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    jivehoneyjive – Member
    Don’t forget the greasy men in suits who profit from the weapons and their sweaty antics with children…
    ISIS are just thorns on a bush; a bush that keeps growing back unless you get to the roots of the problem

    Seriously, are you completely obsessed with paedaphilia ( sorry if I spelt that wrong, but I normally google words I am not sure of the spelling but I am defiantly not googling that)

    Do all your conversations at home or work revolve around or have to be linked to child abuse.

    Free Member

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Free Member

    I can’t believe people think we should not help the poor people being murdered everyday, not only because it’s right but because we are some what responsible.

    I used to sometimes talk to an old boy now retired who used to be quit high up in the TA, as he sometimes shot at the same club as me.
    A few years ago when it was first announced that we were going to be pulling out of Afghanistan or Iraq he was very pissed off. Some of his reasons selfish others not so.

    1, he thought our army should be fighting someone somewhere at all times as if not there budget would be cut along with their personnel.

    2, he saw it as a soft war, more on the job training, as any army that is entirely made up of people who have never seen action or fired a shot in anger would not be fit for purpose if the shit really hit the fan.

    3. Nation building and installing democracy could not be done in less than three generations because as long as how it used to be was in living memory it was too easy to go back,and without strong leadership it would soon descend into a modern day dark age.

    I said three generations is a long time, he said that’s how long it takes if you are not prepared to see it through do not get involved in the first place.
    And the timescale did not bother him see 1 and 2.

    I said What about the people bought home in body bags.
    He said these are not green grocers these are soldiers, people who are prepared to stand up and be counted and to fight to help others against evil .

    And to not use an army to do what’s right because some may be killed, well you may as well not have an army in the first place.

    I remember some one on here maybe even ton saying their daughter had signed up.

    No one wants there loved ones in harms way but surely the reason you are proud is because they are prepared to stand up and be counted for what is right.

    Free Member

    If we do nothing and they take control of Iraq and then Syria, do you think they will stop and swap their weapons for daffodils,

    No they will continue on with a view to world domination.
    That normally does not end well .

    If you want to make sure you don’t find yourself one day kneeling in the dirt waiting to be slaughtered, act now.

    Free Member

    I never have and don’t wish to see it.
    Why has Cameron come back from his holiday.

    These people having been beheading and slaughtering people by the side of the road for months .
    Is it because an American died or because it was maybe a Brit that did it.

    the beheading of innocents and the bombing of the people responsible with drones are incomparable.

    The sooner Isis are pushing up the Daisy’s the better.

    Free Member

    If Scotland leaves the UK and joins Europe why would you not want to have the euro.

    Free Member

    Or to put it another way, what was the english electorate’s opinion on currency union, before westminster and the media started telling everyone it was a bad idea.

    **** ’em , it’s our ball and we are taking it home.

    If you don’t want to be friends anymore get your own ball.

    Free Member

    They want to start charging people for drink related injuries.
    That would be the thin end of the wedge.
    Next it would be smoking related illnesses.
    Then it will be sports related, what’s that, you fell of your bike while hammering it down a rocky descent breaking your clavicle , that was a stupid thing to do. Out comes the big self inflicted rubber stamp and credit card reader.

    And before you know it unless you are struck by lightning while sat in a comfy chair in your living room whilst wearing thick socks and listening to whale song you will find your self some how responsible and reaching for your bank card.

    Free Member

    Just spent half an hour watching ronnie Corbett on YouTube off the back of bens offering.

    Forget the NHS, it is completely screwed.
    Last time I called an ambulance for a friend who’s hip had came out, he had to wait 2 hours in the ambulance outside the hospital to be processed.
    And when he did get in the staff were handing out complaints forms begging people to fill them in as they could not doctor said they had fourteen ambulances qued up outside waiting to bring in people a few days before.

    Then a few days later I heard a GP ring up LBC complaining he took his young son to A&E the night before and was disgusted that at least half the people attending should not be there but instead should see their GP.

    To which the presenter said do you not think you are partially to blame because it can take weeks to get an appointment, you opted out of working weekends and won’t do home visits.

    To which he replied I could not possibly do home visits as I have over 2000 patients on my books, how could I visit all of them.
    I never wanted to slap someone as much in my life.

    You see on the news one day A&Es being closed down.
    Then a couple of months later the goverment announcing that the A&Es are over subscribed and can’t cope, and you find yourself shouting at the TV “no shit Sherlock”.

    If Scotland could provide a functioning NHS I would move there.

    Free Member

    Try Drinking the coffee of your choice up until lunch, and decaf after.
    When I do this I sleep easier at night.

    Free Member

    If you can get a descent second hand weihrauch hw97 that is what I would go for.

    See if there is a HFT club near you, I am sure people will help you out.
    Also it’s a great sport, very social and good practice for hunting.

    Free Member

    The more I have read the more I have been convinced it will be no.
    So thought about putting a small bet on.

    Don’t think I will bother.

    Free Member

    I’m no regular, but I’ve not noticed this. I did notice they now have an “eat in” price on everything, I presumed that was their tax dodge?

    I am sure it is what this branch has decide to do as it is in not a very affluent part of town.
    I was talking to the guy who runs the Chinese last year. He said due to all the rain the price of produce had gone up and he was barely staying afloat.
    I said well put your prices up.
    He laughed , and said around here, people won’t have that if I put my prices up people will just stop ordering.

    Around here being the young (teenage) single mum living off the state capital of the world.
    So I am all la di da with my wenzel’s .

    Free Member

    If everyone moved there money into English banks would that not cause trouble.

    Do you expect property prices to fall after the referendum if the yes vote goes through or indeed the no vote.

    Someone else said 18 months was the target but did not think it achievable, if you google it there is an exact date penciled in for Independence Day.

    Free Member

    What if,
    I am just saying what if.

    It all goes tits up, would Scotland be able to rejoin the uk, and would the scots ever live it down.
    And holding the UKs nuclear weapons to ransom would make, make Alex salmond, blofeld, and would he want “$1,000,000”.

    Free Member

    Jamaican patty and a coronation chicken baguette from wenzel’s for lunch today.
    As I now boycott my local gregge as they no longer have the hot racks turned on in order to avoid the pasty tax .

    Which means unless you are lucky enough to get there when they are removing them from the oven all pies, pasty, slices and sausage rolls are served stone cold.

    So if a pie from gregge does not get your juices flowing imagine one stone cold.

    Free Member

    Nine fan I don’t understand your concern with EU citizens being able to live and work in Scotland,over the right of Scottish people being to live and work in other eu countries .

    Surely a non EU Scotland could legislate to allow citizens of other nations to live and work in Scotland, it is the other way around you will have no control over.

    Free Member

    So if the yes vote wins through the Scottish will not be independant untill Independence Day .
    Until which Scottish people will still be part of Europe.
    And will Scotland have to what untill Independence Day to come before being ble able to enter discussions with the EU.

    So will there be a period of time where Scotland is no longer part of the uk so no longer part of Europe untill they finalise the details of Scotland joining the EU.
    And for that period of time would Scots abroad working under freedom of movement have to return home or stop working at least. Or will the EU offer a period off grace while everything is going through.

    Free Member

    Dual nationality, **** off.
    Either you want to be part of the uk or you want an independent Scotland.

    To want both IS taking the piss.

    Free Member

    I have some dual compound performance line muddy Mary’s in the loft.

    The performance line part is the budget carcass which is quit heavy.
    But I put a durometer on the tread and I think the center knobs averaged 68a and the outside knobs 60a

    It was pretty warm up there and all my 60a maxxis tyres were reading a consistent 58a.
    I am thinking of building up an old frame for when the filth sets in and will give them a try front and back.
    What’s the worst that can happen.

    Free Member

    But the Scottish Labour Party is currently part of the British Labour Party, so if the yes vote goes through would the become a seperate entity .

    For instance if the Labour Party were in goverment in the uk and the Scottish Labour Party were in power in Scotland could the uk Labour Party exert influence over Scotland through the back door through there alliance .

    Free Member

    It seems so much of what will happen if the yes vote happens is pure speculation and conjecture.

    How long has this been in the making, could not have any theoretical talks have taken place with the eu before hand or would Europe not even entertain the idea before the yes vote goes through. Also currency how has a rock solid plan not been agreed before the vote.

    It seems to me asking the Scottish people to vote yes is asking for a huge leap of faith. And if they do it will be a huge vote of confidence in their politicians as here the general consensus is you cannot trust them as far as you can throw them.

    Free Member

    If the yes vote wins, how long will take Scotland to become completely independent of the rest of the uk.

    Free Member

    I have found non tlr tyres go on super easy but any tlr tyres I have had to wrestle on.
    But as the tyres are not new may go on easier even if tlr.

    Free Member

    If you were swapping new tyres on to the old wheel I would say dump it and start again as It is easy to suck up the fluid but I find a large amount of the fibrous crap stays in the tyre and that is what seals any holes.
    But as you are using the same tyres I would try to siringe up as much of the fluid as possible and leave any crap what does not come out in the tyre in there then add the old juice with some more new once the tyre is fitted.

    Free Member

    Sorry if I am stating the bleedin obvious or being very thick.
    But is there not a country on this earth that we will not let its people into this country.
    And if so what if Scotland is happy to allow them in .

    How would when then stop them crossing into England.

    Free Member

    If Scotland vote to be Independent, I wish them well and hope they prosper, I really do.
    And I think they have the right to vote in or out the same as we do with Europe.

    I am just thinking off the top of my head about any problems that may arise.

    Free Member

    Airguns perhaps not the best example but if things are made illegal in one country and not in the other you will get a black market. If you did not have the same drugs laws for instance.

    Free Member

    Salmond wanted to ban airguns in Scotland as apparently scots can’t be trusted with them.

    Free Member

    What happens if one countries health service surpasses the others, say with what cancer treatments it offers, would health tourism become an issue.
    What if one has a softer benefit system would there be a migration of dole dossers.

    And will STV being showing braveheart the night before the referendum.

    Free Member

    Out of interest what percentage of the vote will be cast on considered benefit for the people of Scotland based on the outcome and what percentage on blind nationalism.

    I would be sorry to see the union split but believe it is the choice of the Scottish people. But if it goes tits up would we have to prop up there economy. And also if that twit salmon starts changing too many laws say firearm laws for instance would that make border control a problem.

    Free Member

    The chair is – wtf?

    It’s a relic from his old boy racer days.
    See the Dinky on his computer screen also.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    OP: what on earth were you searching for to find that?

    Backwards bike with spear,

    Free Member

    I thought I badly sprained my ankle playing football at 15.

    It took months to heel and still gave me gyp for a couple of years and even now my ankle can go black and ache.

    I broke my heel several years ago and when X-rayed the radiologist asked did I know I had broken my ankle.
    I replied that’s why am here aren’t i, she said no you have Broken your heel today but the X-ray shows an old break that was displaced and healed badly and I should speak to the doctors about fixing it.

    I spoke to the doctor who said you have managed ok on it for the last 14years so forget about it .

    So if you have the time I would get it xrayed. Mats will be quickest but get the hump if you have not injured it in last couple of days ( I found out when I presented my self with a fractured wrist I had done 6 days earlier).

    Free Member

    This is what I get,

    But if I zoom in a little it gets rid of the side adverts.
    If not it would be unusable.

    Free Member

    I think it all depends on the welds.
    Some may not take larger rings due to the welding so they cover there tucos by saying that larger rings don’t fit.

    But you may be lucky.

    Free Member

    If I lived there ^^^^^^
    My wardrobe would consist of speedos and trainers with the backs trodden down, and nothing else.
    Well jell.

    Free Member

    Matted arm hair, I thought it was an elaborate tattoo .

    But definitely see where turboferrets username comes from.

    Free Member

    Was tipping it down this morning but went out anyway.
    Glad I did as it turned out nice again.

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