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  • FGF 601: Fort Bill is Back Edition
  • chip
    Free Member

    Really, surely loose lips sinks ships is covered in police training.

    So how would the BBC know the polices business, phone hacking maybe.
    Some one would have had to tell them.

    If the BBC rings up and say we know you blah blah, surely the correct response is, we do not discuss police business with anyone, sorry and put the phone down .

    They are basically saying what happened was because the BBC had them over a barrel and it was not how they would have done things otherwise.

    There should be an official investigation in to how the BBC knows police business,
    And how the police would let the BBC have influence over the investigation.

    It’s a mockery of a sham.

    Free Member

    Unless the BBC were psychic it was a bad police officer who leaked it unofficially, maybe for payment.
    They should be trying to weed that person out to be sacked at the very least.

    So the police force then effectively crumbled under fear of blackmail that if they did not agree to work with the reporter they would publish the story .

    In my mind that is even worse than if they officially leaked it .

    Means we have got atleast one corrupt police officer serving on a weak force that are not fit for purpose .

    Free Member

    But how did he replace the poster………?

    Only pin it to the wall by its top corners so it hung down like a flap.

    Free Member

    the media is at least going to make another one (cover up) difficult.
    I doubt they’d do it unless they have been frustrated over the years with cover ups, super injunctions and the like.

    It was a BBC helicopter, you know the BBC who employed Jim’ll fix it.
    There sick of the cover ups.

    Free Member

    Put yourself in cliffs situation, would you feel safe about leaving your house right now.
    Would worry that people would stare, point fingers, spit or even roll
    there copy of the paper your plastered all over into a millwall brick and hit you with it.

    You would be under a self inflicted house arrest.
    Yet you have not even been arrested never mind had charges bought against you.

    It is truly shameful and the police best hope he is guilty.

    Free Member

    The bastardisation of the justice system for media sensationalism is a sorry affair. That could prejudice a jury in a future trial.

    Innocent till proven guilty is right not supported by all countries and this is one step backwards towards the lynch mob.

    Free Member

    Sorry for being pedantic about due process over trial by media.

    Free Member

    What case, no has one been arrested.
    Let alone charged.

    Free Member

    Press just happened to be flying past, mmmm (itch my chin).

    It would not suprise me if there was a helicopter in the sky that just happens to film his arrest.
    And a large 4×4 nearby with the keys left in it and the door ajar bait car style.
    In the hope cliff makes a run for it in an OJ Simpson like car chase. Tv gold.

    Free Member

    And if he is found guilty a boy band manufactured from cliffs victims called “the abused” will sing there single securing them the festive número uno.

    Free Member

    I think simon cowell has bought the television rights to cliffs trial.
    Which will be held at wembley arena in front of a audience, hosted by ant and dec with cowell himself in the wig.

    It will be shown live every Saturday night leading up untill Christmas and will culminate in a star studded live finale where the public will decide cliffs innocence or guilt with a phone in vote.

    If cliff by a miracle is found not guilty he will get to perform his latest single live guaranteeing him the Christmas number 1 spot (reason enough for some to vote guilty).

    Free Member

    The godfather, cracking book.

    Free Member

    The fact the police denied tipping off the media but now claim they were right to work with the press due to new information.

    I though that if a witness in court was proven to have lied in any part of there testament, there whole testament is thrown out, also if they are proven to be a liar about a completely unrelated subject there testimony is worthless as you can not believe a word of what is said by a proven liar.

    Yet the police have acted completely underhandedly and lied again.
    Wether cliff is eventually found guilty or not, my trust and respect for the police is dwindling fast.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    It wasn’t Dave down the pub was it.

    Free Member

    Now here’s an investigation waiting to happen.

    Crrrraaaaaaccckkkkkeeeeerrrr jjjjjjjjaaaacccckkkkk

    Free Member

    Free Member

    OP, you are history’s greatest monster.

    Knocking vlad the impaler off the top spot to a close second.

    I would take the course, as unless you are playing your cards right points don’t mean prizes.

    Free Member

    If that’s true and someone called cig papers can crack the case, our boys in blue will have no problem.

    But there are some real fruitcakes on the net and I don’t know if cig papers is one of them or not so will leave to the police.

    Although the fact they needed 5 cars to convey 8 police officers and there just happened to be a press helicopter in he area despite them saying no one tip off the press makes me wonder if there next move is getting cliff in and wacking him on the bonce with a yellow pages to see if it jogs his memory.

    Free Member

    Have recently acquired an Isaiah for a nephew, I think it sounds like one of the dingles,
    No one agrees.

    Free Member

    When I had a motorbike for some reason I took to carrying all my stuff around in an old tescos carrier bag, I really don’t know why.

    Get yourself a record bag and be one of the cool kids.

    Free Member

    Was three points and a £60 fine when i got flashed, was a long time ago though.

    Free Member

    Hercules and Apollo where they not the Dobermans from magnum pi.

    Whilst backpacking in Rome along time ago I met an American called CJ,
    Stood for Charles junior, his dad was Charles senior and his younger brother was also called Charles but was known in the family by his second name which escapes me.

    I understood Charles senior and junior but why would you call both your children charles.

    He said his dad was an accountant , he was studying to be an accountant and his brother was studying law and his parents decided Charles was a good trustworthy name for business.

    I have never met another man with my name but have met a few women.

    Free Member

    I once done a wheelie on a friends strika and the front wheel fell off,
    I didn’t end well .

    Free Member

    Reason enough to love the Scott’s

    Will be sorry to see them go.

    Free Member

    So if we don’t have a set age, who decides if your mature or not.

    At 16 I had 20 year friends, at twenty I had 16 friends.

    At the age of 19 I had a girl of 15 knock on my front door who I had only met once before previously.
    Now at 15 she was a fine figure of a young woman.
    Anyway she knocked on my door and on opening said she was going to suck me dry.
    Now people I knew at the time would have invited her in an closed the door, I stepped out and closed the door behind me. Went for a walk and basically asked her what are you like.

    I did this because, maybe some what I knew she was 15 but mainly because based on both meetings I saw her as damaged ( I am not trying to be derogatory with that statement) and thought I would be taking advantage of the situation.

    I saw her 5 years later with someone else in a pub looking absolutely beautiful and I did kick my self a little bit.

    But at 19 I did not look at her at 15 as a child but as a peer, a peer who was under the age of consent.

    It is complex but a line has to be drawn in the sand to make an initial arrest possible and then digression will be the the job of the CPS or the courts .

    Free Member

    Also 16 year olds and twenty year old could move in the same circles so it would not be uncommon to make a connection.

    Where a 40 year and 16 year , the forty year old probably went out of there way to make it happen

    Free Member

    16 and early twenties still seems not quite right.

    I am going to go out on a limb here.

    A 16 old girl is physically mature enough to have sex. And I will accept an argument that they are probably not emotionally mature enough to have sex if you accept an argument that neither are most 20year old men.

    Free Member

    There have been cases where people have been charged with sex with a minor (15) and the corruption of said minor. And the judge has thrown out the corruption charge due to the minor being “no stranger to cock”.

    The age of consent is to protect minors from adults so if a 15 year old of dubious reputation came on to you as an adult you should say no out of moral decency aswell as it being the law even if she looks 18.

    And I think a 16 year old is to young for any one over the age of very early twenties in my mind.
    But at 18 you have to accept they are an adult and if only because they are free to make there own mistakes I think age difference is no longer an issue.

    These are only my views.

    Free Member

    Did your ask the first store to check wether the second store had them in stock, normally many stores will offer to do this.

    And when you set of from first store to second did you realise you might not make it.

    When a shop is closed it’s closed, or you will have people knocking on the door every night of the week at 2,5,10 minutes past.

    If I got there 5 minutes before closing to find it closed I would be pissed off but if a shop shut at 6 and I got there at 6:01 and found it closed, that would make sense as I actually got there after it was closed.

    Free Member

    onehundredthidiot – Member
    Or Jerry Lee Lewis

    Or the king.

    Free Member

    yunki – Member
    Lol @ chip… Seriously?
    Ate you on **** crack!?

    He has led an unconventional life and could be described as weird,

    But I don’t automatically make a connection between weird and unconventional with “sex case”.
    I am sure the are plenty of perverts who hide behind the facade of a seemingly happy marriage with children.

    I am not a fan and I may be proven wrong but I have never thought of him as danger to children or anyone.

    Free Member

    Reminds me of the mk4 cortinas and empty streets.

    Mk3 surely, and strangely when ever ii see a chopper I am reminded of the red hand gang, no idea why.

    Free Member

    Tony soon regretted asking cliff how he got the nick name thermometer finger.

    Free Member

    Will anyone really be that surprised if the allegations turn out to be true? The man is creepy as ****.

    I would very much be, I could not think of anyone who comes across less “rapey” than cliff.

    Free Member

    Caption comp,

    Smell my finger!

    Free Member

    I had the tomahawk.

    Before the grifter XL

    Free Member

    To be fair there were 6 people attacking the victim and they were ‘screaming at other diners to keep away or they would face the same fate’. It must have been terrifying and although I’d like to think I’d have done something, even as a 6’5″ male I don’t fancy my chances against 6 loonies who are hell-bent on killing ‘demons’!

    But would you once realising that you could not help the person being beaten to death , then proceed to video it on your mobile phone.

    Free Member

    The saddest part of that story is the fact that rather than wade in to help , customers instead pulled out their mobile phones to film it.

    Free Member

    I once read a very long time ago a magazine article of an interview with an afghani poppy farmer.

    Now this poppy farmer was very pissed off because some American chaps had just paid him a visit and completely destroyed his entire crop ( as part of Americas war on drugs not war on terror as this was pre terror) and now had no idea how he was going to support his familily untill he could get his next crop on the go an harvested.

    He then went on to explain he would have gone on sell his entire crop of poppies to people who would have turned it into heroine for the grand sum of £400 which was enough to feed and clothe himself, wife and kids.

    His argument was America don’t destroy my livelyhood because you cannot control your children.
    My kids don’t take heroine and I grow the shit.

    He did kind of have a point.

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