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  • BikePark Wales: New 33 year lease to bring many benefits
  • chief9000
    Free Member

    On all of mine, the welding’s been fine- always tidy and consistent, never exactly pretty, but prettiness of a weld doesn’t always mean much. Intenses have beautiful welds on all their squinty frames Decorative welding is nice and all but it’s really for keeping the tubes together.

    I am absolutely sure that the integrity of the weld on my soul is fine. However, I disagree a little with what you say about the weld not always meaning so much. The appearance of a weld reflects the skill of the welder who applied it. My opinion is that while it may do the job and not look that nice, it should look a lot better given the price of the frame. But that my opinion, these frames are built in taiwan if I am correct, labour is not that pricey. If it was me in charge of the quality control, and I was selling a product for that price (lets not forget most buy direct so there is no middleman) I would make absolutely sure that the weld was tip top. Just my opinion, but like you say, in comparison to the welds I have seen on other bikes, they are a little disappointing. On my frame at least. I could be an unlucky one.

    Free Member

    I’m just waiting to guild one up too, Groupset arrives this week, but I will not have time for another 2 weeks to put it together.

    I can’t yet comment about the ride (by all accounts its good) but this comment made me think.

    as for getting one don’t bother most overrated bike on the planet.

    When my soul arrived, I was a little disappointed with the welding. I would say its pretty poor, doesn’t look very nice. For steel frame of that cost I would expect a little better.

    Anyone else had the same opinion? perhaps will change my mind after I have ridden it.

    Free Member

    ahwiles – Member

    ‘only 2 to 3 litres’ – “ONLY” **** me, that’s a LOT of sweat.

    chief9000 – Member
    Hydration is actually super important. A 2% drop, and over, in body weight (through dehydration) has a measurable effect on performance.

    so does carrying enough water to stay ‘perfectly’ hydrated.

    like i said, i’m trolling a little, of course drinking is important, but you’ve got to sweat a lot before the impact on performance can be measured.

    Well mr ahwiles, in the end its all down to you and your personal preferences. So you can choose whether you carry water or not and make your own decision. The generally accepted IOC issued guidelines for sport and recommend that you rehydrate with a litre of fluid per hour of sport.

    Should you carry water? like I said up to you. If you are about for an hour, probably not that critical, however after 2 hours I would say that it would become important. You ask whether carrying the water would adversly affect your performance, of course there will be a trade off . However if you open your mind a little, I would say that ultimately carrying the water could provide you with an additional longer term advantage.

    At the moment when you are your strongest, you are carrying more water and thus weight. This means pushing your muscles that much more beyond their limits (in other words training). Next time you are out you will be a shit load faster then you can go and tell your mum that you beat all your friends in the race at school. 😉


    Free Member

    I used to live in Crans Montana. Some people have already mentioned about the DH stuff. But it certainly depends what kind of riding you like to do. Personally I like single track and actually riding up hill (not just taking a lift up) so for that its great. As mentioned you will need a good map and they are available and well marked. Try and respect walkers is my advice.

    If you have free accommodation its cool. CM is a more upper class ski resort normally, so its not all that busy in the summer. There is a golf tournament which can fill it up a bit, but it is not cheap in general. However, you can always go to a supermarket and buy food and beers and have to odd beer out if you want to be cheap.

    That area is famous for the sun. nearly always sunny. There is place not so far away called laukerbad which has thermal baths which is also cool to do for a rest day to rest those aching muscles.

    It all depends what you want. If you want crowded bars full of english people at the end of the day. Its not the place to come.

    Free Member

    Well, the UK is in the E.U.

    I guess you should be more specific and maybe someone can help.


    Free Member

    ahwiles – Member

    dehydration is good for you.

    you’ve got to lose a LOT (litres) of water before it reduces your performance by any measureable amount, and if you lose litres of water, you’re lighter, so can afford a little loss in performance.

    Hydration is actually super important. A 2% drop, and over, in body weight (through dehydration) has a measurable effect on performance.

    Free Member

    barrykellett – Member

    What has heart rate got to do with it? Its about energy expended

    Heart rate has everything to do with it. It correlates with effort and calorie burn (as long as other factors: size, weight resting HR etc are taken into account)

    Free Member

    Business yours and none of chief.

    For the sake of other curtain-switchers it’s Hermes and costs a whole £4.20.

    Touchy touchy… feeling guilty?

    Free Member

    I guess that due to the lack of research assessing the potential negative health effects of nano-particles we cannot say concretely whether it is safe or not.

    The research that has been carried out suggests that some particles can enter the human body through the skin and travel through the blood and into the brain. Some particles have been shown to cause tumours etc. however, with respect to mucoff and their particles we don’t know. Im pretty dam sure that they don’t have a clue either.

    My recommendation is: Use normal soap and water. I mean who the F*** needs nano bike washing stuff? its just crap.

    If you use regular items that you know are safe, you will be safe and there will be no question. Furthermore it will not fuel the further useless industrial use of this stuff which we know little about.

    Free Member

    Anyone else read this as “worn pants” first time round?

    or is it only me 😳

    Free Member

    I also have a work in progress, i’m tempted to put the bits together and see how it might look. But then I fight the urge so I can put it all together in one day. 😀

    Free Member

    Do skint people use couriers?


    Free Member

    Andyl and Tazzymtb,

    Indeed in many of the applications in which nano particles are used, they are imbedded in a matrix material, whether it is a paint or a composite. However, I would not go as far as to say the risk is minimized. You could say minimised during the useful life of the part. Anyway, the point is that if that paint is eroded or composite fails there is a chance of release. More so at the end of the life of the component in which they reside. Such waste will have to be dealt with. Now if there is some kind of mechanical size reduction, particles are likely to be released, the next step is likely to be incineration. again another opportunity for realease and since incinerators are not designed to capture such particles it means release to atmosphere.

    In terms of working safety, its also difficult to protect against such small materials since they can penetrate skin, and are odourless and will in mot cases make their way through the filter of most masks.

    Andyl, that project looks interesting tho. I would personally encourage anything like that to get kids motivated and help them understand contribute and take ownership of their environment.

    There is a very good website related to plastics and environment, listing very recent published research articles. If i come across it again I will let you have the link. Did you think about what you will o with all the plastic you will recover with this project? This i also a very interesting question. 🙂

    Free Member


    I’m glad that you have mentioned this. Its a very interesting and relevant question. I think grilla is showing his ignorance as he has completely failed to see the full picture related to what you ask.

    Nano-particles are one of those areas of research that has received a huge amount of interest in the last decade There has been a huge amount of work to try and use such particles in many applications. Just mentioning the word nano in a project proposal would have guaranteed you funding for research.

    as you rightly say, the toxicologicl effects of using these particles has not been widely studied. It actually surprises me how they can be widely introduced in commercial products with such little knowledge about what they do. Asbestos is a material we should have learned from.

    There is now starting to be some concern over the potential health effects on humans of nano-particles. It has been shown, as you have rightly said that these particles can migrate through the skin into cells. They can quite easily move into the blood stream and also end up in the brain and other vital areas. Research shows that they tend to build up in some areas. In animals several adverse health effects have been reported. Tumours in lungs, fibrosis and granulomas are a few. Some materials which are in normal forms not toxic, can have toxic effects in their nano form.

    Like I said, as usual materials are being implemented without the full knowledge of how they will effect, humans or anything else on the planet. The general population always seem to think that, “its ok someone must have done the research” the answer is no they haven’t.

    I guess given your area of work, you are now aware of the shocking effects that plastics are having on our oceans? They have been in use for about 100 years and studies related to their longterm stability in natural systems are few. The general consensus was that they were stable. However, only now has their instability been shown and their effect.

    Free Member

    OP asked about energy drinks. As you are asking about them, I am assuming that you are expecting to use the drink as a preferred source of fuel during exercise.

    You should begin within 30 mins of exercise (drinking energy drink or an alternative or eat). You should aim to take in 30-60g of carb per hour. More your body cannot convert to glycogen (fuel)

    isotonic sport drink (500ml)= 30g carb
    Diluted fruit juice (500ml)= 30g carb
    1 handful raisins or sultanas = 30g carb
    1-2 bananas = 30g carb

    To make your own isotonic sport drink:
    200ml fruit squash + 80 ml water 1-1.5 g salt
    500ml fruit juice +500ml water + 1-1.5 g salt (i use this one)

    The salt actually encourages you to drink as well as providing some electrolyte assistance. Water on its own tends to quench thirst before you are properly hydrated.

    Bingo… my advice is you don’t need to buy a sports drink. Make you own and eat bananas. I keep mine in my ass, so when im ready to eat its nice and warm 😯

    Free Member

    old on a minute!

    I just checked on ebya and these specs seem to till cost an arm and a leg on there.

    How much are you guys normally paying for fakasslys??

    Free Member

    I was asking myself the same question some time ago. However I decided on sticking with just an HT bike. I prefer the simplicity of the HT bike, cant be arsed with fannying around with rear suspension, its more costly. Puts weight on the bike and again cant be arsed with fanning around with it.

    Also, i tend to think that HT bikes change less over time. FS on the other hand, there seems to be another iteration almost every year.

    Also depend how you ride. I see plenty of pussy riders on expensive FS bikes who dont do them justice. At the speeds hey ride they could let a bit of air out and ride HT and it would probably be the same.

    If you have a knee problem and you worry about more damage. i suspect that you will not be taking big risks. Go for the simplicity of an HT bike. Spec it up nice and make it light and take it easy doing nice rides.

    Free Member

    I have fulcrum Racing 7s for the winter. Pretty robust. Had them a few years now and still roll smoothly and are still true.

    Free Member

    I tend to agree with bumps. If you gonna go fake, at least get your son some real lenses. You want to be protecting his eyes from UV its really important.

    Free Member

    I got the 120 rebas with maxle lite for exactly the same build. Unfortunately I cant update you on how they work as I didn’t finish the build yet. Been concentrating on the road bike for a bit. But when i put them inthe frame they look the tits…

    Free Member

    Hey Lazybike,

    Would recommend the R1s? what are the good and bad points? I am looking for a wheel for the alps.

    Free Member

    Global warming… 🙄

    Yes thx1138, youare completely correct. It is now refereed to as climate change. Unfortunately the average idiot on the street does not really understand the concept. Of course, year on year we are seeing more intense weather events, however, because they cant wear shorts the whole year round in wherever in the UK, they don’t believe that anything is happening.

    The next thing the average idiot will complain about CO2 and how that is unimportant. They almost never understand the wider picture that we live in an “environment” and when we fu** it up its not pleasant to live in anymore.

    Free Member


    Now I got a dilemma, The C24s are way up on my list. But they are right next to Fulcrum R1s,

    Any one made the comparison?

    Free Member

    Hey Shibboleth,

    I just read your note about the DA C24s. I checked them out and I think this could be the wheel for me! 😀

    Free Member

    I have been looking at road wheels lately also.

    I like the look of the Mavics, but that model is far too pricey for little weight reduction in my opinion.

    My first question would be what bike are you going to put them on?

    then how much do you weigh?

    How many miles per week and on what type of roads?

    I would probably go for a lower cost wheel that might be only 100g more in weight. Like someone else said, spend the rest on clothing or something else.

    i looked at the fulcrum 3 2 way fit. After this wheel the next model is a huge step up in price and only 50 grams lighter. I can buy these wheels and then get a new seat, stem and post, still have spent less and have a much better weight reduction.

    Free Member

    Well does it matter if the discs are scored? i don’t know how it affects performance.

    Anyway the guy in the vid just abrades the surface down until the scores are polished out. Removing material. Not sure of there i a minimum thickness requirement for disks. Maybe do it once and then buy new if you really need to.

    Free Member


    I’m not sure what your forks are made from, but I would be a little careful about using tripper on magnesium.

    That is all.

    Free Member

    I would take oats and jazz it up with a banana smoothy.

    If you are on a diet, weigh out the recommended daily portion. You will be surprised how small it is, but it will keep you going.

    Free Member

    Looks suspect to me too.

    I would ask for a contact number and grill the mofo as to why its so cheap.

    Free Member


    For energy drink, you could use fruit juice diluted with water.

    I would recommend a brown rice cake or something similar, you could make this your self. Bananas are always good.

    Unless you are looking for the already make varieties?

    Free Member

    I thought they get chucked in the river…

    Free Member


    But the non Lambo one is about £15k cheaper, so you’re paying that for exclusivity and a paint job. Arguably you could spec better for less money.

    I completely agree with you there. I already looked at one, but still out of my price range. Of course its the paint job and the lambo branding.

    That said, you would expect the other one to come down in price now its all automated! For composites labour can make about 50% of cost. Fat chance tho… lets not forget that CF only costs about 50euro a kg, and this bike weights about that much eh?

    Free Member

    Although I don’t think that this bike is worth anything like that kind of money. I do like it very much, but I prefer the red version to the yellow.

    Also, in terms of manufacturing this bicycle is state of the art. You cannot get better. Its a series production bike which has an automated manufacturing process, it reduces waste and also any human input (which is extremely important for composite bikes). It is repeatable, quality can be assured.

    Free Member


    you asked about warranty in your title post then process with this statement:

    Now I bought this second hand therefore dont have any receipts

    Perhaps I have misunderstood the point of your post, apologies. I seem to have mistaken you for one of those cheapskates that always want something for nothing. Perhaps buying second hand (nothing wrong with that part) and then having the cheek (and also making fools of themselves)To request warranty repairs or replacements.

    Apologies again you don’t at all seem to be one of those skinflints.

    Free Member

    Personally I cant understand why you are asking about warranty here. You bought the thing second hand, presumably for a lower price than new. You took that risk and now you have to live with it. Simple as that.

    expecting to get the benefits of a warranty being the second owner is for me rather annoying and smacks of a skinflint trying to get something for nothing. These people operate a business, not a charity. Read the conditions on their website and then think about whether you really would like to waste their time and yours.

    Free Member

    I would also make my own chain whip. But with a piece of metal. Surely you have a drill hacksaw and some kind of metal around..

    Free Member

    Trail centres have their uses for sure. Some people will prefer them, some people may use them from time to time.

    It is also clear that some will avoid them at all costs and then mock those who frequent them.

    Well just a thought, but I wonder how many of those people mocking trail centres will go on a hmmmm ski trip for instance? Where they go to a purpose build centre and use the facilities with others, rather than seeking out their own “backcountry” off lift adventures…. just a thought

    Free Member

    Araldite 2014 is usually blue, you could add some pigment paste if you wanted to change the colour. I wouldn’t bother, the glue line should be pretty thin so I wouldn’t expect to see it.

    Free Member

    Epoxy doesn’t stick well to alu. Don’t know about anodised finishes.

    Nothing really sticks well to ally unless it’s prepared in a specific way.

    Not entirely correct chaps 😉

    Epoxy glues are widely used to bond aluminum to aluminum and many other things.

    why not try araldite 2014?

    Araldite® 2014 is a high-strength epoxy adhesive paste that cures at room-temperature. Demonstrating superior environmental and chemical resistance, it is ideal for applications where elevated temperatures are likely to be encountered and is commonly used to bond metals, electronic components and GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) structures. It bonds metals, including steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, and copper as well as wood and polycarbonate among many others. It offers a high resistance to wear and weather, excellent chemical resistance, and low shrinkage. Thoroughly clean and degrease items to be repaired to remove all oil, grease, or dirt. Araldite 2014 is compatible with standard paints and coatings.

    Hope this helps, in my experience it has been super strong and will probably be perfect for your application.

    Free Member

    Mavic = more than 50% of wheel market

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