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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 4: DT Swiss EX 1700 Wheelset
  • chilled76
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    Free Member

    2006 Sunn Radical was my favourite bike I ever owned.

    My sb6c comes close though and I’m considering fitting a dual crown fork to it for alpine and uplift work as I reckon it would give some of my DH race bikes from a decade ago a run for their money!

    Free Member

    God knows it was in a running magazine at the dentist waiting room.

    I didnt check the date.. could have been from the 80s for all I know lol (clearly wasnt as the pages were to bright)

    Free Member

    Haven’t read the whole thread as there are some long responses.. sorry being a bit lazy!

    My take on this is about mechanics of the body, when you work on the turbo the bike sits straight in one position.

    I think ftp in a static position is lower than when you can move the bike around and from side to side as and when you want to keep swapping an recruiting various elements of your hamstrings and lower back etc.

    If you think about it at an extreme if you had to do a 10 second sprint how would you apply the power… the bike is side to side. There’s got to be a small element of this when riding normally at threshold for a period…

    Also how long were your climb intervals? Did you account for hr lag?

    Free Member

    I did 170 miles on the road 2 days ago at 19.1 average. It’s not all mental, my heart rate was a lot higher in the second half to maintain pace. You get tired and have to work harder, part of it is dehydration but part fatigue. If you can run a marathon in 3 hours when fresh then there is no way you are going to do it in the same time after a big swim and 5-6 hours on a bike.

    Free Member

    I know a number of people who have jumped to 29, then gone back to 650b.

    Personally if you’re under 6ft and aren’t racing xc I think they ride better. They spin up faster (and noticeably slower than a 26 alrewdy) and change direction much quicker than a 29…

    Free Member

    Hmmmm cheers. I’ve asked rather than looking as it’s buried in the loft and won’t bother digging it out if it’s not likely to work.

    As for head tubes shearing off of an sb6…

    I won’t be the first person to do it and it will be 10 days riding a year…

    Free Member

    My Hope bb with 6c cranks is similar. I just put a wheels manufacturing 1mm x 30mm spacer each side.

    Where do I get some of these?

    Free Member

    Yes the seal is present on both sides.

    Free Member

    Yes it’s the same bb aledgidely.

    I’m try a spacer on the non driveside cup and see what happens.

    Free Member

    Cotic Soul.

    The previous bb didn’t have the same issue, it’s like the new bb is very slightly narrower

    Free Member

    I’d disagree with the comments about too late. Especially if you’ve bot been doing much. Worse thing you can do is just rest for a month.

    The 10 weeks for 5-10% are for people who aren’t already declining from inactivity. What we need to do is get back any underlying fitness that has been built in the past, or as much of it as possible.

    If you look at a graph of form and fitness if he does nothing he’s going to turn up rested, great form but with another month of declining fitness which will already be low coming off the back of inactivity and a virus.

    I’d do a mini periodized 4 week cycle myself, 3 weeks of training getting progressively tougher followed by an easy recovery week the week before you go. That way you will have three weeks of improving your fitness and turn up rested with good form off the back of a week of recovery.

    You aren’t doing an iron man long day type event and will effectively only have one cycle of training so one week recovery will be enough of a taper to be rested.

    Week 1
    2 long steady rides and a hiit session

    Week 2
    2 long steady rides a bit longer than last week and 2 hiit sessions

    Week 3
    2 long steady rides again a bit longer
    2 hiit sessions

    Week 4
    2 short to medium Length rides that are steady with a few short bursts of pushing it. Rest for a few days before you head out.

    Mix in a session or two per week of press ups sit ups and chin ups for weeks 1 to 3. Not in week 4.

    If you don’t own a heart rate monitor, get one and quickly find your lactate threshold. When on holiday and climbing make sure you stay under that he at all times if you can (easier said than done on climbs and depends on your gearing) that should help get you round.

    Have fun :-)

    Free Member

    Does anyone do a 180mm coil fork these days?

    Free Member

    It’s on a yeti sb6c 2017.

    They feel flexy, the back end of bike descends like some of the dh bikes I used to ride.

    The pike feels like a toy fork on the front, flexy and doesn’t track where I want it 100% when giving it full gas on rocky descents.

    They feel really mismatched to me. Fine for knocking around the peak district where I need to pedal up too but I’m thinking for lift assisted riding I’d like something solid!

    Free Member

    Thanks, helps the long term situation as that’s cheaper than the raceface one. Not the immediate situation though :-(

    Free Member

    Another vote here for some funkier kit. Great budget bibs

    Free Member

    Maybe, pretty sure it was air free following the bleed though, full on rock solid feel with an audible this when the pads hit the disc.

    Free Member

    Thanks, plenty more flab to come off yet before hitting the training hard.

    Yah admittedly 5 is probably never going to happen, 4.5 may have been a more realistic long term target.

    Focusing on getting down to 70-72kg at the minute, that will see me at 4 before the real graft has to happen!

    Off to buy some smaller jeans this afternoon

    Free Member

    Ok drumroll…..

    Just rolled in from an ftp test as we came home from hols early yesterday due to pants weather….


    Based on trainer road 90% of two 8 min efforts averages with anaerobic burn outs before hand my current ftp is….


    Current weight is 80kg.

    Previously I was at 273 with a weight of about 85kg. Not bad for 6 weeks progress imho.

    Free Member

    810 owner here, no issues whatsoever

    Free Member

    Oh and apologies those of you waiting to see if I’ve gained in power. This first phase has been more about losing weight than upping the power, when I hit 72kg my focus is going to shift (hopefully this will coincide with the winter when I will be on the turbo more than outside).

    I’m a steady 80kg at the minute and plan on mixing the diet up with some running as well to help keep it coming down from Monday.

    On a rest week this week.

    Will be testing middle of next week for definite though.

    Free Member

    Testing in the middle of next week, although I’ve got 2 big rides planned this coming weekend and an even bigger one planned the following weekend followed by a 180 miler the following weekend and a 100 mile mtb ride planned the one after (mid week I’m doing at least one chaingang ride too)..trying not to overdo it on the turbo and enjoy the summer.

    Free Member

    I’d buy 3. My other one is Ti as it has a child seat clamp attachment clamped round the seat tube…. otherwise I’d have 4.

    Free Member

    Nice work. Which is financially the most economical way of going with this…

    Buying a twin cab with rear windows already or buying a standard van and having Windows and seats fitted?

    I don’t have a lot of diy time so will be paying other people for any upgrades to be done.

    Free Member

    Guys this is so useful, thanks for a the detailed responses so far.

    I don’t think length will be too much of an issue providing we have a reversing cam or sensors, our drive can fit 6 cars on it so no problems parking it at home.

    Length wise I’m ditching a 5 series estate and the Mr’s crv for it so I think I’m leaning towards a lwb as the 5 series is pretty long and we dont have issues with that.

    I’ll have a look at the few different options that have been discussed so far.


    Free Member

    Lots of questions to think about. Thanks again…

    For now I really just want it to be a big vehicle that swallows bikes and people with the potential to convert later on.

    Twin seats and Windows. Sliding side door and a tow bar so I can put bikes on the back if the inside is rammed with other kit.

    I take it I should really be looking at long wheelbase options?

    Free Member

    Where’s a good place to buy a used camper or van? AutoTrader seems a bit confusing on the vans compared to cars

    Free Member

    Oh and as for budget 10k is really where it’s at…

    15k does need to be nearly new so I know I’m not sinking money into repair bills etc for quite some time.

    No pennies for upgrades at 15k either, needs to be 100% ready to roll if I cough up that kind of cash.

    Free Member

    Cheers for the advice so far folks.

    All noted. Traffic cams or aftermarket sensors are fine, no idea where to start getting something like that installed though?

    Can you get 3 people up front with swivels?

    Free Member

    Headwind on the downs on the run with the new wheel?

    Free Member

    I’d like to pick up on the point that someone made ‘natural cadence is generally most optimum’…

    All the literature I’ve read states otherwise and I’ve found so in practice when doing ftp tests etc..

    I’ve got a natural cadence of about 80-85, however I can hold a higher wattage for longer at 95. It feels unnatural but the numbers don’t lie.

    Also gwurk, you’ve spelt your name wrong the ‘T’ is inbetween r and y on the keyboard. Bum wobler!

    Free Member

    I was at in a restaurant yesterday behind a bloke who was enormous… he was wearing a brand that said ‘elephant polo… took all of my restraint to resist asking him where his rider was?

    Free Member

    Sounds are basically doing three hard interval sessions a week and nothing else.

    That is going to make your legs ache if hitting it hard.

    With three hard sessions a week I’d be taking every 4th week to do light spinning and let your legs repair even if you recovery rides at any other time.

    Free Member

    I’ve not stopped but hardly ever ride mtb despite spending 6k on a yeti sb6c last year. It’s been used 5 times.

    Started riding road and the bug has caught me, I’d now rather spend 6 hours pedalling if ive got a morning or afternoon spare, than 3 hours driving for 3 hours riding.

    The mtb trails out if my door are all very tame.

    Still love getting up in the peaks on the mtb every now and then, but I’m now firmly a roady with a collection of expensive mtbs in the cupboard

    Free Member

    Whenever I feel like this I remember there are people in the world who don’t know where there next meal is coming from and have a starving child with malaria.

    Then if injured, go to the pub, have a kebab and watch a movie… life’s not so bad, you’ve got a roof over your head and clean water and food.

    Free Member

    For a premium.brand their logo isn’t half a crock of shite!

    That’d put me off wearing their stuff personally, makes the kit look really cheap and nasty.

    Free Member

    Yeh agreed. For zone 2 then lower carb recovery is fine as you shouldn’t need to restock glycogen if you’ve kept it under vt threshold properly.

    Carb cycling to match needs is in my opinion the way forward. I’ve dropped 5kg in 6 weeks doing just that myself.

    Free Member

    Don’t agree with one of the comments about low carb meals after training. You’ve got a about a 1 hour window after a training session where your body is primed for replenishing all of the stored glycogen in your muscles and liver. Getting carbs and protein after training is really important to be able to train again successfully the next day.

    Carbs also help your body uptake the protein for repair.

    Free Member

    Had mine pegged at 184 for ages (2 years), managed to hit 186 a few times the other day… explain that? Should have gone down by a beat or two with ageing not up?

    Free Member

    The slow stuff is for building mitochondrial density in your working muscles. Takes hours and hours of repetition to grow the numbers but your muscles become better adapted to be efficient so you can go further and harder in lower heart rates.

    You can build a decent aerobic system that’s good for shorter rides doing time crunched stuff where the majority of your work is intense but without the low and slow base work you are a very carb dependent athlete and that WILL catch you out on 4hr+ rides.

    The other thing to consider is that if you are training hard you can’t maintain your peak fitness all year round. You get fatigued and you start to go backwards after about 20 weeks of training really hard. This is why a lot of riders do a base phase through the winter, it gets the body prepped and primed with a great level of mitochondrial density ready for the training onslaught the spring brings and the race season has on the body. These athletes then come out of the end of race season totally mashed and ready for a break before starting another base phase.

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