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  • Sonder Frontier Deore Rigid review
  • chip
    Free Member

    Believe me I am not repressed, I would stick anywhere I was allowed.

    Free Member

    If he did it to my daughter, girlfriend, mother.
    I would smash his teeth in, literally.

    So maybe I am an reactionary weirdo,

    Free Member

    He called people who found this unacceptable, repressed.

    Free Member

    Your daughter comes home upset that some **** touched her face with his cock and filmed it.
    You would laugh it off.

    Free Member

    You have not answered my question, how old would they have to be for you to consider it high jinx.

    Free Member

    The video, do you not think when this young woman meets people in a social or professional capacity she may have it in the back of her mind that what if they have seen the video.
    Or the worry that at anytime some moron might get hold of it and circulate it around her place of work. Next week next year in five years time.

    By pure coincidence some one found a picture of a friends mum in a readers wifes section of an old jazz mag when we were at school. His life was hell for months.

    The video is what makes it far far worse, worrying it could surface anywhere anytime in later life out of spite.

    Free Member

    I despair for the future of my children, knowing that there are grown adults out there that are genuinely appalled by childish hi-jinx, and believe that it’s acceptable to condone this sort of sentencing

    At what age can I come around and rub my cock around your children’s faces, 16,18,21

    Free Member

    If it is oem stuff, some oem stuff is made to a lower spec at request of the bike manufacturers to cut cost.
    For instance an oem fork manufactured for a bike company may have a steel steerer instead of the alu steerer that comes with the otherwise identical aftermarket fork.

    My recent xt shifter purchase, the indicator window is slighty smaller and squarer and shifter body is slightly a different shape with no cover included to cap the gap left if I choose to remove the indicator.
    Is this an oem part that was made this way in order to shave a few pence of each unit for the industry or have they stopped making all xt shifters as the ones I already had that provide the cover plate.

    Because to make both at the same time to be sold as an after market product as the same product rather than clearly two different versions of a simmilar product and not making this clear when purchasing would leave a lot of people feeling cheated.

    Not all oem stuff has had corners cut to save money, and some that have the corners cut may not effect operation, but in some cases it is not just the fancy packaging that is missing.

    Free Member

    Why do some people think this is acceptable japery.

    Is it is because it was a young woman, would it still be ok if someone did it to your mum.
    Is it because it was done to some one drunk and asleep at a party that it’s no biggie. And if some one snuck up on some woman eating her lunch in a park and whacked her around the chops with his Hampton, is that still fun and games.

    Is it that the the cockskapper did not do it in order to seek some perverse sense of sexual gratification that makes it a laugh.

    If your on the receiving end it’s all the same a penis on your face which was videod and shared for the victims humiliation.

    He deserves no sympaphy, he **** up and now he is paying for it.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member


    C u next Tuesday.

    Free Member

    I had a girlfriend who told me the night before some creep at a party had crawled up to her while was talking to someone and licked her ankle. I had been at a club with friends but she rang me up first thing in the morning quite freaked out about it.

    I immediately went around to the address where the party was but he was gone and the people who new him insisted he was a nice guy and it was a joke. This bloke lived over hundred miles away and was visiting family who were friends of the people who had the party.

    If he had stuck his cock in my girlfriends face I would have driven the hundred miles to speak to him.
    And anyone who thinks this is ok is a dick.
    If it happened to someone you cared about you would be seething.

    Free Member

    I have a friend whose brother went on holiday with a bunch of lads.
    He arrived back at his room late at night to find his roommate passed out in bed and had the brain wave to crap in a pint glass and then throw it under the covers of his sleeping friend.

    Next morning he woke up to find his friend frantically cleaning up thinking he had soiled the bed.
    And not wanting to suffer the rest of the group knowing he bribed my friends brother paying for his drinks and meals for the rest of the holiday.

    A couple of months later my friends brother could not keep it a secret no longer and told someone what he had done and It quickly got back to the his mate who kicked the crap out of him and they no longer talk.

    Free Member

    Got no sympathy with the cock-slapper. If you haven’t worked out by the time you’re at uni that shoving your cock in the face of someone who hasn’t specifically given you permission gets you in trouble, you deserve everything you get.


    What an imbecile, just a shame the young woman did not have something sharp to hand.

    Free Member

    Tagged along on a friends weekend works jolly to butlins minehead about 15 years ago.
    Where Mr stardust was appearing in one of the camp nightclubs.
    We had a bloody good weekend much thanks to alvin.

    Free Member

    The bmx’er overtakes on the inside then goes to pull in front of the roadie, at which point the gentlemen in front of both of them with the black rucksack gets closer very quickly before the gap opening up again.
    Is this because he braked or that the roadie saw bmx boy about to cut in front on the inside and put the power down to deliberately to shut him out before slowing again.

    Free Member

    The van I had before the van I have now I bought from Irish travellers, it was the best van I ever had, did not cost me a penny in six years ,except tyres.

    I must have seen about 30 vans before, every time before going I would ask on the phone was it tidy, as my boss said he did not want me turning up at customers houses in a heap.
    Everyone always said yes, I would then drive miles before being confronted by a pile of shit.

    This was before I had the power of the internet and was all from small ads.

    Free Member

    Sold out of fork handles, can I interest you in any o’s.

    Free Member

    So, what do I bring to this new role?
    What is my Personal Statement?
    What do I:
    Be …
    Think …
    Work …
    Support …

    I bring it back to the bottom of the map.
    All the ladies think I’m pretty fly for a white guy.
    I believe I can fly.
    I think we’re alone now.
    I work it to the bone.
    I support single mothers.

    Free Member

    I bought an xt shifter a couple of weeks ago.
    And it is slightly different in appearance to the xt shifters I bought a few months ago from them.
    No cover plate to cap the display and operation is ever so slightly gritty.

    Also came without packaging which the previous shifters came with.
    It’s not to the quality of the previous purchase but no way of knowing when ordering, but I did pay less.

    If I was that bothered I could send it back and go else where.

    Free Member

    RIP felix dexter, a very funny man.

    Free Member

    Get a grip you numpties,
    West Indies is a place were people who grow up there have a West Indian accent,

    Free Member

    I paid £400 gap insurance on a new van 2 years ago.

    If i write the van off I am quids in, the chances of this happening are very slim as I have not had an accident in very long time, but shit happens, also they will fight to get the maximum out of your insurer as means they top up less.

    Which saves you the hassle of arguing the toss with your insurers to even get what your car is worth.

    Free Member

    We need mass immigration to pay for all the old people who are Infact the drain on the NHS,I have heard from politicians when people question immigration putting a burden on our NHS.

    And no one ever replies that sounds like the mother of all pyramid schemes,
    Which always crash and burn with disastrous consequences eventually.

    Free Member

    Your management or the management are nursing the patients.

    Free Member

    So if you are too busy making all these phone calls and talking to all these people doing all this work.

    Whose grooming the badgers ready for the badger parade?

    Free Member

    If your figures are correct project, the government need to ask why and try to work to reverse them.
    It used to be an offence to have a drunk person in your pub.
    That was only ever enforced if a pub had a problem with trouble.
    But it encouraged the publicans to be responsible with how they served there drinks.

    If the government has a problem with the amount of drunk people spilling out onto our streets every weekend.
    That is a problem they need to take up with the establishments who are serving them and making a prophet from these people barely able to stand up straight that are causing a strain on our health resources.

    Free Member

    Man left to die in street as he hadn’t paid his last ambulance fare.

    Ambulances are there to help people who need them irrespective of how they came to need them.
    If you started charging people for what ever reason it’s a slippery slope.

    If there are not enough ambulances to go around then we need more.
    If we have a social problem with peoples attitude towards drink, let’s tackle that.

    But to charge people because they were drunk is ridicules.

    Free Member

    Would I have to pass a breathalyser or pay the money.
    And if I refuse to pay would I be left in the street.

    Man left to die in street after refusing to pay ambulance fare.
    That would be a headline.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    All he specialist care we have had you could not fault, but under general medicine from ambulance service to A&E staff to the wards has been, well it’s like watching people spinning plates.

    Free Member

    I look after someone in their late sixties who has many things wrong with and as such under consultants at 5 hospitals.
    All of which have provided exemplary service.

    In the last two years he has had to be taken to A&E by ambulance 4 times and then admitted.
    The treatment he has received has been shocking and abusive in some cases.

    He had one hip replacement and one hip revision with in a week of each other at stanmore hospital which was fantastic in every way.
    Shortly after being sent home he developed stomach issues which caused him y be admitted to watford general.
    I explained about his hip wound on the revision side had not healed yet and need to be kept clean.

    Long story short the only time the checked or cleaned the wound in weeks was when I made an official complaint about how the wound was looking more and more infected and leeking, even then they were not interested telling me they were treating his stomach not hip.

    As soon as he was released I took him to stanmore who could not beleive it and had to do a second revision costing the NHS another £13000. And risking my friends life under anaesthetic as we had to battle to get the hips done in the first place as his serious heart problems mad him high risk.

    I have seen a male nurse deliberately pinch him out of spite and had to tell a lady to bring food in to feed her elderly husband every day as he had not eaten in days as his meals were put down and then cleaned away untouched as he could not feed himself.

    You do not want to get old and infirm and at the mercy of the health service if you cannot or have no one to stand up for you.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Slap it on some toast, jobs a good’un.

    Free Member

    I run alvio cassettes on my commuter, functions perfectly but heavy.
    Deore rings work perfectly but are steel so heavy, i swopped out the brand new xt rings on my crank with deore as I wanted 36t and they were a £10.
    Work as well as any other ring but as said above heavier than a more expensive alu ring but will last much longer.

    I use alvio on some bikes to xt on others, all work perfectly just the more you spend the less it weighs.

    Free Member

    Mine arrived today also.
    It’s even got an enduro setting, I have never had anything enduro before (gently wipes tear of joy from eye).

    Free Member

    Embrace the mudguards, they make your bike look shit but keep you relatively free of it.

    Free Member

    I built a rigid bike a couple of weeks ago and have rid it everyday.
    I have done more miles on it than I have on my five all year.

    I love it because it when I ride it I am so much more involved in keeping myself upright and traveling in the right direction.
    I am constantly scanning the terrain for obsticles mainly roots that would normally not being a problem, trying to pick my way through them, or trying to hit them square on.
    I am constantly moving my weight around the bike to traverse the terrain and I get caught out more which calls for instinctive reaction.

    The acceleration is better and it is much more fun.
    Now a more capable bike makes it to easy and dull as you say
    This would come into its own on far more demanding terrain than can be found on my local trails.
    Also a more capable xc bike that ironed out the terrain is what you want if racing as your goal is to get around as quickly as possible with the least drama and effort.

    But for a few hours of fun in my local woods I would like to be more involved and the ride to demand my full attention.

    Free Member

    Do rockets not leave more litter in space more than the shuttle did

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