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  • Chest_Rockwell
    Free Member

    I’m guessing he sniffs a bit of free money through an out of court settlement maybe?  There’s only so long he can dine out on Mysterious Girl.

    Apparently, he wants to stop her making this claim again.  Dragging it all up again doesn’t seem a wise move to me?

    He’ll always be known as pee-wee Peter, even if he somehow manages to convince people that this isn’t the case.

    Free Member

    Yes, it’s easy to forget how great he actually was.

    The tabloids didn’t help but he also had a desire to be “a lad” and an entourage who didn’t want the party to stop.  If only someone could have got him to cut out the boozing and focus on his career,  like Ronaldo for example.  (I know people tried but it was also the culture of professional football, at that time)  Imagine how different his career/life might have been.

    Excellent documentary but tough to watch, at times.

    Free Member

    “I’ll check your postage address and your paypal address. If they are different I will message to ask which address.”

    (sorry, quote function refuses to work)

    This is getting trickier due to eBay’s new managed payment system which is direct debit, rather than PayPal.   Also, they now have an annoying habit of hiding members email addresses in an attempt to prevent trading outside of eBay.

    Free Member

    Just listed something last night as a BIN, not accepting offers.  Already had someone asking if I’ll sell it for 20% less than the BIN.  It’s a fixed-price listing FGS.

    I might consider it, were it not for the  extortionate seller fees.

    Free Member

    Shirley, comrade daZ must be on a wind up?

    Free Member

    Have you seen Rita, Sue and Bob too?  Might influence the generosity factor?

    Free Member

    Shouldn’t we all have flying DeLorean’s by then?

    Free Member

    Some reports suggesting 3 ex British special forces troops might have been killed in that missile attack on a military base yesterday.

    Free Member

    Don’t click on that Necro Twitter feed, if you’re in any way squeamish. There’s another pilot who didn’t fare quite so well, amongst other horrors.

    Free Member

    WE11 JEL, to annoy the povs still using council plates?

    Free Member

    That’s the ones. ^^^ So the bi-coloured ones I’ve seen are referred to as 4d?

    Free Member

    Anyone mentioned stepping up to the plate? Wow factor. Kerb appeal. Upcycling. Endless abuse of artisan and bespoke.

    Free Member

    The idea that a Fleet Street editor didn’t know about Savile’s proclivities is laughable. Surely, someone must have hacked the auld fella’s phone, at some point?

    Makes one wonder why he never ran a story about him, during his tenure?

    Free Member

    Reminds me of an old Spectrum game.

    Free Member

    I often see people typing brought when they mean bought. It seems to be a southern thing.

    And noone, meaning no one. Odd…

    Free Member

    North of (when referring to money etc.)

    Free Member

    Thanks ernielynch, will get onto them.

    Will they report the owner for mistreatment of the cat? Just curious as they’ll probably know it was me that got them involved. Marching up there with a bag of cat cr@p and slate was the giveaway.

    Free Member


    This was the fella, around 16 months ago. He/she was in good nick then, skinny as a rake now, ribs visible etc.

    The fouling has only just started in the last week or two, no issues with it up until then

    My next door neighbour has been known to feed a stray cat or two. I’ll have a word with her, see if she’s part of the attraction.

    NE England btw.

    Free Member

    think the RSPCA will come and collect it, but I wouldn’t open with the line “it is crapping on my garden can you rid me of this beast” try “a poor wee cat has been abandoned, it is starving, sick and in distress, can somebody look after it please”

    Sound advice but do I need to capture it first? I’m not a cat owner so I don’t have a carrier etc.

    I think the arrival of her new fella, plus his dogs, might have something to do with her lack of interest in retrieving it. It was relatively well looked after up until then and didn’t really venture down our end of the street.

    Free Member

    it’s a Siamese, they can be very thin, depending if ‘modern’ Siamese or ‘traditional’ Siamese. So just because it’s thin does not mean it’s in bad shape.

    The woman I spoke to, who originally owned it, commented on it’s poor state, since it was tempted away. It’s verging on emaciated IMO.

    I don’t really want to go back to their house as her other half is a bit of a wrong un and they’ve made their position clear.

    The clowns she says are now “looking after it” aren’t much better. I doubt either party will care if a shelter took it in.

    Free Member

    It is what it is…

    Free Member


    I believe that the C4 coverage will use commentary by the Sky team so that’s an unexpected bonus.

    Free Member

    I think he’s been following the Marc Marquez playbook. Win it or bin it, no compromise.

    The rules in MotoGP were for other riders to follow, not him. He’s also surrounded by sycophants who are living their dream through him, vicariously. Pushy parent, check! Failed racer managing him, check!

    The 2015 season, where Marquez helped Lorenzo win a title, which would’ve been Rossi’s, otherwise, was beyond belief. It was allowed to happen because the rules didn’t have a clause about one rider deliberately derailing another riders championship.

    One similarity from Saudi is that Honda claimed they had proof Rossi kicked Marquez off the bike in Sepang but never produced the telemetry. If you had a smoking gun, like that, why would you not release it?

    I’m sure some similarities can be drawn from the young pretender wanting to dethrone the king, too.

    Free Member

    Do they become less noisy with use? Bit rustly at the moment.

    Never worn a softshell trouser before. Feel nice and warm, though.

    Bought Geo and fenton. Prefer the relaxed fit of the Fenton but the Geos are nicer in appearance

    Free Member

    Is Ferrari running Philip Morris branding on their cars another bandwagon Nandy could attach herself to? ^^^

    Free Member

    Coulthard trotted out his usual “just let them race” line several times, yesterday.

    Curious to see how long he’ll stick to this, if Max ends up on the receiving end…

    Free Member

    After signing up to managed payments, and jumping through their various hoops, they are now demanding that I upload photo id or they won’t release £50 of my own money, (plus the threat of more account restrictions) from my last sale on there. (More, if anything else sells)

    The whole thing is a massive PITA and I just can’t be bothered with them anymore. Quite frankly, they can stick it…

    Free Member

    Who is this Noone guy, previous posters keep going on about?


    Free Member

    They shouldn’t have pushed him.


    Free Member

    Who remembers Cat’s Eye? That troll stealing young Drew Barrymore’s breath was rather creepy.

    I must be one of the few people that actually enjoyed Halloween 3. It has nothing to do with Michael Myers but I quite enjoyed the idea of the chipped masks which would unleash all sorts of evil when activated by the trippy Halloween broadcast.

    Silver Shamrock…

    Free Member

    Strangely enough, Yamaha don’t appreciate disgruntled employees trying to blow up their prototype motorcycles on live TV. I also heard a rumour that he or one of his entourage destroyed one of the team’s scooters, too, that same weekend.

    Thought it was odd when he turned up at the circuit last weekend, whilst he was suspended, and later issued his apology.

    At the first Austrian GP (Styria, whatever?) he seemed more focused on putting Quartararo in his place. I think him potentially derailing his team mates title challenge probably influenced Yamaha’s decision, too.

    Personally, I thought it would have been nice to see Rossi back in blue for a meeting or two.

    Free Member

    Gripping thread, this.

    Not quite as dramatic as that poor soul who bought a dodgy Defender but I can’t wait to read how it goes with the dealer, in the next instalment

    Free Member

    Why would discs be necessary, did they not have cantis in the past?

    Posted 4 minutes ago

    Probably due to fat bike rims not having a braking surface?

    Would this bike require new seat and chain stays? Can’t see how the existing ones could be opened up enough to accommodate a fat tyre?

    Good luck with this, OP.

    Free Member

    n hindsight he should’ve retired in either 2010 or 11 after coming back from his broken leg and showing that he still had it. It’s been downhill since.

    +1. In terms of his legacy, 2010 would have been the right time to go. The Ducati debacle didn’t help matters either. As you say, easy to say with hindsight.

    2015 was entertaining but none of the three protagonists came out of it terribly well.

    Ciao Vale, you absolute legend…

    Free Member

    Makes Raleigh Burner welds look tidy. Really showing my age, here…

    Free Member


    I’m watching Eurosport so that I don’t have to suffer Steve Cram.

    I hope he learns how to say Kat-a-rina by the time the heptathlon comes around.

    It must be so annoying for Kat and her family to hear him calling her Katrina, every time that clip of her winning gold is played.

    Quite enjoy the boxing but preferred it when they used to have live scoring for punches landed. Loads more jeopardy IMO. Also disagree with removal of headguards after seeing fighters using the head, hoping for stoppages.

    Free Member

    He’s just been hired by On One’s design department.

    Free Member

    Free Member
    For some reason ITV4 are claiming to be showing all 3 races live this Sunday, program starts at 9:45am. Thought BT had the exclusive rights here but perhaps ITV4 have coughed up for a live show to monitor audience.

    Good idea, imo. Quest used to screen some Superbike events live, too.

    I used to enjoy the Beebs coverage, even Coxy and Parrish. Please keep Perry away from future proceedings, though. Seeing her flirting with the talent is utterly cringeworthy IMO. 20 years ago, maybe. Matt Roberts is still pretty good, from what I’ve seen.

    This weekend might be a washout, which is a shame.

    Marquez back on the bike and making steady progress. Being beaten by his team mate, literally one-handed, can’t be good for Pol’s confidence. Alex Marquez still appears to be a waste of a ride despite big bro saying he was the better rider of the two.

    Marc still seems to be the only rider capable of getting the best out of the RCV by, apparently, masking the bikes supposed inadequacies.

    Free Member

    Free Member
    For some reason ITV4 are claiming to be showing all 3 races live this Sunday, program starts at 9:45am. Thought BT had the exclusive rights here but perhaps ITV4 have coughed up for a live show to monitor audience.

    Good idea, imo. Quest used to screen some Superbike events live, too.

    I used to enjoy the Beebs coverage, even Coxy and Parrish. Please keep Perry away from future proceedings, though. Seeing her flirting with the talent is utterly cringeworthy IMO. 20 years ago, maybe. Matt Roberts is still pretty good, from what I’ve seen.

    This weekend might be a washout, which is a shame.

    Marquez back on the bike and making steady progress. Being beaten by his team mate, literally one-handed, can’t be good for Pol’s confidence. Alex Marquez still appears to be a waste of a ride despite big bro saying he was the better rider of the two.

    Marc still seems to be the only rider capable of getting the best out of the RCV by, apparently, masking the bikes supposed inadequacies.

    Free Member

    Surely the scale of casualties in India’s second wave has to make one conclude that any data from Wuhan is absolute bobbins?

    Predicted 5k deaths a day and they have knowledge of what they are dealing with, not some unknown pneumonia-like illness which the authorities are desparately trying to cover up.

    Who can forget tales of people being barricaded into their own homes for the duration of lockdown etc?

    Thanks to the WHO, at least we now know that the virus probably originated outside of PRC and was, most likely, imported in a packet of frozen fish fingers.

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