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  • chestercopperpot
    Free Member

    to be thrown into Corners and jumps

    You don’t really want + then. They are for low pressure wheels on the ground ploughing and make bikes heavy and harder to throw around. Big heavy wheels like to go in straight lines!

    Harry Main got rid of his + sized Chameleon, a bike he insisted was the best, but hardly rode and looked awkward on. It was like he was searching for a use for it, then finally got rid.

    Jump bikes and trail bikes are quite opposite in terms of bike setup/suspension and geometry! In general terms you want shorter reach (doesn’t have to be super short), short chainstays and as low stand over/short seat tube as you can get. If you’re really into jumps then you will end up on jump specific trails (pump tracks, BMX tracks and dirt jump trails) and will have to run your tyres and suspension at much higher pressures/stiffer than normal trail riding. 29’ers and + wheels are not the best solution for this type of riding!

    Free Member

    There’s not many of them left. Loads of precast/cast in stiu concrete (all over the country) that have cost the taxpayer (us) loads to overclad because of severe condensation problems and concrete cancer.

    The cladding may or may not be flammable!

    Free Member

    There is a book, not available to the public for obvious reasons. Which lists system built houses (mostly LA properties) UK lenders will not mortgage.

    Still we won’t make those mistakes again eh!

    Free Member

    It’s a sad situation. The management of such things is very tricky and I don’t know the answer.

    I suppose not being the cause/accelerate of mass exodus (usually war/by proxy/resource related) would be a start!

    Free Member

    Not often but more often than I would like! Only properly broke one bone and cracked a few ribs so far.

    Oh and I nearly ripped my foot off, wedged between the pedal and an embankment at speed. Didn’t think it could bend that far, god damn it hurt for a long time afterwards!

    Free Member

    They and their families not getting shot, bombed, tortured, raped, abused, persecuted, exploited or a combination thereof.

    Oh and it’s an upgrade from some poorer countries that have shit wages don’t have much in the way of a standard of living/treat their populace/certain demographics worse than here.

    Free Member

    Assuming that’s from back pedalling and the chain isn’t stupidly long or has stiff links. Freehub bearings dragging/****.

    Free Member

    The wonderful private sector has delivered Land Banking during the last few decades because the prices (record highs) just aren’t high enough to build and sell to the idiots. But we can use investment speak to make it sound more reasonable if you like.

    It’s true the engineered solutions have improved over time and widespread adoption of modern construction methods has occurred. However the material quality has been endlessly reduced in many respects and the best proven engineered solutions are not cheap in the slightest.

    Huf houses (millionaire’s homes, not what’s actually needed) for the masses I nearly died laughing!

    Free Member

    Housing solutions worse than post WW2 minimum standards, which were later eroded in the late 60’s and throughout the 70’s. Disguised as futuristic/experimental architecture, but was actually increased density and reduced cost. With the mostly, disastrous and unmortgageable system built offerings, which feature in a book of Defective Buildings.

    Tory housing solutions to go with the fake portacabin hospitals. Progress such a wonderful thing no!



    Free Member

    Do it unless your bike lifts when climbing and is already front wheel light!

    I run a Cube Stereo 140 -1deg and 20mm overforked from new. Never ran the frame in it’s standard guise as it was ideal for both mods. It was sold 10mm overforked a year into it’s production run and raced 20mm overforked by the factory team. It already had a ridiculously low BB, so the slight rise improved it. A reasonably steep seat tube (not particularly steep by 2020-21 standards) and pretty low standover/short seat tube, for it’s year, which was unusual for older Cube frames. The replacement model actually got 20mm longer seat tubes and 10mm shorter chainstays, which was a weird decision IMO!

    I did try an offset bushing but the bike sat too low and suffered more pedal strikes (170mm cranks). Even as is, it’s still low to the ground compared to many!

    Free Member

    Loads of money to be made! Selling shit for top brass. **** the kids, grandchildren anyone else, that’s how the two-faced lying generation roll.

    Standards at work, costs of higher education and life in general they would not tolerate, benefited from in the past and are now insulated and removed from.

    Once able to inflict it on other people they grab it with both hands.

    Free Member

    Always wanted to try Vittoria tyres but the prices were insane/boutique. I notice they have come down a bit from the Goodyear/E13 orbit.

    The Mary alike Moto looks like it could be a good Scottish summer tyre!

    Free Member

    Beware the muggers in suits. They will fleece you of hundreds/thousands with a polite smile rather than a few quid out of your wallet/pocket.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Sunrace definitely do 11-46 10 speed.

    Free Member

    although he’s a lot older now and has mellowed a lot with age

    Should have been birched, then National Service, then birched again, then hung.

    Free Member

    Never underestimate the level of moron and arsehole (not mutually exclusive) in this country. While not the majority they’re not far behind.

    Trouble is they’re not on their “all-inclusivs bruv” where they go to mate with each other and further the brain dead legacy.

    Free Member

    11-46 is the best compromise with older kit but usually requires a mech mod. Don’t be afraid of modding, it’s really easy and can be cheap goat links etc!

    My 1×10, M615 Deore mech with Rad Cage (sold the bike on) was the best 1x setup I’ve had. It really was set and forgot, and as bulletproof as I’ve ever had!

    Shimano 1×11, the mechs seem to take a battering and the CAGES are made of horrible cheap and nasty soft metal that bends far too easily!

    Free Member

    Here’s what I would do…….

    Send him a recorded delivery letter with copies of the all the deeds, about 3 quid per plot from the LR, usually has a drawing, sometimes highlighted in red showing access rights. Word it in the correct legal fashion (no insults or other waffle) making it clear he has no right to prevent/restrict access to said properties and show it has been cc’d to a solicitor.

    Free Member

    Boy racers and gangs of youths isn’t it.

    Nope it’s always middle-aged/old bile filled gammons. Two generations of self righteous arseholes!

    The best one’s are the **** that mess with shared accesses when houses (such crude language investment properties) are vacant or take advantage of tenants not knowing their rights!

    It’s so British to go around requisitioning space that’s not your’s then trying to add restrictions.

    Free Member

    I can confirm the jumps on the black line are now proper jumps more befitting a black trail. Some of them send you to the moon. Oddly Parallel Universe (guessing they haven’t got to it yet) is unchanged and now seems a bit easy in comparison.

    I landed one of the big jumps nose heavy and cased a few, not had that since the first time I rode there on a hardtail! There’s a couple that are a bit bucky IMO. The section that ends with a big booter into a berm has some jumps that really kick you (lovely tyre wrupping sounds on the transitions) and you get some surprisingly big air.

    I reckon people who were used to hitting the black trails with impunity/balls out will have a surprise! And anyone with poor jumping skills will be found out! Saw one concussion suspected broken arm/shoulder (young lad in a gang out of his depth) and another suspected, although that was on the unchanged JJ Jumps, which apart from the first table (which is long rather than steep) is pretty small in comparison.

    Free Member

    My bottom bearing ZS -1 degree started squeaking before a year old. All the grease had been washed out and it was pretty notchy/pitted so the sealing isn’t all that IME!

    Free Member

    Did see this and thought………what a waste of everybody’s time to achieve nothing!

    Free Member

    Like Monopoly with push bikes.

    Who get’s to own the most obscure, boutique, reassuringly expensive bikes for every bastardised discipline. A spare frame, double garage/garage/shed (instead of hotels and houses) full to the rafters with tyres, just in case. Solid gold tool collection in individual handcrafted wooden boxes.

    Chance card: STW rinsed the stock and provided twelvty million star reviews all over the internet. 50% price increase ratcheting 25% every six months. Go back three spaces and pay £75 for a new front tyre, still too cheap though eh!

    Insurance windfall collect £4000

    In a fit of rage you throw your RS Reverb out of the car window on the motorway. Pay £370 for Fox Transfer

    Wins legal case for RSI injury due to bleeding Shimano brakes before every ride collect £5000

    Your shed/s burnt down, your stock pile of tyres is gone. Pay £1000 to CRC to replace.

    Free Member

    Goodness quite a bump in RRP and available prices. The used to regularly be 80-90 quid, obviously not the longest ones!

    Free Member

    It’s not the first time the left/left leaning have been lulled into a false sense of hope, overreached and undermined, then routed with a depressingly predictable fallout!

    Similar junctures and different faces that’s all.

    Free Member

    No, we need to reduce demand.

    For sure. After the reductions come the price rises and “incentives” as they will be framed, which will be punishments for some and higher costs, per unit, for all.

    Bet they’re chomping at the bit! The plebs were offered a chance at some say in this and rejected it in favour of the benevolent private sector deciding everything with minimal government oversight/rubber stamping.

    Free Member

    No but yeah ok….

    You’re going round in circles. You can ignore the reality and not like him and one particular loony guest that’s your prerogative.

    Free Member

    It wasn’t his role, it is now.

    Are you suggesting when a persons audience size/following reaches a certain number they should be subject to the same broadcasting standards as say the Johnathon Ross Show? With his modern interpretation of nudge nudge wink wink, double entourages, roster of vetted acceptable guests, overseen and edited by the broadcaster.

    it’s a chat show, albeit a less regulated version than what you’d get on TV

    To quote myself, you read it it didn’t you? The reality is he doesn’t have to be more circumspect as you put it. His podcast is self-titled, people aren’t being sold a mickey.

    I know there are people who think all information in the public domain should be filtered down to the pig thick masses for fear of them making the wrong choices, I’m not one of them.

    Free Member

    Penn Jilette
    Rob Zombie

    Free Member

    How many here have ever heard a cuckoo? I haven’t heard one for several decades

    Get yourself down Goyt Valley of an evening you’ll hear-em. Open your car’s window you don’t even have to get out!

    Free Member

    Joe Rogan fails to do this well enough because he’s a comedian, not a journalist.

    You laid out what you see as problematic then answered it yourself! It’s not his role. If you want hard hitting critical journalism look elsewhere.

    My view is it’s a chat show, albeit a less regulated version than what you’d get on TV. It’s almost like mates chatting. But like other chat shows, people appear on it to promote themselves/things and I’m certain Joe has a commercial goal!

    Do I agree with all his or his guests opinions, absolutely not. Joe is clearly aware his hunting activities, macho MMA culture and associated “locker room banter” don’t appeal to everybody. I’d say he’s a bit over defensive, at times, and does use his podcast to support those activities and justify his position.

    Alex Jones is a proven loon and went off the rails way back. As for Peterson he’s clearly got an axe to grind with left-wing bias in academia, which he bangs on about as often as he can and it seems to have shaped some of his other views.

    Not all his guests go full BS politics or pseudo/bro science. It is what it is. He has had some interesting guests (whether you like/agree with them or not) and has discussed in detail things you don’t often get from other sources.

    Free Member

    Bastards shit on the bonnet of my M5. ****-em give-em both barrels.

    Nobody likes thrush in the bush!

    Free Member

    And this boom you’re sorted.

    Free Member

    The unofficial stuff off Win Hill is up there with Macc Forest and Upper Goyt Valley as the best in the peaks. Not easy and as different to trail centre riding as you get. Very steep in places, some sizeable gap jumps and drops, takes commitment and skill to ride well in the wet!

    Parkin Clough and Doctors Gate are brutal and I believe (never ridden it) there’s a FP off them two hills that look like a pair of tits opposite Win Hill, which I’ve heard is one of the hardest rideable trails in the Peak District!

    There’s two trails at the split when it goes into the woods, they take (in the video) the right hand line, I prefer the left hand one with the drop!

    Free Member

    Quite a good selection of small beers and palatable 0.5% choices so far.

    Hmmmm when there that low IMO you’re not really drinking beer anymore, a substitute/shandy. Each to their own I’m not saying you can’t!

    Speaking of Spanish piss Mahou Green and Red (the 5.5% red is best) used to be surprisingly drinkable for mainstream bottled beers!

    Free Member

    You can give them a ghetto service by just removing the top collar, actuating the post so it lifts the top bushing split ring out of the bottom section. Clean and Teflon/PTFE polish that and the post shaft, then put some light grease in and push the seat down to get it inside. A bit of grease on the back of the split ring (I prefer Teflon/PTFE spray) for the working face, push it back on and screw the collar back down and your done!

    You’ll be surprised how much of the drag on the post is down to the collar seal, with it off it blasts up!

    Free Member

    Funny how times have changed… those would’ve been considered standard strength in the past.

    In a traditional sense and when writing about beer yeah.

    None of those are in any way weak

    As weak as I usually drink and less than 5-7% the OP mooted. I find there are only a handful of easily available beers that taste of anything below 4%. I’ve tried loads below 4% and usually find they taste alright for the first mouthful, but by the third or fourth quite watery. There are a few exceptions I can’t remember off the top of my head! But they’re difficult to source in anything other than cask.

    Some (not all) of my list you can get 4 for 6 quid (£1.50 a bottle) at Asda or Tesco.

    Free Member

    NS Bikes Eccentric Alu Evo

    Free Member

    Weak but still taste good……..

    Saltaire Blonde 4%
    Coniston Brewing Co Bluebird Bitter 3.6%
    Salopian Oracle 4%
    Bradfield Brewery Farmers Gold 4%
    Ossett Brewery Yorkshire Blonde 3.9%
    Ilkley Brewery Blonde 3.9%
    Bevertown Neck Oil 4.3%
    Vocation Heart and Soul 4.4%

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