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  • Mental Mondays #13 – The get on out there edition
  • chestercopperpot
    Free Member

    Ahead of the game:


    STW style……

    Mask Mcmaskface

    Free Member

    The Mattoc Pro’s damping is up there amongst the best at dealing with repeated big ugly hits, feels nearly as smooth as a big DH fork! The excellent HSC damping in combination with the HBO gives an almost bottomless feel.

    They are quite fussy to setup though. The air chamber/s are small, so sensitive to air pressure changes, especially with the IRT. 1 or 2 PSI can make a noticeable difference to the forks performance, therefore you need an accurate shock pump! 5 or 10 PSI can go from nice, to harsh feeling small bump compliance IME.

    The HSC and LSC clicks are more like fine adjusters rather than drastic differences between clicks. Especially the LSC, which I feel could do with a slightly wider range, as air pressure changes can leave you outside and ideal range of adjustment!

    Free Member

    Good news especially the more bit!

    It’s very risk adverse is Degla. I understand (attracts new riders from neighbouring cites and towns) and can see what they have done boxing off/idiot proofing and limiting any kind of features newbies might stray onto, but it has hamstrung the whole trail system.

    Some steep natural stuff would be a nice change of gear from all the hardpack, they could zone it!

    Free Member

    Do you know what these 40 hospitals are and where? Parking is unlikely the be a major concern for many of them almost a third of those forty announced are cottage hospitals in Dorset.

    Converted houses, offices, commercial premises and porta cabins providing a fraction of the health care provision an actual hospital usually does. Stir in some private sector and shazam!

    I doubt we will ever see fourty of them either.

    Free Member

    **** sake I’m jealous…….

    Gotta change them fork decals so they match/blend in a bit better!

    Always thought bike frames are an ideal place for outlandish colours and paintjobs (splatter fade) that would be a bit much on say your car or day-to-day clothing.

    Free Member

    The humble bow saw an almost perfect tool. Cheap to buy, with replaceable blades available for peanuts virtually everywhere.

    What’s not to like!

    Free Member

    Maybe when building some/any of the fourty hospitals they should build them next to train stations or bus terminus and have a subsidised rate on all public transport for NHS staff.

    Free Member

    The Gammon’s/silent majority have got their man in.

    Doesn’t matter what he does. He could gob Covid into a babies mouth (parents probably blagging the sick/benefits) and punt a disabled child from a poor family (made up illness/swinging the lead anyway) over the rugby union goalposts. It’s all fine!

    Free Member

    Not necessarily a dropper but if new riders are tackling drops and jumps get that **** seat down!

    Every Friday Fails etc has examples of people getting kicked up the arse over the bars by a high seat.

    It’s amongst the most easily preventable MTB accident. Along with lack of speed and stopping the back wheel with your arse going off drops. I show videos of these things to newbies as an example of what to never ever do in any circumstances!

    Free Member

    A road bike and weather-beaten arsey face.

    Semi-retired rural idyll, pouring scorn on ne’er-do-wells and miscreants in the towns and inner city BTL ghettos/investment properties.

    Free Member

    Let me guess…….. white, old and owns a dog.

    Free Member

    You’re obviously held in high esteem.

    Aw shucks. If it’s any consolation you’re the best everybody wants to be like you.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Glue Trip – Fancy

    Free Member

    Lady Cannings over to Devils Elbow (there’s a tricky singletrack across the moors or an easier rocky point and shoot down Jumble Rd). Up and over to the trig point, bomb down to the jump line through the gate at the bottom, then 3 of the Blacka Moor DH tracks.

    Starts easy then progresses with a bit of everything thrown in. You get berms and small built jumps, then some natural rock smashing, some bigger jumps, hips and doubles. Then some short and fun natural DH to finish, before climbing all the way back up on the road (pain in the arse) and round Houndkirk Moor back up to Lady Cannings.

    Free Member

    29’ers for wheels on the ground ploughing!

    Dropped chains are rare with 1x gearing even when clattering the shit out of your bike.

    Droper posts make riding steeps better.

    Oh and people don’t use XC tyres made of tissue anymore. Guess what punctures don’t happen as often, it’s a miracle who’d av thought it.

    If we did a straw poll road bikes would come out on top here.

    Free Member

    I’m local to Goyt Valley and ride there at least once a week.

    Yep same love the place.

    Dans Le Gaz and the new line off Temple probably the steepest of the old stuff. There’s a new section right over Errwood Hall way, which I’ve not ridden yet. It looks steeper and is on a bit of hillside I’ve been eyeing up for a while! Will make going up Foxlow Edge and bombing down more worth it than a straight point and shoot.

    Free Member

    The MTBers are usually the most responsible users of the entire valley – FP riding notwithstanding they at least keep the place clean and they’re pretty discreet.

    Exactly no litter or bike poo on any of the trails or the areas around them.

    Pretty **** rich being cast as villains round there given what goes on. Was a gang of teenagers who had the police over the Errwood side for their mini rave in the fire break next to the FP. They dug a massive fire pit and left a mess on a par with Durdle Door, that was spread up and down a very discreet neighbouring trail.

    The trails, which are out of the way, can’t be seen and don’t cross any other rights of way took the blame and were smashed up a couple of weeks after. All for the sake of a one-off unrelated lockdown contravention. The proper raves up that way don’t even happen so much anymore!

    Free Member

    Similar style to the cheeky stuff at Macc forest and on Win Hill above Ladybower

    Yep. Pretty steep and technical in places. Can be tricky for noobs, lads & lasses used to hard pack trail centre type riding, especially when wet, needs full commitment.

    very active community of trail builders

    Buxton crew. Some of them are pretty famous in the MTB social media world.

    fat dog walkers can be aggressive

    It attracts towny tosspots (due to the very close car parking), the type of people who thankfully don’t stray too far away from their beloved SUV’s. They think they can lay down the law like it’s their back garden. Soon as the weather gets colder they crawl back under the stones they came out from. Having said that some wreckheads brought unwanted police attention, due to their fire pit gathering, to a new set of well hidden trails, that subsequently had most of the features ripped out. Cheers ****!

    There’s a few on the Fernilee side that don’t go anywhere near FP’s and tip out on the main fire road, so don’t bother anybody. It’s only the lower Fernilee sections, there’s two busy double wide FP’s, one alongside the reser and one above, where joggers and dog shitters are in summer. All the other paths barely see any traffic all year round! There is a fire break push-up next to the most popular trail Stummpy.

    It’s not unlike Macc Forest in that the official/well known routes, like the water bar one mentioned above (it’s just a hill bomb) are shite compared to the good stuff!

    Free Member

    ^^^^^ I’d second that as a minimum. It will allow her to start basic but use professional mixing techniques when/if needed. They will be needed as the standards of years of recorded music demand a certain level of professionalism and the limit of 0dBFS.

    The sophistication of modern music production get’s trashed by shit talkers on the internet that can’t produce anything other than hot air and what they curl out of the arses/mouths.

    Put them in front of any DAW, push a button here and there (like they say) no:1 hit doesn’t happen, who knew!

    Free Member

    It’s a secret right. Well not anymore, it’s packed, BPD I call it now.

    The game keeper and ranger are some of the worst jobsworth gammon **** I’ve ever encountered, wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    As mentioned you don’t have to spend a fortune to have a setup that is good enough to get professional results. Knowledge of gain staging, clipping, frequency pocketing, multi-tracking, parallel processing (like composite images for sound) and high and low pass filtering will go a long way toward what the buying public are accustomed to hearing from professional recordings. Creativity and musical knowledge will trump any technical prowess, as you can’t polish a turd, without it sounding like a polished turd! We have all been spoilt with great music from our early years and most people can quickly identify things that are not quite right!

    An outboard audio interface (cheapest are 2 inputs 2 outputs as already mentioned) as you can move them from one PC/Mac to another. Obviously if you want to record a band simultaneously with a multi-micced drum kit, for example, you will need a lot more than two inputs or you will have to chain/multiplex!

    Many of the electronics have been successfully copied. Sometimes bettered and usually good enough that it doesn’t matter! You can buy good knockoffs/inspired by famous headphones and mics from Superlux, Tbone and SE Electronics. The German retailer Thomann as well as the others mentioned above are good places to look.

    DAW software is subjective and on the internet very tribal! They are not all equal and some are more optimised for certain use types than others. She should demo as many as possible, then make a decision on which best suits her needs. IMO speed of use/recording (some include tuning and score editing) is paramount to getting ideas down before they disappear into the ether!

    You can lower a DAW’s sample rate to 44.1 KHz 16bit (CD quality) and change the audio buffer (adds latency). You can also reduce/turn off oversampling (x2 x4 x8 x16) in individual plug-ins/VST’s to improve performance of less than optimal hardware.

    Most modern synth plug-ins and distortions use oversampling which hammers CPU, animation and video rendering can be even more intensive. When using lots of sample based audio you need more RAM.

    Free Member

    The bog roll wars with added fuel!

    Petty arbitrary rules that suit the business owners/least hassle/best profit, price gouging, queuing, limited choice (a pint of dogs piss my good man), fighting over seats/space and the gladiatorial clash of the social distancing titans!

    Free Member

    It’s a snail of destiny

    Free Member

    C’mon it’s a free source of vinegar.

    Don’t tell me you wouldn’t suck them spaniels ears like a new born goat.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Yeah but it’s Cotic mate.

    Just needs a mint sauce enamelled headbadge with spotted dick paintjob (call it the Plum Duffer) and they could get some bloke in Taiwan to kick it round a skip and I’d be in.

    Wait it’s too cheap, 800 a frame yeah, it’s wurth it man it’s got special metal!

    Free Member

    How times have changed.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Police Academy isn’t it?

    Back when leather and moustaches were popular.

    Free Member

    Don’t want to say what my favourites are because the prices will go through the roof. Once the Internets everything’s too cheap people, fill their sheds up to the ceiling, hype them up, scream it from the rooftops and proclaim they should be twice the price!

    WTF is wrong with these people, are they for real? Stealth/viral marketing, vested interests or silly little fanbois. It’s almost like they want to pay more for stuff to further cement their sound buying choices and prestige.

    Don’t just buy any old allen keys (not the one’s most used in industry) get the most expensive one’s with pretty colours and a handcrafted wooden case!

    Free Member

    Even when you swat them away the crafty **** circle round you and nearly always attack from behind.

    Free Member

    Single mothers, dole scum, on the sick and scroungers it’s been done before!

    The floors and walls of their houses are made of the latest flat screen tv’s you worked hard for!

    Free Member

    The banks/gov would love everyone to go cashless , as it allows for full tracking of money along with loads of new ways to tax people/levy charges.

    Don’t forget they will also be able to cut off your supply at source should they see fit!

    Free Member

    The banks/gov would love everyone to go cashless , as it allows for full tracking of money along with loads of new ways to tax people/levy charges.

    Correct they have been pushing for it for years and have subtly put things in place to encourage it.

    About every few years or so you’ll see a lovely TV news feature on it, just to keep reminding you of the future they have planned.

    I’ve paid cash for all my vehicles. The last car I bought 3500 in cash so yes it still happens.

    Free Member

    Pure evil burn them all.

    Free Member

    I hate to say it but in the US a 2nd President Trump

    Yup already called that one way back.

    I’m afraid his supporters and the gammon’s over here are absolutely thrilled at the prospect of putting #offended #outraged in their place and pissing all over everything they believe in.

    Free Member

    I always check shops out on Trustpilot first

    A lot of big companies have admin teams that aggressively deal with bad reviews. They drown them out by flooding the site with counter positive reviews, that they obviously always verify as real customers!

    Don’t trust Trustpilot.

    Free Member

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