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  • chief9000
    Free Member

    I think I have made my point clear. If I was talking about material cost and labour for one item why would I then talk about total tooling cost rather than the proportion allocated to one item. Do you really think that someone would think a “complete tool” (haha) would cost a quid??? I think you misinterpreted a little but Im sorry for not making it compltely clear for you.

    Free Member

    Do I think tooling for a carbon bike is a quid? Well I never said that. Since I was talking about the cost of one part. I thought it would be obvious that the quid for tooling would be the proportion of the total cost of tooling amortised to that part. I thought it would be obvious that tooling did not cost a quid in total. I mean come on man get with the programme….

    Free Member

    So do the people making this argument also believe the same applies to £2500 carbon frames

    Ere we go…. someone just bought a cf frame for 2500 and getting worried they might have been silly? Well anyway to answer that question for you yes. Same applies. Except there is more r&d and that the weight is almost a kg. So about 35 quids worth of material in it. Plus the quid for tooling and then there is the labour and overheads. Taiwanese labour being really quite cheap and certainly no more than 4 hours work. So work it outfor yourself. Carbon frame comes out at 200 smakers finished. That leavs 2300 of your cash to split between the remaining hand rubbers.

    Free Member

    geetee1972 – Member

    Why did this thread generate so much ire and antagonism and why was it generally all coming from those people who disagree with the idea that a set of rims could retail for £1500?

    I earn enough to afford them. I love riding them and with 25 years of experience and a pretty decent level of ability I think I’m in a good position to judge their merits. No I don’t think they are 10 times better than something that costs 10 times less but I really don’t care. I earned it and it’s up to me how I spend it.

    So why the ire?

    well, I would say that this sounds like rather a foolish response. Yes you earn your money and you have the right to spend it how you want. But I think we need to put some common sense into the equation. There is NOTHING that makes these rims worth that price. With probably 15quids worth of material in them you you need to start thinking about whether these products are actually worth the money you are paying. Personally I think you are being downright ripped off and foolish for not realizing it. Of course if you want to believe the marketing BS and think you ride like superman after you bought them then that’s bully for you. But at the end of the day do you not feel stupid for buying something that is really worth bugger all?

    Free Member

    Carbon rims are a bit odd in my opinion. In most cases spokes are used which apply point loads in a materials which does not like any point loads at all. If thickness is reduced in the rim, particularly where the spokes contact, you are likely to have a failure.

    Maybe i misunderstood here but are these rims 750 notes each? This in my opinion is absolutely ridiculous and pushes the limits of what is acceptable. Bike companies seem to be taking the pi** more and more. 750 notes? The cost of the material in one of these things would be about 15 euros max, of course you have tooling (lets say about 1-4 euro if you make 10000 rims) them there is labour. In my opinion you are lucky to hit the 50 euro mark for production of these things.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Looks like postie delivered you a retarded man with terrible dress sense.

    Is that legal?

    Free Member

    Do people actually use strava for training? I thought people just pootle around until they get to a segment then go balls out to get a KOM and be crap again immediately after? am i wrong?

    Free Member

    right chaps,

    I think I will get a couple of alternatives which have been suggested and then evaluate them all !
    Thanks guys

    Free Member

    trek have/ had a recycling programme. iirc not just trek stuff.

    but back to OP. I was massively impressed with the creative use of bike stuff at bike village. Chainrings for door handles, brake hanger for a light switch etc. carbon frame though… Could make a lovely wall light?

    I am aware of this. What many are unaware of is that these recycling processes are extremely limited to what types of waste they can take. Painted items are usually a no no. hence the usual bike waste acnnot be dealt with in this way. The other thing is that there is almost no use for the recovered material and also that recycling this material is more environmentally damaging than other forms of waste disposal.

    Free Member

    I had this problem a few times, i tightened the belt a little and made sure the contacts were moist. Since I have had no problems.

    Free Member

    Climate change skeptics are retards. They read this kind of crap and think green taxes and any other incentive to reduce impacts on the environment are useless.

    See the bigger picture! There are hundreds of other pollutants that we are pumping into our environment. Soil air and water. This effects us. Im pretty sure that there will be a few people on this forum (male) who have tits, these are the kind of effects you should be aware of. We have used almost all our resources up onthis planet. Stop being retards and see the bigger picture!

    Free Member

    This is actually quite an interesting post when you think of the wider implications. It raises a very good question. There is now considerable use of composites in the cycling industry. Every time a frame comes to the end of its life the owner will ask the same question. so what will happen to all of this carbon waste ?

    If it were steel or aluminium it would be easily recycled, however, this carbon stuff is incredibly difficult to get rid of. Some claim that recycling is the way and they claim that processes exist, however in reality this is far from the truth. The real truth is that this type of waste poses a real problem in terms of waste treatment and the environment.

    I vote you send the frame back to the manufacturer as its the producers responsibility to get rid of this crap!

    Free Member

    I think you might be calling me a fool?

    Hahaha sorry mate :lol:

    Free Member

    Who knew we had so many carbon fibre manufacturing experts on here?

    There are never enough experts to counter the fools who believe everything they hear from marketing departments…

    Free Member

    mikertroid – Member

    Is this a UK only one?

    Its an STW “one” why would you ask such a question? :roll:

    Free Member

    Empty your pockets for no good reason.

    Free Member

    Propaganda. The 7 hrs is not actual touch time. it should also include curing and other processes when no one is actually touching it. If it was 7 hrs of actual labour time I would say that easton are very poor at their job.

    What I would draw your attention to is that they bark on about two operations being carried out in separate rooms to avoid contamination. However you will notice that the operator laying up the material is doing so with no gloves. This is a number one school boy error and really shows poor knowledge and quality control on their part. Gloves should should always be worn. Firstly to stop the laminate being contaminated with oil from the operators hand, secondly (and some might say most importantly) to protect the worker from the uncured epoxy resin, which is really very bad.

    So if you had an easton wheel fail and don’t know why, it just could be for this reason.

    Free Member

    I have the same pair, they work perfectly with trousers over the top. Water will of course run down your leg into the sock as there is no seal between the skin (in your case tattooed)and the sock.

    I guess that the making of this video was a little impulsive on your part. Sometimes help to think a little before taking such action. I don’t believe its the failure of the socks, its more like the failure of the user to apply adequate common sense with their use. Maybe make a video about that :D

    Free Member

    I agree with therealhoop. I had exactly the same problem one and made a new slot in the screws. Drilling could get messy.

    Free Member

    All smells a bit fishy to me now i read the other posts. Barely used but managed to sustain 2 buckled wheels, chips in the frame and scratched brakes. Like i Said before, had one of my bikes for 10 years and after thousands of miles I don’t have that damage.

    Free Member

    Hmmm seems a little strange to me. I’m not sure how they quantify the cost of the damage. Did she receive a list of repair costs prior to hire? if not I think they should have made it clear that it would cost 15 nicker per chip.

    I would be asking what the charges are for and then if the repairs are going to be made. But i’m sure there is someone on here who is more complaint savvy than me.

    One thing I would add or rather ask is: Did she really look after the bike? maybe they have levied these charges as they are pissed off.

    I have had one of my bikes for 10 years and there are no chips on the paint, brakes are not scratched and wheels are not buckled even after thousands of miles.

    I am wondering how she was riding to mash it up like that over 250?

    Free Member

    Whats wrong with acetone? is it not working?

    Free Member

    10% is minimum I would expect. Last bike I bought I went to three stores, one offered a free helmet, one offered a 5% and the last offered 15%. The guys that offered the 15% were in fact real nice guys, so I was happy that they did offer that.

    Anyway, Bike shops want to sell bikes, that’s their aim. So they will generally budge on price, if they dont they could lose a potential sale for the sake of a few quid.

    I would start by getting into some general chit chat, being humble and looking like you are aiming to buy a lower end bike. Eventually work your way up to the actual bike you would like and give it the “hey that looks nice, but a bit out of my budget”

    Basically, look like your going to spend less than you want and make the seller think that he has pushed you up to looking at the higher priced bike. Then throw a few tricks in like say you have to clear it with the mrs, long phone call out side and come in with your final offer. Bingo… just one idea I’ve seen a few people in action with amazing results. Anyway, the point is you make him think he has pushed you beyond your original budget. Also if you have some inside info and know how much cost price is you can know how much you can expect to negotiate.

    Free Member

    So make sure that you have some record of correspondence with her. The initial communication would be useful later if she has been trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

    There seems to be some great advice here on this forum so far, I would just add my opinion. It sounds to me like she is in control of the situation. She is asking your for things and making demands. I would now say that she has had her chance. I would proceed in a proactive, professional manner. The usual number of quotes is about three i think. Get four. supply them to her by email, all scans. Then also start to include all of the associated costs that are now piling up, bus to get to work, travel to get the quotes, petrol for the car, telephone calls and everything.

    Then politely tell her your plan of action how to get this resolved (i,e, through the insurance comany), and give her a couple of days to respond. Oh, while I recommend the proactive approach, it might be useful to have some legal help with this too. Some solicitors do a 30 mins free consultation, I have used this before to see what my chances are like. If there are further fees, she will have to pay. Again more cost for her.

    My guess is that she has no idea how much a bike costs. Many people don’t.

    Free Member

    If you have the money for a new fork could you order some from CRC and have them delivered to you there? Or are you not there for long enough for that to be viable?

    Careful with this, I would not rely on CRC next day. had some crappy experiences myself. But maybe others have had better out in france?

    If you have wheels, head down the mountain to a bike shop. Call them first tell them what you want. Then arrive with bike and get them to fit it.

    Bingo… n

    Free Member

    The road challenge actually finished a day early :-(

    Free Member

    Thanks for fixing that for me Mr Smith,

    Crikey, I see why you disagree with the statement that “effective top tube is the most important measurement” you are saying that you can tune with stem etc. I generally agree that you can tune, however I feel that the top tube still remains the most important measurement. Changing stems and bars are exactly fine tunes. If you play too much with these you can be on the limit of the good handling of a good frame. The main aim is to get this measurement right and then hone the bike with these fine tweakes. I would advise against buying a bike that’s a little too short in the hope that you can make it fit with longer stem etc.

    Free Member

    Oh dear mate,

    maybe you could buy a dead one with intact case from someone and swap insides?

    Free Member

    I would certainly advise getting yourself measured up, but find a good bike shop with experienced riders. There are many today that claim to know their stuff, but really don’t. If you are on the continent, even better. I have found that the knowledge there is far greater than that in the UK (in general, but I don’t want to say that no one knows their stuff in the UK).

    The temptation today is to go and order a bike online, I would advise against this for a first bike as you may not know exactly what you want. After you had a couple of bikes you will start to know what you really like in terms of geometry and size.

    Top tube length is the most important dimension in my opinion.

    Free Member

    Another sensationalistic post heading :roll:

    UCI dumber than you could ever believe – worse than doping in my view…

    Complete over reaction in my opinion and foolish to liken it to doping. The guy has a concussion, his team doctors and himself would be more than capable of deciding whether or not he is fit to race. As for having a regulation for this type of thing… are you really sure you have thought this comment through?

    Free Member

    As it contains xylene, which is a solvent I would also guess that it is paint. can you try it on something? wife’s nails?

    Free Member

    That’s what I like. A nice honest post. No BS and no chance of you getting completely spit roasted by some of the unfriendlier members of the forum (Although I’m not holding my breath). I certainly Like it.

    Enjoy it

    Free Member

    There are more drug tests conducted in cycling than in any other sport. The work done in cycling has advanced the capability of drug testing in sport significantly, and it has been mentioned that today, cycling may in fact be the cleanest of all sports today.

    What do you think of that? 8O

    Free Member

    Why not make it even more difficult for them to take the concrete block away by embedding a load of broken glass into it too :-)

    Free Member

    Of course you could try and fix it yourself, however you will need to get the right type of epoxy for the job, prep the joints and cure it (probably at an elevated temperature). getting the epoxy and doing the repair properly will take a little time, particularly of you are a novice. Once you have done it no guarantee you will have done it well, hence it could break again and your warranty will be void.

    My advice is send it back, and source a low cost alternative for the time being. It makes more sense.


    Free Member


    My first question is by how many miles are you increasing your distance every week. The general rule is no more than 10-15%. This could lead to over use injuries.

    The position becomes also more important with increased milage. You are saying you have tried various alterations to seat and cleats. These changes should not be carried out just willy nilly. here i a link to an article on knee pain, hope it helps.



    Free Member

    Kevevs – Member

    NOT my Gore Phantom 2 jacket.Great jacket apart from Zip broke. you’d think it’d be good to go for that money, I saved ages to buy that jacket thinking it’d do me fine.. had to get a £12 replacement zip put in. if I wanted a shit zip, I’d’ve bought a shit jacket. Nice one Gore. I am now a beacon of bad words for Gore, from my one first experience of their stuff.

    Jesus dude, I thought the focus of this post was “Great kit you’re glad you bought”

    Not “moan like a pussy about about something insignificant”

    You haven’t by any chance been mountain biking in Sweden lately?

    Free Member

    Anyone know what lingo the johnny foreigner is shouting?

    From a small town are you buddy? got get to travel much eh?

    Free Member

    Am I the only person who thinks it was all done for the camera?

    Also looks like this to me. I think these guys were just playing about.

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