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  • chilled76
    Free Member

    That’s a climb our club races up though. I always hit max hr on it so I know I’ve flogged myself silly.

    Interestingly if you look the previous two efforts had been exactly the same before I’ve had this month of clean eating and training.

    One other thing regarding some of this anecdotal evidence I’ve noticed, the difference relative to the others I ride with speaks more volumes so far than anything.

    Ftp test it 10 days. Will post up when I’ve done it, I’m really intrigued to see what the numbers are going to say.

    Free Member

    Oh and thanks sincerely for the congratulations on the weight loss from the people encouraging.

    I want to be 76kg by the end of the summer and have a pretty strict 6 weeks planned out whilst I’m off work to drop about 0.5-1kg per week.

    Going to start tracking calories as of next week too, which I’ve not done yet.

    Free Member

    For the people moaning about the strava data please read back half a page. I didn’t post an update I was asked how I’m getting on one month in.

    My response was that I’ve got no proper data yet as my next ftp test is on a fortnight but I’ve got anecdotal evidence of improvement on the bike.

    I’m not basing anything on that stuff but it’s all I have at the minute when someone asked.

    Free Member

    Front does 80% that’s why you run bigger rotors up front.

    Look at a moto gp bikes brakes, huge double discs up front and one small rotor out back.

    Rear becomes even less efficient when riding downhill.

    You could prove him wrong by riding next to each other and stopping as quick as you can but each only using one brake… don’t chuck yourself over your bars though in an attempt to win.

    Free Member

    Or create a false platform and turf over it with a stepped entry, secret bike storage shed with full workshop?

    Run some power to it. Would be awesome if you could keep it damp free!

    Free Member

    Nuclear bunker?

    Free Member

    How do you change the bike?

    I’m using the phone app and my appreciation of what it’s doing is assuming every ride is on road so when you mtb it thinks you are riding easier than you are.

    Free Member

    As above, do a lactate threshold test and find your zones from there.

    A lack of base might mean you are spending a lot of time in zone 4 and if riding infrequently (just 2 times per week say) then it is more than likely you are just going out and riding really hard every time you go out (mostly zone 4 with a few bits in 5).

    What’s your resting hr?

    Free Member

    Agreed. Its nothing major, just holding 1 minute better and at a lighter weight it’s had a noticeable impact..

    Looking forward to next ftp test though

    Free Member

    Pretty sure I just said I’ve only got anecdotal evidence as next ftp is in another 2 weeks.

    Doesn’t change the fact I’ve taken 20 seconds out of that climb that’s been static at 1:22 the last 2 full blown attempts I had at it. Would need to be blowing a tailwind gale for that to be wind and it wasn’t a windy evening.

    No pleasing some people.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    (5kg)…nearly a stone. Possibly, although it’s a climb where I hit max hr and hold it to the top so not really sure how it can be psychological.

    Just doubled checked and it’s 1min22 to 1min05 (I’d rounded it in my head).

    That’s 17 second from initial 82 17/82 times 100 is 20.7% improvement

    … if I’ve dropped 10% bodyweight (slight over estimate) and gained 10% power (1 min not ftp) then (X/0.9)x1.1 is about 1.2 so a 20% increase in short punchy climbing speed, numbers aren’t a mile off.

    I’ve been doing structured trainer road sessions and I can feel my power output is higher as holding different wattage on the turbo is noticeably easier.

    I personally think it is my 1 minute power has risen along with the weight loss as I always thrash everything I’ve got out of myself on that climb.

    Free Member

    Oh and people are starting to notice I’ve lost weight and my shirts look like tents on me already.

    Free Member

    So one month in. I’m down to 80.5kg (start of project I was about 85/6) and haven’t done an ftp test since my first one just after my initial post.

    Nothing in terms of power figures to report having not retested yet..

    However I did ride with a group on Tuesday night and was first up every single climb, by a fair margin. That’s never been the case and there was a couple of guys out I’ve always looked at and seen them as quicker on the climbs than me by some margin.

    There’s one sprint climb where I’ve always pushed myself. Taken my time on on it from 1min25 to 1min05 so I’m definitely making improvements.

    I also went for a mtb ride last week and got a load of strava segment top 10s without even knowing where the segments were, got 2nd spot on one with 575 people on the board.

    Anecdotal evidence of improvement starting to show is what I guess I’m saying.

    Next ftp test in a fortnight. I’m hoping for a 10w improvement with the work I’ve put in.

    Free Member

    4 watts per kg ftp in the fairly near future. (Raise ftp from 273 to 300 and reduce weight from 80 to 75kg).

    Long term goal, 5 watts per kg by reducing weight to 70kg and getting ftp up to 350 watts.

    Sub 7 hour Fred Whitton (anyone know if 4w/kg is likely to achieve that time)?

    Free Member

    Try getting it down in your next off season maybe? Could move to a short 6 week block of lower carbs and hiit before you start a base period.

    I’m finding it hard to strike the balance of eating enough to fuel riding and training whilst bringing my weight down at the minute.

    Saying that I’ve lost 4kg in 6 weeks, but I’m No where near racing weight yet.

    Free Member

    Tannoy DC6TSE

    Free Member

    I saw a similar thing the other weekend from the Notts 125 mile ride.

    I strava stalked the person and it turned out they had bailed half way around and done the 75 miler.

    Strava stalk ;-)

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Probably will ultimately. Doesnt hslp the current sitiation though.

    It’s a big decision, I got referred about 6 months ago to have it removed… the surgeon that I was referred to advised against it as it’s so low and close to a big nerve and could cause facial paralysis.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately metronidozol and alcohol are a MASSIVE no no

    Free Member

    Larger chainring and running higher up the block (bigger cog) makes for less friction losses in the drivetrain.

    One if the negative aspects about srams mtb 1x system is the 10t cog is something like* 15% worse for losses than an 11t.

    *I’m plucking this figure off the top of my head but remember it was a surprisingly large number

    Free Member

    Read Matt Fitzgerald 80/20 running. Really good book and eye opening to the mistakes most people make.

    Free Member

    ASGARD. END of thread lol

    Free Member

    Thing is it’s two different bikes. The wheels can make as much a difference as a frame, were the wheels a big upgrade too?

    I’m not saying frame material can’t make a huge difference, but in addition other components could have added to this giving you the whole “wow” experience

    Free Member

    Thanks for this. Got some rego on 50% off too.

    Free Member

    To expand on my earlier post… I had the same thoughts with 58 being th upper limit. Very glad I went Medium. I reckon it would fit someone with a 60cm head.

    Medium is a really good fit at 58cm

    Free Member

    Pay some kids to nick his keys when he leaves it running. He’ll soon stop doing it after his 4th set go missing

    Free Member

    My head is 58 too and my medium fits lovely.

    Free Member

    Read up about polarized training.

    Matt Fitgerald 80/20 running is a good book to explain it. That type of 80% really easy then 20% hard should help with injuries and also a rut if you are in one.

    Can easily be applied to the bike.

    Free Member

    200kg!!!! Can we have a picture of him on his bike?

    Free Member

    I can tell you we’ve had a few threads on power meters that are a good read and that the general consensus is that the 4iii is better than stages (reliability) if that’s the type you want.

    Free Member

    I’ve just started using a smart turbo with power and have to say the info is invaluable.

    You’ve got an exact reference point to how hard you are working compared to previous sessions, great for telling yourself if you are slacking and also if feeling fresh a real boost when you can produce numbers that you couldn’t the week before.

    Having the same info on the fly when outdoors is a great thing, half way up a climb you can see if you are going to blow up or also you can have a word with yourself if you aren’t putting enough effort in.

    Yes you can do this by feel… but not to the same precision points

    Free Member

    If you’re into decent beer selection the Ned Ludd is a great venue. Some serious world beers on tap there plus plenty of craft and it’s a really nice pub too.

    If you want a cracking burger head to Aniie’s Burger shack. They’ve got some great beers too in their tavern. Can get a table mid afternoon usually as a walk in but prob not on a Friday when people finish work.

    If you want a decent curry that’s not pricey go to Desi Downtown, it’s cash only in there. Dead casual and a bit of a dive but with REALLY good curry for not a lot of cash.

    Free Member

    3k would buy you my medium yeti sb6c that’s been ridden 5 times.

    I haven’t even registered the frame so you could register it and have warranty.

    Pm me if interested

    Free Member

    So first check in. My weight has levelled out at 81kg nicely and I’m hoping to have that reading 70something very soon.

    Just did my first ftp test using trainer road software (highly recommend this, it’s really good)…

    Managed 303watts for the first 8 minute block and 306 watts average for the second 8 minute block. Adjusted 1 hour calculation according to trainer road is 273 watts.

    I’ve got a long way to get to 5w/kg… I’m setting an interim goal for next year of raising this to 300 watts and getting down to 75kg short term attainable targets are always a good thing in my eperience.

    P.s. I nearly drowned in sweat!

    Free Member

    That’s actually really nice.

    Free Member

    Has anyone had a decent amount of time on a 4iii one? I’d be really interested to know your thoughts on it.

    Free Member

    If you’ve never ridden spd sl before, be very careful at junctions. Takes a long time to learn to clip in quickly compared to mtb spds which are almost instant.

    Free Member

    I’ve done exactly this, even to the point I’m thinking of selling most of my mtbs off and keeping just one.

    I like the road as I like the feeling of ruining myself on a big climb etc, wringing out every last bit of muscular and cardiovascular effort I can put in. The endorphins from it are amazing.

    I know you can go hard on an MTB but for me a lot of mtb can be slower going and having to back off due to tech terrain. The ability to be pushing hard for 45 minutes at s time without ever stopping turning your legs doesn’t happen as much for me on the mtb.

    I also enjoy the lack of muddy kit and driving to somewhere an hour away before starting riding.

    I also love the look on people’s faces when they wave at me and I just blank them. Makes me smile inside.

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