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  • Bespoked Bike Check: Two Bikes To Make Tarmac Tempting
  • chip
    Free Member

    Manon carpenter letting mountain biking down, who does she ride for so I can boycott there bikes.

    Free Member

    On a positive note, as I said previously, I think there will be less and less of this sort of stuff around as she grows up. I think most of us are moving on and enjoying a society that’s a bit more inclusive and friendly.

    Dream on, A vaguely sexual calendar produced by a tyre retailer I am sure wil have little or no effect on her growing up.
    I would be more worried about the skewed attitude to sex all her would be suiters who will be dying to get there hands on her had after years of exposure to hardcore Internet porn while locked away in there bedrooms.

    Also there are naked selfies and revenge porn to worry about.

    Free Member

    yunki – Member
    Dinosaurs… Dinosaurs everywhere

    Really, it was not long ago you were arguing it was no big deal to wipe your Todger around a drunk sleeping girls face while filming it.

    Free Member

    adele on lisa snowdon[/url]

    Here she is gushing over Lisa Snowdon who is not shy about putting her wares on show.
    I wonder if she fired her off an email about letting her down.
    lisa snowdon[/url]

    Free Member

    Baws, I couldn’t remember who went out last week so googled it.
    And inadvertently found out who goes tonight.

    Free Member

    (because we don’t just talk about hair straightners and men)

    how long can a conversation about hair straighteners last.

    Free Member

    Do you like a saucy book cinnamon girl?

    Free Member

    Apparently lots of woman get their jollies reading erotic fiction.
    Are they objectifying men, or sexist knuckle draggers.

    Free Member

    Sprouts are glorious!

    Free Member

    Here is such calendars in there natural habitat.
    I personally prefer dog calendars at home. But have admired the nudey lady variety when visiting factories.
    it is what it is.

    Free Member

    Just checked, the Internet is still absolutely jam packed with porn.
    Apparently men still enjoy objectifying woman, woman, woman do men, men do men, woman do woman.

    I can’t believe it either. Do they not know its not1973.
    I take it that woman who wrote the article has never viewed porn, admired a scantily clad man on a tv or magazine add for the latest perfume or even taken a second or two to admire a beautiful man she passes in the street.

    Admiring beauty of either sex, naked or otherwise does not make you a pervert or a rapist, it makes you normal.

    Get over yourselfs, if you find the human form or bare flesh so offensive don’t buy their product but don’t label people who don’t have a problem with it as immature or thick or a brute.

    Maybe you are the immature ones.

    Free Member

    It’s quite s big dogs homes, so people who work at and come to see the dogs use it.
    But they also have lots of regulars who just come in for the cafe. the far end of the cafe away from the food counter you are allowed to bring your dogs in as long as you don’t let them sit on the seats.

    Free Member

    I have ordered two bars of the above chocolate, thanks all.

    Free Member

    I am sorry I did not know this would happen. My mum genuinely did not know what to buy. But amongst the bacon related posts there have been some helpful posts,

    Free Member

    Blimey I’m glad I’m not a vegan as it makes you grumpy.

    No bacon 😀

    Free Member

    My mum does not know the lady as she volunteers elsewhere in the home.
    But was told when she drew the lady in question that she was a vegan so if her present was food to make sure it was acceptable and also no make up in case it had been tested on animals (that’s what they told her).

    But wine could be a good call.

    Free Member

    But to be fair so are you. You come out with some old bollocks about Jeremy Corbyn and those who support him

    No my reference to JC (not Jesus Christ) was

    Based on this earlier post by someone else which was also I believe.

    All of you lot criticising the cops for shooting to kill sound like a bunch of Corbyn-esque terrorist sympathisers.

    Jeez! (Not Jeremy corbyn)

    Free Member

    No he was an idiot who believed he was blameless in the situation that led to him being on the wrong end of a loaded weapon with a police officer on the other end.
    And lucky for him he complied and ended up with no more than a size ten boot print on his head.
    But if it had played out differently I would have had no sympathy for him as I believe he would have greatly contributed to his own demise.
    That is because I am a warmongering right wing nut job.

    Where as if I was a corbyn esque terrorist sympathiser I everytime a known rum bugger got shot would always lay the blame at the feet of the murdering officer, Obvs.

    Free Member

    DrJ – Member
    All of you lot criticising the cops for shooting to kill sound like a bunch of Corbyn-esque terrorist sympathisers.

    20 years ago I had a friend who told me his brother was going to sue the police.
    He then went on to say that weekend his brother was at a club when he slipped out of a fire exit to retrieve a new box of cigarettes from the glovebox of his car.
    When he could not regain entry by the way he left he tried to get back in the main doors, but despite his pleas that he had already paid and had merely popped out he was refused entry unless he paid again.

    Being a doughnut he went back to his car where also in his glovebox he kept an imitation gun lighter.
    He put this down the front of his trousers and went back to the club and when this time the door staff again refused him entry he showed them the gun sticking out of his trousers, at which point they stepped back allowing him to enter.
    Needless to say several minutes later he found himself apparently face down on the dance floor with an armed officer standing on his head with his gun pointing at him.

    I said, sue the police, your brothers an idiot who was lucky he was not shot.

    That’s the problem with the corbyn-esque types is they lay the blame entirely at the police officer who is probably a good man doing his best to make this country a safer place for you and me, and apportion none to the no good scroute who leads a life of violent crime purely to line their own pockets.
    And then displays their displeasure by burning down an off licence and stealing a colourTv.

    Free Member

    not quit the russian way.

    Glad tim got off OK.

    Free Member

    Now imagine you are an armed officer, you confront a suspected armed villain with your weapon shouldered and looking at him through your sights “STOP, ARMED POLICE” you shout. Now you see the villain is not brandishing a gun but may or may not a carrying a gun.

    But he does not stop, instead runs towards you, maybe you are blocking his only means of escape, or not.
    What do you do?
    Let go of your weapon and try to physically apprehend them, risking them maybe get hold of your weapon.
    Do you just keep shouting stop and watch as they run at you or past you making there escape?

    Or do you shoot.

    Another thing that interests me is normally armed police don’t travel alone and if you have several officers who have there weapons trained on you and you raise a weapon I would expect to be shot by all of them. So when shots fired are from just one officer is it because he alone was in a position to take a shot or did he get it wrong.

    Similarly, if I was brandishing a gun and it was just one officer who was positioned at the time to open fire, I would expect to be shot more than once by that officer.

    So some one shot several times dead (or not) by the police seems expected. But shot dead by the police by a single shot seems strange to me.

    Free Member

    I hoped that would be the case.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I had a friend who spent several days in a police station being questioned as a suspected murderer.

    He left a pub that was on a lane set in local woodland at closing time rather worse for wear. And decided to navigate his way through the dark dense woodland as he had no money left for a cab and walking on the lanes would have been miles so thought as the crow flies would take half the time and what could go wrong.

    He got lost and found himself wandering around the woods for hours and being very drunk fell over several times so was very dirty and blooded were his arms and face were scratched as he fought his way through ever thicker undergrowth.

    About two or three in the morning he could see some lights so headed in that direction only to wander in to a newly established crime scene where the police had just found the body of a 15 year old girl who had recently gone missing.

    The circumstances in which he was found plus the fact he was an alcoholic loner in his late twenties who was homeless living in a dumped car at the time made him their prime suspect. Luckily for him they could not come up with any hard evidence as much as they tried,with him being innocent, so they eventually had to let him go. They never caught the killer but needless to say my friend said being interrogated as a suspected child murderer was the scariest time of his life.

    Free Member

    You’ll end up explaining oral sex though.

    I doubt it, The kids nine not five.

    Free Member

    I first saw life of Brian when i was about eight or nine, same with blazing saddles and history of the world part 1.
    Come to think of it I had seen practically every horror film that was out at the time.
    What was our parents thinking.

    Anyway, never did me any harm.

    Free Member

    then made me surrender a bottle for my lad’s stocking filler.
    WHen I was a kid, all I used to get was an orange and a piece of coal

    A piece of coal……… You lucky bastard.

    Free Member

    The shot policeman in the Duggan shooting, I don’t think it was an accidental discharge as it passed through duggans arm before lodging in the officers radio..

    I believe the de menezes shooting was a massive cock up, especially as de menezes was practically white, and the three men they were staking out were practically black.

    Free Member

    Pesky skin colour, really!

    Free Member

    5 police officers shot due to accidental discharges,
    5 officers shot by colleagues or did some of them shoot themselves.

    Free Member

    So by my reckoning of that 41 six accidental discharges and that leaves 7 where the policemay have made the wrong call when pulling the trigger.

    So that’s 13 people shot out of how many thousands of times the police had to actually point there guns at someone with good reason.

    I would suggest the armed police get it right far more and wrong far less than they get credit for.

    Free Member

    41 people shot by the police turned out not to be carrying fire arms in the last 10 years, 15 of which died.
    How many of those 41 were brandishing knives or imitation firearms and how many behaved in a way to deliberately mislead the police to believe they were carrying firearms.

    How many people have the police shot in total over the past ten years so what percentage of the total is that 41.

    Free Member

    Disappointed to see all the keyboard know it alls second guessing and assuming a mistake and a coverup the minute a report hits the press.

    Not to mention the OPs hinting at racism.

    Free Member

    I took six six foot panels home on my roof rack.
    The bloke at the yard loaded all six on with a fork lift.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Indeed – There is no longer any legal aid for personal injury cases in the UK – so how is he affording it?

    No win no fee?
    Judge Rinder?

    Free Member

    This AND… daughter’s boyfriend wading into my weetabix stash like they’re some sort of public commodity … Noooooo!

    Has his way with your daughter then eats your weetabix.
    He will be drinking your beer next.

    Free Member

    I think he should be treated the same as every other prisoner, no more no less, No special treatment either way.
    Condemned to the same mundane life as every other prisoner except for him he knows he will be living this unremarkable life for the rest of his.

    I have no reason to believe he did not lose his teeth while reasonable force was being used to restrain him.

    Free Member

    My mate as a kid used to get weetabix with no milk but rather slathered with butter as an evening treat.

    Free Member
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