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  • Moorland fire equalled carbon footprint of a small town
  • chip
    Free Member

    When you here the clicking, ride out of the saddle to see if it stops, if so not your bb .
    I had a click that is wore blind was the bb because it happens at the same point of my crank rotation with every turn .
    But it stopped when out of the saddle.
    So set about try to eliminate it one theory so I would atleast to know what the problem was when and if I could cure it.

    Turned out to be the seat tube/seatpost clamp interface. So removed the clamp a thin wipe of grease around the inside of the clamp did the job.

    I had checked the crank, pedals,headset, seat post ,rear drop outs and cable slap before finding the problem.

    Free Member

    hebdencyclist – Member
    “OK – here it is. Ah wait – this is my permit to ride your mum”.

    Oh wait a minute it’s not a permit its a loyalty card.

    Free Member

    You might want to squeeze in some gay sex too cheif.

    Free Member

    Growing up I new a very mean woman with a 5 year child who whenever he would not do as he was told, she told him the men would come and get him.
    He would then burst into tears and immediately do as he was told.

    I asked her who were the men, she said the men from the children’s home.
    She had explained the concept of a children’s home to him slightly embellishing on how grim a life in care was (probably not considering Rotherham).

    To the point this kid was absolutely petrified of the men.

    Same principle .

    Free Member

    Hmmmm… Those quotes from the Quran about war.. I wonder what the original Arabic word was and if there is some subtlety lost in the translation.

    I have no doubt the Quran has passages on killing infedels.

    Like the bible has similar, the bible is not gospel you know it is The handbook on how to control a nation who have had the fear of god put into them. Which should be used by selecting the chapter and verse which best suits your designs on a nation on any given day. Written by a bunch of clever people who have pulled a right flanker.

    I think I read once that if you bought a copy of every Sunday paper complete with supplements and spent the weekend reading them all from cover to cover , you would have taken in more information that weekend than an average fourteenth century person did in there lifetime.

    So how hard was to pull the wool over peoples eyes before that.

    I believe some ones religion should be between them and god , to be practised at home or amongst similar minded people. But should never impact on anyone else who chooses not to believe your beliefs.

    Free Member

    Could you imagine the furore if Isis beheaded this badboy.

    A nation hushed by disbelief not seen since Diana’s death.

    Free Member

    If anyone is genuinely worried about the uk becoming an Islamic state,
    Watch xfactor on catch up.

    If that does not reassure you I don’t know what will.
    The biggest religion in this town is celebrity.

    Free Member

    It’s here till Christmas.
    Try the fish.

    Free Member

    sorry i asked now……..

    Cheer yourself up, works for me.

    Free Member

    I know someone who was murdered over an unpaid £10 drugs debt.
    His murderer traveled from one sink estate the his to kill him .

    A woman on my estate was shot twice once in the arm and once in the head for coming out and asking two 15 year olds to move away from her flat as she had children sleeping .

    I think two bit ghetto gangbangers describes the kind of individual I was looking to define well enough .

    Free Member

    They do not have enough people to watch everyone , they have already said that.

    And if a bunch of two bit ghetto gangbangers can get there hands on automatic weapons.
    An international terrorist organisation will have no problem unless the send them by yodell.
    In which case they will be stuck on someone’s roof somewhere.

    Free Member

    When we have Isis acts of terror here it is not going to be bombs.
    It’s going to be several loonies walking around a shopping center or train station with automatic rifles taking people out or groups kidnapping people and filming them being decapitated.

    Bombs are not nearly horrific enough for these people.

    Growing up me and my friends spent a lot of time up London and my mum always worried about me being caught up in an IRA bomb, irrational maybe. But considering they blew up an army recruitment center on my local high road and one of my friends (a child) charged (peanuts) the press to take photo from his back garden , maybe it was not so irrational after all.

    This is all just sheer speculation on my part, but if you know what these people are capable of and all what stands between them and you is geography, for now. You should be a tinsy bit concerned.

    Free Member

    Just looked out of the window, nothing yet.

    Free Member

    Zoneing in and out when driving is not a problem, I do it and normally followed by looking around to see if I had missed my junction or not.

    Driving around town you are constantly looking for visual landmarks to navigate by, looking out for pedestrians, cyclists, traffic lights, and is generally more engaging than motorway driving.
    Only a complete simpletons brain would be taxed to its capacity by driving on the motorway.

    The problem is the obsessing about it later, which is a complete waste of time and energy because it would be to late to do anything about anything that may have happened. So you need to let it go and go and do something far more interesting instead.

    As said before this is bread and butter stuff to people who help with this sort of thing.

    Free Member

    Anxiety can manifest in strange ways.
    I had a friend (very outgoing and leary) who worked in the city and one day had a panic attack on the train in.
    This happened more and more. Then on the way to the station , eventually every morning when he work up he was sick at the thought of going to work.

    He stayed home sick spending his days on the sofa in his pants.
    His dad went around and gave him a pull yourself togeather it’s a **** train speech , which did not really work.
    He saw a psychologist and got himself straight pretty quickly.

    I had a similar thing with not being able to eat in public which started the same way, but I was smoking a lot of weed at the time.

    Speak to the doctors they will get you straight nay bother.
    Hope you get back to using your original username soon .

    Free Member

    Do it quick before it starts showing signs of getting better .

    Targets to meet.

    Free Member

    The spitfire and hurricane flew over my house on the jubilee.
    very unmistakable the sound of the merlin engine and very evocative of the war even to someone who was born 30 years after it finished.

    Free Member

    Nowt is different today from yesterday,
    They are just trying to appear to be doing something.


    It could be to do with Isis now have lightsabers.

    Don’t care what any of you lot say as soon as they have finished building their Death Star I am doubling up on my Prozac.

    Free Member

    Should have paid more attention at skool

    Free Member

    Keep your fingers crossed you’re not next.

    Free Member

    Wrinkly left hand from running around gripping a large king Edward that looked more like a natural sponge and then having to sneak in to liberate some more ammo when your mum was not looking.

    And stingers made out of a ruler sticky tape and a clothes peg , then off to mr Patels for a couple of packs of coloured elastic bands.

    Free Member

    Lots of Americans own guns for protection .
    Lots of Americans own guns for recreation.
    Lots of Americans believe that if the government took there guns and right to own them.
    They would be left unable to protect them selfs from the government itself because as long as they have weapons it would be a guarantee against a government turning dictator, and if they did they would have the weapons needed for a reveloution.

    Free Member

    Derek b was quality,
    rob base,

    Free Member

    Free Member

    France for example where the toilets are sometimes shared in bars and restaurants, Holland where urinals are in the street and quite open.

    Yes but it ends up in the sewer and not running down the street.

    The disgusting bit would not be the view of a mans back but the smelly puddle left behind, still have to try to be considerate of where you get it out.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    If there is someone willing to kill me , I would rather mark my target and get him shot the sooner the better.
    But I see your point but still would expect them to be able to shoot well even if they are not expected to do so.

    Free Member

    I have been trying to think of the most inappropriate place I have had a waz .
    And it must be out of the passenger window of a moving commer van that a friend was driving, and refused to stop and let me out. As he found my escalating state of unease extremely funny until he left me no choice .

    It was quite late at night so I doubt anyone saw.

    Free Member

    I walked out of a pub once because I was watching the barman pour me a pint at the other end of the bar and noticed he was stood with his hips twisted at a funny angle to his body which was facing the bar, then realised he was pissing in the sink using his right hand to aim while using his left hand to pull my pint.

    Not been back since .

    Free Member

    After the boer war where the British were shown they could not shoot for shit by the Dutch the British government pushed for all men folk to shoot for a pastime.
    Encouraging shooting clubs all round the country and even in pubs.
    Through tunnel type contraptions.

    Because if the country could shoot well they would have readymade marksman when and if needed to be called up.

    So that really surprises me that the don’t teach the army to shoot well because they learnt a long time ago an army that can’t shoot is like a chocolate fire guard.

    Free Member

    Jack pyke do waterproof baseball caps, I had one with flappy ears.
    But I think they only come in English oak camo

    Free Member

    I could hit a coke can at 30 yards with a berreta 9mm , what are they teaching you soldier boys.

    Free Member

    Her and that Brian cant , I think that was his name.

    Free Member

    I had a mk11 GTi in lipstick red with 16v engine I fitted.
    I was young and stupid and wrote it off driving like a cock .
    It was rocket powered though .
    After which my bank manager agreed to lend me £10000 to replace it with a corrado vr6.

    But then rang me up and invited me in for a chat to tell me he had since changed his mind.
    I was very peed off and demanded he gave me £150 compensation for my disappointment and he suprisingly agreed.

    Free Member

    Did he say man in distress 3 times first.
    If so completely legal. That’s what I told a policeman once who saw me duck behind the back of a church when I was busting.

    Thought I might have been robbing and followed me and caught me in the act.
    When I told him it was alright officer I had said man in distress 3 times so was all above board, he laughed and let me go with a warning.

    Free Member

    Mk1 Capri a thing of sheer beauty, mk2 pig ugly, mk3 lovely again.

    Although my mums had a lawn in the boot were she once spilt grass seed.

    Free Member

    Role models ended with a medieval roleplay war game.

    Free Member

    This narrowly beat Roxanes revenge.

    Free Member

    I am not kraken up either, maybe he hydra planed and it got nessy.
    I bet he was glad to hear the sirens.

    Free Member

    she has muscles everywhere.

    That is because she was an athlete innit.

    I think they need proof.

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