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  • Cost of living crisis and Singletrack – An appeal
  • chip
    Free Member

    Have always had vax at home for years now.

    But for cheap/bullet proof work use has to be Henry.

    Free Member

    So if they vote yes, they can hide their own Easter eggs.

    Free Member

    I would google street map the address and tell Royal Mail they don’t know their arse from their elbow if there is a 27.
    And if something is wrongly addressed does not mean they can lose it.

    Free Member

    On the original question, I am skint but content.

    Maybe if I was not content I would strive for a greater personnel wealth,
    But then I would not be content.

    Free Member

    I hope the Scott’s vote yes, Scotland prospers and everyone lives happily ever after.
    That failing I would rather they vote yes and fail miserably as an independent country and become the benefactees of a blue peter appeal.
    Than them stay now, as I am sick of them whingeing and the party leaders going up there cap in hand begging for them to stay promising more powers if they did got on my tits aswell.

    They should have turned up with balloons and a six pack wearing party hats and blowing party horns saying we have come early for the Independence Party at Alex’s house.

    Free Member

    If the post office say no such address exist and they have lost your parcel they should pay out.
    The buyer has scammed them if indeed he has managed to get his hands on the cranks, at your inconvenience.

    If the buyer has form for this the post office would have record of similar mishaps.

    Unless it is as simple as a bent postman it is a wasted scam for a £70 crank,
    People used to gain entry to empty buildings and have expensive goods bought on knock delivered to said addresses.

    Free Member

    Surely if address does not exist it would not have got far, definatly not as far as a postman stood in a street scratching his head.
    But if so,
    I had the same postman for ten years before he retired , now never seems to be the same one twice .
    So the buyer may have a number 7 he uses to replace the 8 on occasions he is expecting a parcel.
    I very much doubt it, but people will try anything.

    Free Member

    £90 pays for parts, contributes to the wages of everyone who works there, from the person who does the servicing to the person who answers the phone.

    Then there is the overheads from rent on the property to hobnobs for the tea break to paying for the bog roll in the staff karzy.

    All has to be paid for.

    Free Member

    It costs £9 to admit one at the pictures now and cost me £4.40 for a pint of the black stuff in town this afternoon.
    I always pay for the full day at swinley car park despite not always staying for the duration.

    Free Member

    My ragley marley.

    Got a new CB iodine 3 wheel set sat in the box for when I get around to it.

    Free Member

    It’s great to know that singletrack holds a zero tolerance view towards bunny girls but is sympathetic towards dangerous riding and a flagrant disregard for speed limits .

    I wonder if bunny girls kill more people than people who feel above the speed laws .

    You can have your high horse back cougar in case you see someone sporting a little fluffy tail .

    Free Member

    That’s why they are there cougar , accept if you are one of the gifted few who feel exempt.

    Free Member

    If you pause the video at the moment he passes the last car. The car that hits him is barely a spec in the distance.
    The impact is 4 seconds later.

    This mans action contributed greatly to his own death .

    Free Member

    I do appreciate this, but that is sadly what happens when leather meets steel .

    More reason to ride defensively On the roads and save the thrills for the track.

    Free Member

    I believe that it was the fault of all involved do you.

    If the rider had been adhering to the speed limit I would have held the driver entirely at fault .
    His mother said herself that he went to fast, like it was no big deal.

    The driver made a genuine mistake, the sort many make everyday. The rider took a deliberate calculated risk which would involve coming up against a driver mistake, which backfired.

    He deliberately took his own life (and others) in his hands for a cheap thrill.

    For that I have no sympathy .

    Anyone who expects to not come up against a careless driver , never mind gambling on that fact is foolish to say the least.

    Free Member

    Yup, we’ve got that one too.

    Not everyone does though sadly,
    And as you are a paramedic I am sure you see first hand the results of reckless driving.

    And when people try to defend such driving it really winds me up.

    Free Member

    People here are to quick to defend his actions and condemn the driver .

    It would still have been the driver’s fault for driving into a space he hadn’t checked was clear.

    Do you not read what you write .

    If this chap rode like this regularly , he regularly put others life at risk.

    Free Member

    I have sympathy for his family but none for him.
    He was not only putting his own life at risk by riding the way he did.

    People saying this would still have happened at 60.
    If he had set off when he did and ridden sensibly with in the speed limits he would not have been in that crash, FACT .

    People here are to quick to defend his actions and condemn the driver .
    Because I can only imagine this is how they behave on the roads.

    This man was very much responsible for his own demise and to claim otherwise is ridicules .

    Free Member

    And lots of people are killed each year by people who think it’s ok to drive at speed how they like.
    Have a word with yourself .

    Free Member

    Is it because this gentleman was on a motorbike he is receiving so much sympathy . And for some reason motorcyclists believe it’s ok to drive outside of the law .

    If it was a **** in Audi rs8 driving at high speed in exactly the same fashion and met an identical end.
    Would he be receiving the same sympathy .

    Free Member

    Do you think driving 97 mph on a 60 mph single carriage road is good driving .
    In the cars position I would look up the road establishing it was clear then look towards the direction I was traveling in, across the junction towards the side road .

    I am sure this was not the first time he had ridden in such a dangerous manor and quite frankly there is one less dickhead on the road. Darwin strikes again .

    Free Member

    97 mph, you are covering 43 meters a second.
    The driver may not have seen him because when he first committed to pulling across the lane did not think to look a 150 meters up the road, maybe if he was going 60 the driver might have seen him, maybe he would have seen the driver and reacted .
    We will never know as he was not doing 60 .

    Free Member

    I watched the video he was riding like a cock , from the moment he set off.

    Free Member

    Several years ago I used to frequent a model shop in islington . Where one day a youth came in interested in purchasing a remote controlled plane that would be able to fly from London to Birmingham carrying a two kilo payload .

    The shopkeeper said he could not help him,
    And doubted anyone could.

    It was just an idea said the youth before leaving.

    Free Member

    I’d rather they didn’t have an accident in the first place, TBH.


    Right I am in. We will increase the difficulty of the driving test cutting the pass rate by 50% allowing only the people with the reactions of fighter pilots and driving skills of Ayrton senna, maybe a bit steep for arguments sake we will say David coultard to pass .

    And we will let them drive as fast as they want and every one else can walk .

    Why are you in a rush anyway , why can’t you leave in plenty of time to make your journey like everyone else .
    Is it your right as being the super gifted speedy driver you are to drive at small penis speeds and therefore everyone incapable of your driving prowess should be banned from the roads for holding you up.

    Free Member

    The other down side of the campaign making speeding ‘public evil number 1’ is that I now see so many drivers out there who simply sit at or quite a bit below the limit seemingly in a complete daze, plodding along and almost unaware of whats going on infront or behind them. Unfortunately like so many on here they seem to think that sticking to the speed limit is the primary way to keep safe on the road when it actually couldn’t be further from the truth.

    But if they have an accident the chances are all that will be hurt are there pride and their insurance premium.

    Free Member

    Basically the human brain says “Camera = go slow” and not “Camera AND oh look a dangerous junction = go slow”…..

    And in dickheads it says look a hairpin I will take the racing line .
    When you are not lewis Hamilton at Monaco but Gary in a 106 .

    Free Member

    People driving for thrills on public roads is due to poor character,
    Simple as.
    A few years ago the biggest killer of teenage girls in this country was teenage boys.
    The cause of death being, being a passenger in a car driven by a teenage boy driving like a ****.

    This behaviour is expected from little boys being allowed behind the wheel. I welcome them being out priced from car insurance unless they except gadgets that monitor there driving .

    If you are grown up get your thrills elsewhere and use the roads responsibly as carriageways and not as race tracks .

    Free Member

    Expensive cameras, they are little gold mines .

    Expensive cameras indeed .

    Free Member

    People driving for thrills on public roads is not due to poor driver training , in fact people taking advanced driving courses then given free reign of the roads without speed limits may even encourage thrill seeking drivers.

    Free Member

    It’s not just road conditions it’s also a roads situation .

    My local busy high street 20mph, residential road just outside 30 mph ,country lane of that 50mph.
    Motorway 70 mph.

    The road conditions are better on my high street than the country lane yet 30 mph slower.

    It’s about consideration and consequences.

    Free Member

    And the motorcyclists behaviour was selfish as when he choose to take his deliberate calculated risk he would have known that if it had gone tits up there would be a real chance that the result of his behaviour would put not just himself but others at risk .

    If you deliberately drive like a cock and come unstuck my sympathies are with your family not you .

    Free Member

    Or contribute , in this case.

    Free Member

    Complacency can result in a small fender bender in a supermarket carpark.
    Using public roads like your own personal race track often has greater consequences .

    Free Member

    The driver was convicted for his part of the accident, if the motorcyclist had lived he would have been prosecuted for his part too .

    Complacency vs flagrant disregard for the law.

    Free Member

    My brother in law had his brand new Ducati written off when someone pulled out on him who claimed they had not seen him and he must off been speeding. His insurance company decided on 50/50 and the police at the scene had little sympathy as they took the view people on huge sports bikes out for a weekend ride did not stick to the speed limits.

    In the original thread the driver made a mistake (drivers(people)do). The motorcyclist took a deliberate calculated risk that backfired resulting in his death.

    Free Member

    At infant school they were great for chasing girls with.

    Free Member

    Just seen he has been charged and will be in court today.
    So does that mean he has been passed fit to stand trial or will it be in court today that a judge will order he undergoes assessment to decide whether he is of sound mind to stand trial.

    Free Member

    They stole his lighter, he should have chopped there paws off .

    Free Member

    If he had been under a physiatrist I think it would have came out by now.
    People around him probably would have noticed his behaviour becoming stranger if they were close to him leading up until now but may have not done anything about it.

    I know someone who once when ill built a small bonfire, covered himself in emulsion and ran through the fire believing he was god. I know someone else who knows he is becoming ill when he starts to cover his windows with newspaper and takes the tv apart.

    They’ve said this nick fellow had recently converted to Islam but had he done that by going to a mosque or had he just developed a fascination based on what he had seen in the media and bought a Quran and just told everyone he was now a Muslim.

    As it would not surprise me if someone suffering from severe psychosis with a fascination for Islamic extremism chops of someone’s head, as opposed to a random stranger being stabbed in the street.

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