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  • Havok Bike Park 2.0 – Very Open For Business
  • chip
    Free Member

    Foot pegs on the front forks?

    700 & 711 on my bikes, never needed more.

    Free Member

    Bacon sandwich, brown.
    Sausage sandwich, red.
    Egg sandwich, red.
    Bacon and egg sandwich red.
    Fried breakfast, brown.
    Steak & chips, brown.
    Quiche, brown.
    Fish and chip, just salt and vinegar or curry sauce (anyone who puts ketchup on chip shop chips is just wrong).
    Chicken and chips, just salt or gravy (again, ketchup is just wrong).
    Mc Donald’s, barbecue sauce.

    Ketchup I am not to fussy about brand but brown has to be HP.
    Did attempt to boycott HP when they moved production to the Netherlands but did not last long.

    Free Member

    Every wedding I have been to has ended in divorce bar one.
    One friend invited me to his third to which I replied “do you think I am made of wedding presents”.

    Just take a tag and swap it with another on someone else’s gift.

    Free Member

    Each way on rubi light 66:1

    Have not had a winner in years since amberley house I think was his name.

    Free Member

    You can buy a bottle of slime, enough for two mtb inner tubes from halfords normally for £9.99 if you have removable cores.
    But when in my local halfords a week ago they were doing buy one get one free.

    Slime lasts 2 years, tubeless splaff 3-9 months.

    Free Member

    I wish my little brother was here today.

    Why? Is he a supporter of the Tory party.

    No, he is at that age where he punches everyone in the cock.

    Free Member

    What did it taste like?

    Free Member

    David Cameron sends girl to sleep with extracts from his favourite book of fairytales and tall story’s.
    Otherwise known as the conservative manifesto.

    Free Member

    Worlds worst sniper strikes again.

    Free Member

    I could be drinking cider down the park but instead I’m stuck here with this numpty.

    Free Member

    Thick cut.

    Free Member

    Keith lemon,
    Public spending cuts.
    STDs or are they called STIs now.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    We’ll if throwing away the spare half is common practice that has put my mind at rest thank you.

    As I said above my freind has a serious stomach and bowel condition that can quickly be aggravated if his tablets are not based around his meal times, a regime put in place by a hospital he spent two months in with his stomach.

    My freind also has a history of pain killer addiction/abuse, which was a nightare that he recently eventually conquered after a particularly bad overdose.

    So as his carer at times when care is needed In the past have had to ask to see doctors or pharmacist several times before they actually start giving him his medication in a way that was best for him and not what best suited them.

    I have been to every out patient appointment for his many medical conditions (heart/AAA/renal/stomach/ortho)
    he’s had for three or four years and the respective doctors are always pleased when I can shed any light on anything they want to know about my friends previous/other conditions. And as his medical next of kin I deal with the doctors when he is admitted.
    And when ever I bring into question the way they are administering his meds I am met with an attitude of “who are the medical proffesionals here”,and they may know more about general medicine than me but no one knows their patient better than me except maybe his excellent GP.

    Also as said above, the staff treated him kindness and dignity, which has not always been the case at all times elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Not really, I **** it all up myself.

    Free Member

    Are you expecting a flood?

    Is the correct line of enquiry when confronted with such a fashionista.

    Free Member

    Course, you may be wrong – staff may have been halving tablets and then chucking away the other half each time.

    His discharge notes say 25mgs twice a day so hopefully you are right. But I did tell the pharmacist over the phone exactly what he had and when when she was preparing his discharge meds.

    He takes 40+ tablets a day and has a history of serious colitis so all his tablets should be given after meals apart from one he has before to help protect his stomach.

    Free Member

    Yip. My lucky pulling pants…..

    We had a polish labourer on site who once bent over at work revealing a leopard print whale tail.

    And forever more was known as Tarzan. 😀

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I hold this man responsible even if he was stark raving mad and the last thing heard on the voice recorder was wibble before he put that plane into the mountain.
    Because at some point he would have realised he was becoming unwell and it was at this point he should of sought professional help and stopped work because of his job and all the responsibilities that go with it.

    It is for not doing the right thing then that I hold him responsible.

    Free Member

    How is the motive relevant?

    It is very relevant, to understand how it is that this happened and to do everything you can to ensure it does not happen again.
    This does not just extend to the relevant industry experts and health professionals.

    But to joe public who fly and entrust there life’s to the airlines everyday.
    If I am going to use air travel, when a plane crashes I want to know why and know all investigations are transparent no matter what the reason is.

    This man was well enough to know he was ill enough to see a doctor and then chose to do what he did.

    When Living with mental illness you have a responsibility to your self and others to keep yourself well and when not to seek help.
    Which he did, but then chose to ignore medical advice for his own selfish reasons.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    If it makes the transforming sound when ever chin piece is flipped up or down, I’m in.

    Free Member

    I start to panic when I struggle to free myself from a wet t-shirt.

    So sod that!

    Free Member

    Really sorry to hear you lost your father.
    Condolences to you and your family, especially your mum.

    Free Member

    Strange thing, depression. I *think* I have depression but I guess it will take a doc to work it out.

    How many days in are you on your underpants 😀

    Free Member

    Outwardly a lack of energy and interest and lack of personal hygiene.
    Inwardly a deep set unfounded feeling of impending doom and utter helplessness.

    Free Member

    I wonder why so much time and money is being spent on an investigation when all that really needs to be done is ask on mountain bike web site.

    I thought the chat forum on this mountain bike website was for people to air their thoughts and opinions on any given non bike based topics.

    This thread happens to be about the recent tragic plane crash.
    If you want hard facts not speculation may I suggest you look elsewhere.

    Free Member

    The few instances I have read of fathers killing themselves and their children have all been the result of a bitter split up.

    What was there motivation, did they kill there children as what they believed to be a service out of misguided love.
    Or did they do it out of spite towards their partners ” look what you made me do”

    Both would be the result of a disturbed mindset but I would have little sympathy with the first and none for the latter.

    I believe the pilot took these people with him to prove a point as above to someone.

    Free Member

    How sympathetic is the industry to mental health issues.
    If a pilot began to feel unwell in himself, maybe even have been given a diagnosis from his GP.
    Could you openly go to your employer seeking time off, or would you be effectively making yourself unemployable ending your career. So would instead carry on regardless while becoming more unwell.

    Free Member

    If the pilot merely wanted to commit suicide he could of took up a glider or single engined plane from his local club and crash that.

    Is that how it’s done? Watson, the case is solved!

    I had a family member commit suicide, resulting in alcoholism an divorce for other family members.
    Threw himself under a lorry, did not feel the need to take any one with him.

    Free Member

    but you will want one that is able to defend themselves to some degree against say a rogue pilot.

    Making them more capable of overpowering a pilot to take control of the plane?

    Free Member

    Short of removing all human input from flight there will always be someone in a position to do such a thing.
    If the pilot merely wanted to commit suicide he could of took up a glider or single engined plane from his local club and crash that.
    But to do what he is believed to have done the only reasoning I could put to it short of terrorism would be either him having a problem with his employers or seeking notoriety through his actions.

    And if you were going to go postal in a plane would you not want to take out more people by targeting a residential area with the plane.

    Free Member

    Mandating cabin crew on the flight deck whilst pilots go to the loo has other security consequences.

    Steward attacks co pilot and locks out captain?

    A pilot deliberately destroying a plane for personal (not terrorists) reasons, seems beyond belief.
    But was this not also the probable explanation for the plane that disappeared.

    Are there any other examples of this happening.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Ops following email,

    Sorry Chris, bloody auto spell.

    That should read shaglord, the police have been informed.
    Expect a visit soon.

    Free Member

    Toddlers in pubs, defo.
    They can watch your pint while you go for a slash.
    If they start kicking off let them press the buttons on the fruit machine for you.
    And if they are cute,might improve your chances with the bar wench.
    Win win all round.

    Free Member

    I thought anal bleaching was what porn stars had done to make their rusty sheriffs badge more photogenic.
    I had a mate who swears he had a dose of salmonella from rimming the misses, and that his doctor recommended more stringent ablutions on his wife’s part next time.

    Free Member

    Build a small trebuchet and lay siege to your next door neighbours house using the dog eggs as ammunition while wearing a saucepan on your head.


    Open the gate and let the dogs shit all over your garden and see how they like it.

    Free Member

    When you catch your scrotum in your zipper as your wet grundies are in your bag after wearing them only for an impromptu dip in a river.

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