you can’t ban boys or ten year old hot hatches, or even boys in ten year old hot hatches unless you catch them driving like a count.

    Free Member

    How about taxing joy, you could qualify for a rebate.

    Free Member

    What about a big dog with a small mouth.

    Or if he has had lost some teeth could I get a reduction.

    Or how about a gastric band.

    Free Member

    I’d suggest a sliding scale of dog license charges based on the size of the dog – a tax on emissions, if you like.

    Only the rich would be able to afford big dogs. As the more money you have means you are more responsible obviously.

    Promoting threads like ” has anyone had their golden retriever stolen as I saw one being walked down so and so high street by some scroute”

    Free Member

    Adding 5 hours to your day

    Only if the days he does not cycle he travels by teleportation.
    If it is an hours drive each way then cycling adds 3 not 5 surely.

    Free Member

    Glad you are feeling better. But don’t try to cope with this on your own.
    Your wife should be your closest ally and I am sure would want to help.
    You would not want to think of her going through what you are alone.

    Also you can slip into a gradually worsening depression without realising its extent and it sometimes takes someone else to make you realise how far from yourself you have slipped and help you realise you need help if and when it comes to it.

    Free Member

    They quote different chainstay lengths and despite one having a bb lower by 11mm there is only a 2mm difference in standover.

    Free Member

    I have just turned on the news and seen this.
    Very sad indeed.

    I blinkin loved mork as a kid.

    Free Member

    Your situation has nothing to do with the way your are feeling.

    By your own admission your situation is better than many others, I don’t know you but if you are suffering with depression it would not matter if you had 10 million pounds in the bank and a successfull business.

    Tell your wife how you feel and get help, if you have had to deal with this before and come throught it before, you will again.

    Free Member

    Have you told your wife any of the above, speak to people who love you and see your GP.
    I think you need professional help along with support and reassurance from your loved ones.

    Hope you get yourself sorted out, your not alone.

    Free Member

    I am sure china makes great stuff, well that is very expensive.

    People moan about IT workers riding oranges,
    But at least orang build some bike in this country helping the economy and families in this country put food on the table.
    And if we have no factories, all we have left is IT workers .

    I say let make it the 70s again, pin some nudey pictures on the wall, write Dave is gay and a closet Wednesday fan on the toilet wall in permanent marker and turn the machines on and make some bikes.

    (All remarks are made with tongue firmly in cheek and not meant to offend)

    No scary clowns.

    Free Member

    I find old derelict factories very saddening, I don’t know why.

    Free Member

    But when I think of steel, industry and manufacturing I think of the north of England.
    And when I think of cheap tat I think of Asia.
    Dear oh dear.

    Sad but true , how often is the term “cheap Chinese import” used with the cheap meaning rubbish.

    Free Member

    nope, cy and mike really just couldnt be @rsed. Turns out you cant actually make a batch of bikes without stuff like capital. They’ve both ploughed a LOT of time, effort and money into trying to get this up and running.
    I like having time when im not working, bet you do to

    So they ran out of money,

    Do bml actually build any other bikes at the moment.
    Or is there a almost complete factory somewhere sat empty and in silence.

    Free Member

    I am very sorry for the gentleman who became ill.

    But when I think of steel, industry and manufacturing I think of the north of England.
    And when I think of cheap tat I think of Asia.

    And yet I feel now I have done them a massive disservice as apparently they can achieve the impossible.

    Did the people involved really try to get this going or was it something they thought about when they had a spare minute in between doing there proper jobs as I can’t see how you can not build a frame in this country for under £1800 if you employed unemployed bankers to build them.

    I am probably being very naive here. (Almost certainly).

    Free Member

    What exactly was the problem.
    Did they have a design that worked.
    Did they have a factory filled with the appropriate machinery to build said design.
    Did they have the materials to build the frames.
    Did they have the customers ready to part with their reddies to buy the frames.

    If so why no frames.
    What have I missed.

    Free Member

    This does not bode well for the rest of his trip.

    Expecting a similar post next week asking if anyone near by has a spare tube or patch kit. 😀

    Hope he gets it fixed and makes it all the way around.

    Free Member

    If you set the stop screws correctly on the triple front mech it will stop you shifting in to the bash and the shifter will operate between granny and middle but not let you move the shifter to then shift up to where the large ring was.

    Free Member

    My point exactly, finally a decent 27.2 dropper has been produced.

    Meeow, saucer of milk for dvatcmark.

    I have two hilos that both function perfectly, Ta.

    The Thompson does look nice though to be fair.

    Free Member

    I would not buy the double but an xt triple instead and run as double and bash.
    So if you did decide to go 1x in the future that would work no problem.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    blew off in a cloud of spunk.

    There is a joke in there somewhere, but probably best left alone.

    Free Member

    Run every Saturday at 9:30 am on shared paths.
    And the runners are meant to give way to other users.

    Maybe the cyclist needs some boudica like wheel attachments if the runners can’t stick to their own rules to give way through impracticality.

    Free Member

    Obviously using strava, should have clothes lined him.

    A suppose all you can do is ask him to slow down. Doubt it would work but unless he actually knocks a kid over you are not allowed to punch him in the Adam’s apple.

    Free Member

    I blame jug ears for this, single handedly killed golden wonder.
    The goal poaching bar steward.

    Free Member

    Maybe the ops wheels are shot and does not want to splash out on expensive 26″ wheels when he will probably be replacing the frame with something newer and probably 27.5 in the not to distant future so if they will work would live with it for now.


    Maybe he just wants 650b wheels for the sake of 650b wheel.

    Either way it is still a reasonable question. And asking why is still a reasonable response.
    I don’t know if they would work or if they will be a compromise so can not answer his question but if the op wants 650b for the sake of 650b wheels I would save my money but that’s just me.

    Free Member

    Lambos, orange and yellow.
    Ferraris should only be red.
    Porsches black.
    Astons silver.

    Free Member

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