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  • chilled76
    Free Member

    I looked at the Rampants. They are 4x/slopestyle type frame’s aren’t they.

    Unfortunately they aren’t tall enough in the top tube for a day in the saddle, otherwise that’s be it.

    I’ve got a feeling I already own the frame that is the closest fit to my question.

    Free Member

    I didn’t think so either. Anyone beg to differ?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the suggestions Kelvin. I guess everyone running fairly hefty hardcore hardtail should listen to you and make sure they ditch their frames and have the 125mm travel you specify as it won’t be any different.

    I’m asking of it exists because it might… and 3-4″ travel WILL be snappier and respond to pedal input better than 5″ travel if designed right/the same. Maybe not a lot different, but so what. My question was DOES IT EXIST?

    Free Member

    You’ve just proved my point again.

    Free Member

    Kelvin, read what I’ve said… at no point have I said mine climbs badly… I’m purely asking if anyone makes a certain product that I’ve imagined would suit my needs well and wandered if one exists.

    I’m not unhappy with mine. It climbs pretty well…. BUT any bike with 125mm is a slight hinderance when it comes to snap.

    I don’t need 5″ at the back but a hardtail is a little too rough for my liking so wandered if there was anything inbetween that still had a slack head angle and was built around a 150mm fork.

    jeeeez, some people on here really need to learn to read what people write and not the in between lines they choose to.

    Free Member

    I’ll have a look at the TRC’s, thank you.

    EDIT.. that’s 125mm back end and designed around 120-140mm forks with 130mm being optimum.

    Free Member

    Superficial, thanks for the link. Looks pretty heavy and overbuilt though…

    Maybe I need to start a frame build company to cater for this niche!

    Free Member

    The podge, that’s a daft argument as a well set up 100mm bike will pedal better than a poorly set up 150mm one.

    If both are well set up then the 100mm one will pedal better… which is one of the reasons I’m asking if anyone makes such a thing.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, a few of you have read between the lines and concluded I’m talking about front end wandering… it’s not that at all, just feel a bit less at the rear would be more snappy and responds better to pedal input.

    Free Member

    Fivespot… bit presumptuous of you!

    I ride a 2012 Banshee Spitfire, it’s great but wandered if there was anything out there that was basically a hardcore hardtail with a little bit of give to take the sting out of trails. The spitfire geometry is perfect and built to be a long slack bike and designed around a 150mm fork. It climbs fine, but a shorter travel bike would be a bit sharper/snappier and wandered if anyone had built/designed one to mate with a 150mm fork.

    Looks like this but higher spec and better colour chooices

    Free Member

    Another DW 5 spot vote here.

    Mine was a 2011. Sorely dissapointed and spent a while trying to convince myself I’d gel with it. It was too short and steep. Back end was great but it just rode like a pig.

    Bought a 2012 Banshee Spitfire frame to replace it and it did everything I wanted the Turner to di…. I won’t ever get rid of it until it breaks.

    Free Member

    ^^^^^ Spent the money on brakes and couldn’t afford a shift key for the keyboard. ;-)

    Free Member

    This thread has come at an ideal time… can anyone recommend a good fitter who is Nottinghamshire based?

    Free Member

    Said to the wife… wood you mind if I spent the day in the garage?

    Free Member

    That’s fantastic, exactly the sort of inspiration I needed.

    Wife went out last night, I stayed in making some drawings. builders merchant opens at 10am this morning, so off out.

    Going to build a soft wood prototype first then refine it and make it from Ash.

    Will get photos later and start a log.

    Thanks guys.


    Free Member

    Nice, they look pretty fancy. I’m going to be going for more of an industrial look.

    Free Member

    please delete (repeated post).

    Free Member

    Head of Maths in a secondary school

    Love it, it’s high pressure, days fly by and I work long hours. Then get a chunk of time off. It’s like working extreme shifts.. work 12-14 hour days and a lot at weekends for 6-8 weeks at a time, then I get 1 or 2 weeks off. Nice long summer break too.

    £45k (ish)

    Free Member

    Starting a thread on here a few days ago about a 911 conspiracy theory :lol:

    On a serious answer…

    Not spending a season in Canada or France on the DH bike before I chose marriage career and big mortgage.

    Free Member

    That’s exactly what I’ve been looking for. Nice one. Shows the flaw in the argument of the video I posted.

    Thanks for that.

    Free Member

    sugdenr… I was referring to the fact it looks in the video it collapses on both sides at the same time… rather than in stages like the report says….. hence stating what the video shows.

    Do you want me to freeze frame it and get a spirit level out?

    I forgot you had to be qualified to tell when something LOOKS like it all moves together within a time frame the eye can see.

    And I’m not arguing anything, so to say I’ve employed a continued argument is a bit short sighted (and unecassarily aggressive) as all I’ve actually done is ask if anyone can enlighten me as to how that happened… I genuinley want to know, it’s not a rhetorical question or an argument. It looks like it all moves together, yet the report states otherwise? Genuine question, I’m not trying to state anything so by definition that can’t be an argument.


    Free Member

    Indeed they can.

    Has anyone got a link to a video of it coming down from another angle where you can see it fully?

    Free Member

    Sorry Neal, somehow completely missed your post.

    That’s an interesting picture actually, so that building was also a mini sky scraper, it looks different to the video of it collapsing, it looks wider and less tall in the video.

    Free Member

    That’s not what the video evidence shows.

    From what I can see the whole thing drops together in about 5 seconds flat.

    Watch the video I linked and skip to about 9 minutes in and watch the next 10 mins. It’s around there somewhere.

    Free Member

    Scuzz…I have also pointed out what he is doing and that I won’t dignify him with another reponse unless he actually starts to read what I’ve written properly…. but to answer your question… yes!

    I guess this might ultimately fuel an argument that gets so hot the upper layers of STW get so hot that they fall down on the lower echelons and the whole thing will end up flattened in a few seconds… eeek

    Free Member

    Junkyard, you are an argumentitive sod.

    Can you not establish the difference between my statement that it made me think… “ooh err what if?” …Which means considering what has been said and looking/discussing further…. than being someone having a founded view and spouting that the conspiracy is correct.

    As has been stated, I read the engineering post and thanked them. I have then asked a question which seems to have gone over your head (likle most of the content of my posts) about how it could have collapsed so uniformly when it is such a wide building and why there was no large steel members left…. and again I’m asking if anyone has an engineering explanation as to how this could have happened, I’M CATAGORICALLY NOT TRYING TO SAY THAT THIS IS PROOF THAT THIS VIDEO IS CORRECT. The response post you have qouted doesn’t address these aspects.

    You need to learn to read ALL of what people type, not just the bits you want to.

    However I guess you’ll read the bits of this post that you choose to and ignore the other parts taking what I have said out of context and quoting parts of a sentence/paragraph like you have done with my other posts, so on that note I’m not going to bother dignifying your posts with a response again if you continue to read between the lines rather than actually listen/reading what I am actually saying.

    Free Member

    I love the fact that loads of people have jumped down my throat on this when I have clearly stated several tmes that I don’t believe the conspiracy..Merely that the engineering evidence about wt7 (the one that no plane hit) made me think… oooh errrr what if?

    Pleased with the engineering responses about how the fire could have made that third building collapse, that’s the sort of thing I was looking for so thanks for that…. on that note though one thing I don’t understand (and I’m looking for someone to help me get my head around it) is why wt7 collapsed so uniformly and why was there no larger sections of steel left intact?

    The fires in wt7 look more sporadic and as it’s a wider building than it is tall, it’s got little/no aviation fuel in it and even if it was roaring with office fires that do make some of the steel fail you’d expect it to collapse at diffferent rates on different sides wouldn’t you?

    As I say, I’m not trying to convince anyone, more the opposite, I’d like someone to give some insight into how it could have happened in a way that looks so much like a controlled demolition but by the fires..

    And for the people who keep jumping on everyone about the main trade centres… we are talking about wt7 (the one that no planes hit) Yes I’ve repeated myself.

    Free Member

    Just popped back to see there has now been a few more civil responses..

    It’s the bit about the third building that dropped that I’ve never seen before. No aviation fuel in that building no plane flew into it and it went down like a sack of spuds in the same manner…

    How does that happen? Genuine question.. I’m really intrigued as to a civil engineering explanation as to why that happened.

    It’s a steel framed building, admittedly there was fires in that third building, but office fires making a steel frame building flatten… well it’s just never happened in history has it? How does that work? When you watch the footage of the third building it looks like a controlled demolition.

    It most probably isn’t… but I would love to know what caused it to do that?

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, clear this sort of discussion isn’t welcome here. I’ll see if I can find a civil engineering forum to discuss some of the technical aspects/flaws in this video.

    Free Member

    Come’s across more like an internet troll.

    Free Member

    You lot are hilarious, I’d like to point out that playground bullying requires the recipient to be affected by it…. of which this isn’t the case. I should know, I had to deal with a serious incident of racist bullying at 10:30am this morning.

    Some of the users on here could do with learning to have a mature discussion though (which ultimately is what a forum is for).

    Piemonster… your behaviour reminds me of a lot of 15 year old’s I teach. Well done you…. I’d love to tell you that you should be proud of how brilliantly you have scorned me, and that I feel suitably humiliated and publicly belittled by you… however… you actually only really achieved to make me think “what the hell has happened to STW?, has half of pinkbike migrated here?”

    I’ve already stated I don’t necessarily believe this, and that I’ve always laughed at this stuff, but this ONE video made me think oooh what if…

    Not “oh my god, it was all a government stitch up”.

    If you watch it, this video doesn’t even try and point a finger of blame, it just shows engineering evidence of why it seems unlikely that the steel structures should have failed like they did…. I’ve considered what has been put in front of me and for the first time ever not completely dismissed what is being suggested.

    It’s just interesting, nothing more will come of it… other than speculation and discussion. Something I thought might happen here, however it appears the maturity of some of the users on this forum has turned back a few decades.

    I posted it on here, as I’m aware there are a large number of degree qualified engineers (of which I’m one.. I left engineering to be a Maths teacher), and would love some opinions from other people who understand steel and malleable temperatures better than I do.


    Free Member

    Can I just clarify.. I’m not saying that these theories are correct…

    I’ve laughed my head off at lots of them over the years.

    Watched them and seen through all the flaws and paranoya, but the evidence surrounding tower 7 (the third building that dropped even though no plane hit it) just made me go…. oooh eerrr, what if?

    Free Member

    Did they arrest him or did he get away?

    Free Member

    A camelbak bladder/bag combo that’s easy to get in and out of it’s bag to fill/empty.

    Free Member

    203mm hope rotor will work fine.

    Codes are a hell of a lot more powerful than the old mono 6 brakes. They have less modulation though.

    More pistons does not always make more power, it’s to do with hydraulic gain.

    Free Member

    Cutstom tandem with her seat right down?

    Free Member

    About 5 years ago someone was bitten by an adder on Stile Cop, thay had an allergic reaction to the venom and ended up being air ambulanced off the hill.

    Pretty unusual turn of events.

    Free Member

    Sorry to thread hijack, passed my mod 1 today and have my mod 2 next wednesday.

    Anyone fancy swapping a bike with an engine for either of the below mountain bikes?

    Bike 1

    Banshee Spitfire 2012 Medium in immaculate condition Kashima rp23
    Fox 32 150mm rlc FIT (5 rides old)
    Stans flow on pro11 (4 rides old) running hans dampf front and Nobby nic rear (tubeless).
    Sram x9 3×9 mechs and shifters(cassette and chain 3 rides old).
    Thomson stem
    Reverb (4 rides old)
    Juicy 7’s
    Bike is in superb condition with many of the parts nearly new.
    Got a full bushing kit in packet to be included (or can fit if a buyer would require).

    Bike 2

    18″ On-On summer season in decent condition, no dents or cracks.
    Formula RX
    XT Cranks
    Sram XX mechs (front is locked in position so only middle ring is used at front on a 1 x 10 set up with 11-36t
    Sram X9 10 speed shifter
    10 speed mech and chain
    Mavic crossland wheels running UST high rollers tubeless up front a 2.2 hutchinson on the rear

    If interested can get me on


    Free Member

    I’m exactly the same. I’ve found its not so bad when I’ve spent a few weeks decreasing my caffeine intake right down. I can’t tell you why that makes a difference but that definitely affects me and how quick I can get going.

    Free Member

    I think you should video this and get it uploaded so we can all watch it before the “filter” is introduced.

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