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  • chip
    Free Member

    I have a mate who unblocks drains for a living and can regularly be found covered in a healthy splash of human excrement.

    His prices will be going up.

    Free Member

    Do not eat complimentary peanuts in a bar.
    Also an urban fox would happily chow down on a large portion of chunder and when you flush your Ebola ridden log down the karzy I am sure ratty will have a nibble and if moggies prove infected wave good buy to tibbles.

    Dogs will obviously not be affected, definatly not mine.

    Free Member

    On the news they tried to push the hard to catch angle as not airborne,
    And said body fluids blah blah and compared it to aids in as much body fluids is they way it’s spread.

    As far as I am aware you can not catch aids from spit,snot or a sweat, which you can catch Ebola.
    So it’s quit possible you could catch Ebola from gym equipment that has just been used if you touch your mouth after touching sweaty equipment. Also have you ever had someone spit on your lip while talking or a waiter wipe his brow or cough spittle into his hand before handling your plate. Or someone blowing the Nose into a snotty tissue getting some on there hand before shaking your hand.

    It goes on, they reckon a 100,000 will die in Africa alone before they get this under control.
    I don’t understand how there is not an international flying medical squad backed by some armed forces who could go and close a place down and quarantine and treat all effected at point of outbreak as and when it occurs.

    Apparently it manifest in the wild life and spreads to humans when eaten so even if this outbreak runs its course there could be another next year from consumption of bush meat.
    Which makes me think what happens if it gets into our wildlife, the poor badgers are already in the cross hairs due to TB.

    Free Member

    I got my despatch email today also.

    Free Member

    I am running these beauties, arrived last week from CRC.
    Great ust wheels for the money, the valves did not have removable cores so used stans valves, joes jizz and no need for tape.

    Cheap ust wheels clicky

    Free Member

    Went out on my newly assembled winter bike this afternoon. Was meant to be a quick test blast around my local woods but ended up doing a couple of loops before heading off for a couple of hours on some trails further afield.

    It was great fun and rigid made trails that were less interesting much more fun and you had to keep your wits about you as I was being pinged off wet roots being redirected that I would normally go over without thinking.

    Also did not drop a chain despite running 1x using a ramped middle ring with a bare bones home made chainguide.

    Free Member

    I knew of a woman (now dead) who had two husbands and one lover die.
    And the dead lovers body was found at the grave of one of the dead husbands.

    The woman and her associates were under suspicion but after a full investigation by the police no one was any the wiser of how this came to be.

    Free Member

    I think you should leave it long enough for the heat to die down and the insurance money to land in the bank.

    Free Member

    I could not have cared less or couldn’t have cared less, please.

    We are not Americans (unless you are of course american, in which case as you were).

    Free Member

    Is gently slowing to a crawl to allow some one to pull out holding you up, really .

    If every one thought like you you would be held up as at most junctions at certain times of the day you would not get a look in.

    And there would have to be traffic lights installed to compensate for the lack of good will.

    Free Member

    Police cars and fit women get top priority, and I have never been stopped by either, just a “thank you” wave as they pull away.

    Free Member

    If someone wishes to pull out and I can stop and let them in good time, I check my mirror.
    If there is traffic behind me I stop and let them out, if there is no traffic behind, I carry on as I figure there is no point stopping slightly inconveniencing my self if the road is clear for them to pull out the moment I pass anyway.

    If someone rear ends me they obviously were ever too close or not looking where they are going.

    Free Member

    Slower than you find necessary.

    Maybe they are not as confident as you are and feel they are driving at a speed they feel comfortable at given conditions.

    Free Member

    I would say your crumple zone and the enforce wearing of seat belts had a lot to do with it.

    I used to spend a lot of time at a breakers yard that dealt exclusively with insurance company’s and write offs.

    You would see cars that you knew there was no way someone was surviving that but also there would be older cars that were written off with relatively minor damage but there would always be few with spiders web smash in the screen with hair and flesh embedded even on some with what looked like minor front damage, the sort you would expect to drive around and see two people exchanging details.

    I have a freind with a curved spine and no front teeth from exiting his car through the windscreen.
    Cars have got a lot safer, which is a good thing, not an excuse to make driving more dangerous again by increasing speed limits.

    Free Member

    I have been holding back out of common decency but,

    Having your baws sucked, it is the ultimate in uncomfortability.

    Free Member

    Their word. A police officer should be a fine upstanding citizen who’s word should count for something.
    Which Is why I was surprised to learn last year there are officers with convictions, convictions that were brought up in court to discredit said officers integrity when giving evidence in court.

    Reason enough for me to find proposals to allow people with criminal convictions to join the police completely outrageous.

    I would have loved to have been a rozzer when I left school.
    But I would have had to arrested most of the people I knew including relations for one thing or another.

    Free Member

    Nob head, I thought the correct terminology was tit head.

    Although I can’t remember the last time I saw a radic in a tunic walking 7ft tall including helmet.
    Do they still have helmets?

    Free Member

    If you could swear blind you were driving under 30 I could share your feelings of being hard done by.
    But in your situation I would be kicking myself for being a numpty (something I do often) and stop looking to blame someone else. You had the lead foot off the lights knowing police were present and them broke the speed limit.

    Stop fixating on the 2mph accept you were wrong and move on.

    Free Member

    Maybe black cabs have HUD these days so there is no way he could have crept up to 35 from his noted 33 when he was not watching the speedo to watch the road.

    Free Member

    So will you say you believe you may have been going 33 at a push and that the officer involved may have been mistaken and feel this is unfair .

    Or that the officer is a vindictive lying cow who got the hump because you beat her from the lights.

    Free Member

    I think you would have to have the equipment independently tested at your expense, as everyone would be asking to have it done if only to try their luck.

    I have only heard of overpaid sportsman having this done.

    Free Member

    The cab is auto so pulls away quickly at traffic lights

    Maybe you should get your cab fixed if you cannot pull away in a serene manner and the fact it pulls away quick has nowt to do with your foot pressing it.

    Free Member

    Is it supposed to look like a rotting couliflower.

    Free Member

    Did they manage to stop the spread of Ebola in Texas.

    Free Member

    He may have been a thieving bastard, but I would not have wished that on him.

    Free Member

    If I am running will carrying scissors and slip on a banana skin resulting in me stabbing myself in the leg.
    What would be the cause of my injury.

    Me for running, the scissors, the banana skin or the monkey who left it there.

    It’s all balls, arguing about the cause, the question is would he be walking and talking now if he had not been wearing the go pro.

    As the commentator has been speaking to the family before saying this I assatain that this is the view of the family based on information received from the doctors.

    I have a torch strapped to my commuting helmet and I beleive if I fell on it in such a way it would cause more damage to my canister than if the torch was not there.
    But it is on the very top where i would be unlucky to hit anything.
    And not on the side of my helmet which I have whacked of the floor on crashing more than once.

    Free Member

    I can’t see the maxle unscrewing itself without the lever turning with it or flapping about.
    If the lever remained tight against the bolt and pointing in the same direction I would have thought the threads where worn and it was pulling out,
    The threads on the fork leg are plastic are they not and are they some sort of insert that can be replaced.

    Free Member

    Will there be steel reinforcing in the concrete.
    If so and you were planning on buying one of the more expensive bolt cropper proof chains.
    Buy a longer lengh and grind a section off and concrete te it in so it goes under the rebar and comes out again so you effectively have two short chains coming out of the ground or leave the two ends in so you have a chain loop coming out of the ground.

    Free Member

    Have have one of those torc anchors with the added plate for breeze blocks although mine is bolted to a brick wall.
    It is a real beast.

    If you have plenty of space and of a thrifty nature you can set an old steel car wheel in the concrete and run a chain through the holes.

    Free Member

    Before passing comment thought I better give it a go,
    How do you stop it splashing your shoes?

    Free Member

    My brother used to sleep walk sometimes when drunk.
    On night while staying at a friends flat after a night out he got up walked into the living room, lifted the lid on his friends record player, peed on it then closed the lid before going back to bed.

    Another friend who was asleep on the settee was woken up by him turning on the light and saw the whole thing but was too pissed to care to stop him.

    After going to bed early with a skinful on holiday my mate came into our room and opened the wardrobe door to find me sitting on the safe with my pants around my ankles.
    Apparently I told him to **** off I am on the loo.

    But he woke me up before I made a deposit.

    Free Member

    The breakfast club

    The lost boys
    Ferris buellers day off
    American graffiti

    Free Member

    Are your drawers lined with tinfoil?

    That would be most uncomfortable not to mention the rustling.

    Free Member

    Enough layers you will be fine.
    I once slept rough for three nights in Switzerland one Christmas to save money when travelling.
    After spending time with someone who only stayed in hostels when he needed to use there facilities and slept rough more often than not.

    Free Member

    I will stick my phone in a drawer tonight and get back to you,

    Your wife sounds very nice and not at all mental.
    My nephew used to go out with some one so stupid I swore blind she had to be putting it on until I spun her a yarn about the Brent cross shark, that she believed until she then related the story to her dad who nearly wet himself that I truly believed that people could be that gullible.

    Free Member

    I was just going to post on the Ebola thread what a nightmare someone developing Ebola who had children at school would be when I saw this thread.

    Sure your kids will be fine,

    Free Member

    My kids have been passing around some vomiting and diarrhoea bug for the last two weeks,

    Passing around, surely you keep them home when ill, and two weeks seems a long time to have the shits.

    Free Member

    anagallis_arvensis – Member
    I think its natures way of fighting back at the over population of the planet.
    The great thing about this is that its wrong on so many levels. Fine work indeed.

    Thank you I do try my best.

    I have a fiver with ladbrokes it will be here before Christmas.
    My mother was seriously ill with c diff after having her knee replaced and after looking at the same blood stain under her bed for several visits I cleaned it up my self.

    I look after someone who is under doctors at 5 different hospitals and attend them several times a month sometime several times a week.
    And the way I see it the NHS is at breaking point as it is seriously understaffed and oversubscribed some hospitals more so than others.

    I have seen hospital porters have a piss walk up to the sink and run the tap before spending a minute making horrendous noises as he continually brought up flem, spitting it in the sink before turning off the tap and walking out.
    And if you complain you just get fobbed off.

    If Ebola comes here I would try and slow down on your bike to avoid crashes as sitting In packed A&E is the last place I would want to be.

    Free Member

    There are no direct flights from affected countries so it’s not a problem apparently.
    I just hope those crazy Africans don’t suss out the theory of a connecting flight.

    Free Member

    The government keep saying we have the best health facilities in the world in place to deal with Ebola if it gets here.

    All two beds in the royal free, what if there are three people with Ebola?

    I think its natures way of fighting back at the over population of the planet.
    Nothing like a good plague for thinning out the herd, and with a 70% mortality rate for those who contract it, it would do nicely if allowed to spread.

    Get yourselfs down to Iceland for all the nuggets and baked beans you can carry.

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