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  • chip
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    Free Member

    Abergavenny, wear the fox hat.

    Free Member

    I would love to own this .

    It is identical to one my mum owned when I was a little kid.
    My dad had a white one identical to harry styles.

    Free Member

    That Evel Knievel toy at the end,
    I had to through a full on paddy in the middle of a toy shop before my dad bought that for me.
    It was my favourite thing ever.

    Free Member

    Last year, during an appearance before Parliament’s Home Affairs Select Committee to give evidence on child grooming in Rotherham she told MPs: “I do not think I would fully accept that we have failed dismally to deal with the issue.”


    Free Member

    The way I read it was they shot the robber he then ran past them and out the door and at some point the sound man found himself between the robber and the police.

    There would be a real chance of a sound man running around following police in a gun fight getting shot by a criminal you would think but would not be inconceivable to be shot by the police.

    What are the laws for an officer using there gun.

    If someone starts shooting at you across a busy restaurant for instance are you allowed to shoot back they must find them selfs under fire in public places.

    Free Member

    The robber had an air soft gun , fires plastic balls .
    And fired it at the police so no sympathy.

    He would have been better throwing it away and having on his toes of he did not want to hand himself in.

    When they banned handguns in this country they had to compensate all owners book value of all guns handed in.
    All the people I know did very well financially out of handing the guns in although still very pissed of about it.

    Free Member

    If you took all the bits of your old bike to build this winter bike,
    How comes your old bike is still a bike .

    And given I have not completely taken leave of my senses I am going to go out on a limb here and say it looks very much to me that you now have in fact got two bicycles.

    And you say ,

    Free Member

    You don’t think pc has anything to do with it, Tom dedicated most of his energies on this thread trying to prove the filthy animals behaviour was in no way race related or motivated.

    Most ironic.

    Try imagining being locked in a back room with a bunch of men about to tear you a new.

    And realise the true horror of what has gone on and how badly these children have been failed .

    Free Member

    If you suspect someone is kidnapping young girls , beating them and gang raping them, and do nothing you are a horrible **** who deserves to swing too ,

    Just my opinion,

    Free Member

    Not sure I agree entirely. I agree the blame for what happened to these 1400 lives lies solely with their abusers.

    It does not it lies with every one who new it was happening or suspected it was happening and chose to do nothing , as well .
    I despair, I really do.

    Free Member

    Filthy scum who deserve to swing did terrible things to hundreds of vulnerable children for over a decade under the noses of the authorities who’s very existence was to protect these children.
    But they chose to ignore it despite well founded suspions at least and direct knowledge at most because they thought they lived in a society where being a racist was the worst kind of scum and when racist would be used to describe anyone who disagreed with how other people of different heritage lived or behaved .

    It does not matter what race the perpetrators were or what colour the children were.
    But how society allowed it self to get so **** up to allow political correctness to overrule all else at the expense of these children.

    Free Member

    People twenties years older than me I know used to spend the childhood building. IEDs that al quieda would be proud of , and then use them to blow trees out of the ground. None of them lost hands, but some kids somewhere probably did .

    I grew up a feral child of the seventies, we did not wear helmets, grew up in playgrounds with witches hats and climbing frames with only concrete to brake our fall, climbed the sides of buildings and generally ran riot.
    I don’t know anyone who bashed there brains in, plenty of broken arms and legs.
    Does not mean some kids did not, just I never new them.

    The chances of your child receiving a brain injury while riding there bike is very small, but it does happen.

    So if you are very unlucky enough to find yourself in that tragic situation knowing you wanted your kid to grow up like you helmet free, you will have to live with that.

    Only you can decide something like that, shall I make my kid wear a helmet is a decision for a responsible parent, not for a bunch of divs (me included) on a forum to make.

    Free Member

    It is very simple, ask yourself if I were to come off my bike would I prefer my child to be wearing a helmet or not .

    Then run with it , if you can not do this maybe children are not for you .

    Free Member

    My kid asked me for some shin pads for football training,
    I called him a poofter and if he was that bothered to stuff newspaper down his socks.
    And he knows not to let me catch him wearing a seatbelt either or he will be sleeping in the coal shed with no tea .

    Free Member

    You have had the memo,
    Thus rendering this thread both unnecessary and purposeless.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Is everyone missing the point? It’s for a garage…
    Use a handsaw, spend the difference between that and any number of the power tools recommended above on bike shit!


    I only have one cut to make. I have a jigsaw.
    Suggestions please.

    May I suggest you use your jigsaw.

    Cut with the top the right way up. It will chip but the cut will be straight , at the top any way, underneath maybe wavy due to the blade bending. But if this end runs into a wall you will never see it .

    Also take you time and let the blade do the work (don’t lean on the jigsaw).

    Free Member

    I use a skill saw all the time for straight cutting worktops
    Mask the top flip over and clamp a straight edged across the worktop and run the foot plate of the skilsaw against the straight edge cutting from front (nose) to back.

    You have to allow for distance between edge and blade when measuring and use a sharp blade.

    Free Member

    It was an accident whiting to happen.

    Free Member

    I was at an extended family gathering at a very posh restaurant when one of my early teenage nephews disappeared and on returning pulled out his phone and showed his younger brother before both bursting out laughing .

    on enquiring I found out that nephew no1 had been for a no2 and was so proud of its proportions felt the need to photograph it so he could show it to his brother.

    The same phone he had bought second hand from a market complete with several pictures of a mans lower extremities who was clearly happy to see some one.

    I would not have thought ashley cole would have needed to sell on his old mobile phones.

    Free Member

    Long lost family is a favourite at home,

    And I am waiting for nicky what’s his face to say “we spent half an hour on Facebook, and we have found you daughter.
    And then produce a picture of her dancing on a table pissed with one of her baps out on a hen night in Dublin.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Did not come out well
    Here’s the last part.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    bruised and battered .

    Stealth edit.

    Free Member

    I was expecting to see her in her head slightly tilted back one eye stuck closed and tongue out “I’ve just been splashed with gentlemens relish” pose.
    I guess she has worn that a bit thin.
    But if this does actually help someone that’s a good thing even if done for self promotion.

    Free Member

    I should have added lucky to my choices.

    Because they are what you would have to be to not be affected either by the massive cuts in public spending or mass immigration.

    Free Member

    I do think fears about immigration are understandable, I just don’t think they are entirely justified…..note entirely.

    My point exactly.

    Deadlydarcy, you are either rich or stupid, for your sake I hope you are rich.

    Free Member

    I could not give a **** what colour or religion people are,as long as they are good people, and treat everyone with the respect I would expect untill they prove otherwise.

    But if people have different views to mine I don’t just brand them a racist and that be an end to it.

    The town I grew up in has a very large polish community that has appeared in a very short space of time.

    People are seeing our police force being decimated and police stations sold for posh flats.
    They are seeing hospitals and A&Es closed and being at the point they are about to implode.
    They are seeing our armed forces being seriously cut back .
    They are seeing there schools overcrowded with oversubscribed classrooms and portacabins for extra classrooms were their used to be a football pitch.

    And they are seeing a high level of immigration and immigrants on the ground.
    And this could all be a coincidence and be adding 2 and 2 and coming up with 5.

    I personally believe this country Is potless due to the enormous social security bill which may or may not be affected by immigration.

    But just because I consider my self not racist as in I don’t believe I am better than anyone else and treat everyone with respect does not mean I agree with mass immigration. And I am sure there are people who would happily banned me a racist but would treat some differently or look down on them because of race.

    I am sure there are racists in ukip but because you support ukip does not make you a racist .

    Free Member

    So who did the children go to, were they polish?

    Free Member

    The children where Eastern European 😀
    Mental note to self: must research facts and not wade in blindly from memory.

    Small minded people Professionals with a little bit of power making decisions based on evidence based practice

    I do not believe that at all.

    Free Member

    Do you think political parties send out directives to social services, to flaunt their own procedures and take children away from good hard working UKIPers?

    Small minded people with a little bit of power making decisions based on the own bigotry towards other peoples rightful political views.

    Free Member

    This + 1400
    You know that the evidence points towards that they targeted Asian women as well and did not preferentially target white girls, it’s just that the cultural attitudes within the Asian community have meant those girls have often not come forward.

    I don’t care what colour the girls were they targeted.

    What I get from that post Is they may be the worst type of depraved scum, but they weren’t racist .

    Free Member

    Hi Tom, I use **** off a lot and not meant as an insult, more of. “I don’t beleive it”.

    If this family did not vote ukip it would have remained with them .

    Free Member

    The baby was taken because the PC brigade branded them as racists.

    If they were they would not have cared to help.

    Free Member

    **** off it was a black baby who would have been put with a black family if one was available.
    But this people chose to help because its a baby who needed love and interaction.

    Free Member

    People who chose to foster children, good kind people surely.
    have children removed because the vote ukip.

    Free Member

    People will have there beliefs. If they are afraid to air them, you can never challenge them.
    Some of the nicest people I know are racist.
    And would help anyone out in genuine need what ever colour they are.

    But feel this country is being destroyed by mass immigration.

    So there for racist in many peoples eyes.

    Free Member

    Every person who allowed this to happen should be exposed and face the consequences.
    Whether that’s losing there jobs or facing charges.

    There is no excuse, I would rather be branded for evermore a racist than stand by and let this happen.

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