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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day 10
  • chip
    Free Member

    Are we bombing them because they are brown?

    Free Member

    He was taken to a secure mental hospital for around 11 years, until he was deemed fit enough to stand trial, where he was convicted of murder and sent to Jail.

    So it took 11 years before he was seen fit enough to stand trial where they decided he was mentally sound enough at the time of his crime to be held responsible for his actions.

    That is a surprise.

    Free Member

    Previously chewkw asked what people would do in such a situation, the two options that immediately came to mind were, save your self, or stay and help.
    But a third option that never occurred to me until pointed out on the radio yesterday is, pull out your phone and start filming.

    I am not surprised the authorities did not act when the family raised concerns, as due to cuts apparently places on physciatric wards/hospitals are like hens teeth. And your more likely to be sent away with a crisis card.

    I am glad he did not manage to kill someone as much for his sake as the people he attacked.

    Free Member

    I don’t like uniforms, will there be a smart casual option, maybe wear my hat at a jaunty angle.

    Free Member

    So what happens now. If doctors confirm he has suffered a psychotic episode will he still stand trial for attempted murder. Where this will be put forward as his defence. And then if it is agreed by the court will he get off the charges and hospitalised until such time as he is deemed well enough to leave. Or can he still be convicted.

    Free Member

    How shifty can someone look?
    Will the paper find said fello and print a picture, and we all backtrack saying “to be fair”.

    Free Member

    That’s the point; they wouldn’t have known. They were making presumptions based on his appearance. And luckily, the bomb was set to detonate via a timer, mid coach journey.

    Surely the bomb would be activated once the coach went over 50mph and then detonate when the bus slowed to below 50

    Free Member

    But would it have been easier to say nothing and just attack with aid of surprise you would have a better chance of doing more damage.

    I am not saying I am right and maybe this was someone with mental health issues, maybe not.
    You can’t tell based on what we know.
    What happened to lee rigby, a rational explanation would be he suffered at the hands of a mentally ill person(s) but didn’t.
    Then there was that poor woman who was beheaded in her own garden which was due to a sick man.

    It could be the action of a would be terrorist or a madman, I am sure we will find out which.

    Free Member

    If I was hauled before the courts for the armed robbery of a post office and I claimed that my motive was purely to help my sick elderly mother with her bills would you automatically assume that I was telling the truth?

    That’s different, you are making an excuse after the fact. This fella shouted it out before hand, makes you think that maybe he was not expecting to Have the opportunity to explain his actions afterwards as in expected he would be on the receiving end of lethal force when the police arrived.

    Yunki you are your usual delightful self.
    I said I would run if I could but if I could not I hope I would be able to defend myself, I have been attacked before and without thinking put them on the floor its amazing how these things stay with you. I have also waded in in the past to defend people so would hope I would be brave enough to help.

    So be as offensive as you wish as your insults really don’t bother me.

    Free Member

    I would try and stay at a safe distance and talk him down. Then if he went for me I would try to avoid him if I could (run away) but if unavoidable, I did judo as a kid so would hope I could defend my self.

    If he attacked others I would hope I would try to help. I would probably be looking around for a fire extinguisher or anything I could use as a weapon.

    Free Member

    I thought the “you ain’t no Muslim Bruv” was brilliant and it brought a smile to my face.
    I don’t know wether the person who said it was Muslim or not to me it does not matter.
    What mattered was it was not the voice of some one who was terrorised but of someone who was indignant to this mans action. And if terror was his motive he had failed.

    Free Member

    The Yorkshire Ripper claimed that God told him to kill. Everyone knows that the Yorkshire Ripper was mentally ill, no one describes the Ripper’s crimes as religiously motivated, whatever he says.

    Obvs If someone believes to have heard God personally giving them instructions, wether to kill or otherwise I would belive them to be suffering some sort of mental illness wether they were religious or not. There is a difference between being religious and hearing voices.

    Free Member

    How many members are die hard fighters who have travelled to the region to join them, how many joined as they felt they had to ether because through threat or simply to survive due to monetary gain as apparently there fighters draw a wage.

    I would not only target the fighters but would concentrate more on there equipment, military and industrial to disable there military capability and ability to generate income and stop them from resupplying them.

    Small arms would be an issue as Kalashnikovs can be easily knocked up in a small workshop but tanks and more significantly advanced equipment should be harder to come by and easier to cut off.

    Back to my first point with regard to the fighters how many would fight to the last if certain defeat was looming and how many would desert given the opportunity to or had the money dried up.

    And yes I do feel safer now they have been recognised to be a serious threat and now know they will not be allowed achieve there ultimate goals whatever it eventually takes.

    Also there was an expert (what made him an expert I don’t know) on the radio saying that due to the ease of being able to get your hands on guns in America to expect more lone wolf/nutter/terrorist gun attacks there and due to it being much harder for people without direct contact to terrorist organisations or organised crime here to get firearms to expect more lone wolf/nutter/ terrorist knife attacks here.

    Free Member

    Grim I am talking over a year ago when they was not being bombed left right and center and plenty of people were saying leave them to it.

    Free Member

    Who was suggesting that then?

    Lots of people here last year were saying leave them to it.

    Free Member

    I actually feel safer now.
    Last year I felt that Isis were not being taken seriously enough and were taking ground at an alarming rate.

    And while I understand people may feel we face a greater threat now we are bombing them, i believe that may be true in the short term but that threat would be nothing compared to the threat they would pose if the were allowed to go on unchallenged.

    Free Member

    I say again, Colin Farrell in Alexander, unless he was actually irish (Alexander the great not Colin Farrell)

    Free Member

    After owning an iPhone 4s for 4years I recently treated myself to an iPhone 6s, I don’t know what I was expecting but the only real difference it’s made in my usage is that the screen is bigger for watching YouTube videos. But I do nothing on it I could not and did not do using my 4s.

    Infact I prefer the compactness of my old phone over the new one as it is much more pocketable and takes less room in my running belt and bike bag.
    But then on the old phone the battery did not last as long as it used to and the new one has four times the memory but then my phone bill Is four times bigger now also.

    Free Member

    Colin Farrell in Alexander.

    Free Member

    Step brothers.

    Free Member

    Ask you neighbour if they know as some poor sod could be sat at home thinking he had had a good weekend but can’t remember where he left his bike.

    Free Member

    The two films I laughed so much my chest was physically hurting was there’s something about Mary and monty pythons the holy grail.

    Free Member

    When small in the kitchen we had a Welsh dresser decorated with my mothers best crockery and tea set.
    While she was upstairs I decided to climb up the dressers shelves like a ladder resulting in my pulling the whole thing over in a mighty crash.

    After which I scarpered outside as quickly as possible and stayed there until it got dark. When I then decided I would have to go home and face the music fully expecting a telling off so was very surprised to be greeted with a big cuddle from a mother who was clearly pleased to see me.

    She later went on to tell me that the dog must have knocked the dresser over that afternoon destroying all that was on it. It was only recently I told her the truth clearing my poor long dead dogs name.

    My brothers two young step sons in a bid to extract some extra pocket money decided to wash his car while he was at work.
    Problem being, being so small found it tough to get clean due to them being short on elbow grease, and solved this problem by swapping their soft sponges for pan scourers.
    He sold the car shortly afterwards.

    Free Member

    That’s not star wars a new hope
    And I don’t remember a Jedi John getting all beheady in ritual executions if you want to be picky.

    Free Member

    There is an old saying, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.
    This rings true of many terrorist organisations but I don’t think Isis could be described as freedom fighters unless it’s the freedom to rape, enslave and sell women to the highest bidder. The freedom to murder anyone who does not share their twisted ideology in the most brutal way you could think of while filming it to use in promotional videos.
    And the freedom to throw gay people off tall buildings.

    I find it funny that if I was to ridicule someone’s sexuality on this forum or to make a comment objectifying women I would be jumped on by the people who would compare Isis to the rebel alliance.

    Free Member

    I don’t remember there being a Jedi John getting all beheady in the film.

    Free Member

    We’ve got nothing on this bunch of lefties

    Free Member

    Do away with religion.

    Free Member

    Don’t remember in them but was in both a nightmare on elm street and platoon.
    But looking at his filmography it is a little disappointing.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A world where you shoot a school girl in the head for going to school.

    Free Member

    if people wish to turn there back on their own countries to join a religious death cult they will get no sympathy from me.

    Free Member

    Which is probably the mindset of young British/French/Belgian/American Muslims heading to Syria to join the Jihad.

    terrorist sympathising at its Stw best.
    No because there homeland would be Britian,France,Belgium and America. And there is no excuse for joining Isis twisted ideology,

    Free Member

    If I was a civilian in an IS dominated area, I reckon I’d feel a damn sight safer knowing there were more people bombing Isis…

    And would be joining a resistance group or opposition force to rid my homeland of the scum.

    Free Member

    So do these 500lb ‘Smart’ bombs conduct a quick survey of the potential victims attitude to Islam, to ascertain whether they think it is:
    a) A religion of Peace
    before detonating then? Or is that just the Sooper Doooper missiles we’ve got?


    Free Member

    My doctors has an appointment book that goes one month ahead and no further. So if fully booked, tell you as much and to ring back the next day early to stand a chance of getting an appointment in one month and a days time before the book is again closed until the next day.

    But what i have done in such circumstances is ask for a telephone appointment and then if the doctor feels he needs to investigate my concerns further normally asks me to come in that afternoon.

    Free Member

    And stopping the bombing will stop them fleeing?
    refugees fleeing isis
    Defeating Isis and helping establish some stability may.

    Free Member

    600 dead is very sad.
    Over 2500 have drowned in the med this year and 350000 made it across.
    How many of these are Syrian and or drowned fleeing Isis I don’t know.

    But if we don’t take on Isis the death toll will be much higher.

    Free Member

    The problem is if we say we will be working with a force of 70 thousand ready to tackle IS while we providing air support.
    Once IS have been iradicated we have two choices, say thank you before leaving them high and dry at the mercy of the Russians and Assad or help them take on Assad and the Russians.

    We need to ether enter into negation with all involved to resolve the civil war in Syria while fighting Isis, or not have anything to do with the 70 thousand and say the civil war is none of our business and we are just here for Isis.

    Free Member

    Junkyard you are correct, my apologies DD I am indeed wrong.

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