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  • Cheap Things Tuesday: cranks, brakes, bars and more
  • chip
    Free Member

    Was working on a town house up town where scaffolders were scaffolding all the way around complete with tin roof as the building was having a serious referb.

    They had a young lad who had not been working with them long that needed a pooh.
    They told him to grab an old news paper and toilet roll from the lorry and find a quiet spot at the top of the scaffolding and to make a pasty and throw it in the skip.

    He had no idea what a pasty was but once told you basically go on the newspaper, then wrap it up like pasty then sling I off the side into the skip, he seemed ok with it so off he went.

    He returned a short while later looking far from happy accompanied by a distinct pen and ink and announced he was going home, and when asked why refused to say why.
    He was told unless he explained his reasoning for having to leave he would not have a job to come back to so turned and pulled down the back of his overalls.

    Turns out he had managed to drop a log into the back of his boiler suit style overalls without realising it until he felt it squash against his back as he pulled them up and on.

    He cleaned himself up the best he could then went of to get the train home still smelling somewhat.
    You could here the scaffolders just randomly bursting into laughter throughout the rest of the day.

    Free Member

    Wheels just arrived and no CRC money coupon.
    Sorry, I am surprised as a made two small purchases last week that both came with codes that I posted up after forgetting to use one when ordering these wheels.

    Free Member

    But does it count as a guilty pleasure if you can never remember having eaten it?, and have to rely on the detritus and after-effects the following morning?

    I once woke up on a friends couch with a banging hangover and candle wax all down my right arm and front of my shirt and shoes and could not work out how this had happened.

    After a full stewards I came to the conclusion I must have eaten the greasiest donner kebab known to man whilst staggering back after a night out.
    Unless they have actually made donner meat fat scented candles.

    Free Member

    Listen to barffy, he is a smart man.

    Free Member

    I am waiting for the postman to deliver some wheels, if there is one in the box you can have it.

    Free Member

    Whigfield Saturday night for me too.

    I use to really like eldorado before it got canned many years ago,
    But my biggest guilty pleasure is doing absolutely sweet FA whilst sprawled across the settee.

    Free Member

    Don’t worry about me solo,
    I never take the internet personally or try to belittle some because we do not agree ( I did say try).
    I quite enjoy the arguement and will be agreeing with someone tomorrow who I did not today.

    Biners is welcome to think what he wishes and believe what he wishes providing it does not harm anyone else as he lives in a free country. A free country thanks to a great many brave men.

    Free Member

    That is your opinion and you are welcome to it.

    And one I gladly do not share.

    Free Member

    That is your opinion and you are welcome to it.

    And one I gladly do not share.

    Free Member

    So do they want us to stop.

    Free Member

    If you believe it has not made a difference that is up to you.

    Common enemy …… Us
    **** em. If you can turn a blind eye to there behaviour because you are scared they will turn their attention to you.
    That is also up to you.

    Free Member

    I could post a picture of a man lying facedown in the dirt, having his head pulled up by his eye sockets by someone to allow him to slice his head off.

    And unlike your imaginary spiders, it’s real and happening everyday to the poor people of Iraq.

    Free Member

    As said the air strikes are in support of the forces on the ground, who are trying to save there towns and cities from being overrun by Isis. Because this will lead to mass murder and rape for those who don’t manage to escape leaving everything behind apart from what they can carry.

    Galvanises the population my arse.

    We are not fighting against the population, we are helping them defend themselves at there request from a fete of unbelievable evil.

    Free Member

    destruction of infrastructure


    the odd Toyota Hilux

    Make your mind up.

    Free Member

    Last week the Turks said they would not let kobani fall and had amassed a ground force on the border ready to go in.
    They are reluctant to do so as the Kurds they will be helping are there enemy under normal circumstances but if they have to they will as under no circumstances will they let kobani fall.

    Free Member

    A long time ago but,
    Our friends in the north,

    Free Member

    *ponders life in the chip household*

    *feels a bit queasy*

    I am just trying to help you out here.
    Would you rather find yourself bent over the arm of the settee saying you have been a very bad girl,
    Or on the receiving end of the silent treatment with a short suspension of your conjugal rights.

    A friends wife came in from a night out with the girls and called him a count then went to bed.
    They had obviously had a husband comparing competition and he did not fair well. 😀

    Free Member

    I had a tete a tete recently with a group of young adults who were making a nuisance of them selfs.
    In the short conversation I used the words “screwing” “rudeboy” and “ramping”.

    It’s amazing how easy it is to fall in to the old ways.

    Free Member

    When she walks through the front door greet her with a glass of wine, fully made up and wearing her best underwear and nothing else.

    It could be the start of something beautiful, either way she won’t be bothered by the trousers.

    Free Member

    * you’re

    Now I am confused, and I can’t find my thinking head anywhere, damn you handsome head.

    Free Member

    wright you are MR P.

    Free Member

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

    Free Member

    When do I use ‘s as opposed to s.

    (Goes off to find a pen and paper to write this down)

    Free Member

    I used to wear my key on a lanyard around my neck when I ran but worried on the bike if I crashed I would get up and find it embedded in my chest.

    There is a plastic carabiner type clip in the top pocket of my camelbak and I clip it to that,
    That way it can’t drop out unknowingly when rooting around for pies or if I don’t zip the pocket closed properly.

    Free Member

    Man bags should be ballistic nylon tactical jobbies, so you can pretend you are SAS.
    Or of the record bag variety for superstar DJ fantasies.

    But never, never, ever, leather.
    Or people will talk,

    Free Member

    Wire wool and white spirits.

    Free Member

    All religion is fanny as far as I am concerned.
    And it is not about killing Muslims or saving Muslims.
    It’s about stopping a band of barbarous butchers running amok to slaughter all they wish too,

    I could not give a **** if they were Rastafarians.
    But for people to associate people with Isis because they are Muslim is wrong.
    Being Muslim does not make you murdering scum nor do you have to be Muslim to be murdering scum.
    You just have to be murdering scum.
    And if you can convince people who believe in god (any god or religion)
    That these acts of atrocity are gods will you are on to a winner.

    Free Member

    Fair enough, it’s yours”

    And leave thousands of innocent people to be murdered and displaced.

    Free Member

    Are you prepared to go to war ???

    I am too old and past it to be first choice but if called upon, I would go.
    Has your seventeen year old son signed up, if not you have nothing to worry about.

    Free Member

    They’re not Islamic (condemned by genuine Muslims)

    Where does this stuff come from? Why is ISIS’s version any more or less real than that of your local mosque?
    Why is Westboro Baptist’s Christianity less genuine than Catholic Christianity?

    Because there are lots of good people who believe in the Muslim faith who do not want to be associated with Isis.
    And who believe what Isis is doing is against every thing they believe to be Islamic.

    Free Member

    Did you google image Isis or not,
    If you can not see these people (Isis not Muslims or brown people)
    Need to be eradicated you must be a few cowboys short of a posse.

    Free Member

    as opposed to images of a more enlightened worldview like this ?

    The images are far worse than that,
    That’s not even close

    Free Member

    Just google image ISIS.
    To see the very worst of the human condition.

    Free Member

    Does anyone really believe that they will take over the World ?

    No because they will not be allowed to get as far as to take over Iraq.

    Free Member

    Air strikes so far have had limited success

    If it was not for the air strikes more cities would have fallen by now, maybe even Baghdad. With out the air strikes many more of the local fighters on the ground may not have fought against Isis but fled.

    They are many pictures on the net of local civilians just being dragged to the floor and decapitated and people smiling sat on a bench in front of metal railings decorated with the heads of many.

    If I was living in Iraq, I would get my family the **** out of dodge and then join the fight against them.
    And would rather be killed by an air strike than be murdered and my wife and daughters raped and sold as slaves.

    People were up in arms because DLT felt a tit.

    Free Member

    War is a god awful thing. But some times necessary to destroy people who are evil and would see us all dead, as part of their quest for power.

    Can’t afford war, sometimes you cannot afford not to have a war at all monetary costs.
    We for several generations have been lucky enough to have known relative peace and have grown soft and fat enjoying the good things in life like 50″ TVs ,underfloor heating and hundreds of pairs of shoes all bought with credit cards.

    I would happily live with a ration book and wartime austerity to see every member of Isis dead.
    Because they be can not be allowed to prosper and flourish, that is not an option.
    And the only way to stop them is with weapons of war.

    Very sad but there have always been wars and unless we are brainwashed by peaceful space aliens there always will be as good and evil are inbuilt in human nature. And war is not driven by arms manufacturers but by evil men who will use them as a means to an end.
    And the only way to stop them is to have better weapons than them and the will to use them to do whats right.

    Free Member

    This is very sad, I had been expecting it all week since we joined in with the airborne assault.

    Free Member

    Does the torch have the power of a million candles.

    Free Member

    I used to work for them 10 years ago and help in the fight against Al Quaeda.

    I spent six weeks staking out Debenhams,
    As I had heard they had bed linen on the top floor.

    Free Member

    Never watched crystal maze, enjoyed a bit of knightmare though.

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