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  • International Adventure: Big Mountains, Small Details
  • chip
    Free Member

    The RNOH is a fantastic place, they replaced one of my friends hips and revised the other within a week of each other after another hospital were reluctant to due to a history of heart attacks and AAA.
    Everyone from prof Hart to the nurses to the physios were brilliant.

    It really spoilt us in seeing how great hospitals can be when all the staff seem to care.

    And pals is a waste of time in my experience, it’s sold to you as a there for the patience benifit but in my experience they are there for damage limitation on behalf of the hospital.

    I wish your wife well and hope she gets the care she deserves.

    Free Member

    If you’re waiting for NHS referral for mental health you’ll be waiting a long time.
    Do yourself a favour and go private as soon as you can.
    Borrow the money if you don’t have it.
    I speak from experience.

    How did you find/choose your private psychiatrist?

    Free Member

    I think the leg warmers were in fact called hockey socks. 😀

    Free Member

    Guilty, also in the eighties.
    Roces skates, fat laces and the obligatory leg earmers over the top.
    Happy days.

    Free Member

    I assume that your mate has some sort of residual effect from breaking his neck?

    He had his fixation 6 weeks ago after a 6month wait. This despite the doctor telling us it had to be done in the first three months to work.
    He had his six week post op check last week and was told they could not tell if it has healed from the xray but said to move from a miami j hard collar to a soft collar and come back in six weeks.

    He is 68 and suffers with quite a few conditions but I feel his mobility is now good enough to look after himself.

    My aunty has offered to pay to for me to see a psychiatrist privately which I may take up if I do not get seen soon.
    5 years ago after being well for 6 or 7 years I had a bad day and felt paranoid.
    So rang the center and told them and they said could I come in and see a psychiatrist the next day, and I did.
    But now all has changed apparently.
    Whereas before I felt unwell, told them, they said come in and I spoke to a psychiatrist about myself.
    Now before they can see me the team have to have a meeting about me, without me, before they can see me, in a few weeks maybe.

    It smacks of how many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    One winters evening Arrived home busting for the loo already on borrowed time while suffering from a bad case of the squits.
    Without even taking the time to close the front door or turn on any lights run straight up the pitch black stairs to the equally pitch black bathroom the whole time wrestling with my trousers.

    Getting them down and turn to position myself over the loo just in time to release an unholy explosive torrent of semi liquid excrement before my arse hit the seat, only to realise on touch down that the lid of the toilet was actually down.

    But by then it was too late as my bowels had already initiated full instant auto evacuation mode.

    Free Member

    My dad put his hand up my stepmothers skirt while she was leaning into a chest freezer in bejams.
    He just narrowly avoided being arrested after it turned out not to be her just a woman in the same skirt.

    Free Member

    Did someone say ed balls,

    (sorry, but any excuse to post this YouTube corker)

    Free Member

    Lucky you were on your bike or they may have hoofed you in the nads before taking flight.

    Free Member

    When you popped out of the woods to make your request, please tell me skidded to a stop in front of them while pulling your cool face. And opened with “ladies”.

    Free Member

    Or is this thread your cover story?

    Not forgetting the old “it was a banana in my pocket your honour” chessnut.

    Free Member

    I was stood behind mr motivator at the blue oyster bar (local chippie, not hang out for leather clad gay bikers who like to dance the tango).

    Free Member

    Unless I am very much mistaken, does the Coroners verdict of death by misadventure not indicate that the pedestrian wilfully put himself in a risky/dangerous situation

    I live in a village which is impossible to enter or leave without using one of four country lanes, some not only winding but with large dips and peaks.
    All these country lanes have houses on them, and it is not uncommon to see a kid walking along carrying a loaf of bread or shopping bag where obviously there mum has sent them down the shops.

    Blaming a man for putting himself in danger for not using a pavement that does not exist where he lives.
    Should he not go out his front door or maybe we should blame the council for not widening and installing pavements to all country lanes.

    Free Member

    Lots of people seem to want to chalk this up to an “accident”.
    Nearly every road “accident” someone is at fault and the cause.
    Whether you were distracted or just plain not paying due care and attention.

    The term accident just means “did not mean to do it” not “no one is at fault”

    People have accidents every day where no one gets hurt so no need to involve he police,
    But when someone is hurt or worse people should be held accountable if the “Accident” was their doing.

    Free Member

    I don’t know about anyone else but I can not use my head torch in the rain as my view is not dissimilar to the millennium falcon going into hyperdrive. Also when in rain with no glasses I find my self tilting my head down more to try to shield my eyes more from the rain with my visor.

    This is very sad, the poor man was killed suffering from severe injuries and I personaly hold the cyclist to blame because for what ever reason he knocked him down.

    Free Member

    Test done, glasses needed for reading only so no need for transitions.
    But was sent home with a letter for my GP because pressure test showing too high in one eye.
    And due to the reason behind the test in the first place was that I have had a headache for over two weeks now hopefully the headaches will end soon one way or another.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    ^^^^^ wot he said.

    Free Member

    Sid james And Bernard bresslaw in carry on camping.

    Free Member

    Kevin and perry. 😀

    Free Member

    Stir crazy
    See no evil hear no evil

    Free Member

    Add a pack of crushed roast beef monster munch to any pot noodle to thicken and flavour.
    Also top up a ready beef and tomato with as much stagg dynamite chilli as will fit then wack in the microwave to bring back up to piping hot.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I don’t think people think about littering at all when they do it,
    Rather it’s an automatic response when they finish what ever it is, and one hand is on its way to dropping the litter while the other is on its way to depositing the last piece of whatever it is into their mouth.

    I grew up on a council estate were there was a place we used to meet and smoke drugs and at some point some or all of us would go on a munchies run.
    One day at the age of 14 or 15 despite being sat practically next to a bin I threw my litter on the floor, when a school freind who did not live there said “do you want to live in a shit hole” and I looked at him not understanding what he meant.
    He then added you have to live here, so why would you throw your rubbish on the floor unless you wanted to live in a shit hole.

    Until that day I had never given litter or littering a thought but have never dropped any since.
    Where I live now some local kids (live three doors down) were sat on a wall out side my house surrounded by their litter and I gave them the same speech, and they did not do it again.

    Once at work while fitting a cornice to some kitchen cupboards the customers teenage son came in and made something to eat. When he walked away the micro wave door was left open with the light on, the bread was left out and open surrounded by crumbs, the butter, dirty butter knife and what ever he had heated up spilt on the work top and floor.
    Five minutes later he returned with his dirty plate and cutlery which did not even make it to the sink but rather left in the middle of the work top.

    As he walked away I asked who is going to clear that up?
    And his stunned silence led me to beleive that untill I had asked him it was not something he had given a moments thought.
    But when I explained his mess was in my way he apologised and cleaned it up.

    Free Member

    one of my best friends was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia when he was sixteen and was sectioned only after attacking his pregnant mother.
    He would be sectioned, given his meds by injection then once well enough to be discharged would start smoking weed and endup back at square one.

    It was through my long association with him from being a normal kid to watching him become unwell to the man he became and through my many years of friendship that gave me the insight into mental illness that I beleive saved me when I became ill and then finally broke.

    I lived my life believing every person i passed on the street was one of “them” and i could be killed at any time.
    One of the things my friends found hilarious when I told them afterwards was I hadn’t had a dump in my own toilet in months due to beleiving cameras had been installed.
    So I started going to my local petrol station when I needed to go, then I thought “they” had installed cameras there too.
    So I had to go further a field, before long I was driving for miles trying to find a new garage everytime i needed a dump untill i realised there was not one in twenty miles i have not used.

    Also talking to myself,I did when ever I was alone.
    It was not part of a two way conversation with the voices , they were not that coherent. More of providing a running commentary of your thoughts for those who were listening ( there was no one listening).

    I did not go around a round about once but several times, all the time looking in the mirrors for some one to break cover.
    The list is endless I was grade a batshit.
    a despite living a life I believed was froight with danger that would make 007 want his mummy, I was not scared, more angry with a constant “lets **** have it” attitude.
    But the thought now of being unwell again does scare me, as I tell my GP, being unwell is not nice.

    I wish your boy all the best

    Free Member

    Where to start,
    I grew up in the 80s and nineties and was a heavy user of cannibis, ecstasy, LSD. Coke starting from a very early age.
    Twelve years ago In my very late twenties I was diagnosed with drug induced phychosis after having completely lost the plot for probably over a year or so.
    I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital for two weeks while they found which medication worked best for me.
    After two weeks the medication was working helping me get control of my thoughts and I was allowed home.
    After eight months of medication and hard thinking (any situation where my brain offered up an alternative reality I chose to reject it for what was the far more boring reality) I was passed fit and taken off the meds.

    My psychiatrist stressed I was a very lucky boy, not only to have recovered but to also to have done it with my personality relatively unscathed, as you can come out damaged.

    I had to change my life completely as most of my friends took drugs, Infact most of my friends were drug dealers.
    So I had to extricate my self from my old life and circle of friends and have nothing to do with drugs or people who use them.

    I think your sister needs professional help, if medication helped her before hopefully it will help her again.
    But she needs to knock drugs on the head and only she can do that and maybe once she is in a better place mentally she may realise that.

    If you hope to bring her home go to your GP now and ask for the help for when you bring her back.
    Hopefully they can refer her to a psychiatrist if your sister is willing to go.

    Free Member

    This thread has driven me to just order everything I need to go 1×11 xtr on my old five.
    I am banking on it working with the xt 11-42 cassette when I wear the xtr 11-40 out.
    I am currently running two bikes 1×10 with hope expanders.
    One works flawlessly the other,the five will hesitate to change down one of the gears sometimes forcing me to change down again then up to get my chosen gear.

    Free Member

    He’s probably got better things to do, the lucky git.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Or maybe you just are of a different point of view.

    Free Member

    I know what I mean. 😀

    Free Member

    But what if he is offended by you pointing out him previously being offended by the use of the word dumb was in fact a misunderstanding on his part.

    Now he has been offended twice, poor bastard.

    Just incase he accidently offends a deaf person. The very people he was trying to protect from offence in the first place.

    Free Member

    What if the person told you not to use the word Dumb as it’s offensive to ‘Deaf and Dumb people’ when clearly it’s them using the more offensive term?

    I try to not find offence where none is meant even if I find the language could be seen by some as offensive.
    It is the sentiment and intent that count not the words themselves.
    It could be they are showing there age (using outdated terms) or just plain ignorance on the subject.

    But they clearly meant no offence even if you thought their language was offensive as they were concerned with someone else offending the very same people.

    Just a lot of people being unnecessarily offended on other peoples behalf.

    Free Member

    I would not use it either. But I would not correct someone for using it either if they were using it without malice in the correct (outdated) usage of the term as it’s not my place and i would not be offended in such circumstances.

    I did not associate the use of the word dumb in that context to mean either a lack of mental capacity or to be mute. And would have no idea of how someone without experience would interpret the term.

    Free Member

    A friend two doors down from where I grew ups parents were both deaf.
    His mother profoundly deaf from birth and father wore hearing aids with very limited hearing.

    He described his mum at the time (we were small children in the seventies) as deaf and dumb and his dad as deaf.
    I could have a conversation with his dad as he could lip read and although his speech was impaired not to the point I could not understand him.

    His mother always used sign language aswell as vocalising but due to my very limited signing and me not being able to understand her speech more often than being able to my friend would always act as an interpreter.

    So I would associate the term deaf and dumb as that, being profoundly deaf with speech I would find very hard to understand.
    And is not a term I have thought much about since.

    Free Member

    Anyone who wanted to avoid using a long outdated term that is likely to cause offence.

    But surely they are offended by the term due to its association with stupid and offensive use.
    And if never had been used as such would not now be deemed offensive in its correct use, much like the word spastic,
    And the changing of the name of the spastic society.

    Free Member

    is hoofing someone in the slats not potentially ileagal activity.

    Free Member

    Thank you,

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