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  • Chest_Rockwell
    Free Member

    Surely using a car transporter to remove the cars would have been a safer, more logical solution? They do have them in Argentina, don’t they?

    Was there any good reason for those cowardly chaps delegating that task to their crew? Uplifting and covering the cars would have defused things, wouldn’t it?

    It wouldn’t help with the storyline but it’s hardly fair making someone further down the food-chain risk getting smashed in the face with a rock either…

    Free Member

    Well spotted. :lol:

    Free Member

    retro83 – Member
    Naga, the BBC Breakfast presenter. Cocks up just about every link, mispronounces place names, talks over people during interviews, leaves awkward silences.

    So, it’s not just me then. She annoys the cr@p out of me when she links to the weather and she tries to pre-empt Carol’s forecast. :roll:

    She got her @ss handed to her by a medical expert the other week when she was trying to be clever on the subject of flu and winter colds. It was funny as hell seeing that woman shut her down on live TV. :lol:

    Susanna Reid and Sian Williams are sadly missed on that show IMO.

    Free Member

    Funny how they didn’t take the pee so much on their Middle Eastern trip isn’t it? There would have been a bit more than stones being thrown if they had.

    Free Member

    Eeny, meeny, miny, moe… Nuanced?

    Free Member

    I reckon it’s a good thing that the vets didn’t actually catch up with the crew until the very end of the road.

    I wonder who told the Argies about their silly number plate gag and told them where to find the TG guys at just the right moment?

    The IP address of the online whistle-blower might prove interesting…

    Free Member

    Too much Vic Reeves. Not enough Barry, Ago and King Kenny.

    Free Member

    transporter13 – Member
    Easiest way is to change to a underbar shifter that matches whichever S your rear mech is. Ive had this same problem with 2 of my kids so far

    I spotted a rapid-fire 7spd shifter in the EBC sale for £5.74 if you decided to go that way.


    Free Member

    I didn’t realise it was another one of those Racing Legends shows where it is more about the celeb who fronts it than the man himself.

    Sorry to sound like a grumpy so and so but why can’t they just do a straight-up documentary which isn’t some dumbed-down ego-trip where a celeb gets to play dress up?

    Barry Sheene could easily be the subject of a movie like Ayrton Senna but no, we get the Hello magazine version.

    Rant over…

    Free Member

    Apologies for the hijack, Lakes Puma, but I was looking at DIY penetrating oil solutions and read this…

    As I have a plastic NDS cup, the oil + acetone mix will probably eat through that before it has a chance to do it’s thing on the other side but the results from the tests are interesting. The ‘scientific rusting’ is probably a hard thing to quantify and keep uniform of course.

    Recently “Machinist Workshop Magazine” did a test on penetrating oils. Using nuts and
    bolts that they ‘scientifically rusted’ to a uniform degree by soaking in salt water, they then
    tested the break-out torque required to loosen the nuts. They treated the nuts with a variety
    of penetrants and measured the torque required to loosen them.
    This is what they came up with:
    Nothing: 516 lbs
    WD-40: 238 lbs;
    PB Blaster: 214 lbs;
    Liquid Wrench: 127 lbs,
    Kano Kroil: 106 lbs
    (ATF)/Acetone mix (50/50): 50 lbs.

    This last “shop brew” of 50% automatic transmission fluid and 50% acetone appears to beat
    out the commercially prepared products costing far more.

    Free Member

    No BB hole and I’m not in a hurry so I’m going to pour copious amounts of penetrating oil down the seat tube and forget about it for a while.

    The BB shell thread is probably going to need chasing out if and when it comes out though…

    Free Member

    Another Time Atac user here. I have a set of the Z Controls on the MTB and with them having a platform, they offer a little more stability than an egg-beater for instance.

    I’ve tried a couple of other brands but the float and ease of use of the Time’s clinched it for me…

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member

    Enough sneaky references to suggest that those guys know exactly what they are doing with the provocation – bridges, wink, wink…

    They did exactly the same thing with the good folk of Alabama about ten years ago so why the pretence that it was anything other than a p!ss-take?

    That show jumped the shark years ago IMO.

    Free Member

    project – Member

    so the female is going to become a sloppy fit…

    Nowt worse than this… :D

    Are these damaged tools/heads the result of a lack of grease/copper-slip?

    I currently have a steel On One frame which has a BB that is seized solid. :twisted: It appears to have been put in dry? and I’m working through a few different scenarios on getting it out.

    It’s a UN26 so the plastic NDS cup can be chipped away at once the DS is removed. It is rusted firmly in place and I’m going to keep coming back to it over the winter. Extra leverage isn’t really helping and my splined bb tool is crying out for mercy…

    The Octalink cranks had really bad foot rub so I wanted to replace them with a spare set. They were functional though and I would have left them alone if I’d known how much of a ball-ache it was going to be…

    Free Member

    maxtorque – Member
    an attractive looking major to throw him out of an airplane
    Indeed, and I can think of worse people to land in a bush in my back garden after being blown off course by an errant gust of wind than Maj. Hicks!

    You know Clarkson would have been hitting on her in his usual sleazy fashion. Good old Captain Slow is way too classy for any of that.

    A middle-aged BBC presenter with an interest in children’s toys is probably setting off alarm bells somewhere though. 8O

    Free Member

    uselesshippy – Member
    and the Barry sheen special after.

    Now we’re talking. Three bell-ends followed by a bona fide leg-end. 8)

    Free Member

    eddiebaby – Member
    Chest_Rockwell – Member
    Here, here.
    Try “Hear! Hear!” instead.

    Seriously? I was pointing out the wrong version hence…

    * That particular one is quite annoying :?

    Free Member

    Well, I thought the phone lines might have been busy and thought popping into my local branch, first thing, might get me further up the queue than listening to an engaged tone.

    On a couple of the things I wanted, they only had 1 in stock at another branch. I placed the order for them and a few other things but there’s a good chance that the single items might get snaffled from the store where they’re in stock. :?

    Still, it was a nice ride out on reasonably quiet roads and I’ll find out in a few days if I bagged any of the booty I wanted. :-)

    Free Member

    Here, here. *

    * That particular one is quite annoying.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys. Hadn’t thought about that.

    I shall have a translator present when I phone the Peoples Republic of Scotland tomorrow. :lol:

    Free Member

    Ribble are doing a 10speed Deore (transmission) groupset for £145.99. SLX is around £200 or £170 for 2×10 at Merlin. (there’s often a voucher on either site to get the price down lower than that)

    Might work out better for you, hassle and money-wise, if you moved your old stuff on and replaced with shiny new kit.

    Worth thinking about IMO.

    Free Member

    Jamie – Freeloader!
    Yes, I understand I can get live traffic updates….
    You seem like a fun time. The guy was only trying to help.

    I concur. OP is lacking in Christmas spirit, somewhat. :lol:

    Free Member

    Is the place in Prudhoe the same one as CycleArt? I used to ride with a guy who worked there. Knew his stuff but was the shop seemed road biased.

    Yeah, I believe they are run by the same people. The large store has been re-branded as Giant Newcastle and the Cycle Art showroom is across the road in those small units. They have some jaw-dropping (road) stuff in that Cycle-Art store.

    I always used Denton but I stopped using them when Ride took over. A couple of the lads who worked there are now at EBC and they are sound…

    Free Member

    geoffj – Member
    Could that guy ride any slower?

    Lol. There did seem to be some frenetic activity going on below the gaze of the camera so I’m guessing he was spinning like crazy on a single-speed bike with inappropriate gearing…

    Free Member

    No more throwing away perfectly usable wheels due to rim wear has to be a good thing as well IMO…

    Free Member

    If you don’t mind a bit of DIY/bodging…

    If you had an old steel cup and cone BB knocking around, grinding a few slots across the threads of the cups would give you a improvised tap. Not as good as a proper one obviously but better than screwing in an alloy BB with no cutouts.

    Worth a try if you have the gear maybe?

    Free Member

    I gave them a call this morning and my order was dispatched about an hour later. They reckon the delay was because of the time of year and them doing a 10% off promotion over the weekend increased their workload.

    At least I don’t have to resort to this now. POW!

    Free Member

    Good name OP.

    Ditto. Twas a tribute to John C. Reilly. :D

    For the record, I registered this username on October 24, 2010. Just saying… :lol:

    Free Member

    Thanks guys. Will give them a call before the weekend.

    Free Member

    The order hasn’t been processed yet as you usually get a notification stating that it has and then another letting you know it has been dispatched.

    Just seems a long time to wait for an order to be processed…

    Free Member

    I used to enjoy his craic on MTV Dance, years ago, before he was sacked for wearing the Bin Laden fancy dress outfit.

    He used to find people in clubs who were clearly out of it and ask them tricky questions with often hilarious results.

    Not a BB fan either but he was great on Big Brother’s Big Mouth. Regardez…

    Free Member

    Most motor sport is like this, and tbh there have been many years in MotoGp (and 500’s before) where there was less competition.

    I know what you’re saying but it wasn’t that long ago when Ducati were an actual podium threat and Suzuki and Kawasaki were up against their satellite bikes.

    It’s a bit of a shame that there’s only four true factory prototypes ATM, then the factory 2 Ducati’s, the satellite bikes and the CRT/privateers or whatever Dorna are calling them nowadays.

    It would make the series more exciting if there wasn’t such a gulf in terms of performance and support but it is what it is, I suppose.

    Still can’t beat watching those guys trading a bit of paint or putting an elbow down at high speed with a 64 degree lean angle. 8O 8O 8O

    We have Bridgestone to thank for allowing the likes of Jorge and Marc to ride like this but Michelin will supply the series in 2016 and I’m not sure if their tyre will offer that amount of edge-grip???

    Free Member

    there’s such a gulf between the top 4 bikes and everyone else.

    This sums up all that is wrong with the sport in it’s current form IMO.

    Rule changes and limited testing supposedly to keep costs down, then Dorna let Honda get away with using the seamless transmission which costs silly-money and everyone else has to follow suit to stay with them. :roll:

    Scott and Cal have been given ‘factory RCV’s’ but you can bet they’ll be dumbed-down enough so they don’t threaten HRC’s factory wunderkind.

    Yamaha aren’t doing themselves any favours either, relying on two older riders in the factory team and letting Honda sign up all of the decent young riders. Don’t want to bash Bradley but he has had a dreadful season and was really lucky to retain his seat. Pol is a decent rider but only time will tell if he can challenge Marquez on equal-ish equipment?

    Ducati riders are still testing the 2014 bike as the 2015 one isn’t ready so I can’t see them doing much early next season, even with the concessions that have been afforded to them.

    All of this aside, I shall still be watching when the new season gets underway…

    Free Member

    If Jorge wants another title, it has to be 2015, because the new regs for 2016 probably won’t suit his particular riding style.

    Just hope there aren’t too many wet races or he might have to consider taking up fishing. :lol:

    For anyone that missed his latest ramblings regarding flag to flag races. :lol:

    I hope he is able to sort himself out in the off-season as he has been all over the place lately…

    Free Member

    I thought maybe just mixing it with something soluble to thicken it, sugar or something, might do the job. Cornflour…

    Wallpaper paste might be a better thickener and the mixture should stay put in the area you apply it to. I have used it with a caustic soda mix to strip anodised parts. Cheaper than oven pride and good for rims and stuff where you’d need a massive bucket to submerge them in. :wink:

    I should have said auto paint suppliers for old school paint stripper BTW…

    Free Member

    As already stated, the likes of Nitro-Mors etc. have been sanitised and are rubbish now. Trade stuff is still available at any decent paint-shop supplier. It is the old formulation and is pretty nasty stuff.

    It costs around a tenner for a tin but, if you’re getting the frame powdered, they could media-blast it for you and save you the hassle…

    Free Member

    if i was an F1 driver – i wouldn’t have a girlfriend/wife

    I’d be exploiting my my status to the absolute limit!

    Ever heard of a lavender marriage? :lol:

    Free Member

    I thought the title of this thread was related to him doing a whole album of duets with dead people. The whole thing is a bit creepy IMO…

    Free Member

    cheekymonkey888 – Member
    Rosberg was a class act and even bringing the car home was awesome

    The car had an ERS failure so was down on power but I’m pretty sure all four wheels were still in place so not that big of a deal IMO. :lol:

    I will miss Adrian Sutil’s delightful girlfriend next season. :wink:

    Free Member

    I really enjoyed those two episodes and I’m looking forward to watching the next ones.

    I was in junior school when this was originally on and feel terribly old after watching that. :oops:

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