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  • Issue 143 Editorial: Local Secrets
  • chip
    Free Member

    I know loads of people who could be considered to be racist, that’s their right, as long as their views do not impact negatively on other peoples lives that’s fine.

    You can hate black people, that’s fine as long as you don’t go around physically or verbally abusing them.
    If someone does not want Indians living next door that’s fine, and that’s fine to say that. Not a lot they can do about it , if it happened they might actually like there new neighbours, or not.


    Free Member

    I agree she should not be using one,
    But she is not out with her dad cletus, she is meant to be under the supervision of an instructor how should have known she was incapable of using the gun safely.

    Free Member


    This video appears to stop after the gun jumps towards instructor but short of him being shot .

    And you are right the stock is being used, just not properly.

    Free Member

    The gun looked too low to be shouldered correctly (from memory of what i just saw. )

    Free Member

    In America you can buy a mini gun ( normally attached to military helicopters and seen raining shell casings in films ) and bolt it to the roof of your pick up and shot the shit out of some stuff with a few buddies and a six pack .

    Just seen the video on the news, the young girl did not even have it shouldered with the fold out stock.

    I repeat Darwin strikes again.

    Free Member

    There is nothing wrong with target shooting using appropriate target rifles, pistols.
    But blasting the shit out of stuff with military hardware would probably be quit fun but does that make it right.

    Any one who shoots will know, keep you gun pointed in a safe direction ( ground ) at all times . you never point a gun at anything you do not wish to shoot.
    Do not touch the trigger until on target.
    If someone hands you a firearm check it’s not loaded (never take it for granted it isn’t even if they tell you so)
    I have a safety on my air rifles but don’t use it as would never walk around with a loaded rifle but choose only to load when about to take a shot .
    If you follow all of the above rules you will never accidentally shoot anyone, unless you give a small child an Uzi obviously .

    Free Member

    bails – Member
    And young white males murder children in schools. Don’t forget that key demographic.

    That is fruitcakes going postal, that is when people with issues have access to leagaly held firearms.
    Which is why we banned handguns here.
    I know people who used to legally own handguns here and said banning them would not stop criminals which was never the point, the point was to stop people going postal with a legal weapon because the would try and kill as many people as possible.

    Free Member

    Which must show how rare guns are in the UK?

    In my teens I could have got a gun quit easily , £400 bought you a loaded hand gun.
    You had no choice in what gun you got and did not come with extra rounds .
    The idea being you ether bought it to use and would dispose of it straight away or you bought it to keep but if used would be disposed of.

    And the gun would be clean as in if caught with it you would be possession but not up for a past crime that may have been commited with it.

    That was a long time ago and would have no idea where to get one now. But I’m am sure I could probably find out if it tried.

    Free Member

    3.5kg according to Wiki, not that heavy, my 10yr old wouldn’t have any problem picking that up. Although the recoil is obviously a different matter.

    A heavier gun recoils less .
    A long barrelled heavy rifle with a good stock would recoil less and be easier to control especially if fired resting.

    The Uzi is a short barrelled machine pistol with a fold out stock.
    If she was firing standing in full auto it is not surprising she lost control.

    Free Member

    Complete stupidity for all involved, instructor and girls parents.
    The girl would obviously not be able to control the gun and could have just as easily accidentally shot herself.

    Darwin claims another.

    Free Member

    Is there a parking a problem where you live.
    Has the car been sat unused for a period of time (sat taking a parking space)

    It’s amazing the animosity and disputes that occur over residential parking or more to the point lack of it.

    Free Member

    Good people are grateful of help from the state when and if it is required .

    **** make a career from it and build a life around around it.
    It’s their right to bring up six kids in a huge house without ever doing a days work in there life.

    Take the kids into care, I would , as then they may have a chance of getting a set of morals instead of getting pregnant at the first opertunity and rinsing the state for every penny they can.

    Free Member

    Get back up there and give him a piece of your mind, and I will hold your monkey.

    Free Member

    Everyone knows it’s back to front before inside out.

    I can’t believe anyone knows how old their pants are.

    Free Member

    Slice of bread ( butter on outside, obviously) into breville add ketchup, cheese single then crack in an egg.
    Finall add top slice of bread (see above) , then lock down breville till golden brown, if cooked correctly the yoke should still be gooey .

    Toasty eggy cheese sandwich goodness.

    Free Member

    When you put to much hot water in a pot noodle.
    Just add a pack of quavers, genius

    Also add a teaspoon of sugar to an omelette mix, sweet.

    Free Member

    The instructions say to use carbon paste on the stem/bar interface but does not say to use on bar furniture .

    It does say max torq for levers 3nm, but to tighten stem to torq settings provided by your stem manufacturer.
    Which I think on my turbine is 7 of the top of my head which I thought may be excessive, but will follow when I get around to fitting.

    Free Member

    Blimey Chip, that sounds awful.

    95 percent of the blood was my sisters and her family as they cut themselves to ribbons smashing there way through the front window with their bare hands , such was the built up frustration.
    When the police turned up they had got in and were fighting inside the house with the neighbours .

    My sister needed two operations to save her hand and my nephews have scares on there arms that Rival frankenstiens monster. If the police had not turned up when they did god knows what would have happened.

    Free Member

    Daily mail link

    My sister had the same thing for years, they even shot her cat in her garden with an air rifle.
    Until one day my sister cracked. And stormed the neighbours house with her sons via the front window.

    It was a bloodbath, one of the attending police officers said it was the most blood he had seen at the scene of a crime where no one actually died.

    There were court cases and operations, but the council did finally move the neighbours from hell after hundreds of complaints from my sister but because the neighbours refused to go back through fear.

    Free Member

    The reason behind the adverts being skittish is I am sure to promote the unintentional activation of said adverts.
    Some times I have inadvertently click an advert more than once as it appeared as I clicked a thread.

    If it gets any worse it could actually become a game to rival candy crush for speed of touch and reaction times where your prize is to actually get to read a thread.

    Free Member

    The goverment has made so many redundancies in our armed forces (as with our police force) while still actively recruiting new recruits, I suppose because they can pay them less. And realise we now probably could not fight our way out of a paper bag , and by acting this would soon become apparent to all.

    I have a friend ex forces who would privately send out as much kit as he could to his serving nephews including body armour as our boys were left to do a job they were not properly equipped to do.

    Free Member

    To arm the Kurds and hope Isis do not overrun them and gain control of even more of our weaponary.
    To arm the Kurds and hope that if they beat Isis they don’t go on to do anything unsavoury with them.
    To arm the Kurds and hope that we do not find ourselves on the receiving end of them.

    Free Member

    Mines particularly bad this morning,
    Also when I scroll down and get to the bit i want it reloads me back at the top of the page .
    And if I click on my username and move down to forum activity, it does not work but instead the subscribe box becomes highlighted.

    Attempted bullying into subscription just stiffens my resolve,

    AND makes me not want to subscribe. 😀

    But this has been covered a few times now and the answer is,
    Put up, pay up or pack up.

    Free Member

    When the schoolgirls dress like prostitutes and the prostitutes dress like schoolgirls.

    Free Member

    Picking up my dogs poo does not bother me at all.
    My latest pooch is a proper machine I can pick up 5 I think is his record in one walk.

    And the smell does not bother me at all, I supose it’s similar to not minding the smell of your own farts.

    The only thing that is not very nice is sometimes you are not paying attention and you pick up your dogs pooh and it’s stone cold and you think “that’s not my dogs poo “. But by then it’s too late to put it back.

    Free Member

    Growing up in the late 70s and 80s my best friend was Muslim.
    Every schoolday morning I would get round his house early and would have to wait in his living room watching a Pakistani film which involved much dancing and singing in urdu on VHS while he rushed down his breakfast.

    We would get to school early, so we could play football before registration, played football at break, lunch and after school untill the numbers dwindled and we went home,

    My mum worked so I spent many afternoons at his house and ate dinner with his family at the table. I watched him pray at home and went home when they had to go to the mosque and When his older sister got older and he would sometimes have to chaperone her, much to his annoyance as he would rather be doing something else.

    His dad was a lovely man who drove tube trains and would often come home and produce two red rovers from his pocket and we would bugger off on the busses.
    His mum did no speak much English but she always smiled and I saw love in her eyes when she looked at me.

    I understand the difference between Muslims and extremists.

    Free Member

    Next time you’re out in the middle of nowhere, make a mental note of how many dog owners are carrying a bag of shite with them looking for the next bin. Doubt you will see one.

    You would if you past me.
    I can be seen at least twice a day swinging a little black bag of poo, and the poo bins are many and never empty so I am not the only one.
    And no matter what I am wearing I can not manage to produce my keys or wallet without pulling out at least 5 poo bags first.

    Some local trails support the stick and flick method of poo management.

    Free Member

    You know how ISIS decapitate and crucify many of their enemies; well, in so doing, they may actually be reducing the number of deaths overall: by committing such barbaric acts, they scare the crap out of their enemies, which means less will engage them in combat and as a result, there may be less casualties.
    I’m still really curious where they got weapons from in the 1st instance, before they captured anyone else’s…

    These are people who kill people because they don’t share there religious ideology.

    They are not chopping off heads to save lives.

    Free Member

    I used to buy the sun every day without fail.
    But stopped after the whole phone hacking business , especially the phone hacking of milly dowlers phone I found disgusting and have not bought a copy since or any news paper , I will read them for free in the cafe or pub but won’t give them my money .

    I also untill the recent cliff debacle would have the BBC news channel on in the background at home, but not since.
    I am fully aware of news agencies and the way they work.

    But the information that leads me to believe Isis is abhorrent is coming from them through social media.
    And not the work of the wests propaganda .

    Free Member

    Exploding dog poo,

    Last time I rode around epping forest i passed quit a few lady mtb’ers some with partners and many on there own .
    But what struck me was how beautifully made up they all were down to their bright red lipstick.

    I thought this was a lot of trouble to go through as they would probably be ingesting horse and dog faeces but maybe this was an Essex thing. But now thinking maybe a ton of foundation would work as a good barrier between their skin and the excrement.

    Free Member

    I have a conspiracy theory for you jivehoney.

    The only one missing is blonde the dog.

    Is RT in that link Russia today, if so I would take more stock JBJs ramblings.

    Free Member

    Don’t start me off again,I must have been hypnotised some where along the line and cruise control set as a trigger word as, as I drove twenty junctions around the m25 on Saturday in the middle lane I remembered cruise control and broke out in to another uncontrollable fit of laughter And nearly had to pull into the inside lane.

    Free Member

    Sorry I imagined a not. Speed reading error.

    Don’t call me Ernie 😀

    Free Member

    I would not behead anyone as I am not a sick bastard.
    Drone strikes are on convoys of armed men or artillery or generally military hardware.

    Isis has taken fruitloopery to the extreme and the fact you can not realise this and condemn them and
    there actions alone without trying to bring up someone else’s atrocities as some sort of defence.

    Free Member

    However, this does mean that a drone operator is probably a more normal functioning member of society than someone who beheads a prisoner.

    I disagree, give me the remote control and I would drop the bombs on Isis while they were in the act of attacking a city full of innocents.
    But I would not behead them as I would not seek ceremony or pleasure in the act of killing them.
    I feel unhappy about treading on a snail or chopping a worm in half with the shovel.
    But would see stopping Isis as a job that needs doing and not a blood sport .

    Free Member

    Sack the brute and take a gentle and considerate lover .

    Free Member

    To calmly cut some ones head off with a knife, you have to be warped beyond repair.

    I used to work with someone years a go who tried to show me a video on his phone of some one cutting a pigs head off.
    I pushed him away, and he continued to watch it laughing, then when it was finished told me it was sick .

    I said your **** sick. But wonder how hard it would be to condition someone with normal feelings of compassion and empathy to become a blood thirsty sicko.
    I am sure some people are born that way, but if you think of what went on in the coliseum in Ancient Rome for instance I think it must be a taste that can be aquired.

    Slightly off topic ,
    During one of the golf wars, I saw a photo of a us soldier sat on a transporter plane with “kill em all”scribbled on his helmet. And said to a friend that’s your problem right there, that is why there is so many friendly fire incidents.

    He said what would you write on your helmet, I said “tell me which way to shoot”.

    Free Member

    Of Course both of them, what’s the point of **** one.

    That’s ok I had to answer the phone anyway.

    Thanks, I can get the brakes fixed on the van now.

    You can’t eat a pig like that all at once.


    Free Member

    Sorry I have only just stopped laughing at cruise control.
    I am going to have to go as my sides are proper hurting.

    Free Member

    Cruise control, you crack me up.

    I will have cruise control when you are being driven round in a driverless car.

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