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  • Fresh Goods Friday 632: The Brandy Absorbing Edition
  • chip
    Free Member

    It’s not about her.
    If she suddenly gets a cob on and starts shaking before falling off her bike and shitting her self, it probably won’t start an outbreak because there will be several camera crews there who would have been following her about for 3 weeks to see if that very thing happens.

    But if it becomes standard practice it might happen to another brave soul in a situation less conducive to controlling an outbreak. And if you do become ill you for yourself would want to be in a situation where you could be treated as quickly as possible.

    Free Member

    I think she is taking the piss.

    When dealing with something dangerous such as using a firearm, operating dangerous machinery, or dealing with a potential outbreak of a leathal virus, you put several safe handling protocols in place to stop the shit hitting the fan.

    That way if one or two or three are breached by accident or by ineptitude there will be another three or four in place.
    If she has not got Ebola, that’s good it means the previous measures that have been put in place to protect her getting ebola have worked and the worst that can happen is she has to stay quarantined for 21 days unnecessarily, big deal.

    If she has got Ebola and she does not stay quarantined, what is the worst that can happen.
    And it is not just about her, there are hundreds of good people out in Africa trying to help beat Ebola and can only hope they don’t pay dearly for doing so but why take unesasary risks that could end in dire consequences for the sake of three weeks.

    Free Member

    They did have power of attorney that he signed 15 years ago without knowing what it was when dying of a heart attack he was resuscitated from.

    He did not find this out till last year and went mental demanded they returned it along with a will they put under his nose at the time.

    He never got around to having it annulled through the correct channels. It would not suprise me if they have been to the house to hunt for it and have found it and presented it.

    Along with his will, which he asked me to take him to change but I told him if you wish to change your will that is what you should do but I did not want to get involved in as I did not wish people to think I coersed (spelt wrong) him.

    His stuff went missing from his house before and if they have been and searched out the above paper work I will involve the police as there are witness to him saying it was signed in a state not fit to do so and the knowledge of said documentation was withheld from him for years.

    If they have found the above paper work and he survives he will hit the roof and he would never have anything to do with them again. And they would know this.

    Free Member

    Thing about faith is that only people with it can know what it is to have it. I know what it is but not what it is to have it.
    And the problems start because to people who don’t have it the concept of the reality of god seems completely ridicules.

    And if someone could prove god, I doubt it will be today on STW.

    Free Member

    Religion sparks conflict shocker.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    When I was a young a freind said there family car was packs and fuelled ready to go to the coast at the drop of a hat when they got the nod that a very sick elderly relative died.
    I said why and he replied they had a lot of good stuff.

    I imagined the many factions of his family similarly readied around the country.
    And when it was announced that that relative had passed what would ensue would be a mash up of the cannonball run and supermarket sweep.

    Appalling really, when he got back he invited me to come and view his booty. ( not that kind of booty)

    Free Member

    I am being fobbed off now in favour of his family’s, previous nurses had been very forthcoming but my latest conversation i was told when directly quoting what I was previously told word for word I must be muddled.
    And I don’t need to know stuff.

    Last year I pulled up on my bike outside my friends house to pop in at about 4 in the afternoon and the one family member who visits him happened to get there a bit before me and when he saw me started to run to the door.

    I walked through the door 5 seconds after him to find my friend upstairs not being able to get out of the bed in a very bad way and immediatly called an ambulance.
    Turns out that same relative had found him in that exact state that morning and instead of calling him an ambulance had gone off to play golf. When the ambulance arrived she asked had he had his medication including heart medication today and the he said no because it was down stairs.

    The paramedic went mad.
    His relative only ran to the door when he saw me coming and may not have deliberately gone away to leave him to die but may have merely thought more of his game of golf than his relatives welfare.

    Another middle aged relative only saw him once a year on their birthday to get money.

    And now these are the very people the hospital are favouring as his nurse told me yesterday although he asked for me watford generals trust still give the relatives priority.
    I am not helping myself by become more frustrated by this situation and coming across a bit angry because I am, although I don’t wish to present my self aggressively.

    It is so hard to sit and watch this happening.

    I am not eating or sleeping and my brain is starting to go into melt down as this is all I can think about.
    I tried to join in on a few trivial post to take my mind off things.

    Free Member

    I don’t believe in god, but hope to be proved wrong.

    Free Member

    I got from the article that the current scientific explanation of how we came about is true but god started it and it was all him.

    But does he believe we are the finished product or merely at a stage some where along the line.
    And I got that god was a force rather than a being so that with my other point above questions whether we were made in gods image although I know if that was meant literally anyway.

    Free Member

    Thinking about starting again.

    I would stick the I phone on shuffle and run every evening running for one more track each time I went out.
    I did not always manage to make it till the end of the added tune, if not I would not move on until I had.
    It was random in as much as some tunes were longer than others and if a really long one came on as your final I would be cursing but would be thinking all I have to do do is make it till the end of this song.

    Once running more than 5 miles went to every other day and when I got to 7 I stayed at that distance as I thought an hour was more than enough.

    Even then I hated the first mile and a half with a passion then started to hit my stride and from three miles on I enjoyed every minute of it.
    But for the first mile and a half I just wanted to pack up and go home.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Where’s jivehoney when you need him. He can’t spend all his time compiling his photo dossier of every person Jim’ll fix it met ever before cross referencing with his one on Phil the Greek.

    Free Member

    I swear I once saw a thread on here where someone posted their foot had fallen off.
    And I thought impossible. But their foot had indeed fallen off and they had the pictures to prove it.

    Can’t seem to find it anywhere.

    Free Member

    Can’t sleep either.
    What are we going to argue about.

    Free Member

    Just kidding,

    Civilisation would have long destroyed its self by then.

    Free Member

    I think the third instalment of the bible trilogy will be the best.
    In summary.

    Our new profit

    Free Member

    When surgery was done by barbers, did anyone come out clutching a stump saying I only asked for a little of the sides.

    Free Member

    The greatest scientific discovery yet to happen.
    The secret of eternal life.

    You have 30 days to pay for your next 100 year subscription or attend your local end of life event faculty, if not there will be a further charge for collection.

    I bought a thermos flask once, the salesman said it would keep hot food and drink hot and cold food and drink cold.

    **** useless, so I took it back and told him it was not fit for purpose.
    He said what did I put in it?
    I said four cups of coffee and and ice cream.

    Free Member

    Thanks to everyone for your best wishes.
    My friend ended up on a general ward in a far corner from the nurses station despite having a spine fracture being repeatedly sick an suffering seizures in resus.

    I got a phone call at 5, o’clock in the morning say he was having seizures on the ward and was very poorly. I went to the hospital in time to see him being taken to theatre to be incubated before going to ITU.

    This morning I was told when I rang that he would be transferred to st Mary’s tonight which Changed in the afternoon
    He would stay in itu because he his fracture was stable and that even if he needed to go he couldn’t because there were no beds available.
    He also now has developed Pneumonia while being ventilated.

    Now on arrival my friend was asked who he wanted to be his next of kin and He expressly asked for me as I have helped him, and cared for him when required for some time now.
    His closest blood relatives are nephews and niece he does not see from one year to the next who have never visited him in hospital before and stand to do very well indeed financially from his demise.

    One of he’s nephews is a doctor, registrar I believe but still chose me as I stand to gain nothing if he dies Infact I will be far worse off as I burnt a lot of bridges with people ringing me to do work in order to help get over some major operations last year and I was getting to the point where he was nearly there before this happened and knows I would never give up on him.

    When I was put down as next of kin I asked, not him, could his brother in law be put down as to be contacted if things changed as there his family and shoild be kept informed.
    And I am quite happy for him to be be kept involved.

    The doctor nephew again comes in and again despite not being down as next of kin is being given freedom of information by the hospital because he is a doctor,

    All of these things I don’t mind. But today he was given a different reason to me for my freind not being transferred to st Mary’s and he is always being consulted privately not in my presence.

    So I am worried that he will be consulted and will be allowed to make decisions in his uncles treatment,
    I have spoken about this to a mutual freind of mine and my injured friend who is a police officer who is aware of the situation and knows how little interest his family has shown untill now said they would get involved if I believed his wishes were not bein respected by the hospital.

    Now his nephew is better qualified for the job than me, and is a decent chap and I believe he wishes his uncle no harm,
    But my friend chose me because he knew I would not let reason cloud my judgement if the hospital wanted to pull the plug.

    I don’t want to cause trouble but I don’t want to let my friend down and I know certain members of his family will find his money a great comfort if you know what I am saying.

    Worse thing is I feel constantly sick.
    If I am to believe the hospital his neck is no longer an serious issue and his battle is with Pneumonia, so hopefully he recovers and every thing above makes no odds.

    Free Member

    This could be his end of life event, something along those lines.

    It’s not an event.

    I am still hopeful and I have been emotionless all day and it was not untill I walked out of the hospital into the car park tonight to come home that it hit me.

    Free Member

    If you don’t mind subs there is some great world cinema knocking about, anything good gets remade and **** up by Hollywood.
    Foreign film section of borders was brilliant and was a shame they closed down.

    Free Member

    The original park chan wooks version with subs I hope.

    Free Member

    American werewolf in london.
    True romance
    Training day
    Paris Texas
    The deer hunter
    For a few dollars more
    Taxi driver
    Angel heart
    The ringer
    Twin town
    Human traffic
    Trains potting
    Nil by mouth
    Final cut
    Cool hand Luke
    Midnight express
    The English patient.

    Free Member

    batter me

    Not a good mental image.

    Rachel it was not you, forget it.

    Free Member

    I used the above to do my 5.
    Pushed it through swing arm, then pushed the outer onto the end securing with a little tape then pulled it back through.
    Then ran the cable through the outer.

    If I had had a wire coat hanger I would have used that, but did not so the dried grass did the job.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    ..she wasn’t.

    Or, you’re no sailor. 😀

    Free Member

    I once said thank you to a young lady who had just given me a hand shandy.
    It was a good ten minutes before she stopped laughing.

    I never made that mistake again.

    Free Member

    A work colleague turned up with horrific teeth marks and bruising where his shoulder met his neck.
    On Saturday he met a girl and took her home, during sex she said bite me, he said what, she said bite me.

    So he bite her gently, She said harder, so he bite her again a little harder.
    At which point she said “no like his” and clamped her railings as hard as she could into his neck.

    Poor boy had to go home as a plasterer who can’t lift his arm past his shoulder is no use nor ornament.

    Another friend was having sex with a prostitute from behind and casualy swapped from the entrance to the exit, when the young lady without batting an eyelid said “that’s an extra £25”.

    Free Member

    Would it be best to put some in anyway to seal punctures.

    Free Member

    Yeah, but not every one has an eight inch tongue.

    Free Member

    There is a simple answer
    You can only display the current price. End of story

    Then how will I spot a bargain.
    There is an old saying,

    A man will pay two pound for something worth a pound if he needs it.
    And a woman will pay a pound for something worth two wether she needs it or not.

    I must be confused because I will pay over the odds if I need something,
    But a full parts bin proves I am a sucker for a bargain too.

    Free Member

    I had a reputation with barmaids completely accidental.

    I would go to a pub in the afternoon when it was very quiet armed with a newspaper and sit at the bar reading it.

    I would then spend the afternoon discussing current affairs with the otherwise unoccupied barmaid.
    And would end up tipsey in her bed.

    now I am no longer young and handsome I doubt it would work.

    Free Member

    Or if you find yourself catching the eye of someone at a club, smile and move somewhere else when they look away.
    And watch to see if they look towards where you were standing and then scan the room when they see you are no longer there.

    Also seen on the tele. 😀

    Free Member

    I thought the rules were you had to put an item on sale in at least branch for six weeks at a price, before then being able to advertise it at half price when selling at half the price you originally put it on sale for in the original one store.

    Free Member

    The documentaries you speak of used to have a story line, a beginning a middle and an end, an end which normally ended with audible noises that both parties had arrived.

    Then they decided to do away with the plot completely and just replace them with a compilation of the action scenes.
    But felt that to be able to cut from one action scene to another they had to underline the previous scene was finished. Thus the external money shot was born.

    You learn something new everyday.

    Free Member

    I had a friend who worked for parcel force a good looking lad who would sleep with several woman every week.
    He said he had no secret, he said when I see a woman I like I say hello and ask them if they fancied a shag.

    I said that worked, he said percentage wise, no, but he would ask 100s of women a week.
    And he said there is no shame in a knock back and if you don’t make any calls you won’t make any sales.

    And you would be surprised at the woman that took him up on his offer as no one else would know, and said you had a better chance with a woman if they thought that they could have no strings sex without it damaging their reputation.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    BIgyinn, you are correct.
    I had a little shuftie through my orders and both of my previous 10 speed xt shifters I bought in pairs one set not too long ago were sold as xt 10speed m770 shifters.

    And my most recent acquisition was a xt 10 speed m780 shifter.
    I think the 770 are better and have the cover plate, although the 780 are slighty smaller and maybe as such a cigarette paper lighter.

    CRC are my first port of call for parts and as said above there returns policy is hassle free if you are not happy with anything purchased.

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