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  • chip
    Free Member

    What about the use of he or she does that not categorise us as in she is a good police officer.

    Free Member

    So you meet a beautiful woman and fall in love.
    Then you bring up kids and she says “about that”

    Free Member

    Good to see Rachel sticking it to the man.

    What about sport and athletics. Would you be happy with transgender woman competing in womens cycling events.

    Free Member

    Can you still get mansize tissues. And a two man tent.

    Free Member

    I was thinking of getting one of these, specifically I want a cheap something to use for trainer road rather than my phone,
    Would this work.

    Free Member

    Takeshis castle is good for a laugh.
    Also was it the Clive James show that used to show strange clips from an endurance show.

    Free Member

    Backie in Wembley up until the trick nut revolution that gave you your seat back.

    Free Member

    So he should get involved in a sexual scandal that harms him and his party[ fueled by his alcohol issue

    Not really a sex scandal, single man while under the influence of alcohol replies to sexually explicit texts from a young woman saying he is horny.

    As scandals go that is pretty piss poor. Not a rent boy, orange or nazi uniform in sight.

    Free Member

    Maybe he was sick of everyone else putting in there two Penneth worth slagging him off every day (two ex wife’s, young daughter, ex girlfriend and the young woman concerned and wanted to get his side of the story out there by way of an explanation of his actions.
    Granted it would have been better if he had donated the proceeds to a (children’s) charity.

    Free Member

    Surely it depends if you pull or not.

    Free Member

    So if I understand you correctly (and a similar point to Dr J has made) we hold them to lower standards because we assume their criminal acts are beyond their control. Isnt that racist?

    You don’t understand me correctly.

    Chips, what a load of bollocks. The reports also stated that these men were drunk and high on cannabis as well as stealing from their victims.
    Is a good Muslim allowed to cherry pick what’s of the Quran they follow or is bugger all to do with religion and these gangs had decided to shit all over the hospitality of their host nation and do as they please regardless of laws, religion or the protest of their victims. Maybe the German authorities should deal with these gangs as per Quran and chop their hands off which would not only stop them stealing again but stop further sexual assaults too.

    I did not say they were good Muslims, if they were I would still expect them to treat people with respect or at the very least to just not associate themselves with people who they consider to fly in the face of there beliefs.

    Like i said before these are horrible ****, and the worst kind of horrible **** religious horrible ****, as they feel justified in doing what thy do.

    A religious person picking and choosing what parts of their religion suits them best, who’d have thunk it.

    And as Tom said I know many religious people who despite not sticking to the rules themselves still expect it of those around them.

    Free Member

    Glad we cleared that up.

    Free Member

    In response to dr j last comments.
    You have to consider there religion if you wish to understand why they feel it is ok to treat woman like this.

    In Syria do the woman cover up everything bar there face and hands, are they taught to cover up and the men taught that women should cover up, if so are they also taught that it is also ok for woman to not cover up if they wish without it in any way reflecting poorly on them, there virtue or them not being good Muslims or indeed good in general.Would these men tolerate and treat with respect woman in Syria if the were seen walking out dressed as we commonly see women dressed when on a night out in the west.

    And when these men find them self in a foreign country do you expect them to abandon the beliefs they are taught from birth with regards to how woman should act which is to guard their modesty and hide there ornaments

    And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their khim?r over their breasts and not display their beauty except to their husband, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons, their brothers or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their (Muslim) women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. (Quran 24:31)

    Free Member

    Was never really a fan but I remember one where one drank beer out of another’s bottom. Or did I imagine that.

    Free Member

    I don’t like telling my accountant.

    Free Member

    They sacked him for editing a report to remove references to immigrants.

    Free Member

    I have used breakers many times at work when I worked for a basement company the bigger ones can be back breaking especially if the bury them selfs with out breaking the slab.

    My main reason for not using one at home was not wanting to upset the fish or my neighbour who does shift work but mainly the fish.

    Free Member

    a) WTF is a Five foot chisel!?

    5ft of manly awesomeness.
    Removed a couple of large tree stumps with it after having chopped the trees down with an axe.

    (Beats chest and roars loudly) 😯

    Free Member

    I did my old concrete patio and path with a five foot chisel and point and a sledge, very satisfying.

    Free Member

    Does Fatima count?

    I am going to go out on a limb here and say no.
    I have read her entire wiki page and what I can work out she is the daughter of a prophet and as such is held in similar esteem as Mary as jesus’s mother, although she trumps Mary and indeed her own mother another woman highly regarded by Islam.

    Free Member

    Again, who sez?
    Did a little voice in your head tell you? Or did you read it in a book? If the former, I would respectfully suggest you get some help, if the latter, then which book and who wrote it? It would almost certainly not be God, unless he/she has a direct input into Word, and wrote it just by thinking at the computer, or there was a human interface, which brings me back to humans hearing voices in their head, and I think we all know the sort of issues that arise when someone says the little voice told them to do something.
    Which often seems to be with extreme prejudice…

    I was taking the piss.
    Sorry I thought that that and the fact I do not believe in God was apparent based on both that and my previous posts on this thread.
    But if I was going to take the bible as gospel I would take it that God took the figure of a man indeed as he did in Jesus.
    Why could he not have sent down a Julie to save us from our sins.

    Free Member

    They may have a life.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    “What a load of shit” as Nan Tate would say, sexual advances on women dresed up and blamed on religion, imigrants, womens dress, colour of the perpetrators etc.
    It happened because there where not enough police intrested or staffed to take any action.

    They sexually assaulted a female officer.

    It happened because they were horrible ****.

    I very rarely find my self in the presence of the police, sometimes drunk and in the company of lightly clothed women.
    And I never groped any of them. But in future if I do I shall blame the lack of a police presence.

    Free Member

    Also did god give Adam a penis pre eve. Or did he knock one up as an after thought therefore explaining his rudimentary design fault that is foreskin.

    Free Member

    He could not be a she.
    One he made man (Adam)in his own image. Then it was only when Adam was dead bored that god thought he would create woman ( to keep him on his toes) . So god made women for the benefit of man right.
    Also have there been any female prophets or has god only chosen to have a con flab with man as he wears the trousers.

    Free Member

    if there is a god he is a right bell end.

    Free Member

    If the question is is there a god, the truth is no.

    Free Member

    B29 superfortress.

    Free Member

    I read a report from one man that he was walking with his 15 year old daughter and partner when surrounded by a group of over 30 men who groped his daughter and partners breasts and between the legs.

    I couldn’t even imagine how I would feel in such a situation.

    More worrying than that such behaviour went on was despite such behaviour went on and the police were inundated with such reports was that the police submitted a report afterwards saying that it was a quiet night.

    And more worrying again was the female mayor suggesting woman should not encourage such behaviour by changing their behaviour.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    These young men did not leave there wife’s and girlfriends back at their flat so they could go out on mass to assult woman. It has nothing to do with there skin colour. If there is an influx of young men who culturally have little respect for women let alone woman of a different faith into a situation where they have very few woman in there own cultural communities this is going to happen and HAS happened.

    It’s not racism to report it.
    Of course there are lots of white indigenous sex criminals, but most act alone or in small groups in secret. Its the fact so many men on mass did this openly in public that makes this so worrying.
    They don’t seem to believe what they are doing is wrong.

    Free Member

    Also from what I have seen the majority of the recent mass immigration has been of single young men.
    So now you have an mass immigration population of mainly young men which can not be healthy.

    Free Member

    My last dog was intact and had a large, well what looked like a large spot grow on his rusty sheriffs badge. Had it removed and was told it was due to hormones and he should be detestacled to prevent it happening again.

    I refused and some time later an even larger lump developed on his chocolate starfish. The vet was worried that this time she would have to remove so much of his balloon knot in the op he may lose control of his bowels.
    Fortunately that did not turn out to be the case.

    But at the same time this time we did have his knackers removed as not wanting to put him through the same again.
    By this time though he was knocking on a bit and I did not notice any change in his manner or activity, the postman was still his nemesis and he still enjoyed life.

    My current dog is four and still packing but the first sign of it being a health issue he will find himself travelling light.
    Every now and again when I catch him licking his balls I think make the most of it.

    Free Member

    Ransos I believe the argument about the use of the word girl stems from the usage by the delectable JHJ, who as far as I know never hit on anyone, Well not the sports reporter in question. As far as I know.

    Free Member

    Ransos you are a bit confused, re read the thread and try to keep up.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Is there a point to this quiz.

    Free Member

    Both Balding and Finnigan met fellow journalists when colleagues

    Workplace hanky panky?

    Free Member

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