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  • Buyers Guide to the Best Mountain Bike Shock Pumps
  • chip
    Free Member

    If I was 13 stone of lean beefcake, which I was only two years ago I would wear Lycra walking around tescos,
    But now being (ahem) stone of beef dripping, baggy is my friend.

    Although the story did not end as badly as I expected a short short story to.
    No screaming woman and children and no registers signed.

    Free Member

    No Concorde,
    And no space shuttle.

    Does seem a bit like we going backwards.

    Not to mention the harrier jump jet.

    Free Member

    My mate swears blind his misses lays on the sofa with the Hoover next to her and the moment she hears his van pull up on the drive she jumps up and switches it on and starts pushing it around for 30 seconds before turning it off and telling him what a hard day she has had.

    Free Member

    Tamil tiger moth.

    Free Member

    Is it.

    Free Member

    Yes chilli in cheese is wrong.
    Call me old fashioned but I like my cheese to taste of cheese, my tea to taste of tea and my beer to taste of beer all unadulterated by chilli, herbs, fruit, honey or any other such nonsense.
    However what people want to do in the privacy of their own homes….

    Next you will be saying you don’t dip your toast in your tea in the morning.

    Tea’ee toast, mmmmmmmm.

    Free Member

    Chics love dents

    hu humm, I am a chic…

    Problem solved

    Free Member

    Clearly trolling.
    Chilli cheese is

    Free Member

    I had a max reading on my polar once at + 220 when out for a run on quiet roads late at night and was quite worried till I remembered that some muppet drove by very close and beeped his horn as he passed which gave me a fright and put the high reading down to this moment.

    Made me think that you could actually give someone a heart attack by giving them a fright.

    Free Member

    I am running 1×10 with a 34t ramped middle ring up front with xt shadow plus mech on my supposed parts bin winter bike.
    I have a few standard rings knocking about that I wanted to use up rather than fit a narrow wide.

    Superstar and moove bikes were both showing no stock of there cheap seat tube mounted guides so made up something myself as a quick fix using a DMR (I think) clamp thingymajig £3 from CRC and an old bolt found in a drawer and a nylock nut.

    Works a treat so I will just leave it.

    Free Member

    I only really enjoy religious themed art TBH:

    Then you might enjoy this ,

    Free Member

    So when do they put the fairy on top?

    I would not use fairy, but stick to KY.
    Or I can’t believe it’s not butter at a push.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Free Member

    The environment innit.

    What you need is a huge crate that as many people as possible can be crammed on.

    Free Member

    I completely understand the rehabilitate views,
    But I thought of child rape and what initially flashed in my mind were the scenes from the green mile where the big fella sees what he sees when he touches the man who commited the crimes he was convicted of, and i felt genuinely sickened.

    Then realised this was child murder as well as child rape and fiction.
    I then though of poor maddeline mccan and speculate what a truely awful terrifying fate she may have suffered, again child murder at the hands of child rapists, but pure speculation on my part as no one knows what has happened to her.
    Then I though of huntly and his crimes and of the poor girl whose skull fragments were found in the fire place,
    Again murder and all relatively young children.

    And the only person I could think of who is a child rapist but not murderer was the I think welsh rock/ pop band member who went out with fern cotton, but I think this involved babies so again not really comparible.

    But if you just say child rapist with out actually thinking about what the term means you can talk about jobs am rehabilitation. But if you actually think about child rape and what the lable implies you, well I, feel deeply sickened and squeezing there neck untill, seems completely reasonable.

    So that is why people may not wish to eat somewhere that hires a child rapist and it is a feeling much deeper than being scared or reading the daily mail.

    Free Member

    I though of something, I do like a Gordon ramseys nightmare.
    Although I can believe someone could be completely deluded about their cooking,even I would think if Gordon was coming to give my freezer a good scrub.

    But It is still not what I would call best tv ever

    Free Member

    The best TV ever for sheer consistency of quality would have to be only fools and horses.
    Auf Wiedersehen Pet and minder I also have great affection for.
    And the world at war is also compelling viewing.

    The first ever series of big brother as it was genuine people not wanna be divs.

    Wickers world, I loved a bit of wicker.

    But of what is on tv currently, there is nothing I can think of that I am particularly over enamoured with.

    Free Member

    On a more alarmist note I have fully fitted out my winter bike with crud catchers complete with fast fender.

    Fender looks ridicules but if dogs and the local wildlife are going to start shitting Ebola I figured the extra coverage would be worth the added derision .

    Free Member

    I did not realise we had come as far as we had with the treatment of HIV untill last year when I was talking to the son of someone I worked with, who said one of his very good friends from uni, a young woman was HIV positive and that occasionally (normally if they are under the influence) they have casual sex.

    Now this did not compute with me, but he seemed very laid back about it. Said they took precautions and it was fine.
    He did not see it as the worst disease ever, more an STD that had to be managed with drugs and adamant his friends life would not be shortened at all by the fact she had HIV and did not think he was taking his life into his own hands by occasionally sleeping with her.

    Free Member

    I grew up with someone who is now coming to the end of his professional football career and when he was in his late teens and early twenties he had stories about how his colleges treated woman that would make your hair curl.
    The widely reported term at the time was roasting.
    He participated once but decided it was not for him.

    But he and his friends patronised certain bars where woman would go because they knew there were professional footballers there and would throw them selfs at them.
    And were seen as fair game and treated cheaply as such.

    I do not beleive this woman was raped in a helplessly drunken state if she was only 2 and a half times over the drink drive limit, but did something she deeply regretted while very drunk.
    But I beleive these men had there wits about them and knew exactly what they were doing and took advantage of her.
    And I have no problem with the conviction.

    But he has served his time and free to continue his life and hopefully will treat woman with more respect in the future.

    Free Member

    scotroutes – Member
    Happy Christmas


    It does not look like a Christmas tree to me although it is a giant, but plug in some fairy lights it might work.

    Free Member

    Wait are you suggesting when I say drunk you think I mean unconscious.

    If so, that did not even enter my head.

    Free Member

    Because you suggested that drunk men who don’t obtain consent should be absolved of their crime.

    Exactly where did I suggest that?

    Free Member

    I have had a barmaid serve me drinks all night and then take me to bed when the pub closed, I was not raped because I decided so the next morning and the morning after, but I could have been if I regretted it and a court said I was to drunk to give consent.

    It is complicated and about knowing right from wrong and I could meet a drunk woman and sleep with her.
    The next morning she could ask for my number and could be the beginning of something beautiful or she could call the police and I do a stretch at her majesties pleasure.

    My behaviour could be identical in both cases.

    For the record I don’t take advantage of drunk woman but I have let them take advantage of me a couple of times but only after being suitably lubricated (drunk) myself.

    Free Member

    Do you think so little of men, that we are incapable of not raping when we’re drunk?

    How did you get this from my OP.

    Free Member

    I am commenting on your comments on my post, what is your point.

    Free Member

    Presumably that’s because it wasn’t rape. I have this old-fashioned notion that men and women should be able to get drunk without being molested.

    Yes but if you were drunk but not langing, and spent the night with a young woman who was several sheets to the wind.
    The fact she grabbed your junk and said ride me big boy would not save you from a rape charge if it was decided she was not in fit state to give consent.

    If you read my original post they were three variations of sleeping with a drunk woman, one completely unacceptable deliberately setting out to take advantage of a woman incapable walking in a straight line.

    One where your are pretty sure you would be having consensual sex but your conscience tells you you should behave.

    And one where both parties are several parts pissed so if you have sex (not rape) how can one be made responsible and the other absolved.

    Free Member

    he won’t be physically locked up but he will be in the kitchen of for the best part of 12 hours a day.

    Feeling slighty paranoid as one of the other chefs looks over and smiles while slowly chopping a carrot.

    Also I think sex with a twelve year old is automatically rape as opposed to sex with a minor, so he could have had a relationship with a 12 year old or hid Behind the bushes at the local playground waiting to pounce, Whether that makes a difference.

    Sorry if there is a back story in the article as I did not read it all, as I like to steam in half cocked.

    Free Member

    Do you think so little of men, that we are incapable of not raping when we’re drunk?

    I am talking about a drunken one night stand, something I have enjoyed, that always finished with an awkward goodbye or a morning rematch, never having my collar felt.

    Free Member

    Asbestos Is my middle name,
    Clumsily you say, deliberately thought provoking i say, Infact some of my posts could be considered modern art.

    Free Member

    with regards to sleeping with a woman who is paraletic being rape,

    There is a high street near me where at 2 in the morning on a Saturday is packed with young woman with skirts up there arses staggering down the road.

    Now if I was laying in bed at 12 o’clock at night thinking I fancy a shag, get myself spruced up and hit the town looking to pick up one of the previously described woman, not snatch but chirps.
    And was successful that on the chip scale of wrong would top the scales.

    If I went out for the evening met a young woman and we got on famously, I paced myself but she was knocking them back. And I had to literally hold her up while escorting her back to my place that would also rate high on the scale.

    But if we are both off our tits, staggering off trying and failing to do the walk from the monkeys, it would not even register.
    Because if a woman can be absorbed (doubt that’s the right word) from the responsibility of there actions because of being too far gone surely the same applies to men.

    Also if a young woman off her tits glassed another woman would she be afforded the same irresponsibility as if she shagged an ugly bloke and regretted it.

    Free Member

    It’s cheds girlfriend running the campaign to clear his name..
    Either she must really love him or she just does not want to get off the gravy train.

    Free Member

    Out of interest,
    Who would be happy to work alongside someone who had been convicted of raping a 12 year old when they was 19.
    If it had been many years ago and he had proven to been a model citizen since but just out of prison.

    Also if Jamie hires other ex offenders will there be a problem as far as would they view him as they would have done back on the wing. And with alice gross not even buried a lot of people would still be very emotional about such subjects.

    But if a job and a chance to rejoin society could be what it takes to stop him reoffending rather than sitting around all day in a bedsit on benifit.

    Free Member

    I know a couple of people from school who have done exceptionally well in business despite being as thick as two short planks.

    I put this down to them being extremely full of themselfs and having absolutely no conscience at all.

    Free Member

    Is it called Ebola or Eebola?

    You say tomato I say tomato.

    Free Member

    As black as Newgates knocker was a common saying in my house when I was little, especially when I came in covered in shite.

    But for years I thought it was “as black as nookas knockers”
    And I thought nooka was a black sort with cracking norks. 😀

    It was the seventees.

    Free Member

    My friend has sculliosis of the spine and the doctors at RNOH bolsover street refuse to help unless he gives up and the numpty still smokes.
    I smoked for 25 years and thought one day I would be stood in front of a doctor telling me I was dying of a smoking related illness and I would be wishing I could turn back time to go back and stop.
    So that is what I did, stop.

    Think the goverment should ban smoking but not the sale of ciggies,
    That way there will be no black market.
    You can buy and sell cigs, have them about your person but if caught smoking anywhere a fine and if you can not pay community service.
    Only thing is who would enforce it as our police have better things to do.

    Free Member

    Oh dear,

    Free Member

    When aids first hit it was stigmatised by the ignorant as it was linked to homosexuality and even amongst the informed it was stigmatised as most STDs are because it was sexually transmitted.

    The ignorant believed you could catch aids from a kiss or a cuddle, or drinking from the same cup.
    Basically if Ebola comes here it will be everything the ignorant thought aids was , except you have a 30% chance of survival and there will be no stigma as you did not catch it playing hide the sausage.

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