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  • SQ Lab 6OX Infinergy Ergowave Active 2.1 Saddle review
  • chestercopperpot
    Free Member

    Isn’t Manchester city council putting a huge sum of cash on the table to reduce the cost of switching from petrol/diesel vehicles to greener options for businesses in the area?

    What £3500 toward a 20-30k+ vehicle assuming you have that amount of money spare, can remortgage your house, assuming you own one! or are able to access appropriate levels of credit. It’s easy on a MP’s salary, CEO of Ford or when you’re King of the North.

    All of these things are subject to terms. The government backed loans are subject to a bidding process i.e. some will lose out, they don’t just hand it out willy nilly to everyone like many imply.

    Free Member

    There are shocks out there with out of tolerance eyelets. Fox sell oversized bushings, which I assume are for a bad batch/series of their shocks.

    So if you have got loose fitting hardware the Fox bushings might save you from buying a new shock!

    Fox Bushings

    Free Member

    Perfidious, had to google it!

    I’d add most have snide agendas (from a place of bitterness) and pretend to love work (until they have a breakdown), more accurately love other people doing shit work below them “it’s only fair” so they can elevate themselves. What a tragicomedy we live in.

    Free Member

    Disappointed. It was not up to the standard of the Blade Runner sequel or Arrival. Too much dwelling on billowing in the wind and the sound/score is a bit generic and samey, like it was produced from one sample pack in a copy and paste that’ll do manner.

    Free Member

    Millionaire cover reminded me about a remix. Yes I know but it’s pretty good like…

    Free Member

    Standard roundish grips. ODI Elite Pro and Ergon Fat Grips are the best I’ve tried, but they bloody should be for the price!

    Mates got the Oury ones with the big square blocks and they feel nice.

    If you are not against grips with little winged bits those Specialized body thingy ones are very good.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    They have certainly upped the pressure, turning the public against them via news outlets. Hardly a new tactic is it!

    “I’m just going work mate these jobless layabouts stopping emergency vehicles”. I’ve heard the emergency vehicles thing used to justify all parking restrictions and this isn’t the first protest where the general public are encouraged to view them as pond life/jobless layabouts stopping them getting to work.

    See when Labour polices are discussed and they get jobless musicians (on the news only a few weeks ago) and single mothers on benefits to give their opinions. They know full well, it will send a good proportion of working class voters into a head spinning rage, throwing their slippers at the telly!

    Free Member

    Looking forward to it. It will be the second film since Tenet I’ve seen at the cinema in last couple of years.

    I struggled with the David Lynch version and have failed to fully watch it a few times. It had some decent moments from what I remember. I’m a fan of David Lynch films, Mullholland Drive and Wild at Heart are great.

    Nothing against slowly paced films if the whole is satisfying! Denis Villeneuve seems like the obvious choice to make a decent fist of it. Reviews are mixed, we’ll see eh!

    Free Member

    Good to see the Metric Martyr’s back on form after their difficult second album.

    Free Member

    Industry Nine hubs are the work of the devil.

    Someone in our group nicknamed them Industry Annoying.

    Free Member

    it is you Kimbers who is attempting to rewrite history by pretending that Labour did not shift its policy on brexit and that it wasn’t at the heart of the 2017-19 Labour vote collapse.

    Pretty much on the button whether you like it or not! TBF appeasing his younger (got trolleyed at a festival the night before and didn’t bother) and older voters who actually turn up to vote was an impossible task.

    Free Member

    Looks like the congestion charge via the backdoor. There won’t be a referendum this time round what with Greater Manchester voting 79% against last time and the borough most in favour only 28%.

    In the last five years councils up and down the country have extended parking restrictions from 6:00pm to 8:00pm and 24 hrs in a lot of places. I don’t recall public demands for any of these additional restrictions/taxes either.

    Free Member

    2010 and 2013 can be bought SH on DVD and downloaded. Support has ended for 2010 but so what your house won’t burn to the ground!

    I use 2007 on one machine 2010 on another and Libre when in the mood, they all get the job done. Unless you need specific advanced features or are fussy about UI consistency they are still just word processors, spreadsheets and presentation slides.

    Admittedly MS made patching 2007’s validation process a PITA on purpose to discourage people from using it, but it does patch up and work fine in W7, W8 and W10 once you know which updates it needs!

    Free Member

    **** yeah USA

    Free Member

    I love Tories union jack thong.

    Yes to every question.

    Free Member

    Films that manage to keep me awake for the full duration get my approval.

    Free Guy – Asleep about 30 mins in. dog shit!

    Free Member

    Goodness he got the kiss of death from the rear tyre!

    Some bottom out that. Did he ground his pedal out on a rock as well?

    Free Member

    The buffer states have always got the worst of it, unless they roll over!

    Does anyone really believe nations such as our’s have been engaged in military action to defend women’s rights in a country thousands of miles away from ours.

    Calling America (and it’s allies) the worlds police is not wholly accurate. They are only involved in counties/territories that are important to their interests. There are plenty of cooperative and benign/strategically unimportant countries with as bad and worse records they choose not to police.

    Free Member

    Beans have no place on a breakfast, unless you’re some kind of deviant.

    It’s tricky squeezing them past the ball gag.

    Free Member


    Reasonably good I have two. There is a small amount of rotational play in them from new and they can get sticky after about two years regular use, earlier if you’re unlucky or use it more frequently.

    The thing is when my oldest post got sticky all I did was replace the top igus bushing (costs a few quid) and it has carried on working un-serviced for about 3.5 years now!

    Parts for Oneup, Tranz X, Shimano’s Pro brand and others are compatible.

    Free Member

    Yup unfortunately you get blokes old enough to know better, brash and full of bravado, who have bright ideas and end up flat on their faces! Not to mention when Rufus and Noah “Mummies little angles” show up and break their arms, then Mummy takes photo’s and complains to the council.

    Free Member

    It’s got proper jumps not like the old Micky Mouse ones that got smaller rather than longer as the set progressed. You can still roll it all and there are alternate lines and less kicky lips on some of the jumps. The last jump of the set you can almost get up into the trees if you give it some! There’s a fair sized transfer gap, where the crap rock garden used to be, out of my league for now.

    The new surface (much finer grade) looks like it will need more maintenance to me. The last one hardly got any, most people couldn’t even be arsed to clear the drain channels out!

    BTW not me in the video

    Free Member

    I’ve had problems with a low BB in the peaks and a change of shock/shock tune and higher volume/taller tyres made the biggest difference. As has been mentioned an offset bushing, shorter cranks, thinner and smaller pedals, with a less square shape/chamfered edges can help.

    Ended up with a Manitou Mcleod which resists pedal bob pretty well and can run higher sag. I am comparing it to a RS Monarch Debonaire (POS) which can’t run sag much different than 30% due to the equalisation port and deadspot inherent with the design.

    Free Member

    How much is bowling? Or an indoor skate park? Cinema for 3 movies?

    Charging by the hour, bring it on **** yeah awesums.

    People on the internet desperate for businesses to charge them more, eh?!?! Don’t worry they will happily oblige!

    Free Member

    Someone vegan, gender fluid, black and Muslim.

    Dalek storylines could be based on moped knife gangs terrorising old people in villages. Coming to a village near you, be afraid, it’s not just potholes threatening the retired villagers way of life!

    Free Member

    Was sceptical when my mate passed me his well used/battered (he’s a proper mechanic) cordless Milwaukee 1/2 inch impact driver (think it’s one of the biggest ones they do) to spin off 36mm drivshaft nuts torqued to 120nm, span them off no bother!

    Heavy brute of a thing with a right hoof of a battery hanging off it!

    Free Member

    On the subject of disproportionate wealth off the back of exploitation and a tilted playing field.

    99.6% have a refrigerator outrageous

    Free Member

    Literally everything I want to post turns out to be from 1999

    A lot of good stuff that year for some reason.

    2000 on the nose

    Has a pretty decent video (they’re not chasing a briefcase!) as well. Might have done something similar over kinder without the tombstoning bit, Wales that isn’t it?

    Free Member

    1999. TG exposure being most peoples introduction. Wide Angle is a great album.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    If you can’t do the penis slap in them what’s the point.

    Free Member

    Gotta earn that minimum wage boy. Now make sure you are dragging that broom stuck up your arse around while doing the accounts. The bosses car needs cleaning and a shoe shine while you’re at it u **** glassback.

    Av you paid that 800 quid rent yet, the AMG won’t fuel itself and I’m off to the Caribbean for third time this year.

    We can get one those poles in to do your job for half the price and their happy in a caravan in the car park!

    Free Member

    Anything that doesn’t fall apart/snap too easily. I’ve used garden cane before now!

    Free Member

    Who is going to crew it?


    Bunga Bunga

    Free Member

    If hypothetically I had a choice today of any Windows OSes with guaranteed ongoing support I’d pick W7.

    ^^^^ Agreed. The best version of Windows so far. There’s quite a few things I didn’t like about 10 when I tried it. Vista was similar to 7 once tweaked but still a bit less responsive IME. ME was a **** pig and so was the driver support. 2000 Pro alright, although I’ve heard it didn’t do gaming well.

    Not switching until another piece of software I use compels it, Septemberish. Still on a pretty old overclocked (oc’d CPU & GPU for the best part of 7-8 years) i5 2500k that runs like clockwork. I’ve not used a windows browser since XP and not bothered with AV for 5 years. It boots in about 20-30 seconds and everything is snappy fast, my GPU (it was all I could get) being the limiting factor in games! I’ve tried much newer builds and mine has been faster in use. I have tweaked a lot of things including the windows bootup and BIOS options, always notified about updates rather than auto. I keep the registry pretty tidy and don’t allow many programs to run on startup or check for updates at ridiculous intervals. I even run custom fan speed curves, how tragic!

    Free Member

    This meaty enough

    Free Member

    the Tories will go into the next election with a headline policy of Capital Punishment.

    Nah I reckon it will be 50,000 more police officers or some other made up figure, which they won’t be held to and will be forgotten a month of two later. The old white knight trick has worked before and it will work again.

    Cut the budgets, staff and generally make things worse, then step in like heroes to fix it!

    Free Member

    This as well

    Free Member



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